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Sicily, Akragas. Tetras 10.35 g), ca. 420-406 BC. AKPA, eagle right, head lowered to devour hare held in talons; in left field, crab right. Reverse Crab; below, three pellets above crayfish left. CNS 50; SNG ANS 1037; HGC 2, 140. Glossy dark chocolate brown patina. Purchased at Salt Lake coin show 2017. 

Next: let's get another 5th century coin from Sicily

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Edited because once again I didn't turn the page!

5th century Sicily:


Sicily, Syracuse. Second Democracy
c. 425 BCE
Æ tetras, 13 mm, 1.9 gm
Obv: Female head right (Arethusa?); XXX before; X behind
Rev: Hippocamp right, octopus below
Ref: CNS 30; SNG ANS 1382; rare

Next:  same thing, 5th c. Sicily

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Syracuse, Second Democracy

415-405 BC
AE Hemilitron (16mm, 4.59g)
O: Head of Arethusa left, hair in ampyx, wearing necklace and sphendone.
R: Quadripartite incuse, eight-rayed star within incuse at center.
HGC 2, 1481; Sear 1185; CNS II, 16; SNG ANS 398
ex Aegean Numismatics

Arethusa was the Goddess of the local spring at Ortygia, the heart of Syracuse.

Next: more Syracuse 


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Trying to remember which hippocamps I've already posted in this thread 😆.


Moneyer Q. Crepereius M.f. Rocus

69 BCE (revised from Crawford's 72 BCE)
AR serrate denarius; 3.99 gm
Obv: draped bust of Amphitrite seen from behind, with head turned r.; behind, sea anemone; horizontal I to right of right shoulder (only partly visible on this coin)
Rev: Neptune in biga of hippocamps right, holding reins and brandishing trident; above, I and below, Q·CREPER·M·F / ROCVS
Ref: Crawford 399/1b; Babelon Crepereia 1. Sydenham 796a. Rare.
from HJB BBS 200, October 2016
ex NAC 78 lot 1828, from the JD Collection of Roman Republican Coins


Next:  serrate denarius

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20 mm, 3,74 g.
Roman Republic. Mn. Aquillius. AR serrate denarius. Rome. 71 BC.
VIRTVS / III VIR, helmeted, draped bust of Virtus / MN AQVIL / MN F MN N / SICIL, warrior, holding shield and raising up fallen figure (or the consul Man. Aquillius raising Sicilia).
Cr. 401/1; RSC Aquillia 2; BMC 3364.

Next - shield 

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Domitian, AD 83., AE23 of Caesaria Maritima, Judea. 10.88 gr. 23mm IMP DOMITIANVS CAES AVG GERMANICVS, laureate head left / No legend, Minerva standing left, holding shield and spear, placing helmet on trophy consisting of cuirass, two shields and spears, two crossed greaves at bottom. Hendin 1455, Meshorer TJC 392, RPC II 2305, SNG ANS 492-494.


NEXT: More shields

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Thebes, Boeotia

426-395 BC
AR Hemidrachm (13mm, 2.51g)
O: Boeotian shield.
R: 0E - BH on either side of kantharos, club above, all within incuse square.
SNG Cop 296; SNG Delepierre 1359; Sear 2385; BMC 8,78
ex Vaughn Rare Coin Gallery

"The god commands us to expel from the land of Thebes
An old defilement we are sheltering.
It is a deathly thing, beyond cure;
We must not let it feed upon us longer."

~ Kreon (Aeschylus, Oedipus Rex)

Next: more weaponry


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The Roman Republic
L. Procilius. Denarius, AR 3.48 g. Rome 80BCE.
Laureate head of Jupiter r.; behind, S•C. Rev. L•PROCILI / F Juno Sospita standing r., holding shield and hurling spear; at her feet, snake. Babelon Procilia 1. Sydenham 771. RBW 1406. Crawford 379/1.


NEXT: Head of Jupiter

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Here's a head of Jupiter from a very fun mixed lot purchased ~11 years ago.  These little victoratii may not have the most exciting designs but I think the portrait is attractive.  Could use a sodium thiosulfate treatment, perhaps.

