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Link: River God



Lydia, Saitta.

Pseudo-autonomous issue, circa 100-150 AD.

IЄPA CYNKΛHTOC, draped bust of the Senate to right / [ϹΑΙΤΤ]ΗΝΩΝ, river-god Hermos reclining to left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting on water-urn; [tree to left]; ЄΡΜOC in exergue.

GRPC Lydia 14.

6.26g, 22mm.

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Link: personification of the senate on the obverse:

Time of Commodus.
Pseudo-autonomous Æ 26.1 mm, 8.01 g, 5 h.
Ionia, Smyrna, Strategos Kl. Stratoneikianos, AD 182-184.
Obv: ΙЄΡΑ ϹVΝ [ΚΛΗΤΟϹ], draped bust of Senate, right.
Rev: CΤΡ•CΤΡΑΤΟΝЄΚ[ΙΑΝΟV СΜVΡΝΑΙΩΝ], Winged Nemesis of Smyrna, advancing right, plucking chiton and holding bridle.
Refs: RPC IV 278 (temp); Klose XV series B, 7–10; SNG Cop. 1304 (same dies).

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33 minutes ago, Roman Collector said:




Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus
Reign: Commodus; Mint: Thessalonica, Macedonia; Date: 180/192 AD; Nominal: Bronze; Material: AE; Diameter: 26mm; Weight: 13.32g; Reference: RPC IV.1 25008 (this coin); Rare: Specimens 1 (0 in the core collections); Provenance: Numisfitz Numismatik Munich, Germany (Auction 1, Lot 467); Pedigree: –; Special: Only known example, RPC Online Plate coin

Obverse: Radiate head of Commodus, right; Inscription: ΑΥΤoΚ Μ ΑΥΡ [ΚΟΜΜ ΑΝΤΩΝ]ƐΙΝoΝ; Translation: Autokrator Marcos Aurelios Kommodos Antoneinon; Translation: Imperator Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus

Reverse: Nike advancing, right, holding wreath and palm-branch; Inscription: ΘƐϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚƐΩΝ; Translation: Thessalonikeon; Translation: City and People of Thessalonica


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Link: Nike


Philippus I.
Obv.: A K M IOV ΦIΛIΠΠOC EVC, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev.: LS, year 6 = AD 248/249, Nike advancing right with wreath and palm branch.
Billion, 12.1g, 22.4mm
Ref.: Geissen 2750

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Link..Philip I


Philip I Antoninianus AD 244 / 249
Obverse..IMP M IVL PHILIPPUS AVG.... radiate, draped bust right.
Reverse..LIBERALITAS AVGGII... liberalitus standing right holding abacua and cornucopiae.
RIC 38b
4th Issue 5th Officina...This donative was given to celebrate the arrival of the Royal Family in Rome AD245

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Link:- Liberalitas

Septimius Severus denarius

Obv:– IMP CA L SE SEV PER AVG COS II, Laureate head right
Rev:– LIBE-R AVG, Liberalitas seated left, holding abacus in right hand, cornucopiae in left
Minted in Emesa, A.D. 194
References:– RIC -, RSC -


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Link: Septimius Severus.

Septimius Severus, AD 193-211.
Roman provincial diassarion, AE 21.2 mm, 6.30 g, 7 h.
Moesia Inferior, Tomis.
Obv: ΑY Κ Λ CΕ CΕΥΗΡΟC Π, laureate head, right.
Rev: ΜΗΤΡ ΠΟΝ ΤΟΜЄΩC, Asklepios standing facing, head left, holding serpent-entwined staff and with left hand on hip, B in left field.
Refs: AMNG 2781-85 var.; BMC 3.56,18 var.; Varbanov 4826 var.; Sear 2125 var.

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Link: Tomis



Moesia inferior, Tomis. 1st-2nd Century AD. Pseudo-autonomous Æ16mm. Anepigraphic turreted and draped and diademed female bust right, Demeter? / Lion seated right, raising forepaw; + above. AMNG I 2514; SNG Budapest -.

obv. Female head, draped , with bun and small mural crown, r.
rev. TO / MI. Lion seated r., left fore paw raised, mouth opened, tongue outstretched
in the upper field + (cross).
AMNG 2514 (2 ex.)

