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Thebes, Boeotia

426-395 BC
AR Hemidrachm (13mm, 2.51g)
O: Boeotian shield.
R: 0E - BH on either side of kantharos, club above, all within incuse square.
SNG Cop 296; SNG Delepierre 1359; Sear 2385; BMC 8,78
ex Vaughn Rare Coin Gallery

"The god commands us to expel from the land of Thebes
An old defilement we are sheltering.
It is a deathly thing, beyond cure;
We must not let it feed upon us longer."

~ Kreon (Aeschylus, Oedipus Rex)

Next: spearhead 


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18 mm, 4,26 g.
Kings of Thrace. Lysimachos 305-281 BC. Ӕ. Macedonian uncertain mint.
Helmeted head of Athena right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ, lion springing right; caduceus, monogram, and spearhead below.
SNG Copenhagen 1153; Müller 76.

Next - Lysimachos

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Thrace. Byzantion. Circa 90-81 BC. AR Tetradrachm (34mm, 15.57g, 12h). In the name and types of Lysimachos. Obv: Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. Rev: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY; Athena Nikephoros seated left, left arm resting on shield, transverse spear in background; monogram to inner left, BY on throne; in exergue, ornate trident left. Ref: HGC 3 1407; Callataÿ Group 4; SNG Copenhagen 1138; SNG Tübingen 204. Good Very Fine. Ex Heritage 326 (29 May 2003), Lot 10045. 


Next: Thrace

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A popular type due to the fun imagery...

THRACE, Byzantion
Circa 340-320 BCE
AR; Half Siglos; 14 mm, 2.53 gm
Obv: monogram; Bovine standing left on dolphin left
Rev: Quadripartite incuse square of mill sail pattern
Ref: Schönert-Geiss 291. SNG BM Black Sea 36–41

Next:  dolphin

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9mm dolphin


Asia Minor, Caria
400 BC
Obv.: Forepart of Bull right
Rev.. Dolphin swimming right, below the carian letter ∇ = K
AE, 0.86g, 8.90mm
Ref.: Koray Konuk, "Coin Evidence for the Carian Name of Keramos", KADMOS XXXIX, p. 164, 1


Next: AE <10mm

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Taras, Calabria

425-415 BC 
AR Hemiobol  (7.5mm, 0.20g). 
O: Skyphos with single handle to left.
R: Olive wreath, Γ within.
D'Andrea XVII, 245; Vlasto 1744; Cote 448; SNG France 2224; HN Italy 867; Sear 360v
ex Savoca Coins

A peculiar little coin with obscure symbolism.
Even the vessel type is uncertain. It is often called a ‘skyphos’, although those are typically two-handled. I have also seen it referred to as a ‘kyathos’, but that type usually has its single handle molded extremely long, making it more useful as a dipper.
This scarce coin is more commonly seen with the cup handle to the right. The reverse can also depict a ‘K’ within the wreath, or even a race torch. An empty wreath is also recorded.

Next: <8mm


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< 8 mm AND bronze 


7 mm, 0,63 g.
Troas, Gargara. Ӕ. Circa 400-300 BC.
Laureate head of Apollo right / ΓAΡ above horse galloping right.
SNG v. Aulock 1511; SNG Ashmolean 1136.

Next - a coin showing a horse on the reverse (it may have other design elements)

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Taras, Calabria

272-240/35 BC
AR Didrachm (20mm, 6.95g)
O: Diademed head of nymph Satyra left, wearing triple-pendant earring.
R: Nude youth on horseback right crowning horse and holding reins; star of eight rays above, dolphin below, TA beneath raised foreleg.
D'Andrea XLIII, 1338; Vlasto 1036-37, Cote 548; McGill II, 131; SNG ANS 1301; SNG Cop 904; HN Italy 1098; Sear 366v
ex Praefectus Coins

Next: any rampant animal


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Rampant chimaera control mark:

