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1 hour ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - another Severan dynasty sestertius

My preferred sestertius !


Severus Alexander, Sestertius - Rome in AD 231
IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, Laureate bust of Severus Alexander righ, with light drapery on left shoulder
IOVI CONSERVATORI, Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt and sceptre, with a small figure of the emperor at his feet, SC in field
14.75 gr
Ref : RCV #7966, Cohen # 74


Next : post your preferred sestertius


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The photos don't quite do justice to the patina on my "preferred Sestertius." Then again, I'm not an impartial observer...

It satisfies two of my main collecting interests (Barbarians/Captives and interesting collections [Adrian Lang & George His]). Shared this photo once (I think) before here (I love being able to "insert from attachment" from previous posts):


Don't think I've shown the video (here) before (41s):




NEXT: Your favorite PATINA

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I can't really pick a favorite, but the toning on this is really quite nice. (I do understand that strictly speaking "patina" should refer to the hard "shell" often acquired by bronze or other base metal coins. Silver coins coins don't patinate; they tone. [A polite way to say they tarnish.] Gold coins do neither, except sometimes they do, as in the famous Boscoreale Hoard. I'm hoping I can be forgiven for bending the rules a bit.)


Next: Another unattached wheel.

Edited by Phil Davis
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57 minutes ago, Phil Davis said:

Next: Another unattached wheel.


Hephthalites. Nezak Huns.. AR drachm. "Napki Malka" series. .
Circa 515.680 A.D.
Obverse..Bust right wearing winged-bull head-dress. Pahlavi legends nycky MLK-A
Reverse:Fire altar with attendants, Solar wheels above.
3.41 grams....24.64 mm.
Vondrovec [Göbl] 198

Next....Nicely detailed obverse with a mess of a reverse....

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This isn't exactly ancient, but it falls on that side in the ancient-modern schism in my collection.


Kingdom of England
1250-1256 AD
Issued under Henry III by the moneyer Davi
London Mint (Type 5)
AR penny (half-cut) | 0.58 grams | 9x19mm wide
Obv: King with sceptre, unrealistic hair
Rev: LVN - DEN, long cross
Ref: Spink#1367

Next: another intentionally disformed coin

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Oh! I showed these in another thread recently ("interesting cut coins"), but not this thread yet... Cut c. 2005 - 2009 for a study of the composition of Roman silver coins (especially differences between surfaces and the cores -- e.g., were they "enriched"?).

My Otho Denarius from that study. (Also have a Titus.) Before-and-after:



And here's one of the "microscopy photos" published in 2009 (article by Butcher, Ponting, and Muona) and in Butcher and Ponting's 2014 book, Metallurgy of Roman Silver Coinage, from the Reform of Nero to the Reforms of Trajan. That's the cut edge of the coin massively magnified:



So this (and my Titus) are special among my "plate coins" collection for being the only "microscopy plate coins"!


NEXT: "Plate Coin" (or published / cited in some piece of numismatic literature)

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Kingdom of Elymais
Orodes IV
2nd half 2nd CentAD
Æ Drachm
Obv.: Facing Bust, small hair tuft on top, 2 hair tufts left & right
Rev.: Bust of Artemis left, in low Tiara with crest of dots; anchor with 1 cross bar
Æ, 3.22 gr. 12x14 mm.
Ref.: Van´t Haaff Type 17.2, Subtype 1-1b, THIS COIN
Ex Van't Haaff Collection

Next: Roman or Greek Facing Bust 

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Honorius AD 393-423. Cyzicus
Follis Æ
18 mm, 2,63 g
401-403 AD
D N HONORI-VS P F AVG, bust of Honorius, helmeted, pearl-diademed, cuirassed, facing front, holding spear in right hand behind head and shield decorated with cross on left arm / CONCORDI-A AVGG, Constantinopolis, helmeted, draped, enthroned, enthroned, facing front, head right, holding long sceptre in right hand and Victory on globe in left hand; beneath her right foot, prow.
RIC X Arcadius 95


Next - Cyzicus


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Faustina Jr Cyzicus Hermes.jpg
Faustina II, AD 147-175/6.
Roman provincial Æ 26.3 mm, 9.32 g, 1 h.
Mysia, Cyzicus (group 2), AD 169-175.
Obv: ΦΑVϹΤEΙΝΑ ϹEΒΑϹΤΗ; draped bust of Faustina II, r.
Rev: ΚVΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ ΝЄOΚΟΡ; nude Hermes standing facing, head left, holding purse, caduceus and chlamys.
Refs: RPC IV.2 699 (temp); SNG Cop 115; Mionnet Suppl. 5, p. 225, 270.

Next: Nude Hermes.

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6 hours ago, Roman Collector said:

Next: Nude Hermes.


