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Link Geta provincial 

image.png.2021997f3e525a4c95f0098dbd58dfa8.png30 mm, 13,72 g.
Pontus, Amasia. Geta as Caesar, 198-209. Ӕ. 208-209. Π CЄΠTI ΓЄTAC KЄCAP, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right / AΔP CЄY ANT AMACIAC MH NЄ ΠP ΠO / ЄT CH, altar of Zeus Strateus, on the altar a dead bull with its legs up; on the bull, an eagle, standing facing, head left, with wings spread, holding a crown in its beak; tree to left. RG 96.

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5 hours ago, shanxi said:




Bruttia Crispina; Reign: Marcus Aurelius or Commodus; Mint: Rome; Date: 178/182 AD; Nominal: Denarius; Material: Silver; Diameter: 17mm; Weight: 2.80g; Reference: RIC III Commodus 286a; Rare: R1; Provenance: Sebastian Sänn Numismatik Grasbrunn, Germany; Provenance: Hirsch Numismatik Munich, Germany (Auction 293, Lot 2810, 26.09.2013); Obverse: Bust of Crispina, draped, hair in round coil at back, right; Inscription: CRISPINA AVGVSTA; Translation: Crispina Augusta; Translation: [Bruttia] Crispina, the venerable; Reverse: Venus, draped, standing left, holding apple in right hand and drawing robe over her left shoulder with left hand; Inscription: VENVS; Translation: Venus; Translation: Goddess of love, erotic desire and beauty


Bruttia Crispina, the daughter of C. Bruttius Praesens and Valeria Marcia Hostilia Crispina Moecia Cornelia, the sister of L. Bruttius Quintius Crispinus, was married by Emperor Marcus Aurelius to his son, the future Emperor Commodus, before he left for the Sarmatian campaign, from which he did not return (Cass. Dio LXXI 33, 1. Hist. Aug. Marc. 27, 8). She finds her death, after Commodus has come to the government, on Capri, where she was banished for adultery by her husband – probably around the year 182 AD. However, it is not likely that her banishment and her death falls before the consulate year of her brother (187 AD), whom then the emperor would not have honored with the consulate. Ultimately, the exact year of Crispina’s death remains hidden in the darkness of history – as well as the exact dating of her coins. One of the last coinages is probably from Alexandria with 181/182 AD as the year. Thus, the issues of the empress can be roughly narrowed down to the period 178-182 AD.

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Link: Venus.


C. Considius Paetus, 46 BCE.
Roman AR denarius, 3.33 g, 17.7 mm, 11 h.
Rome, 46 BCE.
Obv: Laureate and diademed head of Venus, left; PAETI behind.
Rev: Victory in quadriga left, holding palm-branch and reins in left hand and wreath in right hand; in exergue, C·CONSIDI.
Refs: Crawford RRC 465/4; Sydenham CRR 993; CRI 78a; RSC Considia 7; Sear RCV 456.
Notes: Double die match to BMC 1964,1203.223.

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A very discrete quadriga!


18 mm, 2,70 g.
Divus Lucius Verus, died 169 AD. AR denarius. Rome.
DIVVS VERVS, head of Lucius Verus, bare, right / CONSECRATIO, funeral pyre in four tiers (ustrina), adorned with statues and garlands, quadriga on top.
RIC III Marcus Aurelius 596B; RSC 55; BMC 503.

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Septimus Severus


Septimius Severus AR Denarius, Rome 207 AD. 20mm, 3.31gr.
RIC 207, RSC 493, BMC 531
SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XV COS III P P, Africa standing right, holding out folds of drapery containing fruits, lion at feet walking right


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Links: Septimius Severus and lion.

Septimius Severus, AR Denarius 203-204 AD, Rome Mint. Obv. Laureate head right, SEVERVS PIVS AVG / Dea Caelestis in headdress riding side-saddle on lion right, facing right and holding thunderbolt & scepter; below, water gushing from rocks left; INDVLGENTIA AVGG; in exergue: IN CARTH [probable reference to water project in Carthage]. RIC IV-1 266, RSC III 222, Sear RCV II 6285. 18x20 mm., 3.9 g.


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Caracalla/Dea Caelestis


Caracalla AR Denarius, Rome 19 mm. 2,94 g.
RIC 130a, RSC 97, BMC 280
Caracalla 196-198 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate and draped bust right / INDVLGENTIA AVGG, IN CARTH below, Dea Caelestis (Cybele) riding lion springing right over water gushing from rocks on left, holding thunderbolt & sceptre, and wearing ”City Wall” crown.
Purchased from Aeternitas Numismaticas 12th Aug. 2023.
Ex, Solidus Numismatik auction 106, Lot # 1580 11th Oct. 2022


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Link: Cybele riding a lion on a Severan coin.

Julia Domna AD 193-217.
Roman provincial Æ 23 mm, 11.12g.
Moesia Inferior, Nikopolis ad Istrum, legate Aurelius Gallus, AD 201-203.
Obv: IOVΛIA ΔOMNA CE, draped bust right.
Rev: VΠ AVΡ ΓAΛΛOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠΡOC ICTΡON, Cybele riding lion right, holding scepter and tympanum.
Refs: H&J, Nikopolis; Varbanov 2894 (same dies); AMNG --; Moushmov --; SNG Copenhagen --; BMC Thrace --; Lindgren --; Mionnet --.

