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I never turn down an opportunity to show my tiger coin. 😺

Gallienus, 253-268 AD.
Roman Æ Antoninianus, 2.63 g, 20.8 mm, 5 h.
Rome Mint, 10th emission, 267-268 AD.
Obv: GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head right.
Rev: LIBERO P CONS AVG, tiger walking left, B in exergue.
Refs: RIC 230K; Göbl 713b; Cohen 586; RCV 10281; Cunetio 1341; Hunter 112.

Next: Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my!! 

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Lots of folks have lions, but how many have ancient bears?  😄

MYSIA, Hadrianothera. Hadrian
After CE 123
Æ 16 mm, 2.30 gm
Obv: AΔPIANOC AYΓOYCTOC; bare head right
Rev: AΔPIANOΘHPITN; head of she-bear left
Ref: AMNG 565; SNG France 1091; RPC 1629. Rare.

Guess we need to complete the Wizard of Oz trinity:  post a lion. (bonus points if it is cowardly 😄)

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Lysimachos, Kingdom of Thrace, AE 20mm, 5.20 gr. Generous flan. Lysimachia mint. 305-281 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, above and beneath lion leaping right, spearhead and M on O monogram below. Mueller 74.


NEXT: Helmeted Athena

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Hyria, Campania

400-335 BC
AR Didrachm (21mm, 7.33g)
O: Head of Athena right, wearing wreathed Attic helmet decorated with an owl.
R: Man-headed bull walking right; YDIN[A] above.
Rutter 69 (O32/R??); SNG ANS 255; HGC I, 435; HN Italy 539; Sear 294v (bull left)
ex Den of Antiquity

An historically obscure city in southern Campania, Hyria may have been located approximately 25 miles east of Mt. Vesuvius. It's site was likely an old Samnite settlement, and in fact the ethnic on the reverse of these didrachms is often inscribed in Oscan.
However Imhoof-Blumer believed that these coins, along with those of neighboring Nola, may actually have been struck at Neapolis. This is suggested by die comparisons, and the man-headed bull device seemingly adds weight to the argument.

and just because I've never seen one more cowardly, here's a weird little coin from Phistelia in Campania...


what do they got that I ain't got? COURAGE!


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1 hour ago, Phil Anthos said:

Hyria, Campania

400-335 BC
AR Didrachm (21mm, 7.33g)
O: Head of Athena right, wearing wreathed Attic helmet decorated with an owl.
R: Man-headed bull walking right; YDIN[A] above.
Rutter 69 (O32/R??); SNG ANS 255; HGC I, 435; HN Italy 539; Sear 294v (bull left)
ex Den of Antiquity

An historically obscure city in southern Campania, Hyria may have been located approximately 25 miles east of Mt. Vesuvius. It's site was likely an old Samnite settlement, and in fact the ethnic on the reverse of these didrachms is often inscribed in Oscan.
However Imhoof-Blumer believed that these coins, along with those of neighboring Nola, may actually have been struck at Neapolis. This is suggested by die comparisons, and the man-headed bull device seemingly adds weight to the argument.

and just because I've never seen one more cowardly, here's a weird little coin from Phistelia in Campania...


what do they got that I ain't got? COURAGE!



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TROAS, Alexandria. Trebonianus Gallus
CE 251-253
AE 21 mm, 4.76 gm
Obv: IMP VIB TREB GALVS AV; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev: COL AV / TROA; Apollo, head right and holding kithara, seated facing on griffin springing right, head left
Ref: RPC IX 407; Bellinger A403
Only three others found in ACsearch. Sure, T-Bone's portrait is messed up but who cares when glorious Apollo is riding on a griffin? :D


Such a poser.


Next:  a coin with noticeable double (or triple or whateverple) striking.

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Pontos. Amisos c 85-65 BC.

Bronze Æ, 30mm., 18,18g.

