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24 mm, 10,2 g.
Macedon, Amphipolis. Marcus Aurelius 161-180 AD. Ӕ.
[ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΑΝΤΩΝƐΝΟϹ](sic), laureate head of Marcus Aurelius, r. / [ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛƐΙΤΩΝ], turreted Tyche seated l. holding patera.
RPC IV.1, 3526 (temporary); Cop 105.


Next - a coin you had trouble attributing and you are still not convinced the attribution is correct. 

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Same type. Can't find a match in Price, but I might be missing something.

Kings of Macedon. Alexander III "the Great", 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (18mm, 4.20g, 2h). Abydos(?) mint. Obv: Head of Heracles right, wearing lion-skin headdress, paws tied before neck. Rev: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ; Zeus seated left on backless throne, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left; ME monogram in left field, griffin head (?) under throne. Ref: Price -. About Very Fine. Could be vertical prow under throne, but no matches in Price.


Next: Same theme.


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I bought this Galba because I consider the portrait accurate + the emperor's name fully clear 


19 mm, 5,41 g.
Phrygia, Cotiaeum. Galba 68-69 AD. Uncertain magistrate. Ӕ.
ΓΑΛBAN AVTOKPATOPA, laureate head of Galba r. / […] KOTIAEΩN, Zeus (?) standing l., raising hand.
Cf. RPC I 3222; cf. BMC 33.

The trouble was with getting the correct attribution. There are 5 coins from Cotiaeum with this reverse in RPC (I mean Galba coins of course) but only 3 with the obverse legend  ΓΑΛΒΑΝ ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΟΡΑ




the difference being the magistrate's name on the reverse legend. However I can't see a match as I think Γ is visible under the hand (could also be a Π but i doubt it) - but these do not fit with the available examples. 3222 could be a possibility but this one has ΔΙΑ ΒΙΟΥ vertically in the middle, I checked my coin with a magnifying glass, no traces of a worn legend. 


Only 1 coin in BMC - same problem, only one entry (corresponding to 3222). 


EIther unknown magistrate or a variety

Next - same theme

P.S. If anybody has a better attribution, I would appreciate it. 

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Thanks @shanxi, I also consider this is the closest, but the ΔΙΑ ΒΙΟΥ  vertical legend in front of Zeus is missing. I don't think it is completely worn - the wear pattern would be illogical. I checked it properly with a good magnifying glass - no traces. Original photo from the house: 


On this pic one can think there is a reminiscence of the vertical legend, but in hand it's just a clear field. 

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I still don't have an attribution for this one.


Elagabalus or Caracalla
Roman provincial Æ (diassarion?); 2.41 g, 14.5 mm, 1 h
Mint city:????
Obv: [...] ANTΩNIN, laureate and draped bust, right
Rev: OV[...]ЄΩN[...] or possibly OV[...]CΩN[...] (maybe OVCIЄΩN?), Hermes, nude but for chlamys draped over left shoulder, standing facing, head left, holding purse and caduceus.

Next: Hermes.
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Agreed. When I started checking this coin (and this took a few hours as I do not like unclear attributions) I found an obverse die match. Don;t remember if it was the coin you posted or another one. For reverse, it's unclear. 

10 minutes ago, Roman Collector said:

Next: Hermes.




13 mm, 1,58 g.
Aeolis, Aigai circa 200-27 BC. Ӕ.
Head of Hermes right, wearing petasos / Forepart of goat right; monograms above and to right.
SNG München -; SNG Copenhagen 14; SNG von Aulock -.

Next - Mercury 

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3 hours ago, Roman Collector said:

(maybe OVCIЄΩN?),

@Roman Collector

If your reading is correct, Prusias ad Hypium with the legend ΠΡΟΥϹΙΕΩΝ and with numerous depictions of Hermes could be a possibility. I didn't find a good match for the portrait, so here is a not so similar Antoninus Pius as an example.




next is still Mercury


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4 minutes ago, Octavius said:

next.  more of Mercury...


