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Taras, Calabria

276-272 BC
Æ21 (21mm, 8.04g)
O: Laureate head of Zeus right.
R: Nike standing right, holding thunderbolt; [TA]PANTIN[ΩN] to right.
D'Andrea 1300; Vlasto 1799; Cote 220; Laffaille 35; Sear 607
ex Praefectus Coins

Next: a coin from an island


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10 mm, 0,73 g.
Islands of Thrace, Thasos. AR trihemiobol. Circa 404-340 BC.
Satyr kneeling left, holding kantharos / ΘAΣIΩN, amphora.
Le Rider, Thasos 27; SNG Copenhagen 1029.

Next - a vessel - kantharos, amphora or something else 

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Thebes, Boeotia

426-395 BC
AR Hemidrachm (13mm, 2.51g)
O: Boeotian shield.
R: 0E - BH on either side of kantharos, club above, all within incuse square.
SNG Cop 296; SNG Delepierre 1359; Sear 2385; BMC 8,78
ex Vaughn Rare Coin Gallery

"The god commands us to expel from the land of Thebes
An old defilement we are sheltering.
It is a deathly thing, beyond cure;
We must not let it feed upon us longer."

~ Kreon (Aeschylus, Oedipus Rex)

Next: mounted warrior


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3 hours ago, Phil Anthos said:

Next: mounted warrior


Roman Republic, moneyer: M. Sergius Silus, AR denarius, 116–115 BC, Rome mint. Obv: EX·S·C ROMA; helmeted head of Roma, r., denominational mark X. Rev: Q M·SERGI SILVS; one-armed horseman (Marcus Sergius Silus) l., holding sword and severed head in l. hand. 17mm, 2.84g. RRC RRC 286/1.

Next: elephant

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27,7 mm, 14,97 g.
Syria, Seleucia Pieria, Antioch. Otho. 69 AD. Ӕ.
IMP M OTHO CAE(S) AVG (clockwise), laureate head of Otho, r. / S C, inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves. Countermarked - Howgego 245 - Athena facing right with shield and spear.
RPC I 4318; BMC 207; 209–11; McAlee 321c.


Next - a provincial coin, from an emperor difficult to obtain in Imperial coinage. 

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Caligula 37-41 CE. 
Roman provincial Æ 28 mm, 11.17 g, 1 h.
Spain, Carthago Nova, 37-38.
Obv: C. CAESAR AVG. GERMANIC. IMP. P.M. TR.P. COS., laureate head of Caligula, r.
Rev: CN. ATEL. FLAC. CN. POM. FLAC. II. VIR. Q.V.I.N.C., head of Salus r., SAL AVG across field
Refs: SGI 419; Heiss 272, 35; Cohen 247, 1; RPC 1, 185; SNG Cop 503.

Next: Salus. 

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Teos, Ionia

320-294 BC
AR Diobol (10mm, 0.92g)
Mentor magistrate.
O: Griffin seated right, with left forepaw raised.
R: Lyre; MENTΩP (magistrate) downward to right.
Kinns 95; SNG Kayhan 611v; Imhoof 126A
ex MRB Coins

Next: a different mythical beast


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CARIA, Halikarnassos

(reassigned from Kindya)

499-497 BCE

AR hektai, 1.78 gm, 11 mm, Milesian standard

Obv: head of ketos right

Rev: geometric pattern within incuse square

Ref: Konuk

Next: more mythological creatures

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A teacup chimaera...

Corinth, Corinthia

345-307 BC
AR Stater (21mm, 8.15g)
O: Pegasos with pointed wing flying left; koppa below.
R: Head of Athena left, wearing Corinthian helmet; chimaera behind.
Ravel 1010v; Calciati 1, 262; Sear 2630v (Nike behind)
ex Harlan J. Berk

Next: a crown without a head


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Hadrian 117-138 CE.
Roman orichalcum as, 8.88 g, 22.1 mm, 5 h.
Rome mint for use in Syria, 124-125 CE.
Obv: HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust, right, seen from rear.
Rev: COS III S C, Griffin springing right.
Refs: RIC II.3, 754; RPC III, 3759; BMCRE --; Strack 624; McAlee 549; Sear --.

Next: More mythology. 

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3 hours ago, Phil Anthos said:

Next: a crown without a head

Can do that:


Imperial City of Cologne, civic issue, AR bracteate heller, 1974–1493 AD, Cologne mint. Obv: civic coat of arms: three crowns above five flames. Rev: negative design (bracteate). 14.5mm, 0.31g. Ref: Noss 31. Ex Ernst Otto Horn Collection.

Next: a coin that makes you laugh


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A jolly Agrippa...

Agrippa, died 12 BC. Æ As (26mm, 6.45g, 5h). Barbarous copy of a Rome mint, posthumous issue struck under Gaius Caligula, AD 37-41. Obv: M AGRIPPA L F COS [III]; Head of Agrippa left, wearing rostral crown. Rev: S-C across field; Neptune standing facing, head left, holding small dolphin and trident. Ref: cf., RIC 58. Said to be ex-Frank Robinson but no ticket.


Next: Early Imperial Bronze

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Claudius / Minerva

41-42 AD
AE As (26mm, 10.22g)
R: Minerva advancing right, wielding javelin and holding shield; S-C.
RIC 116 / Cohen 84 / BMC 149 / Sear 639
ex Francis J. Rath

Next: Republican bronze


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5 hours ago, Phil Anthos said:

Next: Republican bronze


Republic, Sextans - Rome mint, circa 211-206 BCE
Head of Mercury right, wearing petasus, two pellets above helmet
ROMA, Prow of galley right, surmounted by a victory right
5.11 gr
Ref : RCV #1218

Next : Mercury, but not a dime this time 😉 


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21 mm, 4,16 g.
Gallienus 253-268. Billon antoninianus. Rome. 267.
GALLIENVS AVG, bust of Gallienus, radiate, cuirassed, right / FIDES AVG, Mercury, nude except for cloak draped over left arm, standing left, holding purse in right hand and caduceus in left hand. Exergue: PXV.
RIC V Gallienus 607; MIR 1667k; RSC 219.

Next - a coin showing a deity on reverse but with the reverse legend NOT naming the deity, but something else (like this example, Mercury with legend Fides)

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Byzantion, Thrace

late 3rd - 2nd century BC
AE 25 (25mm, 11.45g)
O: Veiled head of Demeter right, wreathed in grain.
R: Poseidon seated right on rocks, holding aphlaston in raised right hand and trident over shoulder in left; KAΛXA to left and BYΞAN to right.
ex Heritage Auctions; ex Forvm Ancient Coins

Next: something flying


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11 hours ago, Ryro said:

Next: bird that's not an eagle nor an owl


Vitellius, Denarius - Rome mint, July - December 20, 69 CE
A VITELLIVS GERMAN IMP TR P, Laureate head of Vitellius right
XV VIR SACR FAC, Tripod-lebes with dolphin lying right on top and raven standing right below
3.43 gr, 16-18 mm
Ref : RCV # 2201var, Cohen cf # 110 et suiv, RIC I # 86 (this example illustrated in Wildwinds)

Next : Vitellius


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