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11 minutes ago, Ursus said:

Next: Yet another Severan lady not shown in this or post or the previous two

image.png.7e6387acb5a203aa87b2261f3002b938.pngOrbiana, Wife of @Severus Alexander with Concordia duorum augustorum 



Next - ok I interrupt your series of Severan women. I would like two pictures. One object (building, statue etc.) on the back of the coin and then the image of the original object. 

For example, on the back of a coin a very specific building - and exactly this building then a picture of it. Not just any temple of Zeus on a coin and any temple of Zeus in a place. The image on the reverse of the coin and the object & location must be identical.

I hope it was explained clearly.




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Faustina Senior
Obv.: DIVA - FAVSTINA, draped bust right
Rev.: AED DIV FAVSTINAE, front of temple of Diva Faustina with six columns, in the center statue of Faustina.
Ag, 3,28g, 19mm
Ref.: RIC 343 [S], CRE 126 [C]





Next: same theme

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Interesting idea! The Hercules reverse on this Gordian III antoninianus copies the famous "Farnese Hercules". The original was likely made by Lysippos in the 4th century BC but was melted down in 1205. Over 200 copies from the Roman period survive, including the statue show below, which was made during the reign of Caracalla and is on exhibition in the Archeological Museum of Naples.

Please continue with the theme!



Gordian III, Roman Empire, AR antoninian, 241–243 AD, Rome mint. Obv: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG; bust of Gordian III, radiate, draped, cuirassed, r. Rev: VIRTVTI AVGVSTI; Hercules, nude, standing r., r. behind back and resting l. hand on club set on rock; beside club, lion-skin. 22mm, 3.49g. Ref: RIC IV Gordian III 95.



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Does nobody want to post the easiest answer to this?


Trajan AD 98-117. Rome
Denarius AR
19 mm, 2,60 g
RIC 292, RSC 558
Date Range: AD 112 - AD 114
Type: Bust of Trajan, laureate, draped, right
Type: Column of Trajan surmounted with a statue of Trajan; two eagles at base and a wreath with spirals and dots on column



Next - same theme

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Lucius Septimius Severus Pertinax
Drachm of the Roman Imperial Period 209/210 AD
Material: Silver
Diameter: 18mm
Weight: 2.9g
Mint: Caesarea Eusebia, Cappadocia
Reference: Sydenham 400 var. Rare (Date version)
Mount Erciyes (Turkish: Erciyes Dağı), also known as Argaeus (Greek: Άργαίος) or Argeas, is a volcano in Turkey. It is a large stratovolcano surrounded by many monogenetic vents and lava domes, and one maar. The bulk of the volcano is formed by lava flows of andesitic and dacitic composition. At some time in the past, part of the summit collapsed towards the east.
Next: same theme please ...
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1 hour ago, Prieure de Sion said:

Next: same theme please ...

Temple of Romulus in Rome :




Romulus, Posthumous follis - Posthumous issue under the reign of his father Maxentius
Ostia mint, 1st officina, AD 309-310
DIVO ROMVLO N V BIS CONS, Bare head of Romulus right
AETERNAE MEMORIAE, Temple with domed roof surmounted by eagle, M OST P at exergue
7.35 gr
RCV # 15050 (550), Cohen #6, RIC VI # 34


Next : follow up the same theme


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Ummm, is the theme buildings??? (hopefully, otherwise this'll be an epic fail)

=> Good ol' Constantine-II ... rockin' it with the doors wide open!!

constantine II rocks.jpg


Oh, and I'm certainly not gonna be the dude that stops the ball from rollin' ... 

Next => so please keep 'er comin'


Oh, and here is a photo of our house at Xmas (awkward ... the doors were shut ... close enough?)



Cheers, Coiners!


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Temple of Trajan in Pergamon


By Carlos Delgado, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17885441


Pergamon, Mysia
AE 18, AD 98-117
Obv: TPAIANOC CTPIΠΩΛΛIΩNOC, Tetrastyle temple containing cult statue standing facing; in pediment, pellet.
Rev: AVΓOVCTOC / ΠEPΓA, Tetrastyle temple containing statue of emperor standing facing; in pediment, capricorn.
AE, 4.59g, 18mm
Ref.: SNG France 2063


Next: Go one with the ancient buildings on coins + todays pictures,  or show your house at X-mas

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The theme was great but it appears exhausted.

