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37 mm, 26,1 g.
Cilicia, Tarsus. Maximinus I. 235-238 AD. Ӕ hexassarion. ΑΥΤ Κ Γ ΙΟΥ ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜƐΙΝΟϹ Π Π, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from rear / ΤΑΡϹΟΥ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟ Α Μ Κ Γ Β, the three Graces standing facing with arms around each other, one head l., the others head r., each holding flower. RPC VI, 7113 (temporary); SNG Levante 1096, BMC 233–4.

Next - Tarsus,

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Gordianus III (238-244 AD). AE34 (21.86 g). Cilicia, Tarsus. Obv. AVT K M ANTΩNIOC ΓOPΔIANOC CEB / Π Π, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right, holding spear and shield decorated with gorgoneion between two serpents. Rev. TAPCOV MHTPOΠOΛEΩ, A / M in left field, K / Γ / B in right field, Herakles standing left holding club in right hand, apples of the Hesperides in left hand, lion skin hanging from left forearm, to left dead serpent in tree. SNG Paris 1669 (same dies). Light green patina. Fine/almost very fine. See Voegtli, Heldenepen, pp. 42-44: this scene appears on the provincial coins of Tarsus and ten other cities

Next: Herakles bronze

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I hope Hercules will do.

Trajan, AE Quadrans, ca. AD 101 (Sear), Rome Mint. Obv. Diademed bust of bearded Hercules right, lion’s skin knotted at neck, IMP CAES TRAIAN AVG GERM / Rev. Boar walking right, SC in exergue. 14.5 mm., 2.30 g., 6 h. RIC II 702, BMCRE II Trajan 1062 (ill. Pl. 43 no. 10); Sear RCV II 3248, Cohen 341. Purchased from London Ancient Coins, Aug. 2022; ex Bertolami Fine Arts, London, E-Auction 92, 02.10.2020, Lot 1235.


Next, another quadrans.

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Cilicia, Korykos.

Circa 100-20 BC.

Turreted head of the city-goddess to right / Hermes, wearing petasos, standing facing, head to left, holding purse in his right hand and kerykeion with his left.

SNG Levante 791-794 var. (magistrate); SNG BN 1086-1093.

6.51g, 20mm.


Next:  Another coin of Cilicia

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Tarsos, Cilicia

Autonomous issue
164-27 BC
AE21 (21mm, 7.39g)
O: Turreted, veiled, draped bust of Tyche right, within dotted border.
R: Pyre of Sandon in the form of a pyramidal structure, containing figure of Sandon standing on a horned and winged lion, surmounting garlanded square basis; eagle perched on apex, M and H monograms to left, TAPΣEΩN to right.
Sear 5672
From the David Cannon Collection. ex Beast Coins

Next: Pegasus with curled wing


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22 minutes ago, Phil Anthos said:

Next: Pegasus with curled wing

Here's a tiny one (about 8mm, 0.64g). Orontas from Mysia, Adramytteion. Forepart of Pegasos:


Funny thing about this coin:

Axel Winzer published it in 2005 (Antike Portraitmünzen der Perser und Griechen...) but he rotated the Pegasos 90' clockwise and called it a Sphinx!

People still describe the type as a "Winzer 16.5" -- but usually add "(Corr.)"!




NEXT: A small bronze coin

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Thasos, Thrace

after 148 BC
AR Tetradrachm (33mm, 16.86g)
O: Head of young Dionysus right, wreathed in ivy and flowers.
R: Herakles standing nude left, holding club and lion's skin; ΣΩTHPOΣ left, HPAKΛOYΣ right, ΘAΣIΩN in ex.
SNG Cop 1040; Sear 1759

Next: Greek drachm


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Terina, Bruttium

circa 300 BC
AR Drachm (16mm, 2.21g)
O: Head of nymph Terina left; triskeles behind, TEPINAIΩN left.
R: Winged Nike seated left on cippus, holding bird in extended right hand; star to left.
Holloway & Jenkins 111; HN Italy 2642
ex Bertolami Fine Arts

Next: a coin marking a battle or military event 



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A coin marking the revolt against Galba and Vitellius marching to Rome with them.

Rhine Legions. Anonymous, circa May/June-December 68.
 Denarius (Silver, 17 mm, 3.29 g, 6 h), uncertain mint in Gaul or in the Rhine Valley. 'SIGNA P R Group'. [M]ARS [VLTOR] Draped bust of Mars to right, wearing crested helmet and plain necklace. Rev. [SIGNA] / P - R Aquila to right before lighted altar; signum on either side. BMC 39. CG 78.1 (this coin). Cohen 406. Martin 60. Nicolas 94. RIC 51.