 Roman Republic, anonymous AR victoriatus
211-208 BCE, Sicily?
15 mm, 3.2 gm
Obv: laureate head of Jupiter right
Rev: Victory standing right, crowning trophy; ROMA in exergue
Ref: Crawford 67/1

Next:  a non-denarius silver coin from the Roman Republic

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Roman Republic. M. Cato. 89 BC. AR Quinarius (13mm, 1.74g, 3h). Rome mint. Obv: Head of Liber right, wearing ivy wreath; uncertain symbol (caduceus or bipennis?) below; M • C(AT)O downward behind. Rev: Victory Victrix seated right, holding palm frond and patera; VIC(TR)IX in exergue. Ref: Crawford 343/2a; Sydenham 597; Porcia 7d.


Next: another silver non-denarius from the Roman Republic

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17 minutes ago, Edessa said:

Next: another silver non-denarius from the Roman Republic


Republic, Sestertius - Rome mint, ca 211-208 BCE
Head of Roma right, IIS behind
Dioscuri riding right, two stars above, ROMA at exergue
1.06 gr, 13 mm
Ref : RCV # 46, RSC # 4


Next : off center, but not detracting from the coin


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Off center:

Q Minucius M f Thermius, 103 BCE.
Roman AR denarius, 3.90 g, 18.3 mm, 8 h.
Rome, 103 BCE.
Obv: Head of young Mars, left, wearing crested helmet.
Rev: Two warriors in combat, each brandishing sword and shield, one on left protecting a fallen comrade below; Q•THERM•MF (partially ligate) in exergue.
Refs: Crawford RRC 319/1; Sydenham CRR 592; BMCRR Italy 653; RSC Minucia 19; Sear RCV 197.

Next: Combat. 

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struck under Philip III Arrhidaios, Magistrate Nikokreon
c. 323-315 BCE
AE half unit, 15 mm, 3.82 gm, 11 h
Obv: Macedonian shield with facing Gorgoneion in central boss
Rev: Macedonian helmet; kerykeion lower lt; NK monogram lower rt; B A across upper field
Ref: Price 3162
Saturnalia gift from @Ryro 23 Dec 2021, from Savoca


Next:  a coin given to you

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Caria, Iasos

250-190 BCE

AE 17 mm, 5.78 gm

Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right (looking remarkably like the remarkable Ryro)

Rev: Hermias swimming with dolphin

Ref: SNG Tubingen 3397; Klein 520. Saturnalia 2021 gift from @TIF

Next: coin depicting sad mythological story

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Septimius Severus
Arkadia, Orchomenos
Diassarion (2 Assaria) Æ
Obv.: [...]CEOVHP[...], laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: [ΟΡΧΟ]ΜΕΝ[ΙΩΝ], Artemis expels Callisto: Artemis standing facing left, her head to right, holding bow (?) with her right hand and extending her left to Callisto right, who holds a bow.
AE, 23 mm, 5,50 g
Ref.: -


Next: Unusual depiction of Artemis

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6 hour rule. I have no unusual depictions of Artemis, so I'll just go with an ordinary one:

Diadumenian Caesar, AE Tetrassarion (4 Assaria), 217-218 AD, Nicopolis ad Istrum [Nikyup, Bulgaria] Mint, Moesia Inferior, Statius Longinus, Consular Legate. Obv. Bareheaded bust of Diadumenian right, draped and armored, seen from behind, M OPEL DIADOV-MENIANOC K (OV ligate) [ = Marcus Opellius Diadumenianus, Caesar] / Rev. Artemis, wearing short chiton, walking right, holding bow in left hand and drawing arrow from quiver in right hand, hound jumping behind her left foot, VΠ CTA ΛONΓINOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠPOC I / CTPΩ in exergue [ =  Consular legate Longinus, (Governor) of the residents of Nikopolis on the (river) Istros].  AMNG I/I 1843 [Pick, Behrendt, Die antiken Münzen von Dacien und Moesien, Die antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands Vol. I/I  (Berlin, 1898) at p. 467]; Varbanov I 3743 [Varbanov, Ivan, Greek Imperial Coins And Their Values, Volume I: Dacia, Moesia Superior & Moesia Inferior (English Edition) (Bourgas, Bulgaria, 2005) at p. 308]; Hristova-Hoeft-Jekov [Hristova, H., H.-J. Hoeft, & G. Jekov. The Coins of Moesia Inferior 1st - 3rd c. AD: Nicopolis ad Istrum (Blagoevgrad, 2015)].


