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Diobol 450/350 BC
Obv.: Crested Corinthian helmet facing
Rev.: M-E-T-A in the four quarters of a wheel surrounded by border of radiating lines
Ag, 1.15g, 11.07mm
Ref.: SNG.Cop:652f, SNG Black Sea 268, Sear 1673


Next: Thrace

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Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman provincial Æ double unit, 6.47 g, 20.5 mm, 6 h.
Thrace, Trajanopolis, 154-175 CE.
Obv: ΦΑVϹΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ, Homonoia standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae.
Refs: RPC IV.1, 1931-4 (temporary; this coin); Corpus Nummorum 54271 and 3791; Moushmov 5000; Schönert-Geiß, MATT p. 163, nr. 16-17; von Aulock Phryg. II, 1484 (corr.).
Notes: Ex-Frank Sternberg Auction 25, lot 352, 25 November 1991.

Next: Faustina the Younger. 

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Faustina II (147-161 AD), AE dupondius, Rome.

C 151

12.15 grams 

Obverse: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right, hair knotted behind.

Reverse - LAETITIA, Laetitia standing left, holding wreath and scepter in field, SC in fields.


And the tag that came with this coin.



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Faustina Minor
AR-Denar, Rome, AD 147-148
Obv.: FAVSTINAE AVG. PII AVG. FIL. Draped bust right, the hair coiled in the back of the head in a chignon 
Rev.: LAETITIAE PVBLICAE, Laetitia, draped and diademed, standing left, holding long sceptre in her left hand, wreath in her outstretched right hand.
Ag, 2.81g, 18mm
Ref.: Kamp. 38.9, RIC 506b, CRE 195 [S]


Next: wreath and sceptre

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Wreath and sceptre

OBVERSE IMP LICINIUS AVG, head r., laur. REVERSE IOVICON-SERVATORI [IOVI CONSERVATORI]; Jupiter stg. l., chlamys across l. shoulder, leaning on sceptre, Victory on globe in r. hand; eagle with wreath to l. B in right field. SIS in exergue.
NOT IN RIC UNLISTED OBVERSE LEGEND. Not attested for this issue. RIC lists only longer obv. legends: IMP LIC LICINIVS P F AVG and IMP LICINIVS P F AVG (p. 422). Coin should be listed after SISCIA 11
20.3mm, 2.53gr


NEXT: Licinius I or II

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Licinius I, 308-324 CE.
Roman billon follis, 2.71 g, 18.3 mm, 11 h.
Heraclea, second officina, 317-18 CE.
Obv: IMP LICI-NIVS AVG, Laureate and draped bust right, holding globe, scepter and mappa.
Rev: PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG, three-turreted gateway of military camp; Λ in right field; SMHB in exergue.
Refs: RIC vii, p. 547, 48 var. (bust right); Cohen 145; RCV 15268.

Next: Camp gate. 

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Maximus Caesar



Maximus Caesar
Kilikia, Coropissus
Obv.: Γ Ι ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜΟΝ ΚƐϹΑΡΑ (sic), radiate and draped bust of Maximus, r.
Rev.: ΚΟΡΟΠΙϹϹƐΩΝ ΤΗϹ ΚΗΤΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛƐΩϹ, front view of distyle temple, within which turreted Tyche of the City seated on rock, l., in pediment, wreath
AE, 11.99g, 28 mm.
Ref.: RPC VI, 6926 (temporary), SNG France 773, Levante 591


Next: Tyche and temple


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Philip II, AD 244-249.
Roman provincial Æ 23.8 mm, 8.42 g, 11 h.
Mesopotamia, Nisibis, AD 244-49.
Obv: ΑVΤΟΚ Κ Μ ΙΟVΛΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC CЄB, radiate and cuirassed bust left
Rev: IOV CЄΠ KOΛΩ NЄCIBI MHT, tetrastyle temple; statue of Tyche within, ram above Tyche's head, river god below.
Refs: BMC 22-24*; Sear GIC 4157; SNG Cop 240*; SNG Hunterian 2.
*BMC and SNG Cop erroneously attribute this coin to Philip I.

