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1 minute ago, Qcumbor said:

Next follow up with Bosporan kingdom 😉 

Well alrighty, I will 🙂

This is from Jed Clampett's collection:

KINGS of BOSPORUS. Sauromates II, with Septimius Severus. Circa AD 174/5-210/1. EL Stater (19mm, 7.72 g, 12h). Dated Bosporan Era 495 (AD 198/9). BACIΛЄωC CAVPOMATOV, diademed and draped bust of Sauromates right / Laureate head of Septimius Severus right; pellet to right; ЄЧV (date) below. Frolova p. 177 and pl. XXXIII, 9-10 (same dies as illustrations); Anokhin 576a; MacDonald 506/2. 
From the collection of Dr. Lawrence A. Adams. Ex Buddy Ebsen Collection (Superior, 7 June 1987), lot 4114

Next:  another Black Sea coin


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Lysimacheia, Thrace

309-220 BC
AE 21 (21mm, 8.14g)
O: Wreathed and veiled head of Demeter right.
R: Nike standing left, holding wreath; ΛYΣIMA[XEΩN] around to left.
SNG Cop 905; Sear 1621; BMC 3, 6
ex Romae Aeternae Numismatics

Next: Magna Graecia 


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Campania, Neapolis

Nomos/Didrachm (6.77 g), ca. 300-275 BC. BC Head of a nymph with a hair band / androcephalic bull, above Nike with a wreath. HN Italy 579. Corroded and small cleaning scratches. Dark tint. s.sh./fssch. Ex Rauch 36 (1986), 14. Purchased from Rauch April 2024 E-Auction 43 lot 39

Next: nymph

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Here's a very modest little coin but I absolutely adore it.  The little nymph looks so sweet, and of course octopus 😁.

Sicily, Syracuse.  Dionysios I
c. 390 BCE
Æ tetras, 14 mm, 1.8 gm
Obv:  head of nymph facing slightly left, wearing necklace
Rev:  octopus
Ref: CNS 29; SNG ANS 385

Next:  Syracuse

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Syracuse, Reign of Hiketas

287-283 BC
AE23 (23mm, 11.375g, 135o)
O: Head of Kore (Persephone) left, wreathed in grain; ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ before, pellet and stalk of grain behind.
R: Nike driving biga right, whip in right hand, reigns in left; star above, Σ in exergue.
HGC 2, 1446; Calciati II, p. 259, 123; SNG ANS 760 var. (no Σ in ex.); Sear 1209
ex Forvm Ancient Coins

“Apart from Demeter, lady of the golden sword and glorious fruits, she was playing with the deep-bosomed daughters of Oceanus and gathering flowers over a soft meadow, roses and crocuses and beautiful violets, irises also and hyacinths and the narcissus which Earth made to grow at the will of Zeus and to please the Host of Many, to be a snare for the bloom-like girl -- a marvelous, radiant flower. It was a thing of awe whether for deathless gods or mortal men to see: from its root grew a hundred blooms and it smelled most sweetly, so that all wide heaven above and the whole earth and the sea's salt swell laughed for joy. And the girl was amazed and reached out with both hands to take the lovely toy; but the wide-pathed earth yawned there in the plain of Nysa, and the lord, Host of Many, with his immortal horses sprang out upon her -- the Son of Cronos, He who has many names.”
~ The Homeric Hymn to Demeter

Next: more Sicily



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One of my favorites for so many reasons:


SICILY, Selinos.
Circa 410 BCE
AR litra, 11mm, 0.76 g, 1h
Obv:  nymph seated left on rock, right hand raised above her head, extending her left hand to touch coiled serpent before her; selinon leaf above
Rev:  man-faced bull standing right; ΣEΛINONTIOΣ above; in exergue, fish right
Ref:   Potamikon, p. 116, figure 152 (this coin); HGC 2, 1229; SNG ANS 711–2 var. (ethnic); SNG Ashmolean 1904–5; SNG Lloyd 1270 var. (same); Basel –; Dewing –; Rizzo pl. XXXIII, 6. Good VF, dark iridescent tone, some porosity. Rare.
ex Money Museum, Zurich;
ex Leu 79 (31 October 2000), lot 404;
ex Athos Moretti collection, #482, unpublished manuscript.

