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I think we need our own 'Post an Old Coin and and an Old Tune' thread


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Eirene was the Greek Goddess of peace


Diocletian AD 284-305. Potin Tetradrachm (19.5mm, 7.38 g.)
Egypt, Alexandria mint, dated RY 6 (AD 290/1).
Obv. A K G OYA ΔIOKΛHTIANOC CEB, laureate, cuirassed bust right
Rev. Eirene looking left, holding branch and scepter, leaning on a lituus shaped column, SL (date) across field. No reverse legend.
Attractive brown patina.
Very rare leaning and SL instead of LS



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Constans, AE follis, Siscia. 18mm. DN CONSTA-NS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / FEL dot TEMP dot REPARATIO, phoenix, radiate, standing right on rocky mound. Mintmark ASIS dot. RIC VIII Siscia 232


20230510_190603 (2)-side.jpg

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Aeolis, Elaea. AE14. Time of Marcus Aurelius.

Obv: ƐΛΑΙΤΩΝ; turreted and draped bust of the Tyche wearing wreath, r.
Rev: ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡ Π ϹΑΛΩΝΙΟV; kalathos containing two poppies and two ears of corn. N-E across fields.
Magistrate: P. Salonios II (strategos).
RPC IV.2, 2472 (temporary).

Edited by AncientOne
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Couperin, Les Barricades Mysterieuses, played not only on a 17th century harpsichord, but one with something nearer the original, lower tuning.  Which, back in the day, was what kept the instrument from sounding like the tinny monstrosity that you can hear on that many 20th-century recordings.


Segueing to less mysterious barricades, here's a favorite camp-gate LRB, of Constantine II as Caesar.  Treveri /Trier mint.


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Here's a period theme for both coin and music.  The year is 1798.  For this year I chose a coin of Ferdinand III of Tuscany.

Italy, Tuscany, Ferdinand III, 1 francescone of 10 paoli, Florence, 1798.

Davenport ECT 1521

27.14 grams



For the music, here is Beethoven's piano sonata # 9, an earlier work, in F major, composed in 1798.

Wikipedia has this to say about this sonata:

"Not withstanding its seeming simplicity, this sonata introduces the "Sturm und Drang" character that became so commonly identified with Beethoven. He adds drama both in the contrast between the lyrical passages that follow very active, textured thematic sections. Furthermore, the contrasting dynamics and variation between major and minor, between using the parallel minor and the subdominant of its relative major (E minor to C major). These were new techniques that offer a hint of the innovations that Beethoven brought to end the Classical era and begin the Romantic era."

Here's the link:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piano_Sonata_No._9_(Beethoven)#:~:text=14%2C No.,comfortable key of F major.

And Murray Perahia's interpretation.


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I never really listened to or watched anything Imelda May did until I caught this by accident today - from a concert in memory of Jeff Beck from May:

I'm not sure if Johnny Depp is playing much or at all...

This is a a much earlier recording of Imelda with Jeff Beck at a Les Paul tribute gig in 2010

In tribute to Ms May's changed hairstyle and indeed dress 😛  - here's Julia Titi (I need a better J.T.):

Ruler: Julia Titi (Augusta)
Coin: Silver Denarius
IVLIA AVGVSTA TITI AVGVSTI F - Diademed bust draped right, hair in plait down back
VENVS AVGVST - Venus, viewed half from behind, standing right, leaning on column and holding helmet and spear
Mint: Rome (79-81 AD)
Wt./Size/Axis: 2.90g / 19mm / 6h
  • RIC 388
  • BMC 141 (Titus)
  • RSC 14
  • RIC 56 (old - Titus)
Acquisition: Ancient Delights Madrid 26-Sep-2012




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39 minutes ago, akeady said:

I need a better J.T.

Julia Titi is typically found worn down! Here's mine.

Julia Titi, c. 79-90/91 CE.
Roman AR denarius, 3.2 gm, 20.0 mm, 7 h.
Rome, 79-81 CE.
Obv: IVLIA AVGVSTA TITI AVGVSTI F, draped bust of Julia, right, hair in long plait, and wearing stephane.
Rev: VENVS AVGVST, Venus standing right, leaning on column holding helmet in right hand and transverse spear in left hand.
Refs: RIC2 388; BMCRE 141-143; Cohen/RSC 14; RCV 2612.

Maybe this song is too new to qualify for the thread, but it's good.


Edited by Roman Collector
New photo; attribution information for coin
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21 minutes ago, Roman Collector said:

Julia Titi is typically found worn down! Here's mine.


Maybe this song is too new to qualify for the thread, but it's good.


I hadn't heard of the group or song before - it's a good one for describing a lot of coins 😄


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Gaius Vibius Trebonianus Gallus. Sestertius, Rome, AD 251-252

IMP CAES C VIBIVS TREBONIANVS GALLVS AVG, laureate, draped bust right / PIETAS AVGG, S-C, Pietas standing facing before lit altar, raising both hands.
RIC 117a; Cohen 86; Sear 9676.
23.15g. 28x31mm



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I busted this one out of jail!!
Domna Perinthus Homonoia diassarion.jpg
Julia Domna, AD 193-217.
Roman provincial AE diassarion, 10.69 gm, 25.3 mm, 7 h.
Thrace, Perinthus, AD 196-211.
Obv: ΙΟVΛΙΑ ΑVΓΟVϹΤΑ, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: ΠΕΡΙΝΘΙΩΝ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ, Homonoia standing facing, head left, holding patera and cornucopia.
Refs: Varbanov 219; Moushmov 4530; Schönert-Geiß 540; CN 2877.
Notes: Obverse die-match to CN 2877 (BnF) specimen.

Domna Perinthus Homonoia diassarion slab.jpg
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@Roman Collector, you Made me do it.   It's all your fault!!!  (Busting coins out of those is Fun.  I like the minimalist approach, with a hammer.)

Friesach pfennig,  Eberhard I of  Hilpolstein 1147-1164, Bishopric of Salsburg - Picture 1 of 2

Picture 2 of 2

Eberhard I of Hilpolstein, Archbishop of Salzburg 1147-1164 (prominent in the phase of the Investiture Contest under Friedrich Barbarossa).  Freisacher denar, just bought; easily the earliest one I have.

And it Had to happen --can't tell you about Eberhard, but....




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Great tunes, coin-gang ...

Ummm, sorry that I haven't dropped-in too often lately (I've been busy doing summer yard-chores and other vacation stuff ... non-coin good times) 

Oh well, it is always great sayin' "hey" to my cool coin-friends ... 

Here is a fun tune from a "classic?" flick from a while back ... crank it and enjoy the day!! (cheers)


Oh, and this sweet clam-coin was always one of my favs 



Aeolis Gryneion.jpg

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United States of America, 20 dollars, 1857, San Francisco Mint



Silver commemorative, City and County of San Francisco, centennial of cable car system, 1973, San Francisco Mint.


Edited by robinjojo
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Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 733, Cohen 450, BMC 1624
143-144 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / IMPERATOR II S-C, Sow facing right under helm-oak, suckling four young, another piglet in front. SC in ex. 25mm, 10.09gr Scarce



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