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6 hours

Not my coin any more :


Balbinus, Antoninianus - Rome mint, 238 CE
IMP CAES D CAEL BALBINVS AVG, Draped and radiate bust of Balbinus right
PIETAS MVTVA AVGG, Clasped hands
4.23 gr
Ref : RCV #8486, Cohen #17


Next : clasped hands


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1 hour ago, Hughie Dwyer said:

Next: 14th century, please


Jean II le bon - Gros à la couronne - 22/08/1358
Avers : Légende intérieure : + IOHANNES - DEI : GRA (deux rosettes superposées entre DEI et GRA)
Légende extérieure : [+ BNEDICTV: SIT: NO]ME: DNI: NRI: DEI [: IHV: XPI]. Croix latine fleurdelisée et recroisetée, coupant la légende en bas.
Revers :  FRANCO/RV: REX. sous une couronne ; bordure extérieure de douze lis.
30,4 mm - 4,36 gr
Ref : Ciani # 397, Dy # 305


Next : long cross


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Henry VII, AR Groat, profile issue, regular issue, 1504-1509, London Mint. Obv. Crowned and draped bust right, wearing arched imperial crown with triple band, HENRIC' · VII' · DI' · GRA' · REX · AGL' · Z · F' [Henry the Seventh by the Grace of God King of England and France] / Rev. Royal shield of arms over long cross fourchée, POSVI DEV . · A DIVTOR E' : MEV' [POSUI DEUM ADJUTOREM MEUM; I have made God my helper]. mm. pheon [barbed arrowhead pointing downward] on both obv. and rev., saltire stops (mixed on rev.). S. 2258. 26 mm., 2.98 g., 9 h. Purchased from Noonans (Noonans Mayfair Ltd., London, UK), Auction 270, 9 Mar 2023, Lot 2097; ex Clive Dennett Coins, Norwich, UK (retail purchase 1991) (w/reference on accompanying coin envelope to Spink [Numismatic Circular?], Sep. 1986].*


*See Peter Seaby, The Story of British Coinage (1985) at pp. 83-84 (ill. 106 at p. 83 shows a specimen of S. 2258 with mintmark pheon), describing the introduction under Henry VII of an individualized profile portrait of the king, instead of the facing image of a generalized monarch that had previously been featured on the obverses of English coinage, representing “a step moving from medieval to Renaissance style, . . . perhaps coinciding with the appointment of Alexander de Brugsal, a German goldsmith, as engraver to the mint.” Thus, “in 1504, there were produced at the London mint coins with a profile portrait which compete for excellence with the finest portrait pieces issued by the Italians. This new coinage consisted of testoons of twelve pence (the first of this denomination to be issued), groats and half-groats, though only the last two coins appear to have been minted in any quantity. These portrait pieces have been attributed to Alexander de Brugsal, though as he moved to Antwerp in 1504 it is possible that they were the work of some other engraver.” The author notes that Henry VIII retained his father’s portrait on his own coins for the first fifteen years of his reign.        

Next: groat or half-groat.

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12 Hours already.

Phrygia, Apameia, ca. 88-40 BC.
Greek Æ 23 mm, 7.71 g.
Magistrate Philokratos son of Aristos.
Obv: Bust of Athena to right, wearing aegis and crested Corinthian helmet decorated with griffin.
Rev: AΠAMEΩN / ΦIΛOKPATOY APIΣΤΕOY, Eagle alighting right above Maeander pattern; to l. and r., eight-pointed star above piloi of the Dioskouroi.
Refs: BMC 25.87, 105-108; SNG Cop 168-69.

Next: Helmet with a big crest. 

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Crested helmet...

Soloi, Cilicia

3rd-2nd Century BC
AE20 (7.12g)
O: Head of Athena right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet.
R: Owl standing right, head facing; Θ left, ΣOΛEΩN to right.
SNG BN 1207; SNG Levante 863-864; Sear 5622v; BMC 21 151,42
ex Jack H. Beymer

An important coastal city, Soloi may have originally been a Rhodian colony. Soloi thrived throughout the Hellenistic period, but was finally destroyed by Tigranes of Armenia during the 1st century BC.

Next: spear


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Cilicia, Seleukeia ad Calycadnum. AE18. Athena/Helios

Obv: Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Athena r. with shield and spear.
Rev: Bust of Helios ? r. / SELEYKEWN EPI DHMIORGOY DHMH.
2nd Century BC-Imperial Times

Next: Helios bust.