Next:  more Sicily 🙂

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22 minutes ago, TIF said:

Here's a very modest little coin but I absolutely adore it.  The little nymph looks so sweet, and of course octopus 😁.

Sicily, Syracuse.  Dionysios I
c. 390 BCE
Æ tetras, 14 mm, 1.8 gm
Obv:  head of nymph facing slightly left, wearing necklace
Rev:  octopus
Ref: CNS 29; SNG ANS 385

Next:  Syracuse

TIF, Your bronze miniature is a gem with finely engraved dies 🤩! There is a very common theme in Japanese erotic art of pearl divers being raped by an octopus, as depicted on the carved ivory netsuke by Yamaguchi, early 20th century, pictured below 😮. I wonder if the same theme is being depicted on your coin in a more subtle style 😏.....


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@TIF wanted more Sicily, so here we go.

Philistis, wife of Hieron II.
Greek AR 5 litrae.
Syracuse 270-230 BCE, 4.46 gm, 18.1 mm.
Obv: Diademed and veiled head, l., palm branch behind.
Rev: ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑΣ ΦΙΛΙΣΤΙΔΟΣ, Nike driving biga to left, E in l. field.
Refs: SNG ANS 893; SNG III (Lockett) 1017; Forrer 196.

Next: Biga. 

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Biga!  I love bigas, especially when powered by unusual creatures.  I have a subcollection of "unusual modes of transportation" 😁

A fave:

Roman Republic
moneyer L. Julius L. f. Caesar, 103 BC
AR denarius, 17mm, 3.9 gm
Obv:  Helmeted head of Mars left; CAESAR; ・retrograde C (L?)above
Rev:  Venus Genetrix in chariot left, drawn by two Cupids; lyre to left; ・retrograde C (L?) above
Ref:  Crawford 320/1
Jencek E-auction 26, lot 58, 14 October 2014. Ex CNG XXXI lot 699, September 1994; ex RBW Collection

These things weren't very aerodynamic and that engineer should be fired over the wheel placement.


28 minutes ago, Al Kowsky said:

TIF, Your bronze miniature is a gem with finely engraved dies 🤩! There is a very common theme in Japanese erotic art of pearl divers being raped by an octopus, as depicted on the carved ivory netsuke by Yamaguchi, early 20th century, pictured below 😮. I wonder if the same theme is being depicted on your coin in a more subtle style 😏.....


Thanks, Al 🙂.  Hmm, perhaps you're onto something.

Next:  More bigas 🙂

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L. Flaminius Cilo

109-108 BC
AR Denarius (17mm, 3.91g)
O: Helmeted head of Roma right; X beneath chin, ROMA behind.
R: Victory in biga right; L FLAMINI below horses, CILO in ex.
Crawford 302-1; Sydenham 540; RSC Flaminia 1; BMC Italy 537
ex Jack H. Beymer

Next: triga


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L. Cornelius Sulla . Denarius, mint moving with Sulla 84-83, AR 18mm, 3.36 g. Diademed head of Venus r.; in r. field, Cupid standing l., holding palm branch; below, L·SVLLA. Rev. IMPER Jug and lituus between two trophies; below, ITERVM. Babelon Cornelia 29. Sydenham 761. RBW 1364. Crawford 359/2. Obverse scratches. Purchased from Savoca May 2024

Scarce. No known portraits can be certainly attributed to L. Cornelius Sulla. This coin without a portrait was minted during his lifetime when he marched on Rome to take control over the Roman republic

Next: an RR type that you had to hunt for a while before acquiring

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Corinth, Corinthia

345-307 BC
AR Stater (21mm, 8.15g)
O: Pegasos with pointed wing flying left; koppa below.
R: Head of Athena left, wearing Corinthian helmet; chimaera behind.
Ravel 1010v; Calciati 1, 262; Sear 2630v (Nike behind)
ex Harlan J. Berk

Next: Nemesis 


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Vespasian / Securitas

75 AD
AR Denarius (18mm, 3.36g)
O: Laureate bust right; IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG.
R: Securitas seated left with foot on stool and left arm on chair; PON MAX TR P COS VI.
RSC 367 / RIC 774 / BMC 165
ex Bart Lewis

"It becomes an emperor to die standing."

