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26.1 g 37mm
CILICIA, Tarsus. Maximinus I. 235-238 AD. AE Hexassarion
Obv: ΑΥΤ Κ Γ ΙΟΥ ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜƐΙΝΟϹ Π Π, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from rear / Rev: ΤΑΡϹΟΥ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟ Α Μ Κ Γ Β,  the three Graces standing facing with arms around each other, one head l., the others head r., each holding flower.
RPC VI, 7113 (temporary); SNG Levante 1096, BMC 233–4

Next - a large provincial (> 33 mm and 20 g)



(who all started in 238, most also finished then)

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"Provincial Prow"


Anonymous, Roman Republic Æ As

Rome Mint

Circa 179-170 BC

Diameter: 35 mm

Weight: 33.82 grams

Obverse: Laureate head of Janus; I above

Reverse: Prow of Galley right; “FLY” above, [ROMA] below

Reference: Crawford 159/3; Sydenham 324; BMCRR (Italy) 382

Other: 6 h … Black patina, scuff to right of prow … such a cool fricken coin


Anonymous AE As Fly.jpg


Next => an insect

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5 minutes ago, Steve said:

=> bring-on the brown coins!!

Vittorio Emanuele II. 1861-1878
Medal from 1874
Material: AE Bronze
Diameter: 60mm
Weight: 97.12g
Reference: Wurzbach 884

Half-length portrait with mozetta and zucchetto to the left, signed on the arm section.

Half-length portrait of St. Francis in habit to the right, looking up to the flaming heart of Jesus.


Next a coin from 1200 AD to 1500 AD with religious theme or background.



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YTHOR beat me to it.


Steve that is a Republican coin!  Its so nice I'll let it roll.😃


Lydia, Sardis. Pseudo-autonomous. Time of Trajan (98-117).

Obv: СΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ. Draped bust of Dionysus right, wearing ivy wreath.
Rev: СΤΡ ΛΟ ΙΟ ΛΙΒΩΝΙΑΝΟΥ. Filleted thyrsus; bee to right.
Ae. 2.3g 15.4mm
Libonianus, strategos.


Not Next: Thyrsus

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Faustina Jr., 147-175.
Roman provincial Æ 9.06 g, 24.7 mm, 7 h.
Thrace, Anchialus, AD 147-149.
Obv: ΦΑVCΤΕΙΝΑ ΝΕΑ CΕΒΑCΤΗ, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: ΑNΧΙΑΛΕΩΝ, Dionysus standing left, holding cantharus and thyrsus; panther at feet, left.
Refs: AMNG 434; RPC 4525; Varbanov 90; BMC --; SNG Copenhagen --.
Next: Faustina II provincial.
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Faustina II
Obv.: ΦAYCTIN CEBACTH (legend starting at 1 o'clock), draped bust right
Rev.. Eagle standing right, head left, wreath in beak
LIΔ= year 14 of Antoninus Pius (150/151).
Billon, 13.13g, 22.6mm
Ref.: Dattari 3275, Geißen 1951


Next: Empress with eagle reverse

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"Empress with eagle reverse"


Ummm, how 'bout an empress with a peacock on the reverse??


... regardless, it's been 9 hours 


Faustina Senior. Augusta, AR Denarius

138-140/1 AD

Rome mint

Diameter: 17 mm

Weight: 3.07 grams

Obverse: Draped bust right

Reverse: Draped throne; transverse scepter resting against arm, peacock with spread tail standing to right below

Reference: RIC III 339a (Pius); RSC 219

Other: VF, toned, a couple of light marks

Ex-stevex6 … From the Demetrios Armounta Collection


Faustina Senior.jpg


NEXT => a peacock 


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Salonina AD 254-268. From the Tareq Hani collection. Antioch
Billon Antoninianus
20 mm, 3,74 g
RIC V Salonina 92
Date Range: AD 260 - AD 268
Bust of Salonina, diademed, draped, right, on crescent
Juno, draped, standing left, holding patera in right hand and sceptre in left hand; at her feet, peacock

Next - Salonina

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Salonina AR Antoninianus

Date: 257-258 AD

Diameter: 23.6 mm

Weight: 3.3 grams

Obverse: SALONINA AVG - Diademed and draped bust of Salonina

Reverse: FELICITAS PVBLICA - Felicitas seated, holding caduceus and cornucopiae

References: RIC 6


Salonina a.jpg

salonina b.jpg


NEXT => Saloninus

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Well okay, if you insist ... 