Lydia, Sala
Pseudo-autonomous issue
Reign of Trajan
Obv.: ΔHMOC CAΛHNΩN, laureate and draped bust of bearded Demos right.
Rev.: ЄΠI AΛЄΞANΔPOV IЄPЄ, Hermes standing left with kerykeion and purse.
AE, 3.3g, 18mm
Ref.: RPC III 2436, SNG Cop. 416; SNG von Aulock 3107

Next: Demos

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A coin with Demos bought from ... the auction house Demos 😐


PHRYGIA. Apameia. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Assarion. 4.57g 18mm. Time of the Severans, 193-235. ΔHMOC, Bearded and draped bust of the Demos to right / AΠAMЄΩN, Marsyas advancing right, playing double flute (aulos). Leypold, Vol. II, p. 30, 1441; Martin, Demos Vol. 2, p. 158, Apameia 22; SNG Copenhagen 200.

Next - satyr on a bronze coin

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11 hours ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - satyr on a bronze coin


Heliopolis, Syria
Pseudo-autonomous issue
Severan times, emission 3 , AD 198
Obv.: C-HE across field, Marsyas standing right, right hand raised, wineskin over shoulder
Rev.: COL HEL in two lines within laurel wreath
AE, 1.92g, 14.1mm
Ref.: Sawaya 262


Next: Pseudo-autonomous Roman Provincial

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Severan period, AD 193-235.
Semi-autonomous Æ 14. mm, 1.46 g, 6 h.
Phrygia, Apameia.
Obv: ΑΠΑ-ΜЄΙΑ, draped bust of Tyche of Apameia, right.
Rev: CΩ-TЄI-PA, triple-bodied Hecate-Soteira standing facing, each wearing kalathos and holding torches.
Refs: BMC 25.88,110-13; SNG von Aulock 3475; SNG München 131; Sear Gr. Imp. 5065.

Next: pseudo/semi-autonomous.

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Thyateira, Lydia, AE15, semi autonomous issue, after 200 BC.  Laureate head of Apollo right (no magistrate's name) / ΘYATEIΡHNΩN, bipennis (double axe). BMC 6-7; SNG Cop 571; Duesseldorf 8410; Walcher 2714; SNG von Aulock 3199; SNG Leipzig 1267A; Weber 6921-6922; Mionnet Supp. VII, 569; Mionnet IV, 851-852; Hunter 1; SNG Tuebingen 3835-3837; Waddington 5337-5338; SNG Munich 573; GRPC Lydia 8.


Next - bipennis


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27 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - bipennis


That's a perfect opportunity to show off again my latest acquisition : see here



LYDIA. Thyateira. Nero, as Caesar, 50-54. Hemiassarion (Orichalcum, 17 mm, 3.54 g, 1 h).

NЄΡΩN KΛAY[ΔIOC] KAICAP ΓЄP Bare-headed and draped bust of Nero to right. 

ΘYAT-ЄIPH/NΩ-N Bipennis.

GRPC Lydia 143. RPC I 2381. Patina stripped and retoned, otherwise, very fine.


Next : your latest acquisition (or one of them)



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Arrived last week 

Trajan dupondius AD 98-117

27mm, 13.15g. Struck AD 104


Radiate head right with aegis on left shoulder


Trophy with two shields at base

RIC 586, Cohen 573, Woytek 196cA




NEXT: Any Annona reverse

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5 minutes ago, expat said:

NEXT: Any Annona reverse


Denarius, 218 AD
Obv.: laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG
Rev.: Annona standing, grain ears in left, cornucopia in right, altar at feet, PM TR P II COS P P
Ag, 3.65g, 19.4mm
Ref.: RIC IV 26c, RSC III 47


Next: grain ears

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Antoninus Pius ( 138-161) AR denarius Rome, 141-143
ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P COS III - laureate head right
Rev: ANNONA AVG, modius with four grain ears and a poppy.
RIC 62 C
2,56 g, 18 mm

Next - a Roman Imperial denarius with the reverse NOT showing a person or a deity.

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2 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - a Roman Imperial denarius with the reverse NOT showing a person or a deity.


Septimius Severus * Silver Denarius Emesa 194/195 AD RIC 389 * Av: IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG COS II * Rv: INVICTO IMP * Tropaeum


This was only a Tropaeum with Shields etc - no captives or so 😉

Next wish - a reverse scene which represents a victory over another tribe.

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Crispus (struck 324-325), AE-3 Follis, Sirmium, RIC VII 49
FL IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES, Laureate head right.
ALEMANI-A DEVICTA, Victory advancing right, stepping on captive, holding trophy and palm.

Next - carry on with the same theme "a reverse scene which represents a victory over another tribe. "


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25 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - carry on with the same theme "a reverse scene which represents a victory over another tribe. "


Lucius Verus, Denarius - Rome mint, AD 165 
L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, Laureate head of Verus right
TRP V IMP III COS II, Captive (Parthian or Armenian) seated right, before him, bow, quiver and shield
3.10 gr
Ref : Cohen # 273, RCV # 5358


Next : captive(s) on the reverse


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