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Obv: D N HONORIVS P F AVG, bust of Honorius, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed, right
Rev: GLORIA ROMANORVM, SMKΓ,Emperor on horse-back right, raising right hand
RIC IX Cyzicus 29 (c)
AE, 1.49g, 17mm


Next: Honorius

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Honorius AD 393-423. Cyzicus
Follis Æ
18 mm, 2,63 g
401-403 AD
D N HONORI-VS P F AVG, bust of Honorius, helmeted, pearl-diademed, cuirassed, facing front, holding spear in right hand behind head and shield decorated with cross on left arm / CONCORDI-A AVGG, Constantinopolis, helmeted, draped, enthroned, enthroned, facing front, head right, holding long sceptre in right hand and Victory on globe in left hand; beneath her right foot, prow.
RIC X Arcadius 95

Next - emperor with shield on obverse

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Probus, AD 276-282.
Roman billon Antoninianus 3.25 g; 21.7 mm.
Ticinium mint, AD 280-82.
Obv: VIRTVS PROBI AVG, Radiate, helmeted, cuirassed bust, left, holding spear and shield.
Rev: SALVS AVG, Salus standing right, feeding serpent held in arms. V in left field; * in right field, TXXI in exergue.
Refs: RIC-500; Cohen 584.
Next: Someone holding something over their shoulder.
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15 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - emperor with shield on obverse


7 minutes ago, Roman Collector said:

Next: Someone holding something over their shoulder.


Gordianus III Prieur 299



Philippus II Arabs Prieur 451



I was a second too late with the shield - but still I can take the Gordianus with the spear over his shoulder - that counts - I hope. Next: I would like a Syro Phoenician tetradrachm - but please from the time of Augustus up to and including Domitian. Not later...


Edited by Prieure de Sion
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Syria, Antioch
Obv.: NEΡΩNOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOΥ, laureate bust right wearing aegis
Rev: eagle standing left on thunderbolt, palm branch to left, date HIP right
14.1g, 23.3x25.3mm
Ref.: Prieur 82, RPC I 4182

Next: eagle + palm

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"eagle + palm"


Gallienus, AE Tetradrachm


264/265 (Year 12)

Diameter: 22 mm x 23 mm

Weight: 8.72 grams

Obverse: Laureate, cuirassed bust right

Reverse: Eagle standing facing, head left, holding large wreath with spread wings
L IB in upper field

Reference: Emmett 3809 (corrected); Milne 4110; Curtis 1596; BMC 2237

Other: Neat dramatic reverse … sweet green, rough patin

Ex-stevex6 … Ex Keith Emmett Collection; Ex Frank Robinson, June 1993


Copy of Gallienus Eagle Tet.jpg


NEXT => I wanna see some reddish patina 

Edited by Steve
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Diva Faustina I, AD 141. 27mm 10,95 g As Æ.DIVA AVGVSTA FAVSTINA, bust of Faustina I, veiled, right / AETERNITAS S C, Providentia, draped, standing left, holding globe on extended right hand and vertical sceptre in left    RIC III Antoninus Pius 1163Ab (as)

Next - Diva Faustina I denarius (as I am very happy to win one of these at a low price, so bring 'em on)

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Faustina I, AD 138-140.
Roman AR denarius, 3.47 g, 18.2 mm, 1 h.
Rome, AD 140-141.
Obv: DIVA AVG FAVSTINA, veiled and draped bust, right.
Rev: AETERNITAS around eight-pointed star; dot below.
Refs: RIC 355(b); BMCRE 293-295; Cohen 63; Strack 421; RCV 4580; CRE 124.
Notes: Double die match to BMCRE 294.
Next: Star as a major design element
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Too late, yet again. So I'll use this post to promote my thread about Mongol coins 😁

Hulagu Khan Fals, 1260-1261, overstruck on a Badr al-Din Lu'lu' Fals, 1258-1259image.png.ea8b7968e15fcbbc4a16abfb69332a95.pngSinjar (Iraq), the Ilkhanate. Bronze, 24mm, 6.87g. Shahada in three lines. 8-point star, ‘the Ilkhan Hulagu, may Allah increase his greatness’ (Album 2125.3; Zeno 35480, this coin). Overstruck on a Fals of Badr al-Din Lu'lu' (Album 1876).

Badr al-Din Lu'lu' (ruler of Mosul, Iraq) surrendered to Hulagu Khan (founder of the Ilkhanate), sparing his city from destruction. He recognised Möngke as Supreme Khan on the under-coin above. Hulagu overstruck it after their deaths in 1259 and his devastating destruction of Baghdad, where he killed up to 2 million people in less than two weeks. He destroyed Baghdad’s vast, invaluable libraries and threw so many books into the Tigris (perhaps including now-lost Greek, Roman and Islamic masterpieces) the river ran black.

Edited by John Conduitt
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19 minutes ago, shanxi said:

Next: Star on helmet, cap or hat

Will star on crown do?tabariastan.jpg.ee0721bff952e0d6026cadfc948fe42d.jpg

½ Drachm - "Ispahbadh of Tabaristan" Khurshid - 740-760 AD (Tabaristan mint 752/3 AD ) 2 gram

Obverse-Bust right,crescent in right field, breast ornament with 4 pellets.Pellet above crown to right,surmounted with a star. Name in Pahlavi.
Reverse- Fire altar with 2 attendants; star left and crescent right of flames.

