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Taras, Calabria

272-240/35 BC (Period VIII - The Roman Alliance I)
AR Didrachm (18.5mm, 6.50g)
Iopyros magistrate.
O: Nude youth on horseback right, placing wreath on horse's head; ΦI behind, I-ΩΠ-YPO-[Σ] (magistrate) below.
R: Taras riding dolphin left, holding cornucopiae and trident; bee behind, Τ-ΑΡΑΣ below.
D'Andrea XLIV, 1371; cfVlasto 855; Evans VIII, B2; McGill II, 99; Cote 490-92; cf HGC I, 889; HN Italy 1029; SNG Cop 919
ex Dr. Busso Peus; ex Germania Inferior Numismatics

Evans calls the insect on this reverse a cicada, a very important symbol in ancient times (see J.C.B Petropolous’ marvelous work ‘Heat and Lust; Hesiod’s Midsummer Festival Scene Revisited’, a very insightful look at ancient agricultural and fertility practices). However Vlasto lists this as a bee, and I tend to think this is likely. It sure looks more like a bee to me.
It’s a real pity that the obverse is struck off-center here, as the artistic and natural rendering of the horse is not typical of these late period didrachms.

Next: unusual flan


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Porcelain is unusual for a flan. There are some from Germany and Japan in the 20th century too


Kingdom of Siam (Thailand)
Private issues by Chinese gambling dens (gongsi ), used by the public for general circulation
Circa mid 1800s
Porcelain token
O: Xing Fa 興發, yellow and green enamel pigments
R: Qian (Salung) 錢, blue enamel pigment
Weight: 4.2 grams
Size: 21.9mm - 22.5mm - 6.1mm
Hartill PGP #1621, posted to Zeno.ru 331448, shown on Wikipedia page Porcelain Money

Next: another 'unusual' composition = no AE AR AV

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“Ruler": 康德, Kang De

Year: 10 (1943)


top: 滿洲帝國, mǎn zhōu dì guó (Manchu Empire)

center: 10, two dots

bottom: 康德十年, kāng dé shí nián (Kang De, year 10)

Rv: 壹角, yī jiǎo (1 jiao), wreath pattern

Value: 1 Jiao

Material: Aluminum, 1.01g, 21.9mm

Literature: KM Y#14


Next: more Aluminium

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9 mm, 0,55 g.
Cilicia, Tarsos. Balakros, satrap of Cilicia. AR obol. 333-323 BC.
Head of Athena right / B, shield.
SNG France 489.

Balakros, son of Nikanor, who was one of Alexander's somatophylakes (bodyguards) and was appointed satrap of Cilicia after the Battle of Issos in 333 BC.

Next - a coin connected to Alexander the Great.

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6+ hours on aluminum, so will substitute for tin


Palembang Sultanate
Island of Sumatra (Indonesia)
Circa 1600s or 1700s
Tin cash pitis, octagon hole
O: Shi Dan Li Bao 史丹利宝
R: Blank
Weight: 0.3 grams
Size: 15.8mm - 16.7mm - 0.5mm
Posted to Zeno.ru 332513

Next: lets get another 'unusual' composition = no AE AR AV

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@shanxi - apologies, I thought you were asking me if my Balakros is aluminum because of the weird color of the pic (and this would have indicated a bad modern fake). My Firefox is acting up and does not refresh the page even if I hit Refresh (typical for an IT person, my own computers are a mess). I replied to a request for a coin off the flan. 

I will post a coin that does't fit the current request (unusual composition) - related to a sultan, to have at least a link 


19,4 mm, 2,79 g.
Artuqids of Mardin, Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan, 1201-1239. AR hexagram dirham. Dunaysir mint.
Ruler cited as al-Nasir, also his Ayyubid overlord al-Kamil Muhammad and the 'Abbasid caliph al-Mustansir, date missing (late style).
Though there is no firm agreement, the crude Dunaysir mint issues of Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan dated AH 627-32 have been suggested to be Crusader issues.
Album 1831.1.


Next - star


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Chinese cash sometimes have dots and crescents on the reverse which are interpreted as suns and moons. They were primarily used during the Tang and Song dynasties, with some outliers of course


Tang Dynasty of China
Anonymous issue, late period, Type IVa
Circa 762-907 AD
AE Cash
O: Kai Yuan Tong Bao 開元通寶
R: Two crescent moons above and below
Weight: 4.9 grams
Size: 23.7mm - 23.9mm - 1.5mm
Hartill #14.7ac, posted to Zeno.ru 342245

Next: another crusty green

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