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Alexandria, Egypt. Gallienus tetradrachm

Obv: AVT K P LIK GALLIHNOC CEB, laureate, draped bust right.
Rev: L-IG, eagle standing right with wreath in its beak, palm branch behind.
Regnal year 13.


Next: Shadow emperor or another barracks.

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1 hour ago, AncientOne said:

Next: Shadow emperor or another barracks


Philip I Antoninianus AD 244 / 249
Obverse..IMP M IVL PHILIPPUS AVG.... radiate, draped bust right.
Reverse..LIBERALITAS AVGGII... liberalitus standing right holding abacua and cornucopiae.
RIC 38b
4th Issue 5th Officina...This donative was given to celebrate the arrival of the Royal Family in Rome AD245

Next...Money counter/ abacus

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Next...Money counter/ abacus

Edward Cohen (2011) made an argument I found interesting that these were not actually abacuses (Dated Coins of Antiquity: p 608): "Perhaps it is just a box for dispensing or receiving coins." I can't say with any confidence myself, just something I always remember and think about with these.

Here's one of mine:


[And a thumbnail of Severus Alexander "abacus" denarius, prob. struck in Antioch, which I think is highly unusual for a Liberalitas type; top one has five dots, this one two]


NEXT: Third Century Sestertius

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Julia Mamaea
Æ-Sestertius, Rome Mint
Obv.: IVLIA MAMAEA AVGVSTA, draped bust right.
Rev. FELICITAS PVBLICA / S - C, Felicitas standing left, legs crossed, holding caduceus and leaning on column.
AE, 17.78g, 28.6mm
Ref.: RIC 676, C21


Next: Julia Mamaea

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Julia Mamaea. Augusta AD 222-235. Rome
Sestertius Æ
30 mm, 19,80 g
Obv: IVLIA MAMAEA AVGVSTA, bust of Julia Mamaea, diademed, draped, right  / VENERI FELICI SC, Venus, draped, standing right, holding sceptre in right hand and Cupid in left hand
RIC IV Severus Alexander 694; RCV II 8232; BMCRE 190

Next - Julia Soaemias

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An over-cleaned, not-so-pretty denarius of Julia Soaemias with VENVS CAELESTIS reverse. There's a small child (or cupid) barely visible to the left on this one (maybe too young to be Elagabalus, I wonder if the child represented a particular royal):




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Faustina II Denarius, 145-161image.png.ec5461af42e223ef728c36fcfca173a9.pngRome. Silver, 18mm, 2.68g. Bust of Faustina the Younger, band of pearls round head, hair waived and coiled on back of head, draped, right; FAVSTINAE AVG PII AVG FIL. Venus, draped, standing left, holding apple in right hand and rudder set on dove, in left; VENVS (RIC III, Antoninus Pius 515A (denarius)). Found Rossington, near Doncaster, South Yorkshire. Portable Antiquities Scheme: SWYOR-D8E6A8.

Next: fruit

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Domna BONI EVENTVS Denarius Emesa.jpg
Julia Domna, AD 193-211.
Roman AR Denarius, 2.52 g, 16.2 mm, 1 h.
Uncertain eastern mint (Cappadocia?) formerly attributed to Emesa, AD 193-196.
Obv: IVLIA DOMNA AVG, bare-headed and draped bust right.
Rev: BONI EVENTVS, Fides (?) standing left, holding basket of fruit and corn ears.
Refs: RIC 616; BMC --; Cohen 10; RCV --; CRE 328.

Next: Severan from an eastern mint.

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Septimius Severus (AD 193-211)
AR Denarius, Laodicea ad Mare Mint
Obv.: L - SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX, Laureate head of Severus right
Rev.: COS II PP, Victory advancing left holding wreath and palm
Ag, 3.40g, 18.7mm
Ref.: RIC 503a; RSC 96.


Next: same theme

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27 minutes ago, shanxi said:

Next: same theme


Plautilla, Denarius - Laodicea mint, AD 202
PLAVTILLAE AVGVSTAE, draped bust right
HIL - A - RITAS, Hilaritas standing left, holding long palm and cornucopia.
3.7 gr
Ref : RIC # 371, Cohen # 14, RCV # 7071

Ex Qcumbor's collection


Next : Hilaritas


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After 6 hours still no Hilaritas. That is not possible.


