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Septimius Severus AR Denarius, Rome 207 AD. 20mm, 3.31gr.
RIC 207, RSC 493, BMC 531
SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XV COS III P P, Africa standing right, holding out folds of drapery containing fruits, lion at feet walking right.


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1 hour ago, expat said:

Septimius Severus



Lucius Septimius Severus Pertinax; Denarius of the Roman Imperial Period 194/195 AD; Material: Silver; Diameter: 18mm; Weight: 2.42g; Mint: Emesa, Syria; Reference: RIC IV Septimius Severus 417; Obverse: Head of Septimius Severus, laureate, right. The inscription reads: IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG COS II for Imperator Caesar Lucius Septimius Severus Pertinax Augustus, Consul Secundum; Reverse: Seven stars above a crescent. A wheel is pictured under the seat. The inscription reads: SAECVL FELICIT for Saeculi Felicitas (Age of good fortune).


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Link - seven stars and crescent 


18 mm, 3,36 g.
Faustina II. Died 175-176. AR Denarius. Rome. 176-180.
DIVA FAVSTINA PIA, bust of Diva Faustina II, hair waved and fastened in a bun on back of head, draped, right / CONSECRATIO, crescent and seven stars, one within it, and surrounded by six.
RIC III Marcus Aurelius 750; BMC 718; RSC 83.

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Faustina II

Faustina Junior. Augusta, AD 147-175. Orichalcum Dupondius
Rome mint. Struck under Marcus Aurelius, circa AD 170-175/6.
Obv. FAUSTINA AUGUSTA. Draped bust right. Hair curls down cheek, hair in low chignon fastened with band of pearls.
Rev. JUNO standing left, holding patera and scepter; at feet to left, peacock standing left, head right. SC across fields.
 (25mm, 11.53 g.) RIC III 1647 (Aurelius)


Gx9azQQ6M7tmwT4N3frRBd2g5dTAN8 - Copy.jpg

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Link Lucilla


Denar, Rome
Obv.: LUCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F, draped bust of Lucilla right
Rev.: CONCORDIA, Concordia seated left, holding patera and resting arm on statue of Spes; without cornucopia under seat.
Ag, 18.3mm, 3.15g
Ref.: RIC III, p.274, 758, CRE 244 [C]


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Link: Hilaritas. Featuring my ugliest Julia Domna portrait.

Julia Domna AR Denarius 208 AD, Rome Mint.  Obv. Draped bust right, IVLIA AVGVSTA/ Rev. Hilaritas standing left holding palm branch & cornucopiae, two small children [perhaps representing her already-grown children Caracalla and Geta?] at her feet, HILA-RITAS. RIC IV-1 557, RSC III 79, Sear RCV II 6587. 19.39 mm, 3.25 g.


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Link: Julia Domna

Julia Domna AR Denarius. Rome, 215-7 AD. 19.8mm, 3.12gr.
IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, draped bust right / VENVS GENETRIX, Venus seated left, holding sceptre and apple, Cupid standing right, legs crossed, resting his right hand on her right knee. RIC IV-1 389b.  Rome mint. RSC 205; Sear 7099.


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Julia Paula 


17 mm, 1,93 g.
Julia Paula. Augusta 219-220 AD. AR denarius. Rome.
IVLIA PAVLA AVG, bust of Julia Paula, hair waved and fastened in plait, draped, right / CONCORDIA, Concordia, draped, seated left, holding patera in extended right hand; in field, star.
RIC IV Elagabalus 211; BMCRE 172 (Elagabalus); RSC 6a.

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Link: Concordia seated left.

Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman orichalcum sestertius, 24.67 g, 31.1 mm, 7 h.
Rome, June 152 - autumn 154 CE.
Obv: FAVSTINA AVG PII AVG·FIL·, bare-headed and draped bust right (Beckmann type 2 hairstyle).
Rev: CONCORDIA S C, Concordia seated left, holding flower and resting elbow on cornucopiae set on globe under chair.
Refs: RIC 1374a; BMC 2175-76; Cohen 57; RCV 4713; Strack 1315.

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Faustina II

Faustina II Orichalcum Dupondius, 13.55g, 27mm. Rome 161-164 CE.
RIC 1671, Sear 5303, BMCRE 995, Cohen 201.
FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, diademed draped bust right / SALVTI AVGVSTAE, SC below, Salus seated left on a low decorative chair, feeding from a patera a serpent coiled around and raising up from altar.


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7 hours ago, expat said:




Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Caligula for Nero Drusus the Elder and Drusus Caesar; Reign: Caligula; Mint: Rome; Date: 37/38 AD; Nominal: Dupondius; Material: AE Bronze; Diameter: 27mm; Weight: 13.81g; Reference: RIC I (second edition) Gaius/Caligula 34; Obverse: Nero and Drusus Caesar riding right cloaks flying; Inscription: NERO ET DRVSVS CAESARES; Translation: Nero Et Drusus Caesares; Translation: Nero and Drusus Caesars; Reverse: Legend surrounding S C; Inscription: C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT; Translation: Caius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, Pontifex Maximus, Tribunicia Potestate; Translation: Gaius Caesar, Augustus, conqueror of the Germans, high priest, holder of tribunician power
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Winged thunderbolt 

Syracuse, Fourth Democracy

289-288 BC
AE Litra (21mm, 9.57g, 7h)
O: Head of Artemis Soteira right, quiver over shoulder; ΣΩΤΕΙΡΑ before.
R: Winged thunderbolt; ΣΥΡΑΚ−ΟΣΙΩΝ above and below.
HGC 2, 1461; Calciati 138; SNG ANS 749; Sear 1207v
ex Roma Numismatics

Somewhat scarcer than the earlier ΑΓΑΘΟΚΛΕΟΣ−ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ types, this coin was struck during the Agathokles-mandated but short lived Fourth Democracy.

