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Lydia, Maeonia. Pseudo-autonomous, time of Septimius Severus. AE. (Bronze, 4.41 g. 19 mm.) 193-211 AD. Lydia, Maeonia. Pseudo-autonomous, time of Septimius Severus. AE. (Bronze, 4.41 g. 19 mm.) 193-211 AD.

Obv: [MAIO]NΩN. Head of bearded Heracles, l.

Rev: ƐΠI ΔAMA. Omphale advancing, r., wearing lion skin, carrying club over shoulder.

Ref: SNG von Aulock 3012; SNG Cop. 224–225; BMC 21–23.

 Next: more ancient cross dressing

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This reverse clearly shows Vespasian dressed as ISIS. :classic_biggrin:


AE Diobol
Obv.: [AVT]OK KAIΣ ΣEBA OVEΣΠ[AΣIANOV], laureate head rigt
Rev.: LΓ, year=3, bust of Isis (looking like Vespasian) right, lotus flower atop head
AE, 9.80g, 25mm
Ref.: RG 287, D 379, RPC 2430


Next: weird looking god or goddess


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C. MAMILIUS LIMETANUS. Serrate Denarius (82 BC). Rome.

Obv: Draped bust of Mercury right, wearing petasus; to left, control letter [N] above caduceus.


Ulysses advancing right, holding staff and extending hand to his dog Argus.

Crawford 362/1.

Condition: Area of weakness, otherwise Very fine.

Weight: 3.66 g.

Diameter: 20 mm

Next: a coin referencing the Iliad or Odyssey

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The author of  the Iliad and the Odyssey


Smyrna, 105-95 BC
magistrate Kratinos, son of Kratinos
Obv.: laureate head of Apollo right
Rev.: IMΥΡNAIΩN / ΚΡΑΤΙΝΟΣ / ΚΡΑΤΙΝΟY, Homer seated left, clad in himation, right raised to his chin, volume on his knees in left
Ref.. Milne.290a
AE, 18.2 mm, 7.83 g


Next: artist 


Edited by shanxi
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Probably not 100% accurate for the request, but here is the artist Apollo not just holding the lyre, but also a plectrum and preparing for a solo.


17 mm, 2,80 g.
Commodus 180-192 AD. AR denarius. Rome. 190-191 AD.
M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT P P, laureate head right / APOL PAL P M TR P XVI COS VI, Apollo standing facing, head to right, holding plectrum and lyre resting on column.
RIC III 218; BMCRE 292; RSC 25.

Next - a musical instrument

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Asia Minor, Phrygia
AE17, 133-48 BC
Obv.: Turreted head of Artemis right, bow and quiver over shoulder
Rev.: ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ, Marsyas walking right on maeander pattern, playing flute; magistrate's name ΠANKΡ / ZHNO behind
AE, 3.99g, 17mm
Ref.: BMC Phrygia p. 85, 91


Next: another instrument

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2 minutes ago, Ryro said:

Next: Apollo


P. Clodius M.f. Turrinus,, Denarius - Rome mint, 42 BCE
Laureate head of Apollo to right; behind, lyre.
 P•CLODIVS / M•F• Diana standing front, head to right, with bow and quiver over shoulder, holding lighted torch in each hand.
3.87 gr - 20 mm - 5 h
Ref : HCRI # 184, Crawford # 494/23, RBW # 1727, RCV # 492, Albert # 1583


Next : lighted torch (be it Diana or any other)


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Lydia, Sardeis
AE 17, after 133 BC
Obv.: Wreathed head of young Dionysos right
Rev.: Mythical creature walking left, head facing, broken spear in mouth; ΣΑΡΔΙ/ΑΝΩΝ above, monogram below.
AE, 17 mm, 4.47g
Ref.: SNG Cop 464-465var, (monogram)


Next: Head/bust of Dionysos

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Favorite coin is a tough one, but I think mine would be this. The history behind it in great, and still relevant to today's geopolitical tensions. I've been trying to add my collection to some online databases so this coin is currently on Zeno.ru and Numista, but I also added it to a few Wikipedia articles! I think it's a good way to introduce numismatics to other people who are interested in history. It's lasted a few months so I do not think Wikipedia moderators mind a bit of numismatic evidence alongside their articles. See Koxinga and Kingdom of Tungning.

