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Link: Helmeted head of Roma


C. Minucius Augurinus
AR Denarius, 135 BC, Rome
Obv: Helmeted head of Roma right, below chin, X, behind, ROMA.
Rev: C•A – VG Ionic column surmounted by statue, holding staff in r. hand; on either side, togate figure. Togate figure on left holding loaves in both hands, togate figure on right holding lituus. Column decorated with forepart of lion on either side at the base and two bells at the top, grain ears behind each of the lions.
Ag, 18mm, 3.69g
Ref.: Sydenham 463, Crawford 242/1.

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Link; Helmeted Roma

T Cloelius AR Denarius. 128 BC.
ROMA, head of Roma right, wearing a winged helmet, laurel wreath behind / Victory in biga right, horses rearing; grain ear below, T CLOVLI in ex.
Cloulia 1, Crawford 260/1; Syd 516. 19 mm, 3,83 g


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Link : Roma head
Roman Republican Coinage, Anonymous,Sicily, Denarius, 209-08, head of Roma right wearing winged helmet, x behind, rev. Dioscuri riding right, staff and roma with linear frame below, 4.05g (Craw. 78/1; BMCRR 300ff; RSC 20bb).

download (1).png

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Link: Dioscuri 


Follis, 309-312, Ostia.
Obv.: IMP C MAXENTIVS P F AVG, bust, laureate
Rev: The dioscouri Castor and Pollux, standing holding horses, MOSTQ.
AE, 5.94g, 24.3mm

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Link: Maxentius.

Maxentius as Augustus, 307-312 CE.
Roman billon follis, 6.53 g, 24.6 mm, 10 h.
Rome, 307-308 CE.
Obv: IMP C MAXENTIVS P F AVG, radiate head right.
Rev: CONSERV VRB SVAE, Roma seated facing in hexastyle temple, head left, globe in right hand, scepter in left, shield at side behind, Victories as acroteria, wreath on pediment, H left, R S in exergue.
Refs: RIC 202a; Cohen 21; RCV 14986.

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Link: temple


Lydia. Hierocaesaraea
Bronze, Æ 31
Obv: AVT KAI Λ AVPH KOMMOΔOC, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: ЄΠ AI APTЄMIΔOPOV APX IЄPOKAICAPЄΩN, Tetrastyle temple, with pellet in pediment and containing Artemis standing right, drawing bow; behind, stag standing right
RPC IV.2, 11398 (temporary) [this coin]; GRPC Lydia 104 (this coin)
Ex Numismatik Naumann, auction 52, Lot 1030
Ex Plankenhorn Collection


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Link; Temple

GALLIENUS Antoninianus. 259-260 Lugdunum mint.
 GALLIENVS (dot) P (dot) F (dot) AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / DEO MARTI, distyle temple with Mars standing left within, left hand holding inverse spear and resting right hand on shield. RIC 10 var (dots in legend). Goebl 889g. Elmer 85; RSC 149; Cohen 615. Sear5 10195.  2,2 g - 21 mm


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Link: thunderbolt



Kilikia, Olba
Æ 22
Pseudo-autonomous (Late 1st century BC).
Obv.: Empty throne of Zeus Olbios facing slightly right; EP to left
Rev.: OΛBEΩN. Winged thunderbolt; Z above.
Æ, 7.50g, 22mm
Ref.: RPC I 3723; Ziegler -; SNG BN 839; SNG Levante 645.
Ex Bankhaus Aufhäuser (sold 20.1.1987)
Ex Dr. P. Vogl Collection

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Syracuse, Timoleon and the Third Democracy

344-336 BC
AE Hemidrachm (23mm, 12.40g)
O: Laureate head of Zeus Eleutherios right, hair short; ZEYΣEA EΛE-YΘEPIOΣ
to right.
R: Thunderbolt; eagle with closed wings standing to right; ΣYPAKOΣIΩN around.
HGC 2, 1440; Calciati II p. 167, 72; SNG ANS 477ff; SNG Cop 727; Sear 1192
ex Forvm Ancient Coins

Timoleon was cool.


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Link; Eagle on Reverse

RPC Volume: IX №: 1701
Reign: Trajan Decius Persons: Trajan Decius (Augustus)
City: Antioch  Region: Syria Province: Syria Coele
Denomination: Tetradrachm Average weight: 11.69 g. Issue: Group 3, officina 2
Obverse: ΑΥΤ Κ Γ ΜΕ ΚΥ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΔΕΚΙΟϹ ϹΕΒ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear; below bust: •• (Officina 2)
Reverse: ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞΟΥϹΙΑϹ, S C; eagle standing on palm, left, spreading wings, holding wreath in beak
Reference: Prieur 578, McAlee 1126b.

26mm, 11.48g.


