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CLAUDIUS, A.D. 41-54. AE Sestertius (27.32 gms), Rome Mint, A.D. 41-42.

RIC-98. Obverse: Laureate head right; Reverse: Arch of Nero Claudius Drusus: triumphal arch surmounted by trophies and statue of Drusus on horse rearing right, spearing downward.

Next: Another Claudius coin



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Claudius / Minerva

41-42 AD
AE As (26mm, 10.22g)
R: Minerva advancing right, wielding javelin and holding shield; S-C.
RIC 116 / Cohen 84 / BMC 149 / Sear 639
ex Francis J. Rath

"No one is free who does not lord over himself."

Next: Greek coin of Magna Graecia 


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6 hour rule. But I guess this counts:

Tarentum, Calabria. AR Nomos, ca. 272-240 BCE. Magistrates Sy… and Lykinos. Obv. Nude youth on horse advancing to left, crowning horse with wreath held in right hand, holding reins in left hand; to right, ΣΥ; below horse, ΛΥΚΙ/ΝΟΣ in two lines / Rev. Taras or Phalanthos [for the "not Taras” view, see https://coinsweekly.com/and-this-is-where-aristotle-was-wrong/] astride dolphin to left, his back half-turned to viewer, brandishing trident held in right hand, chlamys draped over left arm; ΤΑ-ΡΑΣ beneath dolphin; in right field, owl standing to left, head facing.. Vlasto 836-841 [all same type] at p. 95 & Pl. XXVII ; HN Italy 1025 . 19.5 mm., 6.47 g, 12 h. (“Reduced standard” compared to larger size of earlier coins, beginning after arrival of Pyrrhus in Italy ca. 280 BCE.) Purchased at Nomos Obolos Auction 22, 6 March 2022, Lot 39.


Next: Trident.

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Taras, Calabria

281-276 BC (Period VI - From Kleonymos to Pyrrhus)
AR Didrachm (20x24mm, 7.23g, 9h)
Nikottas Magistrate.
O: Helmeted warrior dismounting horse galloping left, holding small round shield; [EY above], NIKΩTTAΣ (magistrate) below.
R: Taras riding dolphin right, holding trident over left shoulder and hurling javelin with right hand; ΛY behind, TAPAΣ to right, small hippocamp right below.
D'Andrea XLI, 987; Vlasto 699; Evans VI, Type E; HGC I, 817; HN Italy 968
ex London Ancient Coins

Next: shell


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RPC Volume: VI №: 10032 (temporary)
Reign: Elagabalus Persons: Elagabalus (Augustus)
City: Alexandria  Region: Egypt Province: Egypt
Denomination: Tetradrachm Average weight: 12.63 g. Issue: L B = 2 (218/9)
Obverse: Α ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΜΑ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟϹ ΕΥϹΕΒ; laureate head of Elagabalus, right
Reverse: L Β; Sarapis bust right, draped and wearing kalathos
Reference: D 4137, Ο 2757, Geissen 2313, E 2952 (2) Specimens: 27


NEXT: Serapis

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Julia Domna, AD 193-217.
Roman AR denarius, 3.61 g, 17.7 mm, 12 h.
Rome, AD 196-202.
Obv: IVLIA AVGVSTA, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: SAECVLI FELICITAS, Isis, wearing polos, standing right, foot on prow(?) (stool?), holding wreath and infant Horus; behind them, a ship’s rudder leans against an altar.
Refs: RIC 577; BMCRE 75-82; Hill 504; Cohen 174; RCV 6606.

Next: Julia Domna. 

Edited by Roman Collector
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Julia Domna (under Caracalla), AR Denarius ca. AD 215-217, Rome Mint. Obv. Draped bust right, hair waved vertically and fastened in large bun in back, six horizontal ridges, IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG / Rev. Luna, draped, crescent moon on head, fold of drapery in circle around head, standing in biga of horses prancing left, leaning forward and holding reins in both hands, LVNA LVCIFERA. 20 mm., 3.18 g., 7 hrs. RIC IV-1 379c (p. 273), RSC III 105 (p. 56), Sear RCV II 7101 (ill. p. 553), BMCRE V 10 (p. 432) (ill. Pl. 67.11). Purchased from Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., Frankfurt a.M., Germany, Auction 434, 17 Apr. 2023, Lot 617; ex CNG Triton XX Auction, Jan. 10, 2017, part of group Lot  614 (consisting of 59 silver denarii of Julia Domna), No. E049*; ex A.K. Collection**; ex stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG, Basel, Switzerland, purchased 1963.


