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Diocletian - Antoninianus

Obv:– IMP DIOCLETIANVS AVG, Radiate bust left, wearing imperial mantle, holding eagle headed sceptre
Rev:– PRIMIS X MVLTIS XX, Victory standing right, left, holding victory ileft foot on rock, inscribing VO/T X on shield on palm tree
Minted in Rome (_ R // XXID).
Reference:– Cohen 388. RIC V Pt. 2 177 Bust Type H (Rated scarce)


Next: An inscribed shield

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Licinius I - Follis

Obv:– IMP LICINIVS P F AVG, laureate head right
Rev:– MARTI CON-SERVATORI, Mars, helmeted, in military dress, cloak over right shoulder, standing right, holding upright spear, point downwards, resting left hand on shield
Minted in Ticinum (* | _ // PT). A.D. 314-315
Reference:– RIC VII Ticinum 13 var (Unlisted officina - Example noted on NotInRIC)


Next:- Mars standing type.

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8 hours ago, maridvnvm said:

Next:- Mars standing type.


Quintillus, Antoninianus - Mediolanum mint, AD 270
IMP QUINTILL[VS AVG], radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right
[M]ARTI PACI, Mars standing left, holding olive branch and spear
2.8 gr
Ref : RCV # 11447,

Next : a coin you like despite its flaws


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IONIA, Herakleia ad Latmon. Circa 140-135 BC. AR Tetradrachm (33mm, 11.50 g, 12h). Stephanophoric type. Helmeted head of Athena right / Club; below, Nike advancing left, holding wreath, flanked by two monograms; all within oak wreath. Lavva, Silberprägung, Group III (unlisted dies); SNG Copenhagen 781; SNG von Aulock 1978. Chipped.very fine

Next: one of your most impressive portraits

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Vespasian Gold Aureus, AD 69-79, ‘Boscoreale' Toning

Lugdunum (Lyon) mint. Struck AD 71.

Obverse: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, Laureate head facing right.

Reverse: TR POT COS III, Aequitas standing left, holding scales in right hand, rod in left.

RIC II 1114; Lyon 10; Calicó 682; Biaggi 338.

Practically extremely fine with a pleasing bold portrait, red tone in the devices.

7.4 grams, 19 mm in diameter.


Next ,, same ---an impressive portrait.

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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Octavius said:


Vespasian Gold Aureus, AD 69-79, ‘Boscoreale' Toning

Lugdunum (Lyon) mint. Struck AD 71.

Obverse: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, Laureate head facing right.

Reverse: TR POT COS III, Aequitas standing left, holding scales in right hand, rod in left.

RIC II 1114; Lyon 10; Calicó 682; Biaggi 338.

Practically extremely fine with a pleasing bold portrait, red tone in the devices.

7.4 grams, 19 mm in diameter.


Next ,, same ---an impressive portrait.

I may be mistaken, but that coin definitely belongs here: 




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7 hours ago, Octavius said:

Next ,, same ---an impressive portrait


Ptolemaios I., 305-285 BC
AR Tetradrachm, Alexandria mint. Struck circa 290-285 BC.
signed by D...,
Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I to right, wearing aegis around his neck; within his hair behind his ear, tiny letter Δ.
Rev: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ Eagle, with closed wings, standing left on thunderbolt; to left, Ρ above monogram of ΜΙ.
Ref.: Svoronos 252; SNG Copenhagen 69; BMC 57.


EDIT: Corrected description


Next: stylish portrait

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6 hours ago, Octavius said:


Vespasian Gold Aureus, AD 69-79, ‘Boscoreale' Toning

Lugdunum (Lyon) mint. Struck AD 71.

Obverse: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, Laureate head facing right.

Reverse: TR POT COS III, Aequitas standing left, holding scales in right hand, rod in left.

RIC II 1114; Lyon 10; Calicó 682; Biaggi 338.

Practically extremely fine with a pleasing bold portrait, red tone in the devices.

7.4 grams, 19 mm in diameter.


Next ,, same ---an impressive portrait.

That portrait!  I've never seen Vespasian look so good!



3 hours ago, shanxi said:


Denarius, 102 BC, Rome
Obv: EX A PV, Veiled and turreted head of Cybele right.
Rev: C FABI C F, Victory driving biga right, holding goad; stork before; control N. below.
Ag, 3.95g, 20mm
Ref.: Crawford 322/1b


Next: stylish portrait

Hmm... mismatched coin/description.  Which coin did you intend to post?

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Stylish portrait... I have a few :D.  Here's a coin I haven't shown off in a while:


KINGS of MACEDON. Antigonos III Doson, 229-221 BCE
struck 227-225 BCE, Amphipolis mint?
AR tetradrachm, 32 mm, 17.1 gm
Obv: wreathed head of Poseidon right
Rev: Apollo seated left on prow left, holding bow; monogram below.
Ref: Panagopoulou 50–3 var. (unlisted dies); EHC 436; Touratsoglou 52–3; SNG Saroglos 933; SNG Alpha Bank 1046; SNG Ashmolean 3266

Next: someone seated on a ship/prow

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EUBOIA. Histiaia. 3rd-2nd centuries BC. Tetrobol (Silver, 15 mm, 2.06 g, 9 h). Vine-wreathed head of nymph Histiaia to right, wearing pendant earring and necklace. Rev. IΣTIAIE-ΩN Nymph seated to right on stern of galley, holding stylis in her left hand and resting her right on the deck; on the side of the stern, wing; below to left, monogram, labrys. ANS 1944.100.24022. BCD Euboia -. Lovely style; well-struck and rather uncommon. Minor die break on reverse, otherwise, very fine. From the Vineyard Collection, ex Hirsch, March 2002 ,219 (part of lot). Ex: Nomos Obols 


Next: nymph

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15 minutes ago, Ryro said:

Next: nymph


Thessaly, Larissa, AE 20-22 - 400-344 BCE
Head of the nymph Larissa facing
ΛΑΡΙ - Σ - ΑΙΩΝ parly retrograde, Horse trotting right
8.88 gr
Ref : Sear # 2131

Next : portrait facing


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Macrinus has an impressive beard!