DOMBES - Gaston d'Orleans (1627-1650), Jeton, laiton 1648 - Atelier de Trévoux
. GASTON . FILS . DE . (croix de l'Ordre de St Esprit) . FRANCE . ONCLE . DV . ROY. Ecu d'Orléans couronné entouré des colliers des ordres du roi
CONSILIO . DEXTRAQVE PARI. Mercure debout de face, la tête à droite et Hercule marchant à gauche. A l'exergue 1648 ("à celui dont la prudence égale la valeur")
Lt 7,41 gr, - 27 mm - 6 h
Ref : Feuardent # 10864v

Next Something 17th century


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Prussia (Duchy of) - Albrecht von Hohenzollern (1525-1568) silver groschen 1540

★ IVSTVS ★ EX ★ FIDE ★ VIVIT ★ 1540 ★ head of Albrecht right

♣ ALBER ★ D ★ G ★ MAR ★ BRAN ★ DVX ★ PRVSS eagle with head turned left, shield with S on breast


Next: 15th century

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Spanish States, Castile and León (Kingdom). Ferdinand V and Isabel I (Los Reyes Católicos - the Catholic Monarchs) CU Blanca. Sevilla (Seville) mint, 1474-1504. ✠ FЄRꞂAꞂDVS ◦ ЄT ◦ ҺЄLISABЄT, crowned monogram; S-S across fields / ✠ RЄX : ЄT: RЄGINA : CAST : LЄGI, crowned monogram; two stars across fields. Calicó 653; AC 46. 1.72g, 20mm, 12h.

Saturnalia gift from @bcuda

This is the same Ferdinand and Isabel that enabled Christopher Columbus to find the new(ish) world and backed the infamous Spanish Inquisition!!!

Next: 14th century

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Crusaders, Frankish Possessions in Greece, Principality of Achaea.
Philip of Taranto, 1294-1313
0.65gr, 18mm. BI Denier
Cross pattée.
Lettering: ✠ ⚜ PhS • P • TAR • DESP ⚜
Unabridged legend: Philippus, princeps Tarenti, despotes.
Translation: Philippus princeps Taranti, despatus
Castle tournois.
Lettering: ✠ +NEPANTI CIVIS+


NEXT> 13th Century

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ANDRONICUS (1183-1185)
Bl Aspron Trachy
4.51 g - 29 mm
S 1985
MP ΘV  The Theotokos (Virgin Mary) standing facing, holding bust of infant Christ.
IC XC  Standing facing figures of Andronicus, holding labarum and globus cruciger, and Christ, holding book of the Gospels, crowning Andronicus.

Next: 11th Century

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Anglo-Saxon, Kings of All England. Edward the Confessor, AD 1042-1066. AR Penny (19mm, 1.28 g, 3h). Pointed Helmet type (BMC vii, Hild. F). Winchester mint; Æthelstan, moneyer. Struck AD 1053-1056. Obv: + EDPER D RE•; Bearded bust right, wearing pointed helmet, holding scepter. Rev: + ÆÐESTΛN ON PINCES; Voided short cross with pellet-in-annulet center and triple crescent ends. Ref: Freeman 36; SCBI 27 (Lincolnshire), 1754 (same dies); Hild. -; BMC 1407; North 825; SCBC 1179. Good Very Fine, toned. From the Marie Karlsson Collection. Ex CNG 85 (15 Sept 2010), Lot 1527.


Next: 10th Century

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Basil I 867-886, fourree solidus

Crowned facing busts of Basil, wearing loros, and Constantine, wearing chlamys, holding patriarchal cross between them, confused legend / Christ Pantokrator enthroned facing

Similar to Sear 1704


Next: 8th century


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ANGLO-SAXON. Continental Sceattas. Circa AD 715/20-740. AR Sceatt. Series E, Secondary ('Kloster Barthe') phase, sub-variety d. Mint in southern Frisia.

Obv: 'Porcupine' right, three lines in body, two annulets to lower right.

Rev: Standard with corrupted TOTII legend.

EMC 2012.0213; M&OdV variety C, sub-variety d; Abramson 94-10; MEC 8 Series Eg; SCBC 790.

Condition: Very fine, dark toning.

Weight: 1,19g.

Diameter: 11mm

Next: 7th century


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Phocas 602-610AD AE 40 nummi follis

DN FOCAS PERP AVG crowned bust facing, wearing consular robes, holding mappa and cross

ANNO / XXXX / KYZ(delta) VIII = Year 8, Cyzicus mint

Sear 665


Next: 6th century

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