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53 minutes ago, Roman Collector said:




Marcus Antonius Gordianus III; Bronze of the Roman Imperial Period 238/244 AD; Material: AE; Diameter: 28mm; Weight: 13.25g; Mint: Ococleia, Phrygia; Reference: RPC VII.1 731.1, BMC 6, SNG von Aulock 3899 var. (Obv. legend); Provenance: Ex Edward J. Waddell Collection, Ex Roma Numismatics London; Obverse: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, right, seen from front. The Inscription reads: AYT K M AN ΓOPAI[ANOC] for Autokrator Kaisaros Marcos Antonios Gordianos (Imperator Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus); Reverse: Demeter-Cybele and Zeus standing facing each other, Demeter holding sceptre and ears of corn, lion at her feet, Zeus holding eagle and sceptre; between them, lighted altar. The Inscription reads: ΟΚΟΚΛΙƐƱΝ for Okoklieon (from the People of Ococleia).


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Phrygia, Laodicea ad Lycum. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Time of Tiberius, AD 14-37. Æ15 (4.90g, 12h). Dioskourides, magistrate. Obv: ΛΑΟ-ΔΙΚΕΩΝ; Laureate and draped bust of Mên right, wearing Phrygian cap. Rev: ΚΟΡ ΔΙ[ΟΣΚΟΥΡΙΔ]ΗΣ; Eagle standing right on club, head left. Ref: RPC I 2907; SNG Copenhagen 513-4.


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6 minutes ago, Edessa said:




Koson Marcus Iunius Brutus; Stater of the Greko-Dacians Epoch 40/29 BC; Material: Gold; Diameter: 20mm; Weight: 8.49g; Mint: Olbia (?), King of the Scyths; Reference: RPC I 1701A, BMC Thrace p. 208; Obverse: Roman consul (Brutus ?) accompanied by two lictors advancing left. Monogram B (?) to left. The Inscription reads: KOΣON for KOSON; Reverse: Eagle on scepter to the left, holding wreath in its claw.


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Bust of Athena right in crested helmet
Text above and beneath eagle alighting right on maeander pattern between two pilei with stars above, and a star upper middle..
AΠAME KΩKOY, Kokos (magistrate)
PHRYGIA, Apameia. SA24. (Ae. 7.76g)- 88-40 BC Kokos. SNG Copenhagen 161-2; BMC 78-82; HGC 7, 670, SNG von Aulock 3466-3467; Walcher 2746


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Claudius (41-54 C.E.)

AE19 Attaleia, Pamphylia

Obverse: Bare head of Claudius left

Reverse: ATTAAEΩN, helmeted head of Athena right Attaleia mint 4.4 grams

Reference: Baydur 15, BMC 13 (plate 23,8) Istanbul museum collection 7726 Ex-Heritage Auctions, Aug. 9, 2012. Also featured on Wildwinds.com



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6 hours ago, Ancient Coin Hunter said:





Vipsania Agrippina (or Agrippina Senior, Agrippina Maior, Agrippina the Elder), Mother of Gaius Caligula; Reign: Claudius; Mint: Rome; Date: 42/42 AD; Nominal: Sestertius; Material: AE Bronze; Diameter: 37.61mm; Weight: 29.33g; Rare: R2; Reference: RIC I (second edition) Claudius 102; Obverse: Bust of Agrippina the Elder, bare-headed, draped, right, hair in long plait; Inscription: AGRIPPINA M F GERMANICI CAESARIS; Translation: Agrippina Marci Filia Germanici Caesaris; Translation: Agrippina, daughter of Marcus [Agrippa], [spouse] of Caesar Germanicus; Reverse: Legend surrounding S C; Inscription: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR P IMP P P; Translation: Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, Pontifex Maximus, Tribunicia Potestate, Imperator, Pater Patriae; Translation: Tiberius Claudius Caesar, Augustus, conqueror of the Germans, high priest, holder of tribunician power, Imperator, father of the nation
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Pretty difficult to add something after such a stunning coin but I will link it with another lady named Agrippina. 


17 mm, 2,91 g.
Phrygia, Aizanis. Agrippina II 50-59. Ӕ.
ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑΝ ϹƐΒΑϹΤΗΝ, draped bust of Agrippina II, right / ΑΙΖΑΝΙΤΩΝ, draped bust of Persephone with ears of corn before.
RPC I, 3102; BMC 91; Cop 91.

