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THRACE, Sestos (sometimes spelled Sestus)
c. 3rd-2nd century BCE
AE 16.6, 2.35 gm
Obv: Head of Hermes left, wearing petasos; dotted border
Rev: chelys; ΣH downward in right field; dotted border
Ref: von Fritz, Nomisma 1, 15 (coin 29 on plate 1 in that book)
ex Stevex6 Collection


Next:  Hermes

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Macrinus Augustus and Diadumenian Caesar, AE Pentassarion [5 Assaria], 217-218 AD, Marcianopolis Mint, Moesia Inferior [now Devnya, Bulgaria] (Pontianus, consular legate). Obv. Confronted heads of Macrinus, laureate, right, and Diadumenian, bareheaded, left, [AVT K OΠE]Λ CEV MAKPEINOC K M OΠEΛ ANTΩNEINOC [bracketed portion off flan][ = Imperator, Caesar, Opellius Augustus Macrinus, Caesar Marcus Opellius Antoninus ] / Rev. Hermes standing facing, head left, holding purse in extended right hand and caduceus in left hand; chlamys hanging over left arm; E [mark of value for “5”] in right field, VΠ Macrinus ΠONTIANOV MAP-KIANOΠOΛEITΩN (ΩN ligate) [ = Consular Legate Pontianus, (coin) of the people of Markianopolis].  AMNG I/I 740 [Pick, Behrendt, Die antiken Münzen von Dacien und Moesien, Die antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands Vol. I/I (Berlin, 1898) at pp. 240-241]; BMC 3 Thrace 35 [R.S. Poole, ed. A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. 3, The Tauric Chersonese, Sarmatia, Dacia, Moesia, Thrace, etc. (London, 1877) at p. 32]; Hristova & Jekov [Nina Hristova & Gospodin Jekov, The Local Coinage of the Roman Empire - Moesia Inferior, I - III c. A.D., MARCIANOPOLIS (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria 2006)]; Varbanov (Eng.) Vol. I, 1192 var. (E to left) [Ivan Varbanov, Greek Imperial Coins And Their Values, Volume I: Dacia, Moesia Superior & Moesia Inferior (English Edition) (Bourgas, Bulgaria, 2005)]; Diadumenian.com /marcianopolis5.html, No. Mar5.33d.  25 mm, 12.89 g. Purchased from Kirk Davis, Cat # 75, Fall 2020, Lot 62; ex: Dr. Paul Rynearson (ca. 2003). (Coin is double die match to Lot 696, CNG Triton XII Auction, Jan. 5, 2009.)


Next: Diadumenian on another Roman Provincial coin.

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Diadumenian (As Caesar, AD 217-218)
Moesia Inferior, Markianopolis
Æ Triassaria
Obv.: Κ Μ ΟΠΕΛΛΙOC ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟC / Draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: MAPKIANOΠΟΛITΩN / Artemis advancing right, holding bow and drawing
arrow from quiver; at feet to right, hound springing right; Γ (mark of value) to left.
AE, 7.92g, 23.7mm
Ref.: AMNG I 787; Mouchmov 588; Varbanov 1311.


Next: Artemis with dog

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Trajan Decius. 249-251 CE.
Roman provincial Æ 32.5 mm, 18.74 g, 6 h.
Cilicia, Tarsus, 249-251 CE.
Obv: ΑV ΚΑΙ Γ ΜЄϹ ΚVΙΝ ΔЄΚΙΟϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ, Π Π, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: ΤΑΡϹΟV ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛЄΩϹ Γ Β, Α Μ Κ. Artemis standing right, drawing arrow from quiver and holding bow and arrow; at feet on either side, deer standing left and dog running right with raised paws, head left.
Refs: RPC 1346; SNG Levante 1156 ; SNG France 1754; SNG von Aulock 6065; SNG Cop 33; Ziegler 808.16.33; Lindgren III, 926.

Next: Trajan Decius. 

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4 hours ago, Roman Collector said:

Next: Trajan Decius. 