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Macedonian Kingdom, Reign of Philip V

221-179 BC
AE Double Unit (26.3mm, 10.175g, 270o)
O: Radiate head of Helios right.
R: Winged thunderbolt; ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ, ΔΙ monogram above, AI monogram below left , P with pellet in center below right, all within oak wreath.
Mamroth Bronzemünzen 24b, pl. VII, 13; SNG Alpha Bank 1110 ff. var (monograms below); SNG Cop 1258 ff. var (same); AMNG III/2 25 var (same); Sear 6795v
ex Forvm Ancient Coins

Next: Hellenistic monarch other than Alexander 


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Taras, Calabria

375/70-370-65 BC
AR Diobol (11.5mm, 1.15g, 2h)
O: Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with hippocamp.
R: Naked Herakles seated half-left on dead lion left, holding cup in right hand and club in left.
D'Andrea XXIV, 450 (this coin); D'Andrea Diobols D, 14d (this coin); Vlasto 1235 (this coin); SNG Cop 968 (same dies); HGC I, 829; HN Italy 910
Very Rare
From the AG Collection. ex Michel Pandely Vlasto Collection; ex Vecchi 17; ex CNG

Vlasto plate coin, #1235.
D'Andrea plate coin, Series XXIV, 450.
D'Andrea Diobols plate coin, Series D, Type 14.

Yet another reverse featuring Herakles‘ first labor. Here we see the final scene with our Hero, having slain the Nemean lion, now resting on the dead carcass and raising his cup. One can easily imagine him wondering how he is going to skin this impenetrable beast.
This coin is extremely rare, and Vlasto cites only this single die combination. I have found only three other specimens of this type listed.

Next: Persephone 


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PHRYGIA, Hierapolis. Civic issue. Circa 2nd century AD. Æ 27mm (10.56 g). Head of youthful Dionysos right / Rape of Persephone: Hades in galloping quadriga right, carrying Persephone. SNG von Aulock -; SNG Copenhagen 428; BMC -. Fine, dark grey-brown patina. Rare. Purchased from Savoca April 2023

Next: Dionysos 

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Faustina Jr., 147-175.
Roman provincial Æ 9.06 g, 24.7 mm, 7 h.
Thrace, Anchialus, AD 147-149.
Obv: ΦΑVCΤΕΙΝΑ ΝΕΑ CΕΒΑCΤΗ, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: ΑNΧΙΑΛΕΩΝ, Dionysus standing left, holding cantharus and thyrsus; panther at feet, left.
Refs: AMNG 434; RPC 4525; Varbanov 90; BMC --; SNG Copenhagen --.

Next: Anchialus

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Gordian III with wife Tranquillina, AE 26 mm., 241-244 AD, Thracia, Anchialus [Pomorie, Bulgaria]. Obv. Confronted busts of Gordian III right, laureate, draped and cuirassed, and Tranquillina left, draped and wearing stephane; ΑVT Κ M ANT / ΓOPΔIANOC AVΓ clockwise around; CEB TPAN // KVΛΛINA in exergue; border of dots/ Rev. Apollo standing left, holding patera in right hand; left arm resting on column; ΟΥΛΠΙΑΝωΝ / ΑΓXΙΑΛEωΝ clockwise around; border of dots. RPC Online VII.2 48961; Moushmov 2939 [H. Moushmov, Ancient Coins of the Balkan Peninsula (1912)], Varbanov II 668 [Ivan Varbanov, Greek Imperial Coins And Their Values, Vol. II, Thrace (from Abdera to Pautalia) (English Edition) (Bourgas, Bulgaria 2005)], AMNG II 656 [F. Münzer & M. Strack, Die antiken Münzen von Thrakien, Die antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands Vol. II (Berlin, 1912)]. 26 mm., 11.91 g.


Next: Confronted busts from Thrace or Moesia Inferior.

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Ruler: Macrinus/Diadumenian (Augustus/Caesar)
Region, City: Moesia, Markianopolis
Coin: Copper
AV K OPPE CEVH MAKPINOC K M OPPEL ANTWNINOC DIADOMENOC - Confronted busts of Macrinus and Diadumenian
VP PONTIANOV MARKIANOPOLEITWN - Zeus standing facing, head left, mantle over shoulder, holding thunderbolt & sceptre, E to left
Mint: (217-218 AD)
Wt./Size/Axis: 12.96g / 27.72mm / -
  • Moushmov 550
Acquisition: Numismatica Tintinna Online Auction Asta Elettronica 25 #2006 23-Feb-2013

I bought this because it's a lovely shade of green - it deserves a re-shoot!
Next - Zeus

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Taras, Calabria

276-272 BC
Æ21 (21mm, 8.04g)
O: Laureate head of Zeus right.
R: Nike standing right, holding thunderbolt; [TA]PANTIN[ΩN] to right.
D'Andrea 1300; Vlasto 1799; Cote 220; Laffaille 35; Sear 607
ex Praefectus Coins

Apart from Athena on its prolific series of diobols Taras was not particularly known for portrait coins. Here we find Zeus, or more appropriately Zeus Kataibates, ‘The Descender‘ or ‘He Who Comes Down’. This epithet refers to His ability to send thunder and lightning down from the sky, apparent here in the thunderbolt Nike holds in Her hands.
While not generally represented on their coins, the cult of Zeus must have been strong at Taras. A 66 foot bronze colossus of the Father of the Gods, attributed to the sculptor Lysippus, stood in the city, and most residents of Taras had a small column-shrine to Zeus Kataibates in front of their homes as a protection against lightning strikes.

