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3766516_1675928187.l-removebg-preview.png.48e9466a62530c6602ba4ea888aee1a4(1).png.8db14d4d9a6a00bfe459f31e1bd8e5ab.pngANGLO-SAXON. Continental Sceattas. Circa AD 715/20-740. AR Sceatt. Series E, Secondary ('Kloster Barthe') phase, sub-variety d. Mint in southern Frisia.

Obv: 'Porcupine' right, three lines in body, two annulets to lower right.

Rev: Standard with corrupted TOTII legend.

EMC 2012.0213; M&OdV variety C, sub-variety d; Abramson 94-10; MEC 8 Series Eg; SCBC 790.

Condition: Very fine, dark toning.

Weight: 1,19g.

Diameter: 11mm

next: cool design

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My favorite, because of the two serpents


M. Volteius M.F.
AR Denarius, 75 BC
Obv.: Head of Liber right wearing wreath of ivy and grapes
Rev.: M. VOLTEI. M.F. in exergue, Ceres in biga right driven by two serpents; rudder behind.
Ag, 18mm, 3.9g
Ref.: Crawford 385/3, Sydenham 776, Volteia 3

Next: Ceres

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Ephesus, AD 71
IMP CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS III TR P P P, laureate head to right.
CONCORDIA AVG, Ceres seated to left, on ornate high-backed chair, holding corn ears, poppy and cornucopiae; EPHE (ligate) in exergue.
S 2269 - C 67 - RIC II 1428

Next: Roman coin from Ephesus

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Roman Asia Minor. Ionia, Ephesus. The Triumvirs. Octavian, 28 BC. AR Cistophorus (26mm, 11.51g, 12h). Ephesus mint. Obv: IMP • CAESAR • DIVI • F • COS • VI • LIBERTATIS • P • R • VINDEX •; Laureate head right. Rev: Pax, draped, standing left, holding caduceus with her right hand; behind her, in right field, a snake emerging from cista mystica; all within laurel wreath; PAX in left field. Ref: CRI 433; RIC I 476; RPC I 2203; RSC 218; BMCRE 691 = BMCRR East 248; BN 905. Good Very Fine. Ex Nilus Coins, Jan 2001. Note from Andrew McCabe for a similar CNG lot: LIBERTATIS P R VINDEX means Champion of Liberty and the People of Rome, referring to the victory over Antony and Cleopatra; the addition of Pax to the usual cistophoric type referring to the upcoming peace. 


Next: Another Octavian.

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The better of my two Octavian coins, which certainly isn't saying much. Although the portrait isn't too bad. Octavian denarii aren't exactly rare, so I'm not sure why they're all so expensive. 

The Triumvirs, Octavian, AR Denarius, Autumn 30-Summer 29 BC, Italian (Rome?) Mint. Obv. Bare head right, anepigraphic / Rev. Naval and military trophy, composed of helmet, cuirass, shield to right, and crossed spears to left, set on prow of galley right, crossed rudder and anchor at base, IMP – CAESAR across fields. CRI 419 (ill. p. 256) [D. Sear, The History and Coinage of the Roman Imperators 49-27 BC (1998)]; RIC I Augustus 265a; RSC I [Babelon] Augustus 119 (ill. p. 139); Sear RCV I 1556 (Octavian) (ill. p. 300); BMCRR II (East) 4352 (= BMCRE I Augustus 625). 20 mm., 3.73 g. Purchased from Kölner Münzkabinett, Feb. 2022.*


*David Sear states at CRI p. 256 that given the image’s lack of specificity, “it may be taken as a general reference to the various naval victories achieved by Octavian (or rather by Marcus Agrippa), most notably at Naulochus [off Sicily] in 36 BC [over Sextus Pompey,] and at Actium in 31.”  

Next, more Octavian.

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I like this denarius oif Octavian because it revives a Republican issue (Cr. 407/2 of Hosidius C.f. Geta).

Also, it's presumably overstruck on a Republican denarius serratus.

Ruler: Augustus (Augustus)
Coin: Silver Denarius
AVGVSTVS - CAESAR - Bare head right
M DVRMIVS / III VIR - Calydonian boar right, spear in shoulder
Mint: Rome (19-18 BC)
Wt./Size/Axis: 3.88g / - / -
  • RIC 317
  • Ex. T.R. Hardaker Collection
Acquisition: Baldwin's Online auction BSJ Auction 48 #592 24-Sep-2020


Next - a boar on a coin.

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M. VOLTEIUS M.F. Denarius (78 BC). Rome.Head of young Hercules right, wearing lion skin / Erymanthian Boar right, M VOLTEI M F in exergue.
Volteia 2 Sear5 #313, Syd 775, Cr385/2.
( 3.48 g. 17.8 mm ).


NEXT: More boar(S)

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MYSIA, Kyzikos. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Obol (13mm, 0.8 g)
Forepart of boar left, E (retrograde) on shoulder; tunny behind / Head of roaring lion left within incuse square
GCV# 3848, SNG Copenhagen# 48, SNG France# 378, Von Fritze# 11


Next: Less than a gram

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1 hour ago, akeady said:

I like this denarius oif Octavian because it revives a Republican issue (Cr. 407/2 of Hosidius C.f. Geta).

