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Link, Septimius Severus

Septimius Severus AR Denarius, Rome 207 AD. 20mm, 3.31gr.
RIC 207, RSC 493, BMC 531
SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XV COS III P P, Africa standing right, holding out folds of drapery containing fruits, lion at feet walking right.


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Link: Personification of Africa.

Hadrian AR Denarius, Travel Series, Rome Mint, 130-133 AD (according to RIC II.3 p. 173: Group 10, “Provinces Cycle”) [136 AD according to Sear RCV II p. 150]. Obv. Laureate bust right, slight drapery on far shoulder, HADRIANVS – AVG COS III PP / Rev. Hadrian togate, standing left, holding volumen (scroll) in left hand; with his right hand, clasping right hand of Africa and about to raise her from her kneeling position, right; she wears elephant skin headdress and holds grain ears with her left hand; between them, two stalks of grain; RESTITVTORI – AFRICAE. RIC II.3 Hadrian 1569 & Pl. 34 (2019 edition); old RIC II Hadrian 322 (1926 ed.); RSC II Hadrian 1223a; BMCRE III Hadrian 871; Sear RCV II 3533; Foss 80 at p. 117 (dating Hadrian’s relevant trip to AD 128) [Clive Foss, Roman Historical Coins (Seaby, London, 1990)]. 17x19 mm., 3.41 g.  Purchased from Noonans Auction 13-14 July, 2022, Lot 988.


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Link: Holding grain ears in left hand.

Faustina I, 138-140 CE.
Roman Æ as, 10.73 g, 27.7 mm, 5 h.
Rome, 145-147 CE.
Obv: DIVA FAVSTINA, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: AVGVSTA S C, Ceres standing facing, head right, holding long torch and corn ears.
Refs: RIC 1172; BMC 1565; Cohen 86; RCV --; Strack 1288.
Scarce. Known museum specimens: Berlin, Paris, Vienna, London. No specimens properly attributed at acsearchinfo.

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Link: DIVA

Galba, AD 68-69. AR Denarius (3.51g). Rome mint. Struck circa July AD 68-January 69. Obv: IMP SER GALBA CAESAR AVG P M; Laureate head right. Rev: DIVA-AVGVSTA: Livia, draped, standing left, holding patera in right hand and long scepter in left. Ref: RIC I 224; RSC 58; BMCRE 12; BN 101.  Ex Stacks Bowers Jan 2023 NYINC Auction (13 Jan 2023), Lot 20162. 


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Link: Livia


Livia, wife of Augustus
Cilicia, Augusta
Æ 18mm
Dated year 6 (AD 26/27)
Obv.: IOYΛIΛ [CE]BACTH , Draped bust right
Rev.: [E]TOYC ς AYΓOY CTANWN, Tyche seated right on rock, holding grain ear, river god Saros at feet.
AE, 18mm, 4.36 g
Ref.: SNG Levante 1241 (this coin), RPC I 4009 (this coin)


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18 minutes ago, maridvnvm said:



King Juba II with Kleopatra Selene
Mint: Iulia Caesarea; Date: 11/23 AD; Nominal: Denarius
Material: Silver; Diameter: 17mm; Weight: 2.83g
Reference: MAA 99Reference: Mazard 311; Reference: SNG Copenhagen 570
Pedigree: Ex Noble Numismatics Pty Ltd., Auction 128, 23 November 2021, lot 2668
Pedigree: Ex Dr L. J. Sherwin Collection, purchased 1 October 1987 from J. Anderson (Martin Daniel), Sydney

Obverse: Diademed head of Juba II right; Inscription: REX IVBA; Translation: King Juba; Reverse: Head-dress of Isis on left and sistrum on right with inscription divided by dotted line; Inscription: BACIΛICCA KΛЄOΠATPA; Translation: Basilissa Kleopatra; Translation: Queen Cleopatra.


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Link: Queen named Cleopatra




Seleucid Kingdom, Cleopatra and Antiochos VIII.

Antioch, 125-121 BC.

Radiate and diademed head of Antiochus VIII right / BAΣΙΛIΣΣHΣ KΛEOΠATPAΣ KAI BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOY, Owl standing facing on fallen amphora.

SC 2263.

5.85g, 18mm.

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Link, Owl standing facing

PERGAMON (Mysia) AE16.
Obverse: Head of Athena right, wearing helmet decorated with 8 pointed star.
Reverse: AΘHNAΣ / NIKHΦOPOY. Owl standing facing on palm frond right, with wings spread. Monograms ΓΑ and ΑΡ either sides of owl in fields.
Leipzig 1102-1103. Pergamon mint, ca. 200-133 BC.  2,9 g - 16 mm


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Link:- Pergamon

Parthian Kingdom, Mithradataes II, Silver drachm

Obv:– Bare-headed, long-bearded, diademed bust of King left, wearing earring and torque, dotted border around
Rev:– King (Arsakes I?)seated right on throne, holding bow, Greek legend in 5 lines around
Minted in Rhagae ?, Pergamon, 123-88 B.C.
Reference:– Sellwood 27.1. Shore 85.

Weight 3.86g. 20.62mm


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A very similar reverse design


18 mm, 2,87 g,
Kings of Parthia. Artabanus II. AR drachm. Ekbatana. Circa 10-38 AD.
Bare-headed bust left with medium square cut beard, wearing diadem with loop at the top and three ends, hair almost straight, earring visible; border of dots / Beardless archer, seated right on throne; in right hand, bow; below bow monogram 26; Greek inscription ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟΥ / ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣ / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ legend on left read from outside.
Sellwood 63.6.

