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Anyone up for a game of coin UNO?


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1 hour ago, expat said:

Diva Faustina

Faustina Sr AR Denarius, RIC 361, RSC 101a, BMC 417, SEAR 4583. DIVA FAVSTINA, with elaborate hairstyle and draped bust right / AVGV-STA, Ceres standing left, long hair tied behind, raising right hand & holding long torch with left.
Rome mint, A.D. 141.  3,0 g - 15 mm


Lovely, but Beckmann's die-linkage study demonstrates that the coins with the AVGVSTA reverse legend and depicting Ceres holding a single torch or scepter are securely dated to AD 145-47; these coins were produced before the Ceres type with two torches was introduced in December AD 147 with the birth of Faustina the Younger's first child.

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11 hours ago, Phil Anthos said:




Gaius Memmius; Denarius of the Roman Republic Period 56 BC; Material: Silver; Diameter: 19mm; Weight: 3.63g; Mint: Rome; Reference: Crawford RRC 427/2; Obverse: Laureate head of Quirinus, right. Border of dots. The Inscription reads: QVIRINVS C·MEMMI·C·F for Gaius Memmius Gaius Filius (Gaius Memmius, son of Gaius); Reverse: Ceres seated right, holding torch in left hand and corn-ears in right hand; before, snake. Border of dots. The Inscription reads: MEMMIVS·AED·CERIALIA·PREIMVS·FECIT for Memmius Aedile Ceriala Preimus Fecit (Memmius, Aedile, initiator of the games of Ceres).


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Link Ceres on a Republican coin 


17 mm, 3,36 g.
M. Volteius M. f. AR denarius. Rome. 75 BC.
Head of Bacchus (or Liber) right, wearing ivy wreath / Ceres driving biga of snakes right, holding torch in each hand; dolphin behind.
Crawford 385/3; Sydenham 776; Volteia 3.

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Link: snake biga.

 Faustina II, AD 147-175.
Roman provincial Æ 25.4 mm, 10.73 g, 7 h.
Mysia, Cyzicus, AD 169-175.
Obv: ΦΑVСΤΕΙΝΑ СΕΒΑCTH, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: ΚVΖΙΚΗΝ ΝΕΩΚΟΡ, Demeter standing in biga drawn by coiling serpents, right, holding torch in each hand.
Refs: RPC IV.2, 17502 (temporary); BMC –; Mionnet II –; Wiczay –.

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PERGAMON (Mysia) AE16.
Obverse: Head of Athena right, wearing helmet decorated with 8 pointed star.
Reverse: AΘHNAΣ / NIKHΦOPOY. Owl standing facing on palm frond right, with wings spread. Monograms ΓΑ and ΑΡ either sides of owl in fields.
Leipzig 1102-1103. Pergamon mint, ca. 200-133 BC.  2,9 g - 16 mm


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20 mm, 6,66 g.

Seleukid Kings of Syria. Cleopatra Thea & Antiochos VIII. 126/5-121/0 BC.  Ӕ. Antioch. Dated SE 190 = 123/2.
Radiate and diademed head of Antiochos VIII right / BAΣΙΛIΣΣHΣ KΛEOΠATPAΣ KAI BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOY, owl standing right on fallen amphora, head facing; IE to inner right; below, PP (date, first P retrograde) and palm.

SC 2263.2f.

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Link: Cleoopatra Thea and Antiochus VIII.

This one came from the Henry Clay Lindgren collection, which he sold off in a series of buy-or-bid sales some 15 to 20 years ago. I like it because of the write-up about it in the Celator:

Cleopatra Thea, Queen of Syria, with son Antiochus VIII.
AR tetradrachm; 15.85 gm, 27 mm.
Antioch mint, 125-121 BC.
Obv: Jugate busts, right.
Rev: ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΗΣ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ, Zeus Nikephoros seated l., holding lotus-tipped scepter; IE outer left, A under throne.
Refs: BMC 4.86,5; SNG Spaer 2437; c.f. Sear 7135.
Notes: Ex-Henry Clay Lindgren. Obverse die match to an example sold in Baldwin's, Dmitry Markov and M&M Numismatics New York Sale IX, January 13, 2005.

Here's the write-up about the sale in The Celator:


Edited by Roman Collector
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Links: Antiochos VIII and Zeus Nikephoros.

Syria, Seleucid Empire, Antiochos VIII Epiphanes (Grypon) Tetradrachm, 109-96 BCE Antioch Mint. Obv. Diademed head of Antiochos VIII right / Rev. Zeus Nikephoros seated left on high-backed throne, holding Nike on outstretched right hand and scepter in left; to outer left, E/P monogram above A [Antioch]; ΔI monogram below throne; BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOY EΠIΦANOYΣ; all within laurel wreath. Seleucid Coins [SC] Pt. 2, 2309; Seleucid Coins Online [same] (see http://numismatics.org/sco/id/sc.1.2309 ); Seaby 7145 (ill.) [Sear, David, Greek Coins & their Values, Vol. II: Asia & Africa (Seaby 1979)]; Hoover HGC 9, 1200 [Hoover, Oliver, Handbook of Syrian Coins, Royal and Civic Issues, Fourth to First Centuries BC, The Handbook of Greek Coinage Series, Volume 9 (2009)]; Newell SMA 405 [Newell, E.T., The Seleucid Mint of Antioch (1918)], SNG Israel 2554-55 [Spaer, A.  &  A. Houghton, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Israel I, The Arnold Spaer Collection of Seleucid Coins (London, 1998)]; BMC 4 Seleucid Syria 2 (p. 98) (ill. Pl. XXVI, No. 3) [erroneously attributed to Antiochos XI] [Gardner, P., A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. 4, The Seleucid Kings of Syria (London, 1878)].  27 mm., 16.2 g.  Purchased from Frank S. Robinson, Auction 111, Feb. 11, 2020, Lot 146.