Denar, Rome
Obv.: LVCILLA AVGVSTA, draped bust right
Rev.: HILARITAS, Hilaritas standing left, holding long palm and cornucopia.
Ag, 17.7mm, 2.73g
Ref.: RIC III, p.275, 769, CRE 251 [S]

Next: Lucilla

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Lucilla (wife of Lucius Verus & daughter of Marcus Aurelius) AR Denarius 164-66 AD, Rome Mint. Obv. Bare head right, draped, LVCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F/ Rev. Concordia seated left, holding patera & leaning left forearm against statuette of Spes, CONCORDIA.  RIC III 758, RSC II 6a, Sear RCV II 5479. 17.1 mm., 3.4 g


Next, her husband Lucius Verus.

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Lucius Verus, 161 - 169 AD.
Silver Denarius, Rome Mint 161 AD, 18mm, 3.11 grams
Obverse: IMP L AVREL VERVS AVG, Bare head of Lucius right.
Reverse: PROV DEOR TR P COS II, Providentia standing left holding globe and cornucopia.

Next..Big beard.

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1 hour ago, Spaniard said:

Next..Big beard.


Macrinus, Bronze struck in Nicopolis
AVT KM .... H MAKRINOC, Laureate and cuirassed bust of Macrinus right
V M AGRIPPA NIKOPOLITWNPROC IC TR, Tyche standing left, holding cornucopia and rudder
14.26 gr
Ref : ANMG #1710


Next : another provincial Macrinus, from a city other than Nicopolis


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Macrinus Augustus and Diadumenian Caesar, AE Pentassarion [5 Assaria], 217-218 AD, Marcianopolis Mint, Moesia Inferior [now Devnya, Bulgaria] (Pontianus, consular legate). Obv. Confronted heads of Macrinus, laureate, right, and Diadumenian, bareheaded, left, [AVT K OΠE]Λ CEV MAKPEINOC K M OΠEΛ ANTΩNEINOC [bracketed portion off flan][ = Imperator, Caesar, Opellius Augustus Macrinus, Caesar Marcus Opellius Antoninus ] / Rev. Hermes standing facing, head left, holding purse in extended right hand and caduceus in left hand; chlamys hanging over left arm; E [mark of value for “5”] in right field, VΠ Macrinus ΠONTIANOV MAP-KIANOΠOΛEITΩN (ΩN ligate) [ = Consular Legate Pontianus, (coin) of the people of Markianopolis].  AMNG I/I 740 [Pick, Behrendt, Die antiken Münzen von Dacien und Moesien, Die antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands Vol. I/I (Berlin, 1898) at pp. 240-241]; BMC 3 Thrace 35 [R.S. Poole, ed. A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. 3, The Tauric Chersonese, Sarmatia, Dacia, Moesia, Thrace, etc. (London, 1877) at p. 32]; Hristova & Jekov [Nina Hristova & Gospodin Jekov, The Local Coinage of the Roman Empire - Moesia Inferior, I - III c. A.D., MARCIANOPOLIS  (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria 2006)]; Varbanov (Eng.) Vol. I, 1192 var. (E to left) [Ivan Varbanov, Greek Imperial Coins And Their Values, Volume I: Dacia, Moesia Superior & Moesia Inferior (English Edition) (Bourgas, Bulgaria, 2005)]; Diadumenian.com /marcianopolis5.html, No. Mar5.33d.  25 mm, 12.89 g. Purchased from Kirk Davis, Cat # 75, Fall 2020, Lot 62; ex.: Dr. Paul Rynearson (ca. 2003). (Coin is double die match to Lot 696, CNG Triton XII Auction, Jan. 5, 2009.)


Next, a Provincial coin of Diadumenian alone, without Macrinus.