Next: mule(s)


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1 hour ago, akeady said:
Ruler: Macrinus/Diadumenian (Augustus/Caesar)
Region, City: Moesia, Markianopolis
Coin: Copper
AV K OPPE CEVH MAKPINOC K M OPPEL ANTWNINOC DIADOMENOC - Confronted busts of Macrinus and Diadumenian
VP PONTIANOV MARKIANOPOLEITWN - Zeus standing facing, head left, mantle over shoulder, holding thunderbolt & sceptre, E to left
Mint: (217-218 AD)
Wt./Size/Axis: 12.96g / 27.72mm / -
  • Moushmov 550
Acquisition: Numismatica Tintinna Online Auction Asta Elettronica 25 #2006 23-Feb-2013

I bought this because it's a lovely shade of green - it deserves a re-shoot!
Next - Zeus

I tried brightening it a little, just to see better what it looks like. Nice coin!


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Roman Republic, C. [Gaius] Marius C.f. Capito, AR Serrate Denarius 81 BCE [Harlan: 81/80 BCE], Rome Mint. Obv. Draped bust of Ceres right, wearing earring, head bound with corn wreath, hair falling down neck; CAPIT• upwards behind, with legend followed by control number CI; control symbol (knife [Crawford, Table XXXIII at p. 395 ] or distaff [BMCRR p. 355]) to right of chin* / Rev. Husbandman/plowman left holding goad in right hand and plow in left, with yoke of two oxen plowing left with heads turned to face forward; horizontal test cut and control-number CI above; C•MARI•C•F / S•C [Senatus consulto] on two lines in exergue. Crawford 378/1c; RSC I Maria 9; Sear RCV I 300 (ill.); Sydenham 744b; BMCRR Vol. I 2855-2890 [Control-number CI is no. 2873]; Harlan, Michael, Roman Republican Moneyers and their Coins, 81 BCE-64 BCE (2012) [“RRM I”], Ch. 2 at pp. 8-13. 19 mm., 3.97 g., 10 hr. Purchased Feb. 21, 2021 from Nomos AG, Obolos Auction 18, Lot 468.**


*Crawford’s three sub-types of this issue (378/1a-1c) differ in the existence and placement of the control-symbols found on some of the coins in addition to the control-numerals found on all of them (with the obverse and reverse of a coin always bearing the same numeral except in the case of hybrids, which are almost uniformly fourrees). All three sub-types are numbered continuously: 1a bears the control-numerals from I to XXIII (with no control-symbols); 1b the numerals from XXVI to XXXII (with control-symbols in the exergue on the reverse) [examples of XXIV and XXV are not known]; and 1c the numerals from XXXIII to CLI (with control-symbols on the obverse beneath & to the right of Ceres’s chin). (See Crawford Vol. I p. 392; see also Table XXXIII, listing the known control-symbols at pp. 392-395.) Examples with 125 of the 151 control-numerals were known to Crawford, on 125 different obverse and reverse dies. Thus, no pair of control-numerals, or combination of control-numeral and control-symbol, has more than one pair of dies, and the six other examples of Crawford 378/1c with the control-numeral CI found on acsearch are all double-die matches to my example. Since Crawford was published in 1974, at least one coin with a previously unknown control-numeral (LXXXII) has been found, in the Mesagne hoard, bearing a tripod as its control-symbol.

** Regarding the general symbolism of a husbandman plowing with oxen, as depicted on the reverse of this coin, see Jones, John Melville, A Dictionary of Ancient Roman Coins (Seaby 1990) at pp. 121-122 (entry for “Founder”), explaining that the Romans “inherited a custom from the Etruscans of defining the boundaries of a new city by marking them with a plough,” so that certain coins showing plowing can be interpreted as a reference to the founding of colonies.