CORINTHIA, Corinth circa 375-300 BCE AR stater, 22 mm, 8.55 g, 1h Obv: Pegasus flying left; qoppa below Rev: helmeted head of Athena left; A-P flanking neck truncation; to right, chimaera rampant left Ref: Ravel 1010; Pegasi 428; BCD Corinth 102; HGC 4, 1848 ex CNG Inventory 828126 (November, 2008) ex Gorny & Mosch 170 (13 October 2008), lot 1381 ex Giessener Münzhandlung 21 (22 March 1982), lot 37

Next:  Pegasus

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Pegasus, from Kroton's imitative phase...

Kroton, Bruttium

525-425 BC
AR Triobol (11mm, 1.25g)
O: Tripod with lion‘s feet, within dotted border; QPO (retrograde) to left.
R: Pegasos with curled wings flying left; Q below.
SNG ANS 323-6; HN Italy 2127; Sear 468; Hands Class V, 3v (ethnic to right)
From the Frank James collection; ex CNG; ex Roma Auctions

Next: tripod as a main element


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Bruttium, Kroton. Circa 500-480 BC. AR Stater (21mm, 8.98g, 3h). Obv: ϘΡΟ; Tripod with three handles and legs ending in lions’ paws; border of dots. Rev: Eagle flying right, with spread wings (incuse); rayed border. Ref: HN III 2095; SNG ANS 287. Ex Kirk Davis Fall 1998, Lot 14. Ex Harlan J Berk 219th BorB Sale (07 May 2022), Lot 82. 


Next: Eagle.

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Ptolemaic Kingdom, Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285-246 BC)
AE diobol (15.0 g)
obv: diademed head of Zeus Ammon, right
rev: ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with spread wings standing left on thunderbolt, shield and M monogram in left field

ref = Svoronos 576


NEXT = turtle!

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Aegina, Aegina

Obol circa 520, AR 0.94 g. 8mm.

Sea turtle seen from above, with thin collar and dots running down the back. Rev. Large skew pattern incuse. SNG Lockett 1977

Ex: Savoca

Next: archaic

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Taras, Calabria

500-490 BC
AR Didrachm (17mm, 7.82g)
O: Taras riding dolphin right, holding octopus in right hand, left hand extended; TAPA-[Σ] below.
R: Hippocamp right; TAPA-[Σ] beneath, scallop shell below.
D'Andrea II, 22; Fischer-Bossert group 2, 34; cf McGill II, 3; Vlasto ---; HN Italy 827; SNG ANS 837; SNG Cop 772-773
ex ACR Auctions; ex Praefectus Coins

Next: more archaic


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LESBOS, Mytilene
521-478 BCE
EL hekte, 10.5 mm, 2.6 gm
Obv: forepart of winged boar right
Rev: incuse head of lion left; rectangular punch behind
Ref: Bodenstedt Em. 10; HGC 6, 935; SNG von Aulock –; Boston MFA 1678; BMC –

Next:  more archaic

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That's a hard act to follow. 

Velia, Lucania

465-440 BC (Period II: Pre-Athena Group)
AR Drachm (15mm, 3.52g)
O: Head of nymph with frontal eye right, wearing beaded necklace.
R: Owl with closed wing perched right on olive branch, head facing; YEΛH behind.
Williams 78; HGC I, 1328; Hands Class VI; HN Italy 1265; Sear 251
ex Munzen & Medaillen GmbH

Next: Carthaginian


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Thurii, Lucania

300-280 BC
AR Didrachm (21mm, 7.67g)
O: Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet ornamented with Skylla hurling a stone.
R: Bull butting right; ΘOYPIΩN and ΘE above, tunny fish in ex.
SNG ANS 1081; HN Italy 1870; Sear 443v (inscription on exergual line)
From the Frederick H. Rindge collection; ex Joel L. Malter; ex Jack H. Beymer

Next: chipped flan


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