Next: "That's a fancy cuirass you got there! It'd be a SHAME if something were to happen to it ..." 

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Changed my mind about the next theme
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Colkirk hoard. Roman Imperial Coinage, Arcadius (383-408), Siliqua, Milan, 395-402, d n arcadi-vs p f avg, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, ‘Eastern’ Pteryges, rev. virtvs ro-manorvm, Roma seated left on cuirass, holding sceptre and Victoriola on globe, md ps in exergue, 1.32g/12h (MC 393, this coin; Hoxne 707 [C]; RIC X p.321, 1227; RSC 27b)


next: Coin with a fish

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Thurii, Lucania

300-280 BC
AR Didrachm (21mm, 7.67g)
O: Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet ornamented with Skylla hurling a stone.
R: Bull butting right; ΘOYPIΩN and ΘE above, tunny fish in ex.
SNG ANS 1081; HN Italy 1870; Sear 443v (inscription on exergual line)
From the Frederick H. Rindge collection; ex Joel L. Malter; ex Jack H. Beymer

Next: Greek tetradrachm


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11 hours ago, Ryro said:

Next: a common type with something special about it that made you buy it

3 hours ago, Octavius said:

next,  same theme...

This coin was minted in the little town (2500 inhabitants) where I work. There has been a coin workshop for about 50 years at the end of the 14th century, not that common, but very special to me, which compensates me think 😉 


Savoie, Amédée VI, denier viennois 1° type (1355-1356) - atelier de Pont d'Ain
+ MED (MM) COMES (MM). A sommé d’une molette à cinq pointes.
+ SABAVDIE (MM). Écu de Savoie sommé d’une molette à cinq pointes.
Billon, 15 mm, 0,67 gr
Ref : Boudeau # 1125v, Cud # 132b

Next : follow up with the same theme


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Kingdom of Elymais
Kamnaskires IV
Seleukeia on the Hedyphon, dated SE 255 = 58/7 BC
Obv.: Diademed and draped bust of Kamnaskires IV left, [Seleukid anchor behind]; c/m: Nike standing left, within rectangular incuse
Rev.: Zeus seated left, holding sceptre and Nike, who crowns him; IACIΛEΩC KAMNACKIPOY TOY E BACIΛEΩC KAMNACKIPOY around, PK monogram in inner left field, [E]NΣ (date) in exergue.
14.25g, 31mm, 12h
Ref.: Van't Haaff type 8.1, subtype 1-1B; cf. Alram 458; cf. DCA 520

Traces of overstriking


Next: King

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Cilician Armenia. Royal. King Hetoum I, with Queen Zabel AD 1226-1270.
1Tram AR
Crowned lion standing right with a long cross in its paw.
Translation: Hetoum king of the Armenians
Queen Zabel and king Hetoum holding a long cross.
Translation: By the will of God

21 mm, 2,97 g


NEXT; Long cross

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6+1683889_1612879000.l.jpg.8fc98e84e5e862e2f9f53277942a122b.jpgAugustus with Agrippa, Halved Dupondius, 24x15mm, 5.25 gr, 10-14 AD, Nemausus, VF, Bronze, RIC:157, Back-to-back heads of Agrippa, in rostral crown, and Augustus, bare, Palm shoot, crocodile before, two wreaths with long ties trailing above palm tip, IMP / DIVI.F, COL - NEM

next: halved

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China (halved knife money)
Ruler: Wang Mang
Head of the Qi Dao Wu Bai knife money, which was used separately after the Wang Mang period
Av: Qi Dao Wu Bai
Rv: empty
Value: 500
Year: 7-9
Material: AE, 30mm, 9.13g
Literature: Hartill 9.13 (complete knife), S117 Literature: Hartill 9.1, FD447, S120


Next: ancient China

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Maroneia, Thrace

after 148 BC
AE27 (27mm, 14.25g)
O: Head of Dionysus right, wearing ivy wreath.
R: Dionysus standing left, holding bunch of grapes; ∆ΙΟΝΙΣΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΜΑΡΩΝΙΤΩΝ, monogram to lower left.
SNG Copenhagen 643v (monogram); Sear 1638
ex Jack H. Beymer

Next: discreet chop mark


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