This ruler, Koxinga, was a Chinese general under the falling Ming Dynasty who then resisted the incoming Qing Dynasty and became a military ruler in the so-called Southern Ming Rebellion. He fought along the Chinese southeastern coast. Upon the growing Qing threat, he and his forces fled China for Taiwan, displacing the Dutch who had started trading colonies there, and Koxinga allied with local Taiwanese aboriginal people who were generally unhappy with Dutch rule. Then, apparently realizing China had been lost to the Qing, Koxinga turned his attention eastward into the ocean and launched attacks from Taiwan into the Philippine Islands and threatened the Spanish colonialists there. Koxinga and his forces were planning a largescale attack to uproot the Spaniards from Manila when he suddenly passed away and the plans were tossed. Supposedly, if they did attack, the Koxinga forces would have likely succeeded in ridding the Philippine Islands of the Spanish which would have led to higher Sinification of the Philippines and less European powers in the area. The US probably never would have gained them as a colony, and much of the following history would have been altered. It's a big historical "what if". Somewhere in all of this, was a faction of Japanese support to Koxinga to thwart the Qing. The Japanese supporters actually minted these coins in Nagasaki for export to Taiwan for Koxinga's kingdom. It's a confusing web of the Chinese-Japanese-Taiwanese-Dutch-Spanish-Philippine history stuffed into one coin.


Southern Ming Rebellion of China
Kingdom of Tungning, on the Island of Taiwan
Issued by the ruler Koxinga by the Japanese mint of Nagasaki
1651-1670s AD
AE 2 Cash
O: Yong Li Tong Bao, seal script
R: Blank with wide rims
Weight: 5.49 grams
Size: 28.1mm - 1.4mm
Hartill #21.81, posted to Zeno.ru 328992, listed as an example on Numista


Next: a coin involving at least 3 peoples/kingdoms, and how

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I think this coin fits your description, although the 'how' part of your request is a bit lengthy, which I've described previously here: 

A short summary of this particular coin,

These are usually attributed to Uttama Chola (alias Madurantaka Chola), the great uncle of Rajendra Chola. This coin commemorates the Chola conquest of the neighbouring kingdoms of Chera, and Pandya, depicted as the royal emblems- Cholan tiger in the center, flanked by the Pandyan twin fish to its right, and the Cheran bow behind the tiger, all under the single rule symbolised by the prasaol. On the reverse, the legends states Uttama Chola, now this is where the confusion arises, even though it explicitly states the name, it is highly unlikely that Madurantaka (who was more of an administrative rather than a military guy) managed to bring down his neighbours, since his niece Raja Raja Chola who came after Madurantaka was the king who for the first time held the title Raja Raja, meaning king of kings, after the subjugation of other kingdoms. His son Rajendra also holds the title of Uttama Chola, now he was the Trajan of Chola empire, bringing it to the maximum extent, and to me it makes more sense that these coins were minted under his rule for paying the military as well as the naval complex. 


Uttama Chola (or) Rajendra Chola Silver Drachm 4.15g, 20mm. 970-985 AD (or) 1014-1044 AD.

Next- an iconic coin from an empire or kingdom (Excluding Roman/Athens/Macedonian) 


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Kingdom of Elymais
Æ Drachm
Obv.: bearded bust with side tufts, anchor right
Rev.: bust of Belos, Legend around
AE, 3.50g, 14.9mm
Ref.: Van´t Haaff Type 12.2, Subtype 1-1D


Next: emperor or king facing

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