Trajan Dèce (09/249-07 ou 08/251) - Tetradrachme de billon de l'atelier d'Antioche - 7° officine
AYT K Γ ME KY TPAIANOC ΔEKIOC CEB Buste radié à droite, cuirassé, portant la trabea sur l'épaule droite et le balteus en travers de la poitrine vu par l'avant. Z sous le buste
ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIAC Aigle debout a droite sur une branche de palmier, tête à droite, les ailes déployées. A l'exergue SC
27 mm - 12,35 gr
Ref : Prieur # 558_08 (2), McAlee # 1140 (very rare)


Next : Roman provincial tetradrachm (any region)


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6 minutes ago, JayAg47 said:

Next- Nero


Neron Cesar (25/02/50-13/10/54) - Hemiassarion de l'atelier de Thyateira (Lydie), 50-54 CE
NЄΡΩN KΛAY[ΔIOC] KAICAP ΓЄP, Buste drapé de Neron tête nue à droite
ΘYAT-ЄIPH/NΩ-N, Francisque
17 mm - 3.54 g - 1 h
Ref : GRPC Lydia # 143. RPC I # 2381

Next : Young portrait of an Emperor who has been lasting longer than his childhood


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Rome mint, 201 A.D.
Obv.: ANTOINIVS PIVS AVG, Laureate and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: PART MAX PONT TRP IIII, Trophy with two Parthian captives
Ag, 3.1 g, 18.2 mm
Ref.: RIC 54a


Next: trophy

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14 minutes ago, shanxi said:

Next: trophy


Vespasian, Denarius - Rome mint, 69-70 CE
IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right
Captive Jewess seated right, hands tied before, trophy of captured arms behind, IVDAEA in ex.
3.22 gr - 14x17 mm - 5 h
Ref : RIC II # 2, RSC # 226, RCV # 2296

This coin belongs to the very sought after Judaea Capta series, minted 69-71 CE

Provenance : Saturnalia gift from @Curtisimo 2023 CE


Next : a coin you got as a gift (Saturnalia or other) from a member here and that you're very grateful for 🙂 


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This one with a dative case obverse inscription is an important addition to my collection and it was given to me by @Ryro, who is one of the most generous members of the forum. 


Faustina I, 138-140 CE.
Roman AR denarius, 2.83 g, 18.7 mm, 7 h.
Rome, 154-156 CE.
Obv: DIVAE FAVSTINAE, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: AETERNITAS, Aeternitas (?), veiled and draped, standing facing, head right, drawing back veil with right hand and holding scepter in left hand.
Refs: RIC –; BMC 487; RSC 40a; Strack 441; RCV –.

Next: Let's keep it going -- coin you received as a gift from a NVMIS FORVMS member. 

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Awww, thanks and right back atcha @Roman Collector!

Here's one given to me from another old school collecting buddy @Curtisimothe great! The obverse is clearly young Constans getting ready to throw out the first pitch of the Roman world series:


next: a coin that it isn't clear what's going on

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This coin has an extremely unclear action and no matter how I try, I stil see something not exactly appropriate to depict on a coin 


13 mm, 1,08 g.
Islands off Thrace, Thasos. AR diobol. Circa 500-480 BC.
Ityphallic satyr on his knee to the right / Quadripartite incuse square.
Le Rider 4; SNG Cop 191-194 (Lete); HGC 6, 333.


Next - a reverse/obverse showing something debatable 

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28 mm, 26 g.
Roman Republic. Sextus Pompey. Æ as. Sicily, uncertain mint. 43-36 BC.
[MAGN ligate above], laureate head of Janus with features of Cn. Pompeius Magnus / Prow of galley right, [PIVS above], IMP below.
Crawford-479/1; CRI-336; RBW-1676; RPC I-671.

Next - Janus

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Roman Republic, Anonymous. Rome, 225-214 BC , AR Quadrigatus. From an old collection with handwritten note c. 1914

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Roman Republic, Anonymous. Rome, 225-214 BC , AR Quadrigatus , 6.50g (24mm, 7h). Laureate janiform head of the Dioscuri; beaded border / Jupiter in quadriga driven by Victory, r.; ROMA incuse in tablet below; linear border

Pedigree: From the estate of Lane Brunner. From an old collection that includes an old envelope that reads: "Present from Uncle Elmer on his return from Roma 1914 forced home by the war" (included with coin)

References: Crawford 28/3. RSC I 24


next ,  more Janus.

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Coin over 70 gr?  I have a couple of doozies.  Since I showed my Reese's Peanut Butter cup Carthage 15 shekel recently, I'll post this Ptolemaic bronze.   Not a great strike but still striking, and nice provenance.


