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Julia Domna AR Denarius. Rome, 215-7 AD. 19.8mm, 3.12gr.
IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, draped bust right / VENVS GENETRIX, Venus seated left, holding sceptre and apple, Cupid standing right, legs crossed, resting his right hand on her right knee. RIC IV-1 389b.  Rome mint. RSC 205; Sear 7099.


NEXT: Cupid

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Plautilla (wife of Caracalla; issued under Septimius Severus & Caracalla), AR Denarius, 203-204 AD, Rome Mint.  Obv. Draped bust right, hair in horizontal waves and drawn into large bun at back, PLAVTILLAE AVGVSTAE / Rev. Caracalla standing left, holding volumen with left hand and clasping right hands with Plautilla standing right, PROPAGO IMPERI. Short hairline flan crack. RIC IV (Caracalla) 362, RSC III (Plautilla) 21, Sear RCV II 7073 (ill.). 18 mm., 3.30 g., 6 h. [First appearance of reverse legend PROPAGO IMPERI, celebrating the hoped-for continuation of the Severan house through the union of Caracalla and Plautilla. Cf. RIC IV 367, showing Pietas (representing Plautilla) on reverse holding child, believed to have been issued to celebrate the 204 AD birth of child who died in infancy.]  Purchased from CNG (Classical Numismatic Group, LLC), Fixed Price List Winter 2021, 4 Feb. 2021, Lot 54.


Next, another coin depicting a Roman emperor & empress together on the same side of the coin.

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Gordian III, with Tranquillina, 238-244 CE.
Roman provincial orichalcum  assaria, 12.80 g, 28.2 mm, 7 h.
Moesia Inferior, Tomis, 241-244 CE.
Obv: AVT K M ANTΩNIOC ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟC // CABINIA TPA / NKVΛΛINA, confronted laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian right and diademed, draped bust of Tranquillina left.
Rev: MHTPOΠON-TOV TOMEΩC, Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent from patera; Δ< (ligate) in lower left field.
Refs: RPC VII.2, 1699; AMNG I (Pick) 3534; SNG Righetti 249.
Note: Easily confused with the more commonly encountered RPC VII.2, 1698; AMNG 3535, which does not bear a mark of value and may have been tariffed at four assaria.

Next: More Gordian and Tranquillina. 

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10 minutes ago, DonnaML said:

Plautilla (wife of Caracalla; issued under Septimius Severus & Caracalla), AR Denarius, 203-204 AD, Rome Mint.  Obv. Draped bust right, hair in horizontal waves and drawn into large bun at back, PLAVTILLAE AVGVSTAE / Rev. Caracalla standing left, holding volumen with left hand and clasping right hands with Plautilla standing right, PROPAGO IMPERI. Short hairline flan crack. RIC IV (Caracalla) 362, RSC III (Plautilla) 21, Sear RCV II 7073 (ill.). 18 mm., 3.30 g., 6 h. [First appearance of reverse legend PROPAGO IMPERI, celebrating the hoped-for continuation of the Severan house through the union of Caracalla and Plautilla. Cf. RIC IV 367, showing Pietas (representing Plautilla) on reverse holding child, believed to have been issued to celebrate the 204 AD birth of child who died in infancy.]  Purchased from CNG (Classical Numismatic Group, LLC), Fixed Price List Winter 2021, 4 Feb. 2021, Lot 54.


Next, another coin depicting a Roman emperor & empress together on the same side of the coin.

The portrait on this coin is stunning & the reverse ironic. Plautilla & Caracalla were the product of an arraigned marriage by Septimius Severus. Caracalla hated Plautilla, & soon after Severus died Caracalla had Plautilla & her brother exiled to the island of Lipari, & by his orders both were strangled 🥹

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Gordian III with wife Tranquillina, AE 26 mm., 241-244 AD, Thracia, Anchialus [Pomorie, Bulgaria]. Obv. Confronted busts of Gordian III right, laureate, draped and cuirassed, and Tranquillina left, draped and wearing stephane; ΑVT Κ M ANT / ΓOPΔIANOC AVΓ clockwise around; CEB TPAN // KVΛΛINA in exergue; border of dots/ Rev. Apollo standing left, holding patera in right hand; left arm resting on column; ΟΥΛΠΙΑΝωΝ / ΑΓXΙΑΛEωΝ clockwise around; border of dots. RPC Online VII.2 48961; Moushmov 2939 [H. Moushmov, Ancient Coins of the Balkan Peninsula (1912)], Varbanov II 668 [Ivan Varbanov, Greek Imperial Coins And Their Values, Vol. II, Thrace (from Abdera to Pautalia) (English Edition) (Bourgas, Bulgaria 2005)], AMNG II 656 [F. Münzer & M. Strack, Die antiken Münzen von Thrakien, Die antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands Vol. II (Berlin, 1912)]. 26 mm., 11.91 g.


Next, another Apollo on a Roman Provincial coin, even if he doesn't look as much like a bodybuilder as on this one!

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Lydia, Apollonis
pseudo autonomous issue, AD 100-200
Obv.: ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΔΕΩΝ, bust of Apollo right
Rev.: IEPA CΥΝ-ΚΛΗΤΟ, bust of Synkletos right
AE, 14.8X16 mm, 3.17g
Ref.: SNG von Aulock 2901. SNG München 34. RPC 952A, GRPC Vol. 2 Apollonis 13


Next: Hiera Synkletos

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Lydia, Sala
Pseudo-autonomous issue
Reign of Trajan
Obv.: ΔHMOC CAΛHNΩN, laureate and draped bust of bearded Demos right.
Rev.: ЄΠI AΛЄΞANΔPOV IЄPЄ, Hermes standing left with kerykeion and purse.
AE, 3.3g, 18mm
Ref.: RPC III 2436, SNG Cop. 416; SNG von Aulock 3107


Next: Hermes 

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6+ hours


Kingdom of Qin
Warring States period of China
AE half liang
c. 300 to 221 BC
O: Ban Liang
R: Blank
Weight: 2.7 grams
Size: 26.9mm - 27.1mm - 1.1mm
Hartill #7.5, posted to Zeno.ru 342232

522px-EN-WarringStatesAll260BCE.jpg (522×480)


Next: a coin from a "Warring States" period: a time where a region, usually unified, was split into 3 or more states

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Chu State
Warring States period of China
AE Ant Nose Money, so-called Ghost Face
c. 400 to 220 BC
Weight: 1.2 grams
Size: 10.3mm - 15.4mm - 1.9mm
Hartill #1.4, posted to Zeno.ru 328999


Next: a protomoney or odd shaped ancient coin

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23 mm, 9,75 g.

Indo-Greek Kingdoms. Bactria. Apollodotus I 174-165 BC. Ӕ square hemiobol.

ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΠΟΛΛΟΔΟΤΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, Apollo radiate, standing facing, holding arrow in right hand and bow in left arm / [Transliteration: mahārājasa apaladatasa tratarasa – “of the great king Apollodotus the savior”] - Tripod; dotted border. Monogram: Bopearachchi Monogram 51 symbol, consists of Ε and Α 

Original reverse legend (in Kharoṣṭhī):


Bactrian and Indo-Greek Coinage Apollodotus I 6.4; Bopearachchi 6.D.


Next - somebody radiate

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