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Caracalla denarius


19 mm, 2,22 g.
Caracalla AD 198-217. AR denarius. Rome. 210-213.
ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, head of Caracalla, laureate, bearded, right / PROVIDENTIAE DEORVM, Providentia, draped, standing left, holding wand in right hand over globe and sceptre in left hand.
RIC IV Caracalla 227 (denarius).

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Well you can't ask me to refresh on a Monday! All I can offer is a Neptune 


19 mm, 2,8 g.
Septimius Severus 193-211. AR denarius. Rome. 209.
SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head of Septimius Severus right / P M TR P XVIII COS III P P, Neptune standing left, leaning on raised right leg set on rocks and holding trident in left hand.
BMC 3; RSC 529; RIC 228.

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28 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:

Well you can't ask me to refresh on a Monday! All I can offer is a Neptune 

Neptune is cool 😄 ... but how can we escape this circle?


Imperator Caesar Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus Augustus Pius Felix; Reign: Commodus; Mint: Tomis, Moesia Inferior; Date: 191/192 AD; Nominal: Bronze Trissarion; Material: AE; Diameter: 26mm; Weight: 6.58g; Reference: RPC IV.1 7138 (this coin); Provenance: InAsta Numismatica, San Marino (Auction 105, Lot 1120); Provenance: Lanz Numismatik Munich, Germany (Auction 92, Lot 714, June 1999); Obverse: Laureate head of Commodus, right; Inscription: ΑΥΤ Κ Λ ΑΙΛ ΑΥΡ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ; Translation: Autokrator Kaisaros Lucios Ailios Komodos; Translation: Imperator Caesar Lucius Aelius Commodus; Reverse: Poseidon / Neptun standing with left foot on prow, right, holding trident and dolphin; Inscription: ΜΗΙΤΡοΠ(sic) ΠΟΝΤοΥ ΤοΜƐΩϹ Γ; Translation: Meitrop Pontou Tomeos, Gamma; Translation: City of Tomis, Trissarion (3 Assarion).


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Link: Prow


Asia Minor, Bithynia
345-315 BCE
Obv.: Laureate head of Apollo right.
Rev.: ΠPOΞ / ENOΣ, Prow of galley left, decorated with star and a dolphin
AR, 14mm, 2.51g
Ref.: SNG Ashmolean 360-1; HGC 7, 553.

Edited by shanxi
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Link:- Prow

Constans - AE2 

Obv:- D N CONSTA-NS P F AVG, Pearl diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right
Rev:- FEL TEMP-REPARATIO, Emperor in military dress standing left on galley, holding Phoenix and labarum, Victory sitting at the stern, steering the ship. Prow decorated with trident
Minted in Antioch; (_ | * //ANH), A.D. 348-350
Reference:– RIC VIII Antioch 124 corr (* in right field not left as indicated in RIC) var (Unlisted officina, others Rated S)

5.19g, 23.48mm, 180o


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Varius Avitus Bassianus, as Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, known as Elagabalus; Reign: Elagabalus, Roman Imperial; Mint: Antiochia; Date: 218/219 AD; Nominal: Denarius; Material: Silver; Diameter: 19mm; Weight: 3.24g; Reference: Cohen 27; Reference: RIC IV Elagabalus 188d; Obverse: Bust of Elagabalus, laureate, draped, cuirassed, right; Inscription: ANTONINVS PIVS FEL AVG; Translation: Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus; Reverse: Galley with sail and seven rowers and pilot; on stern, standard and acrostolium; at prow, furled sail; Inscription: FELICITAS TEMP; Translation: Felicitas Temporum; Translation: Fortunate times.
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Link, Elagabalus

Elagabalus AR Denarius, Rome 220-222 AD
IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory flying left, open diadem in both hands, shields to both sides, star in right field. RSC 300. RIC 161. BMC 234. 2,8 g - 18,5 mm


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Link:- Victory

Septimius Severus denarius

Obv:– IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG COS II, Laureate head right
Rev:– VICTORIA, Victory standing left engraving AV/G on shield to left with right hand, which is resting on a column, holding palm in left hand. Centre dot.
Minted in Emesa. A.D. 194-195
Reference:– BMCRE 402, thought to be SE V, CO and AV/VG but from same die pair as this coin. RIC 430 (Rated R citing BM). RSC 703a.