EGYPT. Ptolemy III
285-246 BCE
AE48 mm, 91.8 gm
Obv: laureate head of Zeus Ammon right
Rev: eagle standing left on thunderbolt looking right, wings partly spread, E monogram between eagle's legs
Ref: Sear 7782, Svoronos 446
ex Professor James Eaton Collection (1834-1897)

 @Severus Alexander has the most awesome and largest Ptolemy bronze and it's got an ex-Dattari pedigree.  Envious!!

Next, a two-fer.  Post a coin that comes in multiple denominations but with the same (or very similar design).  Post at least two different denominations.


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Here are two different denominations issued by Philip I with stag reverses, both from the SAECVLARES AVGG series: an antoninianus and a sestertius. 

Philip I AR Antoninianus, 248 AD, Rome Mint, 5th Officina. Obv. Radiate, draped, & cuirassed bust right, IMP PHILIPPVS AVG/ Rev. Stag walking right, SAECVLARES AVGG; V in exergue.  RIC IV-3 19, RSC IV 182, Sear RCV III 8958.  22 mm., 4.32 g.  (Games commemorating 1,000th  anniversary of founding of Rome.)



Philip I AE Sestertius, 248 AD, Rome Mint. Obv. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG / Stag walking right, SAECVLARES AVGG; S C in exergue. RIC IV-3 160a (p. 89), Sear RCV III 9012. 27x29 mm., 16 g.  (Games commemorating 1,000th  anniversary of founding of Rome.)



Next, another coin depicting one or more stags. Does, antelopes, gazelles, moose, elk, etc. need not apply.

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Here are a couple of stags!

Julia Mamaea, 222-235 CE.
Roman provincial Æ 28.5 mm, 11.90 g, 5 h.
Ionia, Ephesus, 222-235 CE.
Obv: IOVΛIA MAMAIA CЄB, draped bust, right, wearing stephane.
Rev: EΦЄCIΩN ΠΡΩTΩN ACIAC, Artemis driving biga of stags right, holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver.
Refs: RPC VI, 4975 (temporary); Karwiese 804; SNG von Aulock --; SNG Copenhagen --.
Notes: Ex-Plankenhorn Collection of Ionian Coins, ex-Naumann Auction 91, lot 927, 7 May, 2020.

Next: Ephesus. 

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Ephesos (Circa 50-27 BC)
Jason, magistrate
Obv.: Ε - Φ, Artemis advancing right, drawing arrow from quiver at shoulder and holding bow; hound at her feet
Rev.: ΙΑΣΩΝ, Cock standing right with palm over wing within laurel wreath.
AE, 10.88 g, 25 mm.
Ref.: SNG Copenhagen 344


Next: animal within wreath

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Mn. Fonteius C.f., 85 BC.
Roman AR Denarius, 3.97 g, 21.0 mm, 5h.
Rome, 85 BCE.
Obv: MN. FONTEI C. F, Laureate head of Apollo-Vejovis right; thunderbolt below; Roma monogram below chin.
Rev: Infant Genius seated right on goat; pilei of the Dioscuri above; below, filleted thyrsus right; all within wreath.
Refs: Crawford 353/1a; Sydenham 724; Fonteia 9; BMCRR 2476; RCV 271; Varesi 290.

Next: Thyrsus.

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MYSIA, Lampsacus. Trebonianus Gallus
CE 251-253; Sossios, strategos
AE 23 mm, 5.3 gm
Obv: ΑVΤ Κ ΟVΙΒ ΤΡ ΓΑΛΛΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev: ΛΑΝΨΑΚΗΝ ЄΠΙ ϹΤΡ ϹΟϹϹΙΟV; ithyphallic Priapus standing left on base, holding filleted thyrsus and pouring cantharus over altar
Ref: RPC IX 394

Next:  T-bone Gallus

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Gaius Vibius Trebonianus Gallus. AE Sestertius, Rome, AD 251-252

IMP CAES C VIBIVS TREBONIANVS GALLVS AVG, laureate, draped bust right / PIETAS AVGG, S-C, Pietas standing facing before lit altar, raising both hands.
RIC 117a; Cohen 86; Sear 9676.
23.15g. 28x31mm


NEXT: Pietas

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