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Taras, Calabria

473-450 BC
AR Drachm (Half Nomos) (16mm, 3.53g)
O: Forepart of hippocamp with pointed wings right; TAPAΣ (retrograde) counterclockwise behind, scallop shell below.
R: Head of nymph Satyra right; TA clockwise behind, all within incuse circle.
D'Andrea IX, 115; Vlasto 157-59; Cote 60; SNG France 1610; HGC I, 822; SNG ANS 846; HN Italy 839
ex Savoca Coins

A rare early drachm, sometimes referred to as a 'half nomos'. The hippocamp could be seen as a Pegasus, but that device was unknown in Tarentine coinage while the hippocamp was quite common, and the scallop shell certainly lends credibility to that idea.
Alfred Hands places this type much earlier, perhaps as early as 520 BC, while Ratto (the Cote catalog) suggests that the nymph is actually the obverse due to the retrograde ethnic.

Next: protome


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20 mm, 2,05 g.
Gallienus 253-268. Ӕ antoninianus. Rome. 267-268.
GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head of Gallienus right / NEPTVNO CONS AVG, hippocamp swimming right; N below.
RIC V Gallienus 245.

Next - another Galllienus zoo series coin, with a fantastic animal. 

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Looks like Phil and ambrOzie simulposted.  Does that mean I get to post two?  I think so!



ARKADIA, Psophis

450-30 BCE

AR obol, 10 mm, 0.69 gm

Obv:  forepart of Kerynitian hind right

Rev:  fish right, O above, archaic psi below, all within circle incuse (coin might need to be rotated 180 degrees... not sure which side is up on that fish!)

Ref:  BCD Peloponnesos 1680 (same dies).  Rare.

ex Frank James Collection

ex CNG

ex BCD Collection 

Gallienus zoo creature:  criocamp!


Next:  a different Gallienus zoo creature (not hippocamp, not criocamp)

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Abdera, Thrace

352-323 BC
AE Dichalkon (14.5mm, 4.19g)
O: Griffin lying right on club; [star] above, MENAN (magistrate) below.
R: Laureate head of Apollo right within linear square; AB∆-HPI-TE-[ΩN] around.
SNG Cop 374; AMNG II 221; BMC Thrace 75; 83v (MEN)
ex Forvm Ancient Coins

“Beware of the sharp-beaked hounds of Zeus that do not bark, the Grypes (Griffins) who dwell about the flood of Plouton's stream that flows with gold. Do not approach them.”
~ Aeschylus (Prometheus Bound)

Next: pegasus


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52 minutes ago, Ryro said:

Next: parent and child on opposite sides of coin


Fausta, Constantinus II and Constantius II : they look like a strange head/mask in their mother's arm that you can't unsee once you see it !



Next : something strange/weird you can't unsee on a coin


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This is not my coin, hope that's okay.  I think it's @Carthago's but CT is down so I can't verify.


Genius Terrae Africae on the obverse of Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio denarius totally looks like Bill the Cat (Ack!) 😄


Next:  how about another "totally looks like..."?

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Acckk! That slayed me @TIF

I wanted to draw and write like Berkeley Breathed growing up😍

This coin looks like it has a TIT on the side:


Pisidia, Tityassus Plautilla, wife of Caracalla Bronze circa 202-205, Æ 22.40 mm., 5.53 g.


Draped bust r. Rev. TITVACCЄωN Tetrastyle temple, with serpent in pediment and containing central pellet. SNG von Aulock 5378. SNG France 2238. Spectacular Saturnalia gift from @Shea19

Next: more totally looks like


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Alec Guinness, who also played Marcus Aurelius...

Marcus Aurelius / Salus

168-169 AD
AR Denarius (17.5mm, 3.07g)
O: Laureate head right; M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIII.
R: Salus standing left, feeding snake rising from altar from patera in right hand, long scepter vertical in left hand; SALVTI AVG COS III.
Minted 168-169
RIC III 207; RSC II 543; BMCRE IV 495; Hunter II 47; cf.SRCV II 4927 (TR P XXIIII)
ex Forvm Ancient Coins

Next: more of the same


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1 hour ago, TIF said:


Next:  more Totally Looks Like

Man, I wish someone would make a totally looks like thread, like the old one on Shit Talk. That thing was funny AF!


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Is this oblong enough to count?


Sequani Tribe of Celtic Gaul, , , Curly Haired Man, rev Boar
AR Quinarius
Circa 100 to 50 BCE
Obv: Curly haired fellow facing left
Rev: Boar facing left, above SEQVANOIOTVOS (only AN visible)
Ref: De la Tour 5351, on Zeno.ru 337566
Silver, 1.9 grams, 14.9mm one way, 9.8mm the other, 2.4mm thick


Next: a 'poor' coin that you love

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I love the shadow-like image of Artemis.




Septimius Severus
Thuria, Pelopponesos (or Mantinea ??)
AD 193-211
Obv.: Laureate and draped bust right.
Rev.: Θ[OYΡIA]TΩN Artemis advancing right, holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver.; hunting dog at her side.
AE, 3.76 g, 20 mm
Ref.: -


Next: A worn but smooth coin you love

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Iberia. Bolskan (Osca). Circa 150-100 BC. AR Denarius (17mm, 3.78g, 1h). Obv: Male head right; Iberian 'BoN' behind. Rev: Horseman holding spear right, Iberian 'BoLSCan' below. Ref: SNG Cop 324; FAB 1911; SNG BM Spain 695-733; ACIP 1423. Toned Good Very Fine.


Next: Roman Spain

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Roman Spain? Here you go!

Caligula, 37-41 CE.
Roman provincial Æ 28 mm, 11.17 gm.
Carthago Nova, Spain, 37-38 CE.
Obv: C. CAESAR AVG. GERMANIC. IMP. P.M. TR.P. COS., laureate head of Caligula, r.
Rev: CN. ATEL. FLAC. CN. POM. FLAC. II. VIR. Q.V.I.N.C., head of Salus r., SAL AVG across field.
Refs: RPC 1, 185; Sear GIC 419; Heiss 272, 35; Cohen 247, 1; SNG Cop 503.

Next: Salus. 

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Mysia, Pergamon
AE 20, 200-133 BC
Obv.: laureate head of bearded Asklepios
Rev.: ΑΣΚΛΗΠΙΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, snake coiled around omphalos, monogram below,left
AE, 6.37g, 21mm


Next: Omphalos

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Philip V


(184 - 179 BC). Æ Chalkous Quarter Unit (12,7 mm, 1.80g). Delphi mint. R/ Macedonian shield, omphalos decorated. R/ B-A /Φ Crested Macedonian helmet right.

HGC 3.1, 1086 Mamroth, Bronzemünzen 18. Touratsoglou, Macedonia 13 (Philip V). Good VF and extremely rare. Purchased from Aphrodite Aug 2023

Next: helmet

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