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10 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:



Philipp I Philadelphos; Tetradrachm of the Seleucid Empire Period ca. 94/87 BC; Material: Silver; Diameter: 27mm; Weight: 15.91g; Mint: probably Tarsos, Cilicia, Seleucid Empire; Reference: SC 2460a; Obverse: Diademed head of Philip I to right; Reverse: Zeus seated left, holding Nike in his right hand and long scepter in his left; to outer left. The Inscription reads: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠOY EΠIΦANOΥΣ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦOY for Basileos Pilippou Epiphanous Philadelphou.


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Link: Seleukid


Seleukos II Kallinikos (246-225 BC)
Magnesia on the Maeander
Obv.: Head of Artemis right, bow and quiver behind neck.
Rev.: BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΣEΛEYKOY, Apollo standing left, holding arrow and grounded bow; monogram to outer left and right; all within meander border.
AE, 17mm, 5.14g
Ref.: SC 670a; HGC 9, 347.

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Link: Child of Leto standing left, holding arrow and grounded bow.


Faustina II, AD 147-175.
Roman orichalcum sestertius, 25.21 g, 31.2 mm, 12 h.
Rome, autumn AD 154-December AD 155.
Obv: FAVSTINA AVG PII AVG FIL, bare-headed and draped bust, left, with Beckmann Type 5 coiffure.
Rev: S C, Diana, draped, standing front, head left, holding out arrow in right hand and resting left on bow, set on ground.
Refs: RIC ; BMCRE –; Cohen 208; Strack 1325 (Paris); RCV –; Banti (Paris) 114.

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13 minutes ago, Roman Collector said:



Annia Galeria Faustina I, the Elder; Sestertius of the Roman Imperial Period 141 AD; Material: AE; Diameter: 32mm; Weight: 28.26g; Mint: Rome; Reference: RIC III Antoninus Pius 1105a, Cohen 12, BMCRE 1490 (Pius); Provenance: Ex Brüder Egger, Auction 45, 12th November 1913, lot 1069; Obverse: Bust of Faustina I, draped, right, hair elaborately waved and coiled in bands across head and drawn up at back and piled in a round coil on top. The Inscription reads: DIVA FAVSTINA for Diva Faustina (The divine Faustina [the Elder]); Reverse: Aeternitas, draped, standing left, holding phoenix (nimbate right) on globe in right hand and with left hand holding out fold of skirt. The Inscription reads: AETERNITAS S C for Aeternitas Senatus Consultum (Eternity, by the decree of the senate).


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Laurel wreath...

Thessalonika, Macedon

2nd - 3rd century AD
AE18 (19mm, 3.49g)
O: Veiled and turreted head of goddess (Tyche?) right; ΘECCAΛONIKH around
R: ΘΕC−CΑΛΟ−ΝΙΚΕ−ΩΝ in four lines within laurel wreath.
Moushmov 6616-17; SNG ANS 816; SNG Cop 388-90
ex Ancient Coin Art

I'm not certain about this attribution, as the Goddess looks more like Demeter to me than Tyche.

~ Peter 


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Link - a coin with the reverse having just an inscription 


17 mm, 0,87 g.
Byzantine Empire. Romanus IV Diogenes 1068-1071. AR 2/3 miliaresion. Constantinople.
MHP-ΘV (barred), nimbate facing bust of the Virgin Mary, wearing pallium and maphorium, holding with both hands medallion of nimbate bust of infant Christ; dotted single border / + ΘKЄ / BΘ, PΩMA/NΩ ΔЄCΠO/TH TΩ ΔΙΟ/ΓЄΝЄΙ, legend in five lines; three pellets below, linear single border. Sear 1865.

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Link, just an inscription

Islamic AE Fals 21mm, 4.06g
Seljuqs of Rum, Kaykhusraw II b. Kayqubad. 1236-1245, Attribution ref: Album #1220
Left image, the Kalima reads; "there is no god but / Allah; Muhammad / is the apostle of Allah"
Right image reads; "the sultan the very great / Kaykhusraw / bin Kayqubad"

Ghiyath al-Din Kaykhusraw ibn Kayqubād or Kaykhusraw II was the sultan of the Seljuqs of Rûm from 1237 until his death in 1246. He ruled at the time of the Babai uprising and the Mongol invasion of Anatolia. He led the Seljuq army with its Christian allies at the Battle of Köse Dağ in 1243.


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Dunno GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Link inscription as main reverse design.


25 mm, 2,85 g.
Byzantine Empire. Basil I the Macedonian, with Constantine 867-886. AR miliaresion. Constantinople. 868-879.
IhSUS XRISTUS NICA, Crux Potens on three steps, Globus below; all within triple border of dots / + bASI / LIOS CE / CONSTAN / TIN’ PISTV / bASILIS / ROMEO’ in six lines, all within triple border of dots.
Sear 1708; DOC 7.

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Link: Constantin


Constantinus I. (306-337)
Obv: : IMP CONSTANTINVS P F AVG, Bust of Constantine I, laureate, draped, cuirassed, right
-Rev: SOLI INV- I -CTO COMITI, Sol, chlamys hanging behind, standing left, raising right hand and holding up globe in left hand-
AE, 3.27g, 19.6mm
Ref.: VI Rome 323a, p.388

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Link: Aurelian




 270-275 AD. Antoninianus, Serdica.

IMP AVRELIANVS P AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust right / RESTITVTOR BIS, female figure standing right, presenting wreath to Emperor standing left, holding sceptre, in lower centre field, star and in exergue, KA•Γ.

RIC 301 var.

4,46g, 23mm.

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