Next: Diadumenian.

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Rome, AD 217-218
S 7453 - C 7 - RIC IV 211 (Macrinus)
M OPEL ANTONINVS DIADVMENIANVS CAES, bareheaded, draped, and cuirassed bust right
PRINC IVVENTVTIS, Diadumenian, bareheaded and wearing military attire, standing left, holding signa in right hand and cradling scepter in left arm; two signa to right; S C in exergue.

Next: Macrinus, Sestertius

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It's been over 6 hours


Phoenicia, Arados
Today's Island of Arwad, Syria

Year 94 = 166/165 BC
O: Zeus bust right with small dots border
R: Prow left and above Phoenician letters "Nun" left and "Aleph" right, year 94 below
Weight: 3.6 grams
Size: 15.4mm - 16.8mm - 2.8mm
Posted to Zeno.ru 329591

Next: another island coin, not Sicily

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Anonymous gold Kahavanu from Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Type III-B 20 mm, 4.28 g.

Period of Chola invasion (970-1070 AD)

Obverse: The depiction showcases a standing king facing right, adorned with a pointed crown. The king holds a lotus in his right hand and points at the Shrivatsa symbol with his left hand. A degenerate coconut palm tree is situated on the far left. The king is attired in a wavy Dhoti, characterized by two curved lines on either side and one line in between the legs, resembling tentacles and earning the moniker 'octopus man.' The king stands on a lotus plant stalk with a small circle in the center, concluding on the left in a conch shell and featuring a lotus bud on the right. Five pellets to the right, Five pellets to the right, meaning 'Pala-Panca', Panca meaning 5, denoting 5 Pala coins weighing 1.10g each. While 5 of those coins weigh more than the Kahavanu itself, earlier types have only 4 dots, that would make 4 Palas equal 1 kahavanu (Probably a result of inflation).

Reverse: Seated king facing right, with his left hand resting on his left leg and his right hand holding a conch shell. His right leg rests on a couch or bed-like throne known as asana. On the right side of the field, a Devanagari legend is inscribed in three lines, reading Sri Lan Ka Vi Ha. In these coins, Viha denotes the value, equivalent to 20 Silver Massas. 

Next- your avatar coin. 

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Mysia, Pergamon
AE 21, 200-133 BC
Obv.: laureate head of bearded Asklepios
Rev.: ΑΣΚΛΗΠΙΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, snake coiled around omphalos, without monogram, countermark owl
AE, 10.6g, 20.5mm
Ref.: SNG France 1815 (with countermark)


Next: AE owl

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PERGAMON (Mysia) AE16.
Obverse: Head of Athena right, wearing helmet decorated with 8 pointed star.
Reverse: AΘHNAΣ / NIKHΦOPOY. Owl standing facing on palm frond right, with wings spread. Monograms ΓΑ and ΑΡ either sides of owl in fields.
Wildwinds online “plate” coin
SNG Leipzig 1102-1103. Pergamon mint, ca. 200-133 BC.  2,9 g - 16 mm.


NEXT: another AE owl

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Kingdom of Saba, Arabia Felix
Circa 1st century BC
O: Roman-style bust right within a wreath
R: Athenian-style owl standing left on an amphora, 𐩺𐩬𐩰 'YANAF or YNF' monogram to right, divine symbol of Almaqah to left
Weight: 0.22 grams
Size: 7.8mm - 9.1mm - 1.1mm
Unpublished. Posted to Zeno.ru 329548
Ex. Alex Fishman of NumisMall

Next: any owl not from Greece region

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