Regarding this coin-type in particular, Grueber states at p. 353 n. 2 of BMCRR Vol. I that “[t]he type of the head of Ceres [the goddess of agriculture] and the husbandman refers to the foundation of a colony” by Sulla’s veterans. Crawford disagrees, stating at Vol. I p. 392 that “I do not believe that there is any reference to Sulla’s colonies” on these coins, and that the obverse and reverse images simply complement each other. Harlan (see RRM I Ch. 2 at pp. 10-12) disagrees with Crawford and prefers Grueber’s interpretation, stating at p. 12 that this type “not only depicts the expectations of the veterans who were to receive land, but also expounds the benefits to be found in the return to peace, masking in bucolic tranquility the terrible exactions that procured the soldiers’ rewards. Besides the land given to the veterans in those new colonies established among the Italians, Sulla also had to pay his troops their back wages and maintain them until they were discharged. This special S•C issue may well represent some of that money distributed to the soldiers and the design on the coin also may be heralding the expected grants of land.” See also Sear RCV I at p. 128 regarding the S•C in the exergue on the reverse of Crawford 378/1c: “It would seem that during his term of office this moneyer was authorized by the Senate to effect a substantial increase in the originally-produced volume of his coinage.” (The first series of this type [Crawford 378/1a] does not bear the S•C, the only case in the Roman Republican coinage of the S•C being added to a type in the course of production during a given year.)

Next: an ox or oxen, attached to a plow or otherwise. 

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Sybaris, Lucania

550-510 BC
AR Obol (10mm, 0.44g)
O: Bull (Ox?) standing left, head turned back to right; VM in exergue.
R: Large MV monogram; four pellets around.
SNG ANS 853; HGC I, 1235; HN Italy 1739; Hands Type I, IV
ex Tom Vossen

This coin dates from the original Greek colony, Sybaris I, before its destruction by the Krotones in 511-510 BC.
The MV monogram on the reverse actually reads 'SY' for Sybaris, and I believe the VM in exergue on the obverse is 'MV' retrograde.
The bull device seen on all early types from Sybaris, and later on the coins of her colonies at Poseidonia and Thurii, may in fact be a white ox at the mother city.

Next: more beasts of burden


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AUGUSTUS. Æ. As. (Caesaraugusta, Zaragoza, Spain) 25-11 BC
Magistrates: Gnaeus Domitius Ampianus, Gaius Vettius Lancianus
Obverse: IMP. AVGVSTVS. TRIB. POTS. XX., laureate head of Augustus to the right.
Reverse: CAES. AVGVS (clockwise from 10-1). CN. DOM. AMP. C. VET. LANC (anti clockwise from 8-2). Priest ploughing with pair of oxen to the right. Below II (with horizontal line above) VIR. (*)
RPC volume I, #320
Leaded bronze,12.85g. 31mm. Reference: Vives 148–10, GMI 328, Beltrán 16, NAH 982, AB. 327.


NEXT: Augustus provincial

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Ruler: Augustus (Augustus)
Region, City: Thrace,
Coin: Bronze
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΡΟΙΜΗΤΑΛΚΟΥ - Jugate heads of Rhoemetalces, diademed, and his queen Pythodoris, right
ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ - Head of Augustus, right
Mint: (ca. 11BC - 12 AD)
Wt./Size/Axis: 8.22g / 22mm / 6h
  • RPC I, 1711
Acquisition: Naville Numismatics Online auction NN Live 54 #208 (part of) 15-Dec-2019


Next - 3 or more heads on a coin.

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AE30, SPAIN, Carthago Nova
18.42 g - 30 mm
S 586 (1988) - C 4 - RPC 179
TI CAESAR DIVI AVGVSTI F AVGVSTVS,  Bare head of Tiberius left
NERO ET DRVSVS CAESARES QVINQ C V I N C,  Confronted bare heads of Nero and Drusus

C V I N C = Colonia Vrbs Ivlia Nova Carthago.

Next: 4 or more heads on a coin.

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image.png.d0437a0c13936bca4297f09394094c07.png37 mm, 26,1 g.
Cilicia, Tarsus. Maximinus I. 235-238 AD. Ӕ hexassarion. ΑΥΤ Κ Γ ΙΟΥ ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜƐΙΝΟϹ Π Π, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from rear / ΤΑΡϹΟΥ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟ Α Μ Κ Γ Β, the three Graces standing facing with arms around each other, one head l., the others head r., each holding flower. RPC VI, 7113 (temporary); SNG Levante 1096, BMC 233–4.

Next - a coin over 25 grams

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2 hours ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - a coin over 25 grams


Antoninus Pius, Sestertius - Rome mint, 140/144 CE
ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right
PROVIDENTIAE DEORVM, winged thunderbolt, S - C in field
25.86 gr, 31 mm
Ref : Cohen #682, RCV # 4208, RIC III # 618

Next : thunderbolt


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