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Kroton, Bruttium

480-430 BC
AR Stater (20mm, 7.57g)
O: Tripod-lebes with lion's feet; heron standing right in left field, QPO to right, lemniscate serpents in ex.
R: Tripod-lebes incuse, with dentate border.
SNG ANS 312; SNG Cop 1764v
ex Tom Vossen


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5 hours ago, Phil Anthos said:



Bruttium, Croton, AR nomos, ca. 480–430 BC. Obv: retrograde ϘPO; tripod with legs terminating in lion’s feet; to left, heron standing r. Rev: incuse tripod with central pellet. 18mm, 7.92g. Ref: HN Italy 2102; SNG ANS 261-2.

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Kroton, Bruttium

525-425 BC
AR Triobol (11mm, 1.25g)
O: Tripod with lion‘s feet, within dotted border; QPO (retrograde) to left.
R: Pegasos with curled wings flying left; Q below.
SNG ANS 323-6; HN Italy 2127; Sear 468; Hands Class V, 3v (ethnic to right)
From the Frank James collection; ex CNG; ex Roma Auctions


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Link: Pegasos


Akarnania, Leukas
Stater, ca. 405-345 BC
Obv.: Pegasos flying right, Λ below
Rev.: Head of Athena right, wearing Corinthian helmet; caduceus behind
Ref.: Nicolet- Pierre and Kroll, AJN 2 (1990), pl. i, pi-1-pi-4. Svoronos pl. 20.


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Link Athena 


30 mm, 12,2 g.
Cilicia, Tarsos. Otacilia Severa, Augusta 244-249. Ӕ.
ΩΤΑΚΙΛ ϹƐΥΗΡΑΝ ƐΥΤ ƐΥϹ ϹƐΒ, diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, r. / ΤΑΡϹΟΥ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛƐΩϹ, Α Μ Κ Β Γ, Athena standing l., holding spear and shield resting on ground.
RPC VIII, — (unassigned; ID 3230).

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Link: Otacilia.

Otacilia Severa, 244-249 CE.
Roman AR antoninianus, 3.96 g, 23.1 mm, 12 h.
Rome, 246-248 CE.
Obv: M OTACIL SEVERA AVG, diademed and draped bust, right, on crescent.
Rev: CONCORDIA AVGG, Concordia seated left, holding patera and double cornucopiae.
Refs: RIC 125c; Cohen 14; RCV 9147; CRE 522.

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Diademed and draped bust, right

Julia  Mamaea Denarius. IVLIA MAMAEA AVG, diademed and draped bust right / VESTA, Vesta standing half-left, holding palladium and sceptre.  
RIC 360, Sear 8217,  RSC 81.
 Augusta AD 225-235. Rome
Denarius AR 20 mm, 3,43 g


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17 mm, 3,21 g.
Antoninus Pius 138-161. AR denarius. Rome. 152-153.
ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XV, head of Antoninus Pius, laureate, right / COS IIII, Vesta, veiled, draped, standing left, holding simpulum lowered in right hand and palladium at shoulder in left.
RIC III Antoninus Pius 203; BMC 762; RSC 196.

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Antoninus Pius (Reg. 138-161 AD)
AR Denarius
Obv.: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right
Rv: TR POT COS IIII, Liberalitas standing left, holding coin counter and cornucopiae, LIB IIII in exergue.
Ag, 3.74g, 16mm
Ref.: RIC 155, BMCRE 567, RSC 490a.

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 DIVVS ANTONINVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, eagle standing right on garlanded altar, head turned left. RSC 156. BMC 48. SEAR 5192.
RIC 431 (Aurelius). Rome mint, after AD 161. 3,0 g - 18,5 mm


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Chalkis, Euboia

340-294 BC
AR Drachm (18mm, 3.46g)
O: Head of nymph Chalkis (or Hera?) right, hair rolled.
R: Eagle flying right, holding serpent in his talons and beak; trophy of arms below.
SNG Cop 432; Sear 2482
From the Wallace and BCD collections. ex Pegasi Numismatics


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Link: nymph


Asia Minor, Caria
Æ10, circa 4th-3rd centuries BC
Obv.: Laureate head of Apollo facing slightly left
Rev.: IAΣI, Head of nymph right, with hair in sakkos; crayfish to right.
Æ, 0.94g, 9.9mm
Ref.: Ashton 17-19


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7 mm, 0,46 g.
Caria, Kasolaba. AR hemiobol. Circa 420-400 BC.
Ram’s head right / Youthful male head right within incuse.
Konuk, Kasolaba 5; Klein 496-8 (Uncertain); SNG Keckman 870, SNG Tübingen 3316, Klein 496, Troxell Carians 9A.