Regling (AMNG): The obv. portrait probably pointing to Demeter

Edited by AncientOne
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Link: lion seated


Faustina II
Sestertius, AD 161-175
Obv.: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right.
Rev.: MATRI MAGNAE / S - C, Cybele, holding drum, seated right between two lions.
AE, 26.24g, 32 mm
Ref.: RIC 1663
Ex Künker
Ex Collection Pudill

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Link...Faustina II


Faustina II Junior Silver Denarius 3.36g.,17mm, Rome mint, A.D. 154-156,

Obverse. FAVSTINA AVG-PIIAVGFIL Draped bust of Faustina right,

Reverse. CONC-O-RDIA, Concordia seated left, holding flower & resting left arm on cornucopiae set on globe below seat.

(RCV 4704; RIC 502a)

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1 minute ago, IanG said:




Bruttia Crispina
Reign: Marcus Aurelius or Commodus, Mint: Rome; Date: 178/182 AD; Nominal: Denarius; Material: Silver; Diameter: 18mm; Weight: 3.33g; Reference: RIC III Commodus 279b; Rare: R1; Provenance: Solidus Numismatik Munich, Germany (Auction 116, Lot 211); Pedigree: –

Obverse: Bust of Crispina, draped, hair in round coil at back, right; Inscription: CRISPINA AVGVSTA; Translation: Crispina Augusta; Translation: [Bruttia] Crispina, the venerable; Reverse: Clasped right hands; Inscription: CONCORDIA; Translation: Concordia; Translation: Harmony


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Link: Clasped hands & CONCORDIA.

Nerva AR Denarius, Rome Jan-Sep 97 AD. Obv. Laureate head right, IMP NERVA CAES AVG PM TRP COS III P P / Rev. Two clasped hands in front of legionary eagle left at top of standard resting on prow left, CONCORDIA EXERCITVVM. RIC II Nerva 15, RSC II (Cohen) 29, BMCRE III Nerva 29, cf. Sear RCV II 3021 (COS II, otherwise same). 18 mm., 3.37 g. Purchased from Patrick Guillard Collection, Paris, France, May 2021.


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51 minutes ago, DonnaML said:




Imperator Nerva Caesar Augustus
Denarius of the Roman Imperial Period 97 AD; Material: Silver; Diameter: 18mm; Weight: 3.42g; Mint: Rome; Reference: RIC II Nerva 24; Provenance: Ex Classical Numismatics CNG USA

Obverse: Head of Nerva, laureate, right. The Inscription reads: IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR POT for Imperator Nerva Caesar Augustus, Pontifex Maximus, Tribunicia Potestate (Imperator Nerva, Caesar, Augustus, high priest, holder of tribunician power); Reverse: Priestly emblems: simpulum, aspergillum, guttus, and lituus. The Inscription reads: COS III PATER PATRIAE for Consul Tertius, Pater Patriae (Consul for the third time, father of the nation).


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Link...Priestly emblems kH2T4gSDZGm9a7QX5MegPxi86HikqC.jpg.e54593cc5c9bc9c634b6ddaec5dfe25d.jpg

Caracalla, as Caesar, 196-198 AD. AR Denarius (3.21 gm, 17mm). Rome mint. Struck 195-196 AD.
Obv.: M AVR ANTONINVS CAES,(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Caesar), bare-headed and draped bust right.
Rev.: SEVERI AVG PII FIL,(To Severus, son of the pious Emperor Augustus), Lituus, Sacrificial knife (axe), Guttus, Simpulum and Aspergilum.
RIC#4. gVF.

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Link: Lituus,  Simpulum 


Antoninianus, Rome mint
Obv.: M AVR CARINVS NOB CAES, draped and cuirassed radiate bust right
Rev.: PIETAS AVGG, sprinkler, simpulum, jug, patera, knife and lituus, KAZ in ex
4.20g, 21.3x23.3mm
RIC 155, C 74

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51 minutes ago, shanxi said:




Marcus Antonius Gordianus III as Caesar
Denarius of the Roman Imperial Period 238 AD; Material: Silver; Diameter: 21mm; Weight: 1.97g; Mint: Rome; Reference: RIC IV Gordian III (Caesar) 1; Provenance: Ex Naumann Numismatik Vienna Austria

Obverse: Bust of Gordian III, bare-headed, draped, right. The Inscription reads: M ANT GORDIANVS CAES for Marcus Antonius Gordianus Caesar; Reverse: Priestly emblems: jug between lituus and knife on the left and simpulum and sprinkler on right. The Inscription reads: PIETAS AVGG for Pietas Duorum Augustorum (Piety of the two Augusti).


