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LYKAONIA, Laranda (ca 324-323 BC) AR obol
Baaltars seated left, holding grain ear, bunch of grapes, and scepter
Rev: Forepart of wolf right; inverted crescent above; all within circle of pellets.
Göktürk 82; SNG France 443 (uncertain Cilician mint); SNG Levante 225 (uncertain Cilician mint).
0,49 g, 11 mm
This coin type was previously attributed to an uncertain Cilician mint. Göktürk, in “Small coins from Cilicia and surroundings” reattributes it to the town of Laranda in Lykaonia.

Next - obol from 4th century BC

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Laranda, Lycaonia
4th century BC
Obv: Facing head of Herakles, with club over shoulder; H to left
Rev: Forepart of wolf right; star above.
Ag, 0.69g, 10.2mm
Ref.: Göktürk 68-9; SNG BN –; SNG von Aulock –.


Next: Herakles

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On 8/7/2022 at 6:54 AM, Kamnaskires said:

No coin to share, but thought immediately of SNL's Love Toilet.



On 8/7/2022 at 6:54 AM, Kamnaskires said:

No coin to share, but thought immediately of SNL's Love Toilet.


The coin does exist, Kamnaskires! 


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After a looong time when Geta was severely under represented in my collection, I found myself buying quite a lot of coins with his portrait lately. And the Janus reverse is a plus!


GETA. (209-212).Rome. Denarius. 18 mm, 3.1 g
Obv: P SEPT GETA PIVS AVG BRIT. Laureate head right. / Rev : TR P III COS II P P. Janus standing facing, holding sceptre and thunderbolt.
BMC 12; RSC 197a; RIC 79

Next - a coin with Janus. I would like to see another Janus reverse, but an obverse will do.

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2 hours ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - a coin with Janus. I would like to see another Janus reverse, but an obverse will do.

Great coin - I wish I had a coin with Janus on the reverse.  As I do not, I will post this RR AE:



Next: RR AE

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This little one from Sigeion (Latin Sigeium) is the closest I have to a facing portrait.

Troas, Sigeion, c. 335 BC.
Greek Æ 12.2 mm, 2.37 g, 5 h.
Obv: Head of Athena facing slightly right, wearing triple crested helmet and necklace.
Rev: ΣΙΓΕ, owl standing right, head facing; crescent to left.
Refs: BMC 17.86,7-10; SNG von Aulock 7637; SNG Ashmolean 1214–6; SNG Copenhagen 496–8; Sear 4145.

Next: Helmet with an impressive crest.

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Okay, this crest may not be as impressive as my pair of New Style Tets, but it's a bit mysterious to me. That weird formation in the middle that looks like ΛΨΩ or a maybe a little drawing of an aqueduct or something. What the heck is going on there? This kind of design feature seemed to to start as the split between the top and rear crest on the Licinius and Constantine AE3s, but the Londinium Crispuses really started to run wild with it on certain dies. What were trying to represent?!



NEXT: Captive(s) Coinage!

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From @Steve:

Roman Republic, P. Nerva, AR Denarius, Rome Mint, 113-112 BCE. Obv: Bust of Roma left wearing crested helmet with feather or aigrette (instead of wing) and single-drop earring, holding shield (ornamented with image of horseman galloping) against left shoulder with left hand, and spear over right shoulder with right hand, crescent moon above, star (*) [= monogrammed XVI; mark of value] before; behind, ROMA upwards / Rev. Voting scene inside Comitium in Forum: one togate voter to left of pons [bridge/walkway to place for depositing ballot tablet] receives ballot from attendant below; another togate voter to right of pons drops ballot in cista (voting basket); two lines behind voting scene and bar near top of reverse (described as “screen” by Sear) mark off voting area (denoting the barrier dividing a given tribe’s enclosure [saepta] from those allotted to different tribes), with bar or screen surmounted by marker/tabella inscribed with the initial “P” (possibly representing a particular voting tribe); P • NERVA [NE ligate] across field beneath bar (or beneath top of screen per Sear). Crawford 292/1; BMCRR II Italy 526 (at p. 274); RSC I [Babelon] Licinia 7 (ill.); Sear RCV I 169 (ill.); Sydenham 548; Yarrow 4.40 at p. 195 (ill.) [Liv Mariah Yarrow, The Roman Republic to 49 BCE: Using Coins as Sources (2021)]. 17.21 mm., 3.87 g., 7 h. David R. Sear Certificate of Authenticity,  May 2, 2013, No. 811CY/RR/A/CR (issued to Steve Peterson, noting “flan flaw on edge of reverse not affecting the type”).*  Purchased at JAZ Numismatics Auction # 186, Lot 4, June 2021; ex. J.B. DePew Collection; ex. Steve Peterson Collection; ex. CNG Auction 295, Jan. 30, 2013, Lot 361; ex. Bruce R. Brace Collection. [Footnote omitted.]