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Link: Philip eagle



Philippus I.
Syria, Antiochia
Billon tetradrachm
Obv.: ΑΥΤΟΚ Κ Μ ΙΟΥΛΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC CΕΒ, radiate and cuirassed bust left
Rev.: ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΟΥCΙΑC ΥΠΑΤΟ Γ, eagle standing right, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak.
Billon, 11.35g, 26x27mm
Ref.: Prieur 354

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Link: Philip I.

Philip I, 244-249 CE.
Roman AR Antoninianus, 3.73 g, 22.4 mm, 7 h.
Rome, 247 CE.
Obv: IMP PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate and draped bust, right.
Rev: AETERNITAS AVGG, elephant guided by mahout with goad and wand, walking left.
Refs: RIC 58; Cohen 17; RCV 8921; Hunter 31.

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Link: elephant


AE As (28.12mm, 13.73g, 11h)
Struck AD 148/9. Rome mint
Obverse: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XII, laureate head of Antoninus Pius right
Reverse: MVNIFICENTIA AVG, African elephant walking left, COS IIII S C in exergue
References: RIC III 863, RCV 4308 var.
Well-struck on a heavy flan. Masterfully engraved elephant. This type commemorates the public games held in celebration of the 900th anniversary of the founding of Rome.

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Seleukid Kingdom, Reign of Antiochos IV (Epiphanes)

175-173/2 BC
AE16 (16mm, 3.55g)
O: Veiled bust of Laodike IV, within dotted border.
R: Elephant's head left, tripod behind; BAΣIΛEΩΣ - ANTIOXOY above and below, [ΘE]K ex.
Antioch mint
Sear 1691v
ex Marc Breitsprecher Numismatics


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Link: Elephant



Staufen im Breisgau
AR Brakteat
year: ca. 1300
Obv.: Elephant walking to left
Rev. Incuse of obverse
AR, 19 mm, 0.39g
Ref.: Untermann / Bechtold: Die Stadtwüstung Münster im Breisgau „Archäologische und historische Untersuchungen 1995-97. Ein Vorbericht“
From the collection of Dr. Max Blaschegg
Ex. Westfälische Auktionsgesellschaft in May 1995.

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Link: Bracteate

Germany. Augsburg (Bistum). Udalschalk von Eschenlohe, AD 1184-1202. AR Bracteate. Obv: Mitered head of the bishop between two annulets within a ring of nine holed wedges, surrounded by a ring of crescents. Rev: Incuse of obverse. Ref: Bonhoff-1900. NGC MS-63. Ex Stacks Bowers Jan 2023 NYINC Auction (16 Jan 2023), Lot 41406. 


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Link: Bracteate


Freiburg im Breisgau
Herzöge von Zähringen. Berthold V, 1186-1218.
AR Brakteat / "Vierzipfliger Pfennig"
Obv.: Male head facing (so-called "Struwelkopf") between dot and star in left field and three dots and cross in right field.
Rev.: Incuse of obverse.
AR, 17 mm, 0.40 g
Ref.: Wielandt Breisgau 17. Matzke 146

From the collection of Dr. Max Blaschegg (1930-2021), ex Münzen & Medaillen AG FPL 563, March 1993, 118.

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Link: cross


Freiburg im Breisgau
4 Kreuzer or Stäbler
after 1498
Obv.: +MO+FRIBVRG+In+BR[ISGA], Head of raven
Rev.: GLOR - IA+In - EXCE - LS+D, cross
Ag, 1.27g, 20mm
Ref.: Berstett - (comp. 242).
Ex Collection Horn
Ex Künker

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Link; Cross

JAIME I. (1213-1276 AD). Crown of Aragon.
Obverse: ARAGON., bust of King Jaime, crowned and draped, left.
Reverse: IACOBVS REX., cross of Caravaca, (Patriarchal Cross).
1 Denier (1/240th Libra), Billon.
1.09g. 18mm. Jaca mint, (1085-1340), Spain. CRU # 318.


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Link: King


AR drachm, Ekbatana
Obv:: Diademed, draped bust of Orodes II left, wearing rounded beard, royal wart on brow, torque ends in hippocamp; star to left, crescent above star to right
Rev.: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ-ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ-ΑΡΣΑΚΟΥ-ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ-ΔΙΚΑΙΟΥ-ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ-ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, Archer (Arsakes I) seated right on throne, holding bow; TA monogram below bow, Trident anchor symbol behind throne.
AR, 19mm, 3.94g.
Ref.: Shore 260; Sellwood 48.8.


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Composition     Silver (.925)
Weight     37.90 g
Diameter     42 mm

Obverse National Arms, BARBADOS 1973, PRIDE AND INDUSTRY

Reverse Neptune, God of the Sea sitting at the left facing right with his left arm extended straight out holding his trident and his right arm down by his side with his hand placed on a fish.


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