Also, it's presumably overstruck on a Republican denarius serratus.

Ruler: Augustus (Augustus)
Coin: Silver Denarius
AVGVSTVS - CAESAR - Bare head right
M DVRMIVS / III VIR - Calydonian boar right, spear in shoulder
Mint: Rome (19-18 BC)
Wt./Size/Axis: 3.88g / - / -
  • RIC 317
  • Ex. T.R. Hardaker Collection
Acquisition: Baldwin's Online auction BSJ Auction 48 #592 24-Sep-2020


Next - a boar on a coin.

A great coin and a type I'd never seen before. Interesting that they took the dog out from the Hosidius Geta design. 

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32 minutes ago, DonnaML said:

A great coin and a type I'd never seen before. Interesting that they took the dog out from the Hosidius Geta design. 

Yes - not sure why the dog was dropped!   I went to a conference at UCD in 2015 or 2016 on RR stuff and there was a paper on the coin types of Durmius, but can't remember what was said, would need to find the proceedings (I recently got a fourrée example of the crab reverse denarius).

Hardaker, an authority on Asian (Indian?) coins had an Interesting collection of Augustan denarii with a lot of scarce types, not all in pristine condition, but good enough for me and I got a few of them.

This one also revives an RR type - 



Sorry - back to "Less than a gram"

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SICILY, Selinos
Circa 410 BCE
AR litra, 11mm, 0.76 g, 1h
Obv: nymph seated left on rock, right hand raised above her head, extending her left hand to touch coiled serpent before her; selinon leaf above
Rev: man-faced bull standing right; ΣEΛINONTIOΣ above; in exergue, fish right
Ref: Potamikon, p. 116 figure 152 (this coin); HGC 2, 1229; SNG ANS 711–2 var. (ethnic); SNG Ashmolean 1904–5; SNG Lloyd 1270 var. (same); Basel –; Dewing –; Rizzo pl. XXXIII, 6. Good VF, dark iridescent tone, some porosity. Rare.
ex MoneyMuseum, Zurich;
ex Leu 79 (31 October 2000), lot 404;
ex Athos Moretti collection, #482, unpublished manuscript


Next:  man-faced bull

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Obv.: Head of Nymph Parthenope, wearing broad headband, earring and necklace, ΣTA below, behind, bunch of grapes.
Rev.: Man-headed bull walking r., crowned by Nike, K below, in exergue, NEOPOLIT[HS].
Ref.: SNG ANS 354

Next: Nike flying 


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Does Victory count?


Nero - AE As - 62 to 68 AD - Rome Mint

Copied from Numista

Obverse: Head of Nero, laureate, right. NERO CAESAR AVG GERM IMP
Translation: Nero Caesar Augustus Germanicus Imperator - Nero, Caesar, emperor (Augustus), victor over the Germans, supreme commander (Imperator)

Reverse: Victory, winged, draped, moving left, holding in both hands shield inscribed S P Q R, surrounded by S C
Translation: Senatus Populusque Romanus, Senatus Consultum - The Senate and the Roman People, Decree of the senate


Next: more Nike or Victory

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Obv: Head of Pompey the Great right; A behind.

Rev: ΠΟΜΠΗΙΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ. Nike advancing right, holding palm frond and wreath; two monograms to right. Countermark in the center. 4.62g. 

Circa 64/63 BC to 48 BC 

Next- Any first triumvir 


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I have another of this same type of coin in the Coin Uno thread right now also.

Gnaeus Pompeius
Also known as Pompey the Younger
Elder son of Pompey the Great
minted 46-45 BC 14.45 grams CN.MAG above prow. Crawford 471/1. Excellent quality for this type 
Obv: Janus with two faces: one looking right 
(forward into the future), the other looking 
left (backward, into the past)
Rev: Roman galley proa
Gnaeus Pompeius (ca. 75 BC – 12 April 45 BC), also known as Pompey the Younger (sometimes spelled Cneius, Gneius), was a Roman politician and general from the late Republic (1st century BC).


Next: Janus

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Roman Republic
M. Furius L. f. Philus
Rom, 119 B.C.
Laureate head of Janus, M•FOVRI•L•F around
Roma standing left erecting trophy, gallic arms around; ROMA to right; PHILI (ligate) in exergue.
Crawford 281/1 - S 156

Next: Trophy

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Faustina Jr, 147-175 CE.
Roman provincial Æ 21.1 mm, 6.94 g.
Thrace, Pautalia, 161-175 CE.
Obv: ΦΑVCΤΕΙΝ Α CΕΒΑCΤΗ, bare headed and draped bust, r.
Rev: ΟVΛΠΙΑC ΠΑVΤΑΛΙΑC, Hygieia standing r., holding patera in l. hand, feeding snake wound around stele and extending head l.
Refs: RPC IV.1, 8823 (temporary); Ruzicka 127; Moushmov 4116.

Next: Hygieia.

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Mysia, Pergamon
AE15, ca 133-27 BC
Obv.: ΑΣΚΛΗΠΙΑΔΟΥ, draped bust of Hygieia right
Rev.: ΑΣΚΛΗΠΙΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ, snake coiled around omphalos
AE, 3.21g, 15mm
Ref.: SNG France 1938-1940; BMC 163; SNG Cop. 380


Next: Omphalos

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