~ Peter 


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13 hours ago, Phil Anthos said:




Greek Ancient Coins; Mint: Massalia (modern-day Marseille), Gallia; Date: 70/50 BC; Nominal: Drachm; Material: Silver; Diameter: 15mm; Weight: 2.70g; Reference: Feugère-Py DRM 56-7; Obverse: Bust of Artemis right, bow and quiver over shoulder; monogram before; Inscription: -; Translation: -; Reverse: Lion walking right; Π in front; Inscription: MAΣΣA KΠA; Translation: -; Translation: -


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Link: Lion. A small but very confident beast!

Divus Maximian (a/k/a Maximianus Herculius) (issued under Constantine I), AE Half Follis, 317-318 AD, Rome Mint (1st Officina). Obv. Laureate, veiled head of Maximian right, DIVO MAXIMIANO SEN FORT IMP / Rev. Lion advancing right, MEMORIAE AETERNAE; in exergue, R P [Rome, 1st Officina]. RIC VII Rome 123 (p. 311), Sear RCV IV 16403, Cohen (Maximian) 400. 14x15 mm., 1.8 g.



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Link, Lion. Sometimes like shown above by @DonnaML confidently strutting, sometimes leaping but always a joy to behold.

Lysimachos, Kingdom of Thrace, AE 20mm, 5.20 gr. Generous flan. Lysimachia mint. 305-281 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, above and beneath lion leaping right, spearhead and M on O monogram below. Mueller 74.


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14 hours ago, ambr0zie said:




Ariarathes VII Philometor, posthum in the name and types of Antiochos VII Euergetes Sidetes; Tetradrachm of the Cappadocia / Seleucid Empire Period 107/100 BC; Material: Silver; Diameter: 29mm; Weight: 16.61g; Mint: Ariaratheia or Eusebia-Tyana ; Reference: SC 2148; Provenance: Ex Leu Numismatic Winterthur Switzerland; Obverse: Diademed bust of Antiochos VII to right; Reverse: Athena Nikephoros standing left; monogram above A to outer left, O to inner left, Λ to inner right; all within laurel wreath. The Inscription reads: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIOXOY EYEPΓETOY.


This issue belongs to a series of issues that have been die and control-mark linked to the coinage of the Cappadocian kings. Previously believed to be late issues from Antioch for Antiochos VII, a tetradrachm appeared in 2002 that was obverse die linked to the issue of the present coin and reverse die linked to the sole issue of tetradrachms bearing the name and portrait of Ariarathes VII. This discovery conclusively showed that this coinage in the name of Antiochos VII was actually a posthumous issue struck under the Cappadocian king. Further analysis of other issues in the name of Antiochos VII, of similar Antioch mint style, have shown that they are control-mark linked to issues of Ariarathes VII and other Cappadocian kings. Thus, these posthumous Antiochos VII issues constitute the vast majority of tetradrachms issued by the Cappadocian Kingdom. While the attribution of these coins to Cappadocia is now settled, their purpose, time of introduction, and the reason they employ the types of Antiochos VII are not certain. (For a full treatment of these issues, see Lorber & Houghton, esp. pp. 58-60, and E. Krengel and C.C. Lorber, "Early Cappadocian Tetradrachms in the Name of Antiochus VII," NC 2009, esp. pp. 68-71.)

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Link: Seleukid Empire


Seleukos II Kallinikos (246-225 BC)
Magnesia on the Maeander
Obv.: Head of Artemis right, bow and quiver behind neck.
Rev.: BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΣEΛEYKOY, Apollo standing left, holding arrow and grounded bow; monogram to outer left and right; all within meander border.
AE, 17mm, 5.14g
Ref.: SC 670a; HGC 9, 347.

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10 minutes ago, shanxi said:




Bruttia Crispina; Reign: Marcus Aurelius or Commodus; Mint: Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia; Date: 178/182 AD; Nominal: Bronze; Material: AE; Diameter: 20.98mm; Weight: 4.00g; Reference: RPC IV.2 1334 (#7 this coin); Reference: Hochard 1082; Rare: Specimens 8 (5 in the core collections); Provenance: Concordia Numismatik Tumeltsham, Austria (Auction 4, Lot 1310); Obverse: Draped bust of Crispina, right; Inscription: ΚΡΙϹΠƐΙΝΑ ϹƐΒΑϹΤΗ; Translation: Krispeina Sebaste; Translation: Crispina Augusta; Reverse: Rivergod Hermos reclining, left, holding long reed, resting on water-urn; Inscription: ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩ ϹΙΠΥΛο; Translation: Magneton Sipulou; Translation: City of Magnesia ad Sipylum


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Link: Crispina.

Crispina (wife of Commodus), AR Denarius 180-182 AD. Obv. Draped bust right, CRISPINA AVGVSTA/ Rev. Juno standing facing, veiled, head left, patera in right hand, long scepter in left hand, peacock at feet on left, IVNO. RIC III 283, RSC II 21, Sear RCV II 6001. 18.3 mm., 3.25 g.


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