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Link: Sinope


Sinope, Paphlagonia
AE17, 120-100 BC
Obv: Draped bust of Perseus right
Rev: Cornucopiae between two pilei of the Dioskouroi, each surmounted by a star, ΣΙΝΩ−ΠΗΣ below
AE, 4,01g, 16.6mm
Ref.: SNG BMC Black Sea 1520ff; SNG Stancomb 791; SNG Cop. 306; SNG von Aulock 231

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Link, two pilei with stars above

Bust of Athena right in crested helmet
Text above and beneath eagle alighting right on maeander pattern between two pilei with stars above, and a star upper middle..
AΠAME KΩKOY, Kokos (magistrate)
PHRYGIA, Apameia. SA24. (Ae. 7.76g)- 88-40 BC Kokos. SNG Copenhagen 161-2; BMC 78-82; HGC 7, 670, SNG von Aulock 3466-3467; Walcher 2746.


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Nike holding wreath...

Taras, Calabria

276-272 BC
AR Obol (10mm, 0.57g).
O: Kantharos; pellet above and to right, flying Nike with wreath to left.
R: Kantharos; pellet above and to left, E to right.  
D'Andrea XLII, 1271V (Nike to right); Vlasto 1638v (Nike to right); HN Italy 1076
ex London Ancient Coins

Another unpublished variety, this one a mirror image of Vlasto 1638, with Nike flying left instead of right.

~ Peter 


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29 minutes ago, Phil Anthos said:

Nike holding wreath...

Taras, Calabria

276-272 BC
AR Obol (10mm, 0.57g).
O: Kantharos; pellet above and to right, flying Nike with wreath to left.
R: Kantharos; pellet above and to left, E to right.  
D'Andrea XLII, 1271V (Nike to right); Vlasto 1638v (Nike to right); HN Italy 1076
ex London Ancient Coins

Another unpublished variety, this one a mirror image of Vlasto 1638, with Nike flying left instead of right.

~ Peter 


Link: Nike holding wreath 


Campania Neapolis Arte(mios), as magistrate ca. 300-275 B.C.

AR Didrachm 7.40g. 20mm.

Diademed head of Nymph r., Thessalian helmet behind, ARTE below; beaded border around.

Man-headed bull walking r.; crowned by Nike flying r.; (theta)E beneath bull; In ex.: [NEO]POLITWN

SNG ANS 347 var. (ARTEMI and border); HGC I 453 var (obv. symbol)

Scarcer obverse variety. Toned with hints of lustre in devices.

Off-center, with some light porosity.


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28 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:



22 mm, 4,78 g.
Akarnania, Oeniadae. Ӕ. Circa 219-211 BC.
Laureate head of Zeus right, Λ below, eagle behind head / OINIAΔAN, head of the river-god Acheloös right, trident above.
BCD Akarnania 349; BMC 12; SNG Copenhagen 403.

Link: River god


Moesia Inferior Istros, c. 250 B.C. Head of the River god Istros facing right / Sea eagle standing left on back of dolphin.

AE 12mm, 1.73g, AMNG 468

Moesia, Istros.jpg

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  • Benefactor

River god, Leu win 2021car_pamph.jpg.e25552c103dca8519466fa9a4970ab0a.jpg

PAMPHYLIA. Side. Caracalla, 198-217. Pentassarion (?) (Bronze, 30 mm, 17.51 g, 1 h).

AY K M AY CEY ANTΩNЄINOC Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla to right; above, star; on cheek, countermark: Є within circular incuse.

Rev. CIΔH/TΩΝ The river-god Melas reclining left, holding pomegranate tree in his right hand and leaning left on urn from which water flows.

SNG Paris -. SNG PFPS 699. SNG von Aulock -. For countermark, Howgego 803. Very rare. Areas of weakness, otherwise, about very fine.

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28 mm, 11,42 g.
Moesia Inferior, Marcianopolis. Septimius Severus, with Julia Domna 193-211 AD. Pentassarion Æ. 210-211. Flavius Ulpianus, legatus consularis. AV K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CEB, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus and draped bust of Julia Domna facing one another / ΥΦΛ ΟΥΛΠΙΑΝΟΥ ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia; Є (mark of value) to left.
H&J, Marcianopolis; AMNG I 601; Varbanov 868; Moushmov 411.