Next: non-provincial countermark on a roman coin


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Trajan / Quadriga of Elephants

Alexandria, Egypt
116-117 AD (Year 20)
AE Drachm (30-32mm, 13.19g)
O: Laureate head of Trajan right; AVT TPAIAN API CEB GERM DAKIK PAR.
R: Emperor driving quadriga of elephants right, holding laurel branch and sceptre; LK above.
Koln 715; cf Milne 814; cf BMC 514

Next: more elephants 


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I love that type, @Phil Anthos; here's my example from a different year:

Trajan, AE Drachm, Year 15 (111/112 AD), Alexandria, Egypt Mint. Obv. Laureate bust right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder, ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹЄΒ ΓЄΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ / Rev. Emperor (Trajan), laureate and togate, standing in elephant quadriga, right. holding eagle-tipped sceptre and branch; first three elephants with trunks turned down at end and fourth elephant with trunk turned up; in exergue, L IƐ (Year 15).  RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Vol. III 4605.4 (2015); RPC Online at https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/3/4605.4 ; Emmett 462.15 [Emmett, Keith, Alexandrian Coins (Lodi, WI, 2001)]; Dattari (Savio) 769 [Savio, A. ed., Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari Numi Augg. Alexandrini (Trieste, 2007)]; BMC 16 Alexandria 512 [Poole, Reginald Stuart, A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. 16, Alexandria (London, 1892)]; Milne 669 at p. 19 [Milne, J.G., Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins (Oxford 1933, reprint with supplement by Colin M. Kraay, 1971)]. 33.5 mm., 21.26 g. Purchased from Odysseus- Numismatique, Montpellier, France, June 2021.


Your prompt for "more elephants" implies more than one; the only other coin I have that fits the bill is this one:

Roman Republic, C. Caecilius Metellus Caprarius, AR Denarius 125 BCE. Obv. Head of Roma right wearing winged Phrygian helmet with crest in form of head and beak of eagle (i.e, griffin); behind, ROMA downwards; before, mark of value * (= XVI) [off flan] / Rev. Jupiter, crowned with wreath by flying Victory above, in biga of elephants left, holding thunderbolt in left hand and reins in right hand; in exergue, C•METELLVS (ME ligate). 17 mm., 3.90 g. Crawford 269/1, BMCRR I 1180-1182 (& Vol. III Pl. xxx 8), RSC I Caecilia 14, Sear RCV I 145. Purchased from Dix Noonan Webb Auction 253, 13 April 2022, Lot 1247; ex. Spink Numismatic Circular Dec. 1985, No. 8404 at p. 334.*


*The moneyer “is presumably C. Caecilius Metellus Caprarius, Cos. 113” (Crawford Vol. I p. 293), who was born ca. 160 BCE, and served under Scipio Aemilianus at the siege of Numantia in 133 BCE in the Third Punic War; he died sometime after 102 BCE. BMCRR I p. 182 n. 1;  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaius_Caecilius_Metellus_Caprarius.

Next, another pachyderm or pachyderms (a term that encompasses more than elephants, as I learned not long ago).

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Severus Alexander. AD 222-235. Æ As (24mm,  9.34 g.)
Rome mint, Special emission, AD 229.
IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate head right, / P M TR P VIII COS III P P, emperor in ceremonial quadriga right, holding eagle-tipped sceptre, SC in ex. Cohen 379. RIC IV 498a, Sear 8080


NEXT: Roman Emperor in quadriga

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No emperor in quadriga, but here is a small depiction of a quadriga 


18 mm, 3,29 g.
Diva Faustina I. Died 140-1. AR denarius. Rome. 150.
DIVA FAVSTINA, bust of Faustina I, draped, right, hair elaborately waved in several loops round head and drawn up and coiled on top / AED DIV FAVSTINAE, hexastyle temple in which is seated a figure of Faustina Senior, outer most columns contain standing figure holding vertical lit torch, Victories as acroteria, peacock in pediment, roof surmounted by quadriga.
RIC III Antoninus Pius 343; RSC 1; BMC 339.

Next - a diva

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6 hours ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - a diva


Diva Paulina, Denarius - Rome mint, 236 CE
DIVA PAULINA, Veiled and draped bust of Paulina right
CONSECRATIO, Paulina on peacock flying
3.3 gr
Ref : RCV #8400, Cohen #2


Next : her husband or her son


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Maximinus I. Denarius. 236-238 AD. Rome. (Ric-IV 18A). (Bmcre-137). (Rsc-9). Anv.: MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing to left, holding two standards. Ag. 3,60 g. Almost XF/Choice VF.

Next: another "bad" emperor

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Commodus Æ As. Rome, AD 192. L AEL AVREL COM[M AVG P FEL], head to right, wearing lion skin headdress / HERCVL ROMAN AVGV S C in four lines to left and right of upright club, all within laurel wreath. RIC III 644; C. 193; BMCRE 722. 10.81g, 26mm, 6h.

Next: A coin minted in Gaul


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2 hours ago, Victrix said:

Next: A coin minted in Gaul

What about a Croc for a change ?


Augustus & Agrippa, Nemausus (Nîmes) Dupondius - Nemausus mint, after 10 CE
4th type
IMP DIVI F PP, Laureate heads of Augustus looking right and Agrippa looking left, back to back
COL NEM, Crocodile chained to palm tree
13,52 gr
Ref : RPC # 525, RCV #1731, Cohen #8


Next Agrippa


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Agrippa. Struck under his Grandson Caligula, 37-41 AD.
M . AGRIPPA . L . F . COS . III, head left wearing rostral crown / S-C in field flanking Neptune standing facing, head left, naked except for cloak draped behind him & over both arms, holding small dolphin in right hand & vertical trident in left.
AE As 12.62gr, 28mm. RIC 58,Cohen 3.


NEXT: An early 1st Century imperial

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