* Photo and description of Lot 614 No. E049 (this coin) from the separate Triton XX A.K. Collection catalogue, which unfortunately is no longer available online. (I already happened to have a copy of the relevant page from that catalogue, which I received from a dealer from whom I bought No. E051 a couple of years ago.)


**The Triton XX catalogue’s group photo and description of Lot 614 and the A.K. Collection. The reverse of my Luna Lucifera denarius (above the small red dot) is among the handful of individual coins illustrated in the photo accompanying Lot 614. 


“Collection of 59 Roman silver denarii and antoniniani of Julia Domna.
AD 193-217. AR Denarii & Antoniniani. Includes the following: 58 AR denarii and 1 AR antoninianus(different mints). Fifty-nine (59) coins in lot. Coins Fine to EF, toned. Photos and detailed descriptions available online at http://ak.cngcoins.com [no longer available online].

The A.K. Collection of the coins of the Roman Empire was carefully assembled over several decades with a great deal of thought and commitment. The present selection consists of 755 silver and bronze pieces, mostly from the reigns of Commodus, Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Geta, Macrinus, and Diadumenian, and includes both Provincial and Imperial issues. There are also lots with a selection of Provincial coins and imitations of Hadrian to Antoninus Pius. The coins have been divided into the following 14 lots: seven lots contain only silver coins; two lots only contain bronzes; four lots containing only Provincial issues; two lots are from A.K.'s collection of Alexandrian coins; and one lot of ancient imitations and fourrées, etc. of silver and bronze coins of Antoninus Pius to Geta.

The quality of the coins ranges from Fine to Extremely fine. This interesting collection includes some very rare coins, as well as pieces from important collections like those of Dattari, Levis, Nägeli, Niggeler, Prince W(aldeck), Rosen, Steger, Stöcklin, and Voirol. In addition, most of the coins are provenanced from auctions or lists or were bought directly from stock such as those of J. Schulman, Amsterdam; Münzhandlung Basel; Münzen und Medaillen AG, Basel; Dr. Wruck and Habelt, Berlin; W. Winkel, Bielefeld;Frankfurter Münzhandlung E. Button, later Schweizerischer Bankverein, and B. Peus Frankfurt; H.P.R. Frey, Freiburg; Lanz, Graz; Rigö Münzenhandlung Konstanz; Naville,Geneva; Kurpfälzische Münzhandlung, Mannheim; Ars et Nummus, Milano; E. Beckenbauer, G. Hirsch, Münchner Münzhandlung K. Kress, and L. von Ohlendorf, Munich; AlexMalloy, New York; Seaby, London; E. Bourgey, Maison Florange, Maison Platt, and J. Vinchon, Paris; L. De Nicola, Rome; H.-W. Müller, Solingen; G. Neider, Stadtbergen; H.H.Kricheldorf, Stuttgart; G. Bernardi, Trieste; H.D. Rauch, Vienna; Bank Leu, and F. Sternberg, Zurich. 

A separate, fully illustrated catalogue of the complete collection has been compiled, containing the photos and full description of all the coins in each lot. This  catalogue will be available during the Triton lot viewing at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York, but you may also request that a catalogue be sent to you.”

Next: Luna.

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No luck with Luna. How about...


Numidia, Massinissa or Micipsa (203-148 BC or 148-118 BC). Æ(32,3mm, 11,8g). Laureate head l. R/ Horse galloping l.; pellet below. MAA 18a; Mazard 50; SNG Copenhagen 505.

Next: left facing bust

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Syracuse, Second Democracy

415-405 BC
AE Hemilitron (16mm, 4.59g)
O: Head of Arethusa left, hair in ampyx, wearing necklace and sphendone.
R: Quadripartite incuse, eight-rayed star within incuse at center.
HGC 2, 1481; Sear 1185; CNS II, 16; SNG ANS 398
ex Aegean Numismatics

Arethusa was the Goddess of the local spring at Ortygia, the heart of Syracuse.

Next: incuse


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Lydia, c. 375-336 B.C.
Persian king or hero right, in kneeling-running stance, holding bow and dagger, quiver at shoulder.
Oblong incuse punch.
Carradice Type IVc.