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39 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:



28 mm, 11,42 g.
Moesia Inferior, Marcianopolis. Septimius Severus, with Julia Domna 193-211 AD. Pentassarion Æ. 210-211. Flavius Ulpianus, legatus consularis. AV K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CEB, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus and draped bust of Julia Domna facing one another / ΥΦΛ ΟΥΛΠΙΑΝΟΥ ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia; Є (mark of value) to left.
H&J, Marcianopolis; AMNG I 601; Varbanov 868; Moushmov 411.

Link: Julia Domna

Julia Domna, AE27 of Ilion, Troas, 193-217 AD, AE26mm 10.82 gr. IOYΛIA CEBACTH, Draped bust right / IΛIEΩN, Athena Nikephorus standing right; helmeted, holding spear behind her in right hand and Nike in left, shield at feet to left. Bellinger, Troy, T222; BMC 79; SNG Munich 262.

Julia domna.jpg

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Link: Athena Nikephoros


Cappadocian Kingdom, Ariarathes V.

 Drachm. Uncertain mint, possibly Mazaka Eusebeia or Tyana, 163-130 BC.

Diademed head of king right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΡΙΑΡΑΘΟΥ ΕΥΣΕΒΟΥΣ Athena Nikephoros standing left. Monograms in inner left field and outer right field; in exergue, ΓΛ.

BMC Galatia, p. 31, 33. SNG von Aulock 6269. SNG Copenhagen Suppl. 697. SNG Ashmolean 1965.

4.17g, 18mm.

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Cappadocia drachm. 


16 mm, 4,45 g,
Kings of Cappadocia. Eusebeia-Mazaka. Ariobarzanes I Philoromaios 96-63 BC. AR drachm. Year 27 (69/8 BC).
Diademed head r. / Athena standing l., holding Nike and spear, hand resting on shield at her side; monogram to inner l., ZK (date) in exergue.
Simonetta 37b; HGC 7, 846.

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Link: Cappadocia.

Severus Alexander, AD 222-235.
Roman Provincial AE 25.0 mm, 10.37 g.
Cappadocia, Caesarea, AD 222/3.
Obv: ΑV Κ Μ ΑVΡ ϹЄΟΥ ΑΛЄΞΑΝΔΡ, laureate head, right; uncertain c/m behind.
Rev: ΜΗΤΡΟΠ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ, agalma of Mount Argaeus surmounted by star, atop altar inscribed ЄTA (= year 1).
Refs: RPC VI 6735; Sydenham 537-38; BMC 298; SNG von Aulock 6510.

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7 hours ago, Ancient Coin Hunter said:

Severus Alexander


Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander
Stater of the Cimmerian Bosporus Empire Period 228/229 AD
Material: Silver-Gold Elektron (Whitegold); Diameter:20mm; Weight: 6.86g
Mint: Pantikapaion, Kingdom of the Bosporus; Reference: MacDonald 583
Provenance: Ex Naumann Vienna Collection

Obverse: Draped bust of Divus Rhescuporis II or III with diadema to the right. In front of it two characters ΘЄ. Inscription: ΒΑϹΙΛƐΩϹ · ΡΗϹΚΟΥΠΟΡΙΔΟϹ · ΘƐ for Basileos Rheskouporis Theos (θεός) means Basileus (King) Rhescuporis God (deity); Reverse: Bust of Severus Alexander with laurel wreath to the right. In front of it a globe. Inscription: ƐΚΦ for Epsilon (5) + Kappa (20) + Phi (500) = 525 (Dated year 525 of the Bosporan era = 228/229 AD).


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Theme: Dated provincial:

Faustina II, AD 147-175.
Roman provincial Æ 26.85 mm, 13.64 g, 12 h.
Samaria, Neapolis, AD 159/160.
Obv: ΦΑVCΤЄΙΝΑ CЄΒ ЄVCЄ CЄΒΑ ΘVΓ, diademed and draped bust, right.
Rev: ΦΛ ΝЄΑCΠΟΛЄⲰ CVΡΙΑC ΠΑΛΑΙCΤΙ, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae; year ЄΤ ΠΗ.
Refs: RPC IV.3, 6340 (temporary); Lindgren A2431B; SNG ANS 973; Hendin 880; Rosenberger 20.
Notes: The obverse titulature, ΦΑVCΤЄΙΝΑ CЄΒ ЄVCЄ CЄΒΑ ΘVΓ, is translated as "Faustina Augusta, daughter of Pius Augustus" and corresponds to the Latin FAVSTINA AVG PII AVG FIL found on imperial issues for her. Ex George Fisher Collection.