Next, another helmet with a feather or plume instead of a wing.

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@Ryro, those are supposed to be feathers or plumes? They look like a set of rams' horns!

Anyway, here's a shield that looks like a peanut:

Roman Republic, L. Procilius L.f., AR Serrate Denarius, 80 BCE. Obv. Head of Juno Sospita right, wearing goatskin headdress; behind, S•C downwards / Juno Sospita wearing goatskin headdress, standing in biga right with galloping horses, holding figure-eight style shield [prob. an allusion to the mythological Shield of the Salii priests, or ancilia] in left hand and brandishing spear in right hand; coiled serpent below horses; in exergue, L•PROCILI•F. Crawford 379/2, RSC I Procilia 2 (ill.), Sear RCV I 307 (ill.), BMCRR Rome 3150, Sydenham 772, Harlan, RRM I Ch. 4 at pp. 19-22 [Michael Harlan, Roman Republican Moneyers and their Coins, 81 BCE-64 BCE (2012)]. 20.05 mm., 3.97 g. (Purchased from Marc Breitsprecher, Oct. 2020.) [Footnote omitted.]


Next, snake/serpent and horse(s) on same side of a coin.

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30 minutes ago, DonnaML said:

Next, snake/serpent and horse(s) on same side of a coin.

Tough one, Donna! Here I was thinking this might take a long time (I've got horse/rat, eagle/snake, elephant/snake (maybe), horse/elephant, horse/sea serpents, etc. etc. but no horse/snake on ONE side!)...

OH -- Then I realized -- a CADUCEUS has a snake in it! Here we go, Censorinus Denarius (my photo underneath an old mystery photo of my coin I found in the Richard Schaefer Binders in the Schaefer / ANS - Roman Republican Die Project; "CSJ" in the photo below is my father, who originally bought it, apparently some time after Nov 2010, but NOT in Long Island):


C. Marcius Censorinus. Rome, 88 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right. Ref: CX (above), C•CENSORI (below). Horse galloping right. Serpent entwined staff in exergue. Ref: Crawford 346/2b; RSC Marcia 19; Sydenham 714; ANS 1947.2.85. Prov: CSJ Internet purchase, n.d. [c. 2010-2015?]; Ex Long Island Nov 2010 (?); ANS RRDP Schaefer Binder 11 (300-399), page 358 (Die-pair 64? 4th Column, 2nd Row: This coin illustrated).


Next: Some kind of ANCIENT SYMBOL STILL IN USE today (or "in use again")

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Chi Rho



Valentinianus I.
364-375 AD
AE-Follis, Siscia, 367-375
Obv.. DN VALENTINIANVS PF AVG / Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev.: GLORIA ROMANORVM M / * / P, BSIS in ex, Emperor advancing right, holding labarum and grasping captive
AE, 15 mm, 2.5g
Ref.: RIC 14a



Picture: wiki


Next: Pope

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Papal States

Rodrigo Borgia, as Pope Alexander VI

Rome, 1492-1503 CE

Obverse: Papal tiara and crossed keys above Borgia coat of arms. Legend reading "ALEXANDER VI PONT MAX"

Reverse: Saint Peter and Saint Paul standing facing forward, carrying a sword and 2 manuscripts. Legend reading "S PETRVS S PAVLVS". Exergual legend "ROMA".

Grosso, 27mm, 3.20 g


Next: Something minted East of the Tigris


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Emperor: Taizong, 太宗
Obv: Zhi Dao Yuan Bao 至道元寶
Grass Script
Rev: -
Yera: 995-997
AE, 4.05g, 24.9mm
Lit: Hartill 16.41


Edit; The request was "minted" and this is cast. Here is a minted cash coin:



Emperorr: Guang Xu
Obv: Guang Xu Tong Bao - 光 緒 通 寶
Rv: Guang (left), Guang (right), Ku Ping, Yi Qian (Treasury scales, One Qian)
Value: 1 qian

Brass, minted, 3.6gr, 23mm
Ref: Schjöth Nr. 1588, Hartill 22.1334

Something minted west of china

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Hermaios and Calliope, 90-70 BC.
Indo-Greek AR drachm, 16.2 mm, 1.80 gm.
Rev: Kharoshthi legend: maharajasa tratarasa heramayasa / kaliyapaya, king on prancing horse, right; monogram below.
Refs: BMC India p. 66, 1-2; Sear 7739; Forrer 53; SNG ANS 1319-25; MIG (Mitchiner) 408b; Bopearachchi 2B.
Next: More Indo-Greek.
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