All the coins cite the BM example which is unclear. This example, whilst suffering from the harsh cleaning method (zapped?) is sufficiently clear to make out the correct COS II obverse legend and the AV/G on the shield.

A rare reverse type


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Link, Dot in field

GORDIAN III AR Drachm. Caesarea mint. ETDelta - Mount Argaeus.
Obverse: AV KΔI M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC . Laureate head to right.
Reverse: MHTPO KAIC B N. Mount Argaeus, pellet to left, ETΔ in exergue.
Syd 603d Var.  Caesarea (Cappadocia) mint, A.D. 241 (year 4).  2,7 g - 18 mm


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Link:- Caesarea, Cappadocia

Septimius Severus Ar Drachm

Obv:– AY KAI L CEPT CEOVHPOC, Laureate head right
Rev:– MHTPO KAICAPIACW, Male figure (Argaios(?)), laureate, draped seated left on Mount Argaeus, holding branch
Minted in Caesarea, Cappadocia. Year 17, ETIZ in exe. A.D. 209

Apparently unlisted in Sydenham, cf. Syd. #403, which is a matching didrachm of this type


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Link: Salus/Serpent

Tacitus, AE Antoninianus. 275-276 AD. Rome mint. IMP CM CL TACITVS AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / SALVS AVG. Salus standing left, holding sceptre, feeding serpent rising from altar. Mintmark ; XXIΔ. RIC 93.

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Link, Tacitus

TACITUS Antoninianus. Ticinum mint.
Obverse: IMP C M CL TACITVS AVG. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right.
Reverse: PAX AVGVSTI. Pax standing left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre; P in exergue.
RIC 150, Cohen 72.  Ticinum mint, early-June 276.  3,5 g - 22,5 mm


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4 hours ago, Roman Collector said:



Totila, also known as Baduila
Reign: The Ostrogoths, in the name of Anastasius
Mint: Ticinum (the modern Pavia); Date: 549/552 AD
Nominal: Tremissis; Material: Gold; Diameter: 15mm; Weight: 1.42g
Reference: cf. MIB 35; Reference: cf. Kraus 9; Reference: cf. Metlich 40; Reference: cf. BMC Vandals 4
Pedigree: Ex Jean Elsen Auction 97, Lot 580 (April 1997)

Obverse: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Anastasius right; Inscription: DN ANASTA SIVS II [PP or PF] AVC; Translation: Dominus Noster Anastasius Perpetuus Augustus; Translation: Our Lord, Anastasius, perpetual August; Reverse: Victory with bodice facing floating above globus, holding wreath and globus cruciger; in field right, star; Inscription: VICTORIA AVCVSTORVM CONOT; Translation: Victoria Augustorum; Translation: Victory of the Augusts.


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Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus

Reign: Commodus; Mint: Rome; Date: 190 AD; Nominal: Denarius
Material: Silver; Diameter: 18mm; Weight: 3.51g
Reference: RIC III Commodus 208
Provenance: Heritage Numismatics Dallas, USA (Auction 232308 February 2023, Lot 64114)

Bid on Leu: https://leunumismatik.com/en/lot/46/3798

Obverse: Head of Commodus, laureate, right; Inscription: M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT P P; Translation: Marcus Commodus Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus Britannicus Pater Patriae; Translation: Marcus Commodus Antoninus, the pious, the fortunate, Augustus, conqueror of the Britons, father of the nation; Reverse: Libertas, draped, standing front, head left, holding pileus in right hand and rod in left hand; Inscription: LIB AVG P M TR P XV COS VI; Translation: Libertas Augusti, Pontifex Maximus, Tribunicia Potestate Quinta Decima, Consul Sextum; Translation: Freedom of the Augustus, high priest, holder of tribunician power for the 15th time, consul for the sixth time.