Next...Star on helmet, cap or hat.

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The Dioscuri wore cool caps with stars.

Moneyer: Mn. Cordius Rufus
Coin: Silver Denarius
RVFVS III VIR - Jugate heads of the Dioscuri right, wearing laureate pilei
MN CORDIVS - Venus standing left, holding scales and sceptre; on her shoulder, Cupid
Mint: Rome (46 BC)
Wt./Size/Axis: 4.03g / 20mm / -
  • RSC 2 (Cordia)
  • Sydenham 976
  • Crawford 463/1a
  • HCRI 63
  • RBW 1606
Acquisition: Naville Numismatics Online auction NN Live 74 #370 19-Jun-2022



Next - jugate heads

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3.46 g  17.69 mm

. Sicily, Katane, late 3rd century BC. Æ . Jugate busts of Serapis and Isis; grain-ear behind. / KATANAION, Apollo standing slightly l., leaning on column, holding laurel branch and bow; quiver and omphalos at feet. CNS III, 22; SNG ANS -; HGC 2, 609.

Next - Serapis on a Roman Imperial coin

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Caracalla, 198-217 AD. AR Antoninianus (22mm, 4.71g, 12h). Rome mint struck 215 AD. Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM; Radiate and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind. Rev: P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P; Serapis standing facing, head left, raising hand and holding sceptre. Ref: RIC IV 263d; BMCRE 128; RSC 295b. Good Very Fine. Ex A. Lynn Collection, said to be acquired from Freeman & Sear 2012.

Next: Roman Egypt Serapis


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Best as in highest grade? Most valuable? The one you like the most? This one's my favorite, so it's my "best Hadrian."

Hadrian PIETAS AVGVSTI dupondius.jpg
Hadrian, AD 117-138.
Roman orichalcum dupondius, 13.78 g, , 26.1 mm, 7 h.
Rome, ca. AD 119-124.
Obv: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG P M TR P COS III, radiate and draped bust, right.
Rev: PIETAS AVGVSTI, Pietas, veiled, draped, standing facing right before a lighted altar, raising her right hand and holding a box of incense in her left.
Refs: RIC 601c; BMCRE 1233-34; Cohen 1044; Strack 542; RCV 3665; Hill 257.

Next: more Pietas/Eusebeia.

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I already showed this when the demand was a Caesar. So I can show it again for Antony :classic_cool:



Marcus Antonius
AR-Denar, ca. 43 v.C.
mint in Gallia
Obv: M ANTON IMP Head of Marcus Antonius r., lituus behind
Rev: CAESAR DIC Laureate head of Julius Caesar r., jug behind
Ag, 3.81g, 18mm
Ref: Cr.: 488/1, Sydenham: 1165, Sear 118

Next: jug as important design element


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Vespasian AD 69-79. AR Denarius 3,38gr. Rome

July- December AD 71. IMP CAES VESP AVG P M, head of Vespasian, laureate, right / AVGVR TRI POT, Simpulum, sprinkler, jug and lituus

RIC II, Part 1 (second edition) Vespasian 4, old RIC II Vespasian 30, RSC 43, BMC 50


Next - another denarius with pontifical implements reverse

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1 hour ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - another denarius with pontifical implements reverse


Nerva AR Denarius. Rome, AD 97.
Obverse..IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR POT, laureate head right
Reverse..COS III PATER PATRIAE, Priestly emblems: simpulum, aspergillum, guttus, and lituus.
RIC 24; RSC 48. 3.12g, 17mm

Next...More Nerva.

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Obv.: AVT NEPOVAΣ KAIΣ ΣEB, Laureate bust right.
Rev.: L - A=year 1 (96/97), Alexandria with elephant headdress
Billon, 12.43g, 26mm.
Ref.: Dattari 630, Kampmann/Ganschow 26.3

Next: unusual headdress

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18 minutes ago, shanxi said:

Next: unusual headdress


Hephthalites. Nezak Huns.. AR drachm. "Napki Malka" series. .
Circa 515.680 A.D.
Obverse..Bust right wearing winged-bull head-dress. Pahlavi legends nycky MLK-A
Reverse:Fire altar with attendants, Solar wheels above.
3.41 grams....24.64 mm.
Vondrovec [Göbl] 198

Next....Anything bigger than 25mm diameter.

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7 minutes ago, Spaniard said:

Next....Anything bigger than 25mm diameter.


Ludwig XV 1715-1774
Medal from 1770
Material: AE Bronze
Diameter: 42mm
Weight: 29.70g
Reference: Langer 83 Montenouvo, Divo 178 Slg.
By B. Duvivier, on the wedding of the Dauphin Louis XVI Marie Antoinette.
Laurel bust to the right, signed on the arm section / LUD XV REX CHRISTIANISS
The bride and groom join hands above a flaming altar, with Austria and Francia in the background between the double-headed eagle and escutcheon / SACRUM AETERNAE CONCORDIAE PIGNUS * M ANTONIA AUSTR * LUD DELPHINO NUPTA * MDCCLXX
Next: another coin with an "wedding" scene of an emperor and his augusta at the reverse making a handshake.
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