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Link: harpa.

Gallienus, AD 253-268.
Roman billon antoninianus, 4.26 g, 18.8 mm, 12 h.
Antioch, 15th emission, AD 266-268.
Obv: GALLIENVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust, right.
Rev: AETERNITAS AVG, Saturn standing right, holding harpa in left hand; PXV in exergue.
Refs: RIC 606; Göbl 1662i; Cohen 44; RCV 10170.

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GALLIENUS AR Antoninianus. 259-260 Lugdunum mint.
Gallienus AR Billon Antoninianus. GALLIENVS (dot) P (dot) F (dot) AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / DEO MARTI, distyle temple with Mars standing left within, left hand holding inverse spear and resting right hand on shield. RIC 10 var (dots in legend). Goebl 889g. Elmer 85; RSC 149; Cohen 615. Sear5 10195.  2,2 g - 21 mm


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Cn. Blasio Cn.f..

Denarius, 3.64g. (h). Rome, 112-111 BC. Obv: Helmeted head right (Scipio Africanus?), mark of value above, caduceus behind, [CN BLA]SIO CN F before. Rx: Jupiter standing. between Juno and Minerva, dot in field, [ROMA] in exergue. Crawford 296/1a. Sydenham 561. RSC Cornelia 19. Minor weakness on reverse. Bold, lustrous EF.

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Link: Claudius

Claudius and Messalina, BI tetradrachm, Alexandria, year 4, (AD 43/44).

14.1 grams

Laureate head r.; L ∆ (date) before. R/ Messalina standing facing, head l., leaning on short column, holding two children in outstretched r. hand, grain ears to right.


Edited by robinjojo
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Hadrian / Salus

119-138 AD
Orichalcum Dupondius (25mm, 13.39g)
O: Radiate bust right, slightly draped; IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANUS AVG PM TR P COS III.
R: Salus standing left, foot on globe, holding patera and rudder; SALVS PVBLICA, S-C.
RIC 604a / Cohen 1358 / van Meter 110 / BMC 1237
ex Francis J. Rath

~ Peter 


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Link: seated with shield


Kings of Pergamon
Attalos I, 241-197 BC
AR Tetradrachm
Obv.: Laureate head of Philetairos right.
Rev.: ΦIΛETAIPOY, Athena seated left, holding spear, left elbow on shield, wreath held in right hand; in right field, bow; in left, bunch of grapes, between monogram A
Ag, 16.96g, 27.6mm
Ref.: Westermark, Ph. 62, Gruppe IV:B, Winterthur 2617

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Link: Shield(s)

Augustus, 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (19mm, 3.66g, 1h). Lugdunum (Lyon) mint, struck 2 BC-4 AD. Obv: CAESAR AVGVSTVS-[DIVI F] PATER PATRIAE; Laureate head right. Rev: C L CAESARES (in exergue): AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT; Gaius and Lucius Caesar, on left and right, standing facing, each togate and resting a hand on one of two shields set on ground between them; behind the shields, two crossed spears; above, on the left, lituus right, and on right, simpulum left. Rev: RIC I 210; RSC 43c. Toned Very Fine, banker's mark on cheek.


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3 hours ago, Edessa said:





Livia Drusilla, wife of Augustus, mother of Tiberius
Reign: Tiberius; Mint: Rome; Date: 22/23 AD; Nominal: Dupondius; Material: AE Bronze; Diameter: 28mm; Weight: 15.42g; Reference: RIC I (second edition) Tiberius 46; Obverse: Bust of Livia as Iustitia, draped, right, wearing stephane decorated with floral ornaments; her hair is fastened in a knot at the back; Inscription: IVSTITIA; Translation: Iustitia; Translation: Justice; Reverse: Legend surrounding large S C; Inscription: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST P M TR POT XXIIII S C; Translation: Tiberius Caesar Divi Augusti Filius Augustus, Pontifex Maximus, Tribunicia Potestate Vicesima Quarta, Senatus Consultum; Translation: Tiberius Caesar, son of divine Augustus, Augustus, high priest, holder of tribunician power for the 24th time. Decree of the senate.


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Links: Livia and Tiberius.

Tiberius AR Denarius, 18-35 AD, Lugdunum (Lyons) Mint, “Tribute Penny.” Obv. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG AVGVSTVS, Laureate head right/ Rev. PONTIF MAXIM, Livia [Tiberius’s mother], as Pax, holding long sceptre & olive branch, seated right on throne with ornate legs, her feet resting on low footstool, single line below.  RIC I 30, RSC II 16a, Sear RCV I 1763, Giard Lyon, group 4, 150 [Jean Baptist Giard, Le Monnayage de l'atelier de Lyon (Wetteren, 1983)] [see https://www.forumancientcoins.com/numiswiki/view.asp?key=tribute penny].  19 mm., 3.82 g.  Purchased from Kirk Davis. Ex Kirk Davis, Cat # 72, Fall 2018, Lot 80; ex Tom Cederlind Sale 86 (1989), 305; ex JMB collection.