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12 minutes ago, Roman Collector said:

Samaria, Neapolis


Samaria, Neapolis. Trebonianus Gallus. 251-253 C.E. AE 27 mm (14.93 g). Laureate and cuirassed bust right, slight drapery on left shoulder / Eagle standing facing, supporting on wings Mt. Gerazim surmounted by temple and altar; stairway leading to temple, colonnade at base of mountain, star and crescent to right and left of temple.

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link: Mt. Gerazim


Samaria, Neapolis
AE 22
Obv.: AVT K M [AVP] ANTW[NINOC] , Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r.
Rev.: ΦΛ NEAC - ΠOΛ CVP ΠAΛ, Mount Gerizim surmounted by temple, steps leading to temple, colonnade below
AE, 22.1 mm, 9.03g
Ref.: SNG ANS 1000, Rosenberger 39

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Elagabalus denarius

Obv:- IMP ANTONINVS AVG Laureate and draped bust right
Rev:- P M TR P II COS II P P Fortuna seated left on throne, holding rudder set on globe in her right hand and cornucopiae with her left; below throne, wheel.
Minted in Rome. A.D. 219
Reference:- RSC 149. RIC 19. BMCRE 96.

Weight 3.173g. 18.94mm. 180 degrees


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Link: holding rudder and cornucopiae



Gordian III, with Tranquillina.

Thrace, Odessos, AD 238-244.


AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC ΑVΓ CE TPANKVΛΛEIN, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Gordian right, facing draped bust of Tranquillina left, wearing stephane / OΔHCCEITΩN, Tyche, bare-headed, standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae, E to left.

Varbanov 4608; AMNG 2402; Moushmov 1697.

12,47g, 25mm.

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Link: Gordian Odessos


Gordianus III
Moesia Inferior, Odessos
Æ Pentassarion
Obv.: AYT K M ANTΩNIOC ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟC AYΓ, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian left and draped bust of Darzalas wearing kalathos and holding cornucopiae right, vis-à-vis.
Rev: OΔΗCCEITΩN, Athena standing right, holding spear and resting on shield, E in field to left
AE, 13.2g, 27.6mm
Ref.: Varbanov 4469


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Link:- Gordian III

Gordian III and Tranquillina - AE27

Obv:- AVT K M ANT GORDIANOC AVG CEB, TPANKVLLEINA Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian right vis-à-vis diademed and draped bust of Tranquillina left.
Rev:- VP TEPTVLLIANOV MARKIANOPOLITWN, Homonoia standing facing, head left, wearing kalathos, holding patera over lighted altar and cornucopia; E in left field.
Minted in Markianpolis under Magistrate Tertullianus.
Reference:– Varbanov 2046.

13.58 gms. 27.13 mm. 0 degrees


Edited by maridvnvm
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Link, Gordian III

GORDIAN III AR Drachm. Caesarea mint. ETDelta - Mount Argaeus.
Obverse: AV KΔI M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC C. Laureate head to right.
Reverse: MHTPO KAIC B N. Mount Argaeus, pellet to left, ETΔ in exergue.
Syd 603d Var.  Caesarea (Cappadocia) mint, A.D. 241 (year 4).  2,7 g - 18 mm


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4 hours ago, expat said:

Caesarea (Cappadocia)

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
Reign: Nero; Mint: Caesarea, Cappadocia; Date: 63/64 AD
Nominal: Didrachm; Material: Silver Subaerat; Diameter: 21mm; Weight: 6.05g
Reference: BMC 416; Reference: RIC 619; Reference: Sydenham 66
Reference: RPC I 3653 (#11 this one)
RPC Online Plate: https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coin/465138
Obverse: Laureate head of Nero, right; Inscription: NERO CLAVD DI CLAVD F CAESAR AVG GERMA; Translation: Nero Claudius Divi Claudii Filius Caesar Augustus Germanicus; Translation: Nero Claudius, son of the divine Claudius, Caesar, Augustus, victor over the Germans; Reverse: Laureate head of Claudius, right; Inscription: DIVOS CLAVD AVGVST GERMANIC PATER AVG; Translation: Divos Claudius Augustus Germanicus Pater Augusti; Translation: Divine Claudius, Augustus, victor over the Germans, father of the emperor.
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Link Claudius 


29 mm, 11,53 g.
Claudius 41-54 AD. Ӕ dupondius. Rome. 41-50.
TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP, head of Claudius, bare, left / CERES AVGVSTA S C, Ceres, veiled and draped, seated left, on ornamented throne, holding grain stalks in right hand and transverse torch in left.
RIC I (second edition) Claudius 94.

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