Next: Eros


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L. Memmius Galeria 106BC AR Serrate Denarius , Rome mint. Laureate head of Saturn left, harpa to right, rev Venus driving biga right, cupid flying above.  S-190, RSC Memmia 2a.



next ,  Venus

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4 hours ago, Octavius said:

next ,  Venus


Julia Mamaea, Sestertius - Rome mint, 224 CE
IVLIA MAMA EA AVGVSTA, Draped and diademed bust right
VENERI FELICI, Venus standing right, holding Cupid and a sceptre. SC in field
17.85 gr
Ref : RIC # 694, RCV # 8232, Cohen # 62


Next : Empress sestertius, 3rd century


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Julia Mamaea
Æ-Sestertius, Rome Mint
Obv.: IVLIA MAMAEA AVGVSTA, draped bust right.
Rev. FELICITAS PVBLICA / S - C, Felicitas standing left, legs crossed, holding caduceus and leaning on column.
AE, 17.78g, 28.6mm
Ref.: RIC 676, C21


Next:  Empress sestertius, 2nd century

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Faustina I posthumous, sestertius, Rome, AE 31 mm, 20.41 g.
Obv.: DIVA AVGVSTA FAVSTINA , veiled and diademed bust r.
Rev.: PIETAS AVG / S C , Pietas standing l., dropping incense on candelabrum and holding box of perfumes
Minted after 141.

RIC III Antoninus Pius 1146Ac


Next : Antoninus Pius

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30 minutes ago, GinoLR said:

Next : Antoninus Pius


Antoninus, Pius Antoninianus (consecration issue by Trajan Decius) - Rome mint 250/251 CE
DIVO PIO Radiate head right
CONSECRATIO Eagle facing
4.10 gr
Ref : RIC IV # 89, Cohen # 1188, RCV # 9474

Next : a master engraver's portrait


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2 hours ago, Qcumbor said:

Next : a master engraver's portrait

I think this rendering fits the bill:

263-241 BCE
AR tetradrachm 29 mm, 16.94 gm
Obv: head of Philetairos right, wearing laurel wreath
Rev: ΦIΛETAIPOY; Athena enthroned left, right hand resting on shield set at her feet, gorgon on shield; left elbow resting on small sphinx seated right; transverse spear in background, ivy leaf above knee, monogram on throne, bow to right
Ref: BMC Greek (Mysia) 31, p.115; SNG France 1606–9
Formerly slabbed, NGC Ch AU 5/5 3/5, Fine Style
Ex Dr. Spencer Paterson Collection of Ancient coins, Great Collections 15 Sept 2019


The relief is incredible.  Also, it seems almost miraculous that the flan didn't stick in the die upon striking due to all the nooks and crannies.  Some even seem undercut.  How did this not stick in the die?


Next:  a coin with very high relief

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Velia, Lucania

350-310 BC (Period VI: Kleudoros Group)
AR Didrachm (21mm, 7.50g)
O: Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet ornamented with griffin, swan's head at front of visor.
R: Lion prowling left; Φ above, >E monogram (Kleudoros) below, YEΛHTΩN in ex, all within linear circle.
Williams 297; SNG ANS 1312; SNG Ashmolean 1233; HGC I, 1311; HN Italy 1289; Sear 460v
ex Jack Beymer

Next: a tiny tiny coin


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My tiniest:

MACEDONIA, uncertain
c. 500 BCE
AR trihemitetartemorion (trihemiobol), 5 mm, 0.26 gm 
Obv: monkey squatting left
Rev: round shield or pellet within incuse square
Ref: "Uncertain Thraco-Macedonian Coins, Part II", Nomismatika Khronika (1998, Tzamalis), 67

Smallest (5 mm) atop largest (48mm):

Next:  a pair of coins that you feel represents some sort of "opposite".

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Just now, TIF said:

Next:  a pair of coins that you feel represents some sort of "opposite".

Crocodile and antelope : the food and the fed 😄 






Next : Gallienus zoo series


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