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Aitna, Sicily

210-150 BC (Roman rule)
AE Hexas (16.5mm, 3.89g)
O: Head of Persephone right, wreathed in grain.
R: Filleted cornucopia; two pellets in upper right, AITNAI−ΩN upward to left.
HGC 2, 70; Calciati III, 152, 11; SNG ANS 1165; SNG München 26; Sear 1019v (pellets to left); BMC 5, 8
ex Forvm Ancient Coins

Demeter and Persephone
"…As Queen of Death, that worship which is Fear,
Henceforth, as having risen from out the dead,
Shalt ever send thy life along with mine…"

~Alfred Lord Tennyson

~ Peter 


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15 hours ago, Phil Anthos said:




Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus; Reign: Commodus; Mint: Verbe (Ourbianon), Pisidia; Date: 180/191 AD; Nominal: Bronze Medallion; Material: AE; Diameter: 35mm; Weight: 34.85g; Reference: RPC IV.3 17565 (this coin); Reference: SNG von Aulock Pisidiens I 1399 (same obverse die, but different reverse); Rare: Specimens 1 (0 in the core collections); Provenance: Leu Numismatik Winterthur, Switzerland (Auktion 14, Lot 1022); Provenance: CNG Classical Numismatics Lancaster, USA (Auction 120, Lot 632); Provenance: Comptoir des Monnaies Anciennes Lille, France; Special: Only known example, RPC Online Plate coin; Obverse: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Commodus to right, seen from behind; Inscription: [AV KAI KOMMOΔOC] ANTΩNЄINOC; Translation: Autokrator Kaisaros Kommodos Antoneinos; Translation: Imperator Caesar Commodus Antoninus; Reverse: Hades in quadriga to right, holding scepter and carrying off Persephone; above, small Eros flying right, holding torch and guiding the horses’ reins; below, overturned kalathos containing flowers; Inscription: OYЄPBIANΩN; Translation: Ouerbianon; Translation: City of Verbe 


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@Prieure de Sion is using heavy artillery  lately 😐

Link Commodus provincial 


23 mm, 5,21 g.

Pisidia, Antioch. Commodus 180-192. Ӕ.

ANTONINVS COMMODVS, laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, l. / COLON(E)IAE ANTIOCH(AE?), Mên standing with foot on bucranium, facing, head, r., wearing Phrygian cap, holding long sceptre and Victoria/Nike; behind his shoulders, crescent; to l., cock standing, l.

RPC IV.3, 7377 (temporary); Krzyżanowska 144, V.6–7 and VI.7–9 and VII.9; Cop 26 corr.

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Link: Phrygian headgear.

Roman Republic, C. Caecilius Metellus Caprarius, AR Denarius 125 BCE. Obv. Head of Roma right wearing winged Phrygian helmet with crest in form of head and beak of eagle (i.e, griffin); behind, ROMA downwards; before, mark of value * (= XVI) [off flan] / Rev. Jupiter, crowned with wreath by flying Victory above, in biga of elephants left, holding thunderbolt in left hand and reins in right hand; in exergue, C•METELLVS (ME ligate). 17 mm., 3.90 g. Crawford 269/1, BMCRR I 1180-1182 (& Vol. III Pl. xxx 8), RSC I Caecilia 14, Sear RCV I 145. Purchased from Dix Noonan Webb Auction 253, 13 April 2022, Lot 1247; ex. Spink Numismatic Circular Dec. 1985, No. 8404 at p. 334.*


*The moneyer “is presumably C. Caecilius Metellus Caprarius, Cos. 113” (Crawford Vol. I p. 293), who was born ca. 160 BCE, and served under Scipio Aemilianus at the siege of Numantia in 133 BCE in the Third Punic War; he died sometime after 102 BCE. BMCRR I p. 182 n. 1;  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaius_Caecilius_Metellus_Caprarius.

For the biga of elephants on the reverse, Crawford refers (see Vol. I p. 293) to his explanation (id. p. 287) of the elephant head on the reverse of Crawford 262, a coin issued by another moneyer from the Caecilius Metellus family: the reference “recalls the victory of L. Caecilius Metellus, Cos. 251, over Hasdrubal at [the Battle of] Panormus in 250 [BCE], and the capture of Hasdrubal’s elephants.” As Grueber notes in his discussion of the elephant biga design, the captured elephants were afterwards exhibited at Metellus’s triumph at Rome. BMCRR I p. 182 n. 2.  

In addition to C. Caecilius Metellus Caprarius, a number of other moneyers belonging to the Caecilii Metelli issued denarii with elephants or elephant heads to commemorate their ancestor’s famous victory. See Crawford 262/1 (Anonymous, probably Caecilius Metellus Diadematus or Caecilius Metellus Delmaticus, 128 BCE); Crawford 263/1 (M. Caecilius Q.f. Metelllus, 127 BCE); Crawford 374/1 (Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius, 81 BCE); and Crawford 459/1 (Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio, 47-46 BCE).

Edited by DonnaML
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Hadrian, AD 117-138. AR Denarius (18mm, 3.33g, 7h). "Travel series" issue. Rome mint, struck circa AD 130-133. Obv: HADRIANVS-AVG COS III P P; Bare head of Hadrian right, seen from behind. Rev: AFRICA; Africa reclining left, leaning on rock, wearing elephant-skin headdress, holding scorpion and cornucopia; basket of fruit and grain ears to left. Ref: RIC II.3 1495; RIC II 299; RSC 138. Ex Berk, Nov 1996, with ticket marked at $250.


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