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LInk: Gordian III.

Gordian III, 238-244 CE.
Roman provincial Æ 27.1 mm, 12.33 g, 9 h.
Moesia Inferior, Nicopolis ad Istrum, Sabinius Modestus, legatus consularis, 241-244 CE.
Obv: ΑVΤ Κ Μ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟC ΑVΓ, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust, right.
Rev: ΥΠ CΑΒ ΜΟΔЄCΤΟV ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛЄΙΤ | ΩN ΠPOC ICTP, Nimbate figure of snake-god Glycon, coiled in two coils, rising up, head right.
Refs: RPC VII.2, 1307; Hristova/Hoeft/Jekov (2018) (same dies); Varbanov 4146; Moushmov 1488; Mionnet Suppl. 2, 708; AMNG 2104 var.; BMC --; Lindgren --; Sear --.

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Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus
Reign: Commodus; Mint: Rome; Date: 190 AD; Nominal: Denarius; Material: Silver; Diameter: 18mm; Weight: 3.51g; Reference: RIC III Commodus 208; Rare: R1; Provenance: Heritage Numismatics Dallas, USA (Auction 232308 February 2023, Lot 64114); Pedigree: –

Obverse: Head of Commodus, laureate, right; Inscription: M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT P P; Translation: Marcus Commodus Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus Britannicus Pater Patriae; Translation: Marcus Commodus Antoninus, the pious, the fortunate, Augustus, conqueror of the Britons, father of the nation

Reverse: Liberalitas, draped, standing front, head left, holding pileus in right hand and rod in left hand; Inscription: LIB AVG P M TR P XV COS VI; Translation: Liberalitas Augustorum, Pontifex Maximus, Tribunicia Potestate Quinta Decima, Consul Sextum; Translation: The liberality of the Augustus, high priest, holder of tribunician power for the 15th time, consul for the sixth time


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Link: Commodus


Commodus, AD 177-192, and Crispina, AD 178-191.
Roman provincial Æ 20 mm, 4.7 g.
Mysia, Parium, c. AD 179-180.
Obv: IMP CAI Λ AVR COMODVS, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Commodus, right.
Rev: CRISPINA AVGVSTA, bare-headed and draped bust of Crispina, right.
Ref: RPC IV.2, 11735 (temporary).


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Link: Altar


Constantius I Chlorus as Caesar.

Follis, Lugdunum, c. 301-303 AD.

CONSTANTIVS NOB C, Laureate and cuirassed bust left, sceptre over right shoulder / GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked but for chlamys over left shoulder, right holding patera, left cornucopiae; altar in left field, A in right field. PLC in exergue.

RIC VI, p. 252, 167a.

9.12 g, 27mm.

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Link: Constantius Chlorus (as one of four tetrarchs on reverse).

Diocletian, AR Argenteus, ca. AD 295, Heraclea Mint (1st Officina). Obv. Laureate head right, DIOCLETI-ANVS AVG / Rev. The four tetrarchs [the Augusti Diocletian and Maximian, and the Caesars Constantius Chlorus and Galerius], draped, sacrificing over a tripod altar, two of them on each side, before military camp gate with six turrets (four in front and two in rear), VICTORIA-SARMAT [referring to victories over the Sarmatians*]; in exergue, H A [Heraclea, 1st Officina]. RIC VI Heraclea 6 [see http://numismatics.org/ocre/id/ric.6.her.6], RSC V Diocletian 488j, Sear RCV IV 12612. 19 mm., 2.70 g. Purchased from Kenneth W. Dorney, Oct. 2021. Ex Ira & Larry Goldberg Auction 90, 2 Feb. 2016, Lot 3274.


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Link...One of the four tetrarchs..Galerius.normal_galnew_together-removebg-preview.png.2646978063227298d8af8ebd5127f163.png

Galerius Maximianus as Caesar AE Follis minted 297 AD.

11,46 g. 25 mm.

Obv: GAL VAL MAXIMIANVS NOB CAES. Laureate Head right

Rev: GENIO POPVLI ROMANI/ (crescent)/ D// ANT. Genius standing left, holding cornucopiae and patera.

RIC VI 49b Antioch

From an old collection formed in the 1920s. Ex Münzhandlung Kallai, Vienna.

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