Helmeted head of Athena right,

helmet decorated with griffin /

AMIΣOY Perseus standing holding

harpa and head of Medusa, at feet, body of Medusa, monograms to

both sides.VF Sea 1166-76

Next: Perseus

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RPC Volume: III №: 2958
Reign: Hadrian Persons: Hadrian (Augustus)
City: Tyana  Region: Cappadocia Province: Galatia-Cappadocia
Denomination: Æ (15 mm) 3.80 g. Issue: Year 20 (AD 135/6)
Obverse: ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑ ΤΡ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤ; laureate head of Hadrian, right
Reverse: ΤΥΑΝΕΩΝ ΤΩ ΠΡ Τ ΙΕΡ ΑϹ, ΕΤ - Κ (in field); Perseus standing facing, holding head of Medusa and harpa
Reference: Ganschow 1014b Specimens: 10 (Zero in the core collections)


NEXT: Medusa


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23 minutes ago, Ryro said:


Pontos. Amisos c 85-65 BC.

Bronze Æ, 30mm., 18,18g.

Helmeted head of Athena right,

helmet decorated with griffin /

AMIΣOY Perseus standing holding

harpa and head of Medusa, at feet, body of Medusa, monograms to

both sides.VF Sea 1166-76

Next: Perseus

I love those types-- and so does everyone else, apparently.  Rmember when we all were getting them?  It's fun to see those type of trends that happen due to popularization of certain types of coins on social medial.  I think I have three of them.  Maybe four?  Always looking for one just a little bit better :D.

@expat called for Medusa.  Here's one I haven't looked at in a while.


Roman Imperatorial, moneyer L. Plautius Plancus
47 BCE
AR Denarius, 3.79 gm
Obv: L. PLAVTIVS; facing mask of Medusa, serpents at either side of face; banker's mark on cheek
Rev: PLANCVS; Aurora flying right and conducting the four horses of the sun. Banker's mark in left field.
Ref: Plautia 15b Sear 429, Cr453/1b; Syd 959a.
formerly slabbed by NGC,XF, strike 5/5, surfaces 3/5

Next:  Aurora

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11 hours ago, TIF said:

Next:  Aurora

10 hours

Aurora and a coin without Aurora (but with Helios)



Rhodes, 88-84 BC
Asia Minor, Caria
AR Drachm, magistrate Nikephoros
‘Plinthophoric’ coinage (‘plinthophoric’ for the square incuse around the reverse type)
Obv.: Radiate head of Helios right
Rev.: Rose with bud to right; NIKHΦOPOΣ above, hand holding grain ear to lower right, P-O
Ag, 2.11g, 14mm
Ref.: Jenkins, Rhodian, Group E, 249; HGC 6, 1461


Next: helios

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Macedonian Kingdom, Reign of Perseus

171-170 BC
AR Drachm (15mm, 2.81g)
Uncertain mint in Thessaly
Hermios magistrate.
O: Head of Helios facing 3/4 right, hair loose.
R: Rose with bud on right; I-Ω to either side of stem, EPMIAΣ (magistrate) above.
Price, Larissa p. 241; SNG Keckman 795; Sear 5092
ex Jack H. Beymer

Originating from the Sitichoro, Thessaly hoard of 1968, the long held attribution for this pseudo-Rhodian series was 'Rhodian Peraia' or 'Islands off Karia', etc, and probably used to pay mercenaries. This was the attribution I bought the coin with, and it served for nearly twenty years.
However a 1988 article by Richard Ashton claims these coins were actually issued by Perseus of Macedon during the Third Macedonian War to pay his Cretan mercenaries in a coin which was familiar to them, that is, the classic 'Helios/Rose' coinage of Rhodes. This is the attribution I use today.
Selene Psoma further suggests an even more specific location based on style and weight standard, pinpointing this issue in Thasian Peraia, so it will be interesting to see what further study may reveal.

Next: weaponry


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Weaponry-- here's a bunny basher (lagobolon).  