So let's steer a little


Seleucis and Pieria. Seleuceia Pieria. Trajan AD 98-117.
Bronze Æ 24 mm., 12,21 g.
Rev: ϹΕΛΕΥΚΕ ω Ν ΠΕΙΕΡΙΑϹ (or ΠΙΕΡΙΑϹ) Sacred stone of Zeus Kasios with fillet attached within shrine consisting of four pillars supporting a pyramidal roof surmounted by an eagle; beneath, ΖΕΥС ΚΑСΙΟС; In field, r., Ϛ
BMC 41; CRS 420/57a; RPC III 3375

Next - any coin showing a religious motif.


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45 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - any coin showing a religious motif.


Magnentius, AE 1 - Amiens mint, AD 353, seventh phase (before Aug 10th)
D N MAGNEN TIVS P F AVG, Draped bust of Magnentius right
SALVS DD NN AVG ET CAES, Large christogram between alpha and omega. AMB at exergue
9.20 gr
Ref : Cohen #30, LRBC #19, Bastien # 135 (15 ex), RIC # 34 (C)


Any AE1 (double maiorina) or Amiens mint, your choice


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A generous Saturnalia gift from @Qcumbor.



Jovian AE1, 28mm. Thessalonica.

DN IOVIANVS PF PP AVG, laurel and rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA ROMANORVM, emperor standing facing in military attire, head right, holding labarum and Victory on globe. Mintmark dot TESA dot.


Next:  More AE1

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Galeria Valeria
Æ Follis, Heraclea, circa AD 308-310
Obv.: GAL VALERIA AVG, diademed and draped bust right.
Rev.: VENERI VICTRICI, Venus standing left, holding apple and raising drapery over shoulder; in ex HTB.
Æ, 5.88g, 25.9 mm
Ref.: RIC 43

Next: Venus


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Sabina. Augusta AD 128-137. Rome
Denarius AR
17 mm, 2,69 g
RIC II, Part 3 (second edition) Hadrian 2576; RIC II Hadrian 396 C=
Date range – 136-138

SABINA AVGVSTA, Bust of Sabina, diademed, wearing stephane with hair in queue, draped, right / VENERI GENETRICI, Venus standing right, arranging drapery and holding apple

Next - Sabina

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Sabina, AD 117-137.
Roman AR denarius, 3.07 g, 18.4 mm, 5 h.
Rome, AD 137-38.
Obv: DIVA AVG SABINA, Corn-wreathed, veiled and draped bust of Sabina, right, with hair in bun at nape of neck.
Rev: PIETATI AVG, ustrinum with doors in front and antefixae on corners above.
Refs: RIC II.3 (second edition) 2607; RIC 422a; BMCRE 961; Cohen/RSC 56; Strack 387; Hill UCR 764; RCV 3896; CRE 30.


Next: Posthumous issue for an empress/queen.

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7 minutes ago, Roman Collector said:

Next: Posthumous issue for an empress/queen.


Faustina II
AR-Denar, Rome mint, posthumous AD 176 - 181
Obv.: DIVA FAVSTINA PIA, draped bust right
Rev.: CONSECRATIO, Pietas standing right, sacrificing on altar, and holding scepter
Ag, 3.38g, 18.1mm
Ref.: RIC III 741 [S], CRE 204 [R]
Ex Karl-Ludwig Grabow, Berlin
Ex Künker

Next: Concordia


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6 hours


Pyu city-states of Myanmar
Possible eastern imitation, likely from modern Thailand region- from a Bangkok seller and with imitative features
c. 400-800 AD
AR full unit | 9.46 grams | 31mm wide
Obv: Rising sun within beaded border
Rev: Srivatsa center with sun and moon above, to the left a swastika, to the right a bhadrapitha
Ref: Mahlo 8c

Next: more red patina



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I'm sure somebody wanted the chance to show their Boscoreale Hoard Aureus... Sorry...

How red is red? Maybe I'll throw up a duplicate or two to be sure...

Gordian III Tarsos XL (>36mm, ~40g):



Of course, you might just call that the red copper? Here's a Phalanna with Green / Red:




NEXT: Coin photo that's "Extra"
(could be a label or edge like above, a zoom in on countermark, rotation to see second face, etc.)

(OR: The "red" Boscoreale Aureus if you've got it!)

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