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Link: Ram


Philip II (247-249)
Syria, Seleucis and Pieria: Antiochia ad Orontem
Obv.: AYTOK K M IOYΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r.
Turreted, draped, and veiled bust of Tyche r. above, ram leaping r., head l. star below
(The ram is the sign of the zodiac for the month in which Antiochia was founded)
AE, 14.86g, 29.1mm
Ref: McAlee 1073/2


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Klazomenai, Ionia

Late 4th century BC
AE12 (12mm, 1.79g)
O: Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with olive leaves, and triple pendant earring.
R: Head of ram to right; KΛΑ below.
Sear 4322
ex JAZ Numismatics


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Crested Attic helmet


10 mm, 0,88 g.
Pisidia, Selge. AR obol (or trihemiobol). Circa 350-300 BC.
Facing gorgoneion with protruding tongue / Head of Athena to left, wearing crested Attic helmet; behind, astragalos.
SNG France 1928; SNG von Aulock 5281.

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Link: Gorgoneion


Parion, Mysia
4th century BC
Obv.: Facing gorgoneion surrounded by snakes
Rev.: ΠΑ / ΡΙ, Bull standing left, head reverted. star below
Ag, 13mm, 2.41g
Ref.: SNG von Aulock 1322

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Link: Bull

Julian II, AD 360-363. Æ 27mm (28mm, 8.93g, 12h). Arelate (Arles) mint. Struck AD 362-363. Obv: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev: Bull standing right, two stars above; to right, eagle standing on wreath holding wreath in beak; SCONST. Ref: RIC VIII 318; Ferrando 1266; LRBC 468. Good Very Fine, dark green patina. Rare. Ex CNG Mail Bid Sale 69 (8 June 2005), Lot 1494. Ex Kunker e78 (18 July 2023), Lot 5632. 


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Link: Julian II.

Julian II, 361-363 CE.
Roman Silvered AE 3 Centenionalis; 3.16 g. 18.3 mm.
Antioch mint, 362-363 CE.
Obv: D N FL CL IVLIANVS P F, helmeted and cuirassed bust, left, holding spear and shield.
Rev: VOT X MVLT XX, legend within wreath; in exergue: ANTA between two palm fronds.
Refs: RIC 220; Cohen 151; RCV 19181; LRBC 2642.

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Link: shield and spear


Mysia, Pergamon
Diobol, 330-284 BC
Obv.: head of Herakles right, clad in lion's skin
Rev.: mirrored !! - ΠEΡΓAM, cult statue of Athena standing facing, holding spear and shield
Ag, 1.23g, 11mm

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Link: Shield and spear

DOMITIAN (92 AD). Denarius. Rome.
Laureate head right.
Minerva advancing right on rostral column, with chlamys blowing backwards, brandishing spear and holding shield; to right, owl standing left, head facing.
RIC² 730,  RSC 274. Weight: 3.23 g. Diameter: 19 mm.


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Syracuse, Reign of Pyrrhus

278-276 BC
AE24 (23.2mm, 10.505g, 285o)
O: Head of Herakles left, clad in lion-skin headdress; club behind, ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ before.
R: Athena Promachos advancing right, hurling javelin and holding shield; wreath behind.
HGC 2, 1450; Calciati II p. 324, 177; SNG ANS 847; SNG Cop 809-814; Sear 1213
ex Forvm Ancient Coins


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Link: Hercules in lionskin headress

M. VOLTEIUS M.F. Denarius (78 BC). Rome.Head of young Hercules right, wearing lion skin / Erymanthian Boar right, M VOLTEI M F in exergue.
Volteia 2 Sear5 #313, Syd 775, Cr385/2.
( 3.48 g. 17.8 mm ).


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Arpi, Apulia

325-275 BC
AE20 (20mm, 7.07g)
O: Laureate head of Zeus left; [thunderbolt] behind.
R: Kalydonian boar running right; spearhead above, [Α]ΡΠΑΝ[ΟΥ] below.
SNG ANS 639; SNG Cop 605; HN Italy 642; Sear 569; BMC 1, 4
ex Andre C

Situated about 20 miles inland from the Adriatic Sea, Arpi was an ancient city which legend tells us was founded by the hero Diomedes. Arpi allied with Rome at the end of the 4th century BC, and supplied them with infantry and cavalry in the war against Pyrrhus.
After the annihilation of the Roman army at Cannae in 216 Arpi defected to the Carthaginian cause, and Hannibal made the city his winter headquarters in 215. However upon his departure to move his army south the Roman consul Quintus Fabius Maximus retook the city in 213, and Arpi never again regained its’ former importance.


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Link: boar


Kyzikos, Mysia
AR obol, 525 - 475 B.C.
Obv.: forepart of boar left, reversed E on side, tunny fish behind
Rev.: head of roaring lion left within incuse square
Ag, 0.79g, 10.4mm
Ref.: SNG France 377-8, BMC Mysia p. 35, 118, SNG Cop 4 #48 (Mysia)


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