ILLYRIA, Apollonia
c. 1st century BCE
AR 15 mm, 1.25 gm
Obv: AI-NEA; fires of the Nymphaeum of Apollonia; dotted border
Rev: AΠOΛΛΩ-NIATAN, lagobolon; dotted border
Ref: BMC 44; Maier 121

Edited to add the next coin:  Illyria

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Illyria, Dyrrhachium
AR drachm
Obv.: ΞENΩN, cow suckling calf right, eagle above
Rev.: ΔΥΡ above, XAP[O], [ΠI], [NO]Y, around double stellate pattern within double linear square
Ag, 3.24g, 18.1
Ref.: SNG Cop 498


Next: cow and calf

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Same type, different magistrates


18 mm, 3,16 g.
Illyria, Dyrrhachion. Meniskos and Dionysios, magistrates. AR drachm. Circa 250-200 BC.
Cow standing right, looking back at suckling calf standing left below; above, raven standing right above MENIΣΚΟΣ / Double stellate pattern; ΔYP-ΔΙ[Ο-ΝΥ-ΣΟΥ] around; all within linear circle border.
Ceka –; Maier 201; SNG Copenhagen 467.

Next - a bird, anything but an eagle 

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Rome, 254-255
S 10067 - C 3 - RIC Va 3
DIVAE MARINIANAE, Veiled bust right, on a crescent
CONSECRATIO, Peacock std right

Next: Saloninus


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Saloninus, Caesar AD 258-260.
Roman billon antoninianus, 2.39 g, 22.2 mm, 12 h.
Cologne, AD 258-260.
Obv: SALON VALERIANVS CAES, radiate and draped bust, right.
Rev: PIETAS AVG, lituus, jug, simpulum and sprinkler.
Refs: RIC 9; Göbl 914e; Cohen 41; RCV 10767; Cunetio 744; Hunter 8.

Next: Valerian I or II. 

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PHOENICIA, Tyre. Valerian I (CE 253-260)
Æ28.5 mm, 12.2 gm
Obv: IMP CP LIC VALERIANVS AVG; radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right
Rev: COL TVRO METRO; the building of Carthage: Dido standing left, holding cubit ruler and scepter, surveying construction; mason above gate, worker with pick-axe digging before gate, murex shell to lower right
Ref: Rouvier 2501; BMC 470; cf Price & Trell 748

Next:  Valerian II

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Valerian II Billon Antoninianus. P LIC COR VALERIANVS CAES, radiate, draped bust right / VICTORIA PART, Victory standing right, presenting wreath to Valerian II, holding globe and spear. RSC 97; RIC 54 Antioch; Goebl 1604d; Sear 10742.
Weight: 3,3gr


More Valerian II

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Valerian II

Obv:– DIVO VALERIANO CAES, Radiate & draped bust right
Rev:– CONSACRATIO, Eagle flying right, bearing the deceased young Caesar to heaven.
Minted in Rome (Posthumous issue). A.D. 257-258
Reference(s) – RIC 9. RSC 5.

4.13 gms, 22.36mm. 180 degrees



Next:- Consecration type

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Diva Faustina Junior. Died AD 175/6. Æ Sestertius (29,4mm, 18.28 g, 12h). Consecration issue. Rome mint. Struck under Marcus Aurelius, circa AD 175-176. Draped bust right / Altar with closed doors. RIC III 1706 (Aurelius); Unearthed Marne 2020

Next: someone who strikes you as having been good looking

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I think Orbiana was good looking. 

Bust of Empress Sallustia Orbiana, wife of Alexander Severus. Marble, 3rd century. H 23 cm (9 in.). Artist unknown. Musée du Louvre, Paris. Accession number: Ma 1054 (MR 538).

Orbiana, 225-227 CE.
Roman Æ as, 11.43 gm, 24.5 mm.
Rome, 225 CE.
Obv: SALL BARBIA ORBIANA AVG, diademed and draped bust, r.
Rev: CONCORDIA AVGVSTORVM SC, Concordia enthroned l., holding patera and double cornucopiae.
Refs: RIC 656; BMCRE 297-298; Cohen 5; RCV 8195.

Next: Severus Alexander. 

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Severus Alexander, AD 222 - 235
Asia Minor, Pisida, Selge
Obv: ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ΣΕΟΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ, ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ΣΕΟΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: ΣΕΛΓΕΩΝ, Artemis drawing arrow, stag and tree left
AE, 18mm, 4.18g
Ref.: BMC 79; SNG PfPS 460
Ex Collection E.L. (Erwin Link, Stuttgart)
Ex Gorny&Mosch, Auction 271, Lot 729


Next: A deity standing next to a tree

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