EGYPT, Alexandria. Saloninus. As Caesar

BI Tetradrachm

AD 258-260

Dated RY 7 of Valerian I and Gallienus (AD 259/60)

Diameter: 22 mm

Weight: 13.00 grams

Obverse: Bareheaded, draped, and cuirassed bust right

Reverse: Eagle standing left, head right, holding wreath in beak; L Z (date) across field

Reference: Köln 3005; Dattari (Savio) 5377; K&G 93.8

Other: 12h … VF, even brown surfaces. Rare

Ex-stevex6 … From the Robert M. Harlick Collection




NEXT => either Salonina or Saloninus 


After 3 hours, a green coin will also be acceptable


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Antoninian, Samosata
Obv.: SALON VALERIANVS NOB CAES, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: SPES PVBLICA, Saloninus standing right, holding spear, receiving flower from Spes standing left and lifting hem of dress
Billon, 3.74g, 20 mm
Ref.: RIC V 36


Next: Spes

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11 minutes ago, shanxi said:

Next: Spes


Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander
Denarius of the Roman Imperial Period 231/235 AD
Material: Silver
Diameter: 20mm
Weight: 2.87g
Mint: Rome
Reference: RIC IV Severus Alexander 254d

You can see the draped bust of Severus Alexander facing right, wearing a laurel wreath. The inscription reads: IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG for Imperator Alexander Pius Augustus.

You can see the personification of Spes walking to the left. She raises her robe and holds a flower in her right hand. The inscription reads SPES PVBLICA for Spes Publica (Hope of the public).


Next: ok, since this mother-son could not do anything on his own without his biological mother, of course the following is an Iulia Mamaea - but please a provincial mint. Thanks...


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"ok, since this mother-son could not do anything on his own without his biological mother, of course the following is an Iulia Mamaea - but please a provincial mint. Thanks..."


Ummm, does this baby qualify?? (eh-heh-heh, I kinda suck at some parts of coin-collecting)


If not, then please ignore my sweet coin (cheers)


EGYPT, Alexandria. Julia Mamaea. Augusta

BI Tetradrachm

222-235 AD

Dated RY 11 of Severus Alexander (AD 231/2)

Diameter: 23 mm

Weight: 12.92 grams

Obverse: Diademed and draped bust of Julia Mamaea right

Reverse: Draped bust of Serapis right, wearing calathus; L A (date) behind, palm before

Reference: Köln 2526; Dattari (Savio) 4511; K&G 64.74; Emmett 3224

Other: 12h … brown patina, with sweet red bits … oh, and a bit of acne on poor ol’ Julia



Julia Mamaea.jpg




Next => if this baby passes muster, then => a dude with a hat

... ummm, but if this coin is sad disappointment, then please look away in disgust and ignore my post (sigh)



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40 minutes ago, Steve said:

a dude with a hat


Troas Birytis
Æ10, 300 BC
Obv.: Bearded Head of Kabeiros left, wearing pilos.
Rev.: B - I / P - Y, Club, within wreath
Æ, 1,29 g, 10 mm
SNG Copenhagen 250. Klein 302


Next: club

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38 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - Vespasian denarius.


Vespasian, Denarius - Rome mint, AD 72-73
IMP CAES VESP A VG PM COS IIII, laureate head right
CONCORDIA AVGVSTI, Concordia seated left on throne, holding patera and cornucopia
3.37 gr
Ref : RSC # 74


Next : one of his sons, either Domitian or Titus


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57 minutes ago, Qcumbor said:

Next : one of his sons, either Domitian or Titus



Domitian. 81-96 AR RIC II#74

Domitian. 81-96 AR Denarius (3.17 gm, 18mm). Rome mint. Struck 81 AD.
Obv.: IMP CAES DOMITIANVS AVG P M, laureate head right.
Rev.: TR P COS VII DES VIII P P, tripod surmounted by a dolphin right. RICII# 74.
These early type portraits are my favourite and coupled with an interesting reverse, the tripod and dolphin, being symbols of Apollo.


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"nice but worn portrait"


==> A-Pius 

Antoninus Pius Æ drachm Roman Egypt (Alexandria)

138-161 AD

Year 17

Diameter: 32 mm

Weight: 13.60 grams

Obverse: Laureate head right

Reverse: Bust of Serapis right, wearing kalathos, above eagle standing facing, head left, with wings spread; [star to upper left], L I Z (date) across field

Reference: Köln 1718?; Dattari (Savio) 2823/2824?; K&G 35.613/35.614?

Other: Fine, brown patina, small flan


Antoninus Pius Group 3a.jpg

Antoninus Pius Group 3b.jpg


NEXT => Serapis

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Caracalla, AD 198-217.
Roman AR denarius, 2.9g, 19mm, 6h.
Rome, issue 10, AD 217.
Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right.
Rev: P M TRP XX COS IIII PP; Serapis, wearing polos on head, standing facing, head left, holding wreath and scepter.
Refs: RIC 289c; BMCRE 188; Cohen/RSC 382; RCV 6846; Hill 1586.

Next: Caracalla.

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