Macrinus, AD 217-218.
Roman AR denarius, 2.94 g, 19.5 mm, 6 h.
Rome, AD 217.
Obv: IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust, right.
Rev: PONTIF MAX TR P COS P P, Fides Militum standing facing, head right, right foot on helmet and holding a military standard in each hand.
Refs: RIC 22A; BMCRE 38; Cohen 60; RCV 7345; ERIC II 69.

Next: Military standard(s). 

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Gallienus (253-268) AE Sestertius Rome mint

28 mm 14.8 grams, squared flan, struck between 253 and 260.

Obverse: Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, with the legend IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG

Reverse: Fides standing left, holding two standards, with the legend FIDES MILITVM, S C in field

Reference: RIC 214, Cohen 240, Göbl 74s 

ex Frank S. Robinson auction 2021, hammered at $370




Next: Another sestertius of Gallienus

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> 11 hours and no sestertius of Valerian. How about a bronze provincial of the man?

Valerian I, 253-260 CE.
Roman provincial Æ 23.5 mm, 7.57 g, 7 h.
Phrygia, Cotyaëum; P. Ael. Demetrianos, archon 253-260 CE.
Obv: AVT K Π ΛIK OYAΛEPIANO, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield.
Rev: EΠ Π AIΛ ΔHMHTPIANOY IΠ, AP/X in upper field, KOTIAEΩN in exergue, Hygieia and Asklepios standing face-to-face, left and right respectively, with their usual attributes; Telesphoros stands, facing, between them.
Refs: BMC 25.177,94; SNG von Aulock 3790.

Next: figure on obverse bust armed for battle.

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Caria, Antiochia ad Maeandrum
AE 35
Obv.: ΑΥ Κ Π ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝΟΣ, Radiate, helmeted, and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield.
Rev.: ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ, Bridge spanning the Maeandrus river; gateway to bridge to left, surmounted by stork standing right; on parapet, river-god Maeandrus reclining left, holding reed and cornucopia.
AE, 22.11g, 35.4mm
Ref.: SNG von Aulock 2430


Next: helmeted emperor

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Julian II 'The Philosopher' (as Augustus)

361-363 AD
AE3 (19mm, 2.65g)
O: Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust left, holding shield and spear; DN FL CL IVLIANVS PF AVG.
R: VOT X MVLT XX in four lines within wreath; BSISC· below.
Siscia mint
RIC VIII 421; Sear 4074v
ex Munzen Sann

“Are you not aware that all offerings whether great or small that are brought to the gods with piety have equal value, whereas without piety, I will not say hecatombs, but, by the gods, even the Olympian sacrifice of a thousand oxen is merely empty expenditure and nothing else?”
~ Julian

Next: warrior with shield 


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MYSIA, Kisthene
Orontes, satrap of Mysia, c. 357-352 BCE
AR Half Siglos or Tetrobol; 13 mm, 2.75 gm
Obv: Nude hoplite crouching left behind shield, spear at ready
Rev: Forepart of winged boar right
Ref: Troxell, Orontes 4; SNG France 1164A (Lampsakos); SNG von Aulock
Very rare.
ex stevex6 collection

Next:  nude

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Moesia inferior, Nikopolis. Septimius Severus AE17. Eros standing

Obv: AV KL - CEVHROC / Septimius laureate, r.
Rev: NIKOPOLITW NPROCIC / Eros, winged, nude, stg. l. with crossed legs, holding short torch in extended r. hand, l. hand behind back.
AE17, 3.2g.

Next: More nude.

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Taras, Calabria

430-425 BC (Period I - Transitional)
AR Didrachm (22mm, 7.78g)
O: Phalanthos riding dolphin right, right hand leaning on dolphin's back, left arm extended; scallop shell below.
R: Naked boy pacing horse right, holding reins with both hands.
D'Andrea XV, 184; Vlasto 267; Fischer-Bossert 231f; Evans I, Type C; SNG France 1678; cf Cote 103; HGC I, 761; HN Italy 847
Very scarce
ex London Ancient Coins

While the 'Equestrian' types are the most common and readily recognizable didrachms from Taras they were far from the first. The dolphin rider was initially depicted on late 6th century broad flan incuse coins, and later paired with the seated oikist, either as the obverse or the reverse, but the horseman did not make his first appearance until the middle of the 5th century BC, and then as the reverse motif. Sir Arthur Evans (The Horsemen of Tarentum, 1889) declared this era 'Period 1' and called it transitional as the dolphin rider would move to the reverse later in the century and the horseman would claim his rightful place on the front. It would remain this way until the mint closed circa 209 BC.
As an aside it is my belief that the young nude jockey throughout the series is actually Taras, son of Poseidon the God of horses.

As I wrote i wrote in my gallery write-up above, it is my belief that the nude boy or 'jockey' riding the horse throughout this series is actually Taras, son of Poseidon, god of Horses. The theory has not been well received however.

Next: Horseman


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Volusian, AR Antoninianus, Antioch.. AD 251-253. 22 mm, 4,30 g
IMP C V AF GAL VEND VOLVSIANO AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right, / ADVENTVS AVG, Volusian on horseback, riding left, holding spear and raising right hand. RIC IV 224a; RSC 2a.


NEXT: Emperor on horse

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