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21 minutes ago, Prieure de Sion said:


Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus

Reign: Commodus; Mint: Rome; Date: 190 AD; Nominal: Denarius
Material: Silver; Diameter: 18mm; Weight: 3.51g
Reference: RIC III Commodus 208
Provenance: Heritage Numismatics Dallas, USA (Auction 232308 February 2023, Lot 64114)

Bid on Leu: https://leunumismatik.com/en/lot/46/3798

Obverse: Head of Commodus, laureate, right; Inscription: M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT P P; Translation: Marcus Commodus Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus Britannicus Pater Patriae; Translation: Marcus Commodus Antoninus, the pious, the fortunate, Augustus, conqueror of the Britons, father of the nation; Reverse: Libertas, draped, standing front, head left, holding pileus in right hand and rod in left hand; Inscription: LIB AVG P M TR P XV COS VI; Translation: Libertas Augusti, Pontifex Maximus, Tribunicia Potestate Quinta Decima, Consul Sextum; Translation: Freedom of the Augustus, high priest, holder of tribunician power for the 15th time, consul for the sixth time.

Financial management under Commodus was particularly bad. Partly as a result of the senseless expenditure on competitions and games of all kinds, partly as a result of the lavish gifts to the people, there was a great shortage of money (Dio LXXII 16, 1-3. Comm. 16, 8-9). Commodus had numerous coins minted and issued with Liberalitas Augusti; LIB I in 175 AD, LIB II in 177/178 AD, LIB III in 180 AD, LIB IIII in 181 AD, LIB V in 182 AD, LIB VI in 185/186 AD, LIB VII in 190 AD, LIB VIII and LIB IX then for the last time in 192 AD. This lack of money was remedied by confiscations and the sale of offices, as well as by robbery and threats. This Liberalitas issue of Commodus is again related to the emperor’s “lucky” survival of a precarious situation – in this case the fall of Cleander; a Phrygian, was born into slavery and probably freed already under Marcus Aurelius. He played an important role from the beginning of Commodus’ reign. Thus Cleander had already established a personal relationship with Commodus in his childhood days, having been entrusted with his supervision at times. As “a cubiculo” he was already an influential person during the dominance of the praetorian prefect Perennis. When discontented Roman soldiers from Britain confronted the emperor in AD 185 to demand the head of Perennis, he is said to have advised Commodus to drop the prefect. With the fall of the Perennis, Cleander became the most important person in the emperor’s circle. Under Cleander’s influence, Commodus had moved closer to the Senate again and restricted the emperor’s beneficia to the people. However, Cleander is said to have been greedy and therefore sold both offices and senatorial dignities. He was generally hated by both the nobility and the people. As a result of a famine and a resulting hunger revolt, he was abandoned to the angry mob by Commodus (end of AD 189).



That's Libertas, not Liberalitas. Not the same personification, so not really a link.

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32 minutes ago, DonnaML said:

That's Libertas, not Liberalitas. Not the same personification, so not really a link.

Oh shit... I copy and paste the false Commodus... here is Liberalitas 🙂 

Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus

Reign: Commodus; Mint: Rome; Date: 181/182 AD
Nominal: Denarius; Material: Silver; Diameter: 18mm; Weight: 3.09g
Reference: RIC III Commodus 36a var. (narrow abacus between letters)
OCRE Online: https://numismatics.org/ocre/id/ric.3.com.36a
Provenance: H. D. Rauch Numismatik Wien, Austria (Auction 41, Lot 3287)

Obverse: Head of Commodus, laureate, right; Inscription: M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG; Translation: Marcus Commodus Antoninus Augustus; Reverse: Liberalitas, draped, standing left, holding abacus in right hand and cornucopiae in left hand; Inscription: LIB AVG V TR P VII IMP IIII COS III P P; Translation: Liberalitas Augustorum Quinta, Tribunicia Potestate Septima, Imperator, Quartum, Consul Tertium, Pater Patriae; Translation: The fifth liberality of the Augustus, holder of tribunician power for the seventh time, Imperator for the fourth time, consul for the third time, father of the nation.


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