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Diadumenian (As Caesar, AD 217-218)
Moesia Inferior, Markianopolis
Æ Triassaria
Obv.: Κ Μ ΟΠΕΛΛΙOC ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟC / Draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: MAPKIANOΠΟΛITΩN / Artemis advancing right, holding bow and drawing
arrow from quiver; at feet to right, hound springing right; Γ (mark of value) to left.
AE, 7.92g, 23.7mm
Ref.: AMNG I 787; Mouchmov 588; Varbanov 1311.


Next: Artemis

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CILICIA. Soloi (ca 1st century BC) AE19
Obv: Head of Artemis right, wearing stephane.
Rev: ΣΟΛΕΩΝ - Double cornucopia; to left, Є above Θ.
Ziegler -; SNG BN 1209-10 var. (controls); SNG Levante 865 var. (same)
5,68 g, 19 mm

Next - cornucopia as a major design element. It can be a double one, I won't complain.

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Wow, that's a heck of a double-cornucopia, and a great looking Antoninus...

I've shown my Alexandrian Antoninus Griffin Drachm and Sarapis Tetradrachm too much already, but here's an Alexandrian Antoninus I haven't shown yet (at least here).

Antoninus Pius & Pharos of Alexandria Drachm. Ex "Rhakotis Collection formed in the 1960s & 1970s" (I'm looking forward to when some more information comes out about that collection, as I'm sure it will).


Egypt, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius AE Drachm (32mm, 22.69g, 1h), struck in Year 12 = 148/9 CE.
ΝΙΝΟC CЄΒ ЄΥC. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. 
Rev: L / ΔΔЄΚΑT/O Isis Pharia standing, holding billowing sail and sistrum; Pharos of Alexandria to r., surmounted by statue and two Tritons.
Ref: Dattari 2677; Emmett 1592.12; K&G 35.434; RPC IV.4 13640 (apparently the only known specimen not cited!).
Prov: Ex Rhakotis Collection (1960s-1970s), Leu WA 16 (23 May 2021), 2337

NEXT: Another coin with a NAUTICAL THEME (including more lighthouses if you got em)

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6 hours ago, shanxi said:

Next: Sailing ship 


Sextus Pompeius and Q. Nasidius, Denarius - Mint moving with Sextus Pompeius, Sicily, 42-39 BC
NEPTVNI, head of Pompey the great right, trident before head, dolphin below
Q.NASIDIVS at exergue, galley sailing right, star in upper field
3.92 gr
Ref : HCRI # 235, RCV # 1390, Crawford # 483/2, Sydenham # 1350, Cohen # 20
Ex Freeman & Sear, Ex Barry Feirstein collection (NAC auction # 42/279)
Ex Roma Numismatics


Next : trident


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23 minutes ago, Qcumbor said:

Next : trident


Jaga Deva..1199-1213 AD.....19mm/5.70gr...Die axis 12 o'clock.
Obverse...Ardochsho (Lakshmi) seated cross-legged facing in lalitasana (with right leg folded under and left leg hanging down), holding diadem in right hand and long-stemmed lotus in left hand, legend in Sharada script, to the left: 'Ja', to the right 'ga'.
Reverse...Highly stylized King standing facing, sacrificing at an altar to the left. Holding trident in left hand. Bottom right legend in Sharada script 'Deva'....Ex-William Spengler collection.

Next...Decorative headwear. 

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22 minutes ago, Kamnaskires said:

Next: chocolate-y patina.


Julia Mamaea, Sestertius - Rome mint, AD 224
IVLIA MAMA EA AVGVSTA, Draped and diademed bust right
VENERI FELICI, Venus standing right, holding Cupid and a sceptre. SC in field
17.85 gr
Ref : RIC # 694, RCV # 8232, Cohen # 62


Next : another Julia's sestertius


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Julia Domna. Augusta AD 193-217. Rome
Sestertius Æ. AD 193-196
30 mm, 25,51 g
IVLIA DOMNA AVG, bust of Julia Domna, hair waved and coiled at back, draped, right / VENERI VICTR S C, Venus, naked to waist, standing left, holding apple in extended right hand and palm sloped over left shoulder in left hand, resting left elbow on column
RIC IV Septimius Severus 842; Cohen 195; BMC 488.

Next - another Severan dynasty sestertius

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