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Link: crossed cornucopiae


Titus as Caesar
Syria, Decapolis, Gadara
AD 73-74
Obv.: TITOΣ KAIΣAP, laureate head right
Rev.: ΓAΔAΡEΩN, crossed cornucopia, date LZΛP = year 137 above
Ae, 4.53g, 18.3mm
Ref.: RPC II 2096, Spijkerman 30, SNG ANS 1302

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2 minutes ago, shanxi said:

Titus as Caesar


Titus, as Caesar, 69-79. Denarius (Silver, 16 mm, 3.62 g, 6 h), Antiochia, 72/3. T CAES IM[P VESP P]ON TR POT 
Rev. Palm tree; to left, Titus standing, left foot set on helmet, holding spear in his right hand and parazonium in his left; to right, Judaea seated in attitude of mourning, her head resting on her hand. BMC 518. Cohen 392. RIC 1562. RPC II 1934.

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3 hours ago, Salomons Cat said:




Divus Titus under Trajanus Decius; Antoninianus of the Roman Imperial Period 250/251 AD; Material: Silver; Diameter: 22mm; Weight: 4.00g; Mint: Rome; Reference: RIC IV Trajan Decius 81; Provenance: Ex Dr. Gernot Heirnich Collection; Obverse: Head of Divus Titus, radiate, right. The Inscription reads: DIVO TITO for Divo Tito (To the divine Titus); Reverse: Eagle, with open wings, standing front on bar, head right. The Inscription reads: CONSECRATIO for Consecratio (Consecration).


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Divus Septimius Severus, AR Denarius 211 AD, Rome Mint (struck under Caracalla). Obv. Bare head right, DIVO SEVERO PIO / Rev. Eagle standing three-quarters right on globe, head left, with wings spread and tail showing beneath wings to left, CONSECRATIO. RIC IV-1 Caracalla 191C, RSC III Severus 84a, Sear RCV II 7051 (ill. at p. 545). 19 mm., 3.28 g.  


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1 hour ago, DonnaML said:

Septimius Severus



Lucius Septimius Severus Pertinax
Reign: Sauromates II under Septimius Severus
Mint: Pantikapaion, Bosporus, Kingdom of the Bosporus
Date: 196/197 AD
Nominal: Stater
Material: EL Gold
Diameter: 19mm
Weight: 7.66g

Reference: RPC IV.1 25095 (this coin)
Reference: McDonald 540/2
Reference: Frolova, p. 175, pl. XXXI.35–7 and pl. XXXII.1–6
RPC Online: https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/4/25095
Rare: Specimens 1 (0 in the core collections)
Provenance: Numismatique Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo
Special: RPC Online Plate Coin

Obverse: Draped bust of Sauromates II wearing diadem, right
Translation: Basileos Sauromatou
Translation: King Sauromates [II]

Reverse: Laureate head of Septimius Severus, right; to right, star
Inscription: ΓϞΥ
Translation: Gamma (3) + Koppa (90) + Ypsilon (400) = 493
Translation: Dated year 493 of the Bosporan era = 196/197 AD

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I nominate @Prieure de Sion for a permanent ban, caused by these coins. 

Link Pantikapaion


21 mm, 7,17 g. Cimmerian Bosporos, Pantikapaion. Ӕ tetrachalkon. Circa 325-310 BC. Head of Pan right / Π-A-N, forepart of griffin crouching left, right front paw raised, sturgeon swimming left below. Anokhin 111; SNG BM Black Sea 869-871; SNG Munich 19; MacDonald 69; SNG Cop 30.

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I'll take this as an excuse to post one of my Gallienus zoo coins with a griffin!

Gallienus, AD 253-268.
Roman billon Antoninianus, 2.63 g, 20.5 mm, 12 h.
Rome, AD 267-268, 4th officina, 10th emission.
Obv: IMP GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head, right.
Rev: APOLLINI CONS AVG, griffin walking left, Δ in exergue.
Refs: RIC 165K; Göbl 718z; Cohen 77; RCV 10180 var; Cunetio 1348.

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Septimus Severus AR denarius

Septimius Severus AR Denarius, Rome 207 AD. 20mm, 3.31gr.
RIC 207, RSC 493, BMC 531
SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XV COS III P P, Africa standing right, holding out folds of drapery containing fruits, lion at feet walking right.


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