Next: Achaemenid

Edited by Alwin
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> 6 hours and no archaic coins. That one has a little pomegranate in the c/m. So how about a little pomegranate here?


Nero, AD 54-68.
Roman provincial Æ 17 mm, 6.4 g.
Pamphylia, Side, c. AD 55.
Obv: ΝЄΡ
Ν ΚΑΙϹΑΡ, laureate and draped bust, right.
Rev: ϹΙΔΗΤ, Athena advancing left, holding spear over shoulder and shield, serpent alongside her; pomegranate upper left field.
Refs: RPC I, 3401; BMC 19.152,75; Mionnet Suppl. 7, p. 66,188; Sear GIC, 608; SNG France 784.

Next: More Side in Pamphylia.

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No Pamphylian Side? Well, I'll reply to my own challenge.

Cornelia Salonina, AD 253-268.
Roman provincial Æ decassarion, 18.56 g, 28.8 mm, 12 h.
Pamphylia, Side AD 260-268.
Obv: ΚΟΡΝΗΛΙΑ CΑΛΩΝΙΝΑ CЄΒΑ, diademed and draped bust, r., I (=10) before.
Rev: CΙΔΗΤΩΝ ΝЄΩΚΟΡΩΝ, Apollo Sidetes standing, facing, head left, holding patera and resting on staff of laurel.
Refs: RPC X --, (unassigned; ID 62666); BMC 19.296,123A; Lindgren III 669; SNG von Aulock 4861; SNG Pfalz iv 872; Sear GIC 4676 var. (no star above head).

Next: Salonina. 

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(AD 254-268) AR Antoninianus / Venus

AD 257-260, 22.30mm, 3.38 grams,

Obv: SALONINA AVG, draped bust right, wearing stephane, set on crescent

Rev: VENVS VICTRIX, Venus Victrix standing right, seen from rear, leaning on column and holding palm branch and apple

RIC Vi 8 Cologne, XF

Ex-Marc Breitsprecher purchased Jan 2022. Ex-Phil Peck sold as the Morrison Collection at Heritage.

Next: Venus

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17 mm, 2,79 g.
Julia Soaemias. Augusta 218-222. AR denarius. Rome.
IVLIA SOAEMIAS AVG, bust of Julia Soaemias, hair waved and turned up low at the back, draped, right / VENVS CAELESTIS, Venus, diademed, draped, standing left, holding apple in extended right hand and sceptre in left hand; sometimes in field, star.
RIC IV Elagabalus 241.

Next - another Julia but not Domna. 

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Julia Paula:

Julia Paula, AD 219-220.
Roman AR denarius, 3.16 g, 18.6 mm.
Antioch, AD 219.
Obv: IVLIA PAVLA AVG, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: CONCORDIA, emperor and empress standing facing each other, clasping hands.
Refs: RIC 214; BMCRE 318-320; Cohen 12; RCV 7656; CRE 454.

Next: Another coin whose imagery proclaims, "See? I get along with my wife just fine!"

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Napoleon Bonaparte, J. Andrieu e D. Denoy, France, 1810, Argento, g 36,35, mm 40,00, D/ (The busts of Napoleon and Maria Louise, to right)

Below the cutting of the neck: ANDRIEU F . / DENOY D.


(Napoleon and Marie Louise are holding hands, old clothes, next to an altar decorated with a bow and arrow and the text: J. JOUANNIN)

In exergue: Ir . AVRIL . M . DCCCX / DENON . D .

Medal for the marriage of Napoleon and Marie Louise of Austria April 2nd 1810. Ex: in Asta

next: Napoleon 

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17 hours ago, Ryro said:

next: Napoleon 


Napoleon I° Empereur - 40 francs or 1812 - Atelier de Paris (A)
NAPOLEON EMPEREUR (losange), tête lauree a gauche
EMPIRE FRANCAIS, couronne de lauriers entourant 40 FRANCS en deux lignes. A l'exergue : coq 1812 losange A .
12.90 gr
Ref : Le Franc 10 # 541/9


Next : anything minted under Napoleon I's domination


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Ferdinand I
Obverse: Fourfold curved coat of arms: Hungarian Árpád stripes, Hungarian double cross, Dalmatian leopard heads, Bohemian lion; in center chest shield Austrian bonds. Year above shield within inner circle.
Reverse: Crowned Madonna with child in right arm divides mintmark

Next: A coin from the Hungarian empire

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