[Not FSR's photo]


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Link another king named Antiochos. 


18 mm, 3,7 g.
Seleukid Kingdom. Antiochus VII Euergetes 138-129 BC. AR drachm. Tarsus, “civic” workshop.
Diademed head of Antiochus VII right / BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOY EYEPΓETOY, Sandan standing right, wearing a polos and with bow and quiver over shoulder, holding labrys and flower, on the back of horned lion-griffin right; to outer left, [ΛY above monogram].
Cf. SC 2058.1; HGC 9, 1081.

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Link Flower.



SPES. ROME, AD 81. RIC II 351. E.F

Obverse: CAES DIVI AVG VESP F DOMITIAN COS VII, Laureate bust of Domitian facing left.

Reverse: S C, Spes advancing left, holding flower and lifting skirt.

RIC II 351? [Rome, AD 81].

Diameter: 28 mm. Weight: 12.8 g.

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Not very pretty, but...

Maximianus / Elpis

Alexandria, Egypt
287-288 AD (Year 2, first reign)
AE Tetradrachm (17mm, 8.13g)
O: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right; MAΞIMIANOC CEB.
R: Elpis standing left, holding flower and raising her skirt; L-B on either side.
Milne 4814
ex M&R Coins

~ Peter 


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6 minutes ago, Dafydd said:

Thank you, shame the reverse is not as good. 

Here in the forum no one has to be "ashamed" of a coin - all coins are worth showing, all have a story to tell.

But if you want to know, by all means 🙂 the reverse is good, the coin is great centred, the patina colour beautiful and the portrait gorgeous. I would love to have your Domitian in my collection.

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Link: Alexandrian bronze with the date within a wreath on the reverse.

Livia, under Augustus, 27 BCe - 13 CE.
Roman Æ diobol, 7.41 g, 24.2 mm, 1 h.
Egypt, Alexandria, 6th series, 10/11 CE.
Obv: Bare head right with Nodus hairstyle.
Rev: Date (LM=40) within oak wreath.
Refs: BMC 16.4, 31; SGI 209; Emmett 57; RPC 5054.
Notes: Lindgren sale 38, lot 110.

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21 mm, 3,77 g.
Trebonianus Gallus 251-253. AR antoninianus. Rome.
IMP C C VIB TREB GALLVS AVG, bust of Trebonianus Gallus, radiate, draped, cuirassed, right / LIBERTAS PVBLICA, Libertas, draped, standing left, holding pileus in right hand and transverse sceptre in left hand.
RIC IV Trebonianus Gallus 70; RSC 68.

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Link: Antoninus Pius

Antoninus Pius Nicaea Apis bull.jpg
Antoninus Pius, AD 138-161.
Roman provincial Æ 18.5 mm, 4.59 g, 12 h.
Bithynia, Nicaea, AD 138-161.
Obv: ΑVΤ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΝΤΩΝ[EΙΝΟϹ?], bare-head, right.
Rev: ΝΕΙΚΑΙΕΩΝ, Apis-bull standing, right, head surmounted by solar disk and wearing uraeus crown.
Refs: RPC IV.1, 10001 (temporary); Mionnet 5.89,455; RG I(3).413,118(2) pl. LXIX, 19.

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1 hour ago, Roman Collector said:

Bithynia, Nicaea



Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus; 
Reign: Commodus; Mint: Nicaea, Bithynia; Date: 180/191 AD; Nominal: Bronze; Material: AE; Diameter: 15mm; Weight: 3.62g; Reference: RPC IV.1 25063 (this coin); Rare: Specimens 1 (0 in the core collections); Provenance: N&N Numismatics London, Great Britain (Auction 14, Lot 150); Obverse: Bare head of Commodus, right; Inscription: Α Κ Μ ΑV ΚΟ ΑΝΤΩ; Translation: Autokrator Kaisaros Marcos Aurelios Kommodos Antoninos; Translation: Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus; Reverse: Nude Athlete standing, facing, head, right, placing crown on his head; Inscription: ΙƐΡΟϹ ΑΓΩΝ ΝΙΚΑΙƐΩΝ; Translation: Ieros Agon Nikaieon; Translation: Sacred athletic competition, City and People of Nicaea


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Link: Commodus


Lydia, Hierocaesarea
Laureate and cuirassed bust right.
Perseus advancing right, holding harpa and severed head of Medusa
Æ, 35mm, 20.53g
Ref.: RPC IV.2 online 11397

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