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Link: Commodus

Commodus, AE sestertius, circa 190 AD, Rome.

RIC III 582; Banti 210 

Obverse:    M COMMOD ANT PF-ELIX AVG BRIT PP.  Laureate head of Commodus right.

Reverse:    MINER AV-G PM TR P XVI COS VI.  Minerva advancing right, head left holding [olive branch], shield, and spear. S-C across fields.


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Link, Minerva

DOMITIAN (92 AD). Denarius. Rome.
Laureate head right.
Minerva advancing right on rostral column, with chlamys blowing backwards, brandishing spear and holding shield; to right, owl standing left, head facing.
RIC² 730,  RSC 274. Weight: 3.23 g. Diameter: 19 mm.


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Link: Owl as secondary feature on reverse.

Tarentum, Calabria. AR Nomos, ca. 272-240 BCE. Magistrates Sy… and Lykinos. Obv. Nude youth on horse advancing to left, crowning horse with wreath held in right hand, holding reins in left hand; to right, ΣΥ; below horse, ΛΥΚΙ/ΝΟΣ in two lines / Rev. Phalanthos [or “Taras”; but see  https://coinsweekly.com/and-this-is-where-aristotle-was-wrong / ]astride dolphin to left, his back half-turned to viewer, brandishing trident held in right hand, chlamys draped over left arm; ΤΑ-ΡΑΣ beneath dolphin; in right field, owl standing to left, head facing.. Vlasto 836-841 [all same type] at p. 95 & Pl. XXVII ; HN Italy 1025 . 19.5 mm., 6.47 g, 12 h. (“Reduced standard” compared to larger size of earlier coins, beginning after arrival of Pyrrhus in Italy ca. 280 BCE.) Purchased at Nomos Obolos Auction 22, 6 March 2022, Lot 39.


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Link, nude youth 

Thessaly, Trikka 2.76g, 15.9mm 440-400 BC

BCD Thessaly II 781.1 (same dies); HGC 4, 311, with old polaroid cut-outs of the coin.

Obv: Thessalos, petasos and cloak tied at neck, holding band around head of forepart of bull right.

Rev: [T]-P-IK, forepart of bridled horse right; all within incuse square.


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3 hours ago, JayAg47 said:


Marcus Antonius Gordianus III
Antoninianus of the Roman Imperial Period 241/243 AD

Material: Silver; Diameter: 24mm; Weight: 4.04g
Mint: Rome; Reference: RIC IV Gordian III 95
Provenance: Ex Busso & Peus Numinsmatic Frankfurt
Provenance: Ex Athena Numismatics Munich with Collector Ticket

Obverse: Bust of Gordian III, radiate, draped, cuirassed, right. The Inscription reads: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG for Imperator Gordianus Pius Felix Augustus; Reverse: Hercules, nude, standing right, resting right hand on hip and resting left hand on club set on rock; beside club, lion-skin. The Inscription reads: VIRTVTI AVGVSTI for Virtuti Augusti (To the courage of the Augustus).


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Link: Gordianus III


Gordianus III
Tetradrachm, Egypt, Alexandria
Obv.: A K M ANT Γ-OPΔIANOC ЄV , laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III right
Rev.: Eagle with wings displayed standing facing with wreath, head turned to right; date L - Z = year 7, 243-244
Billon, 11.83g, 22mm
Ref.: Emmett 3402

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3 minutes ago, shanxi said:



King of the Scyths, probably Military mint for Marcus Iunius Brutus
Reign: Geto-Dacians Epoch, Roman Republic, Civil War
Mint: Probably Olbia (?), King of the Scyths; Date: ca. 44/42 BC
Nominal: Stater / Drachm; Material: Silver; Diameter: 21mm; Weight: 4.38g
Reference: RPC I 1701C; 
Reference: Fischer-Bossert, Typus B

RPC Online Plate: https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coin/466777 

Obverse: Procession of Konsul Marcus Iunius Brutus and two lictors, left; the foremost and hindmost carrying an axe over shoulder. Monogram in the field; Inscription: KOSON ΟΛΒ; Translation: Koson Olbia (?); Reverse: Eagle standing, left, on sceptre, holding wreath in on claw.

The Koson Gold and Silver Stater is surrounded by many - to this day - unsolved mysteries. It is assumed that the gold stater was used to pay the higher-ranking officers for the campaign of Brutus and Cassius against Octavian and Marc Antony. This is the even rarer silver version. This type was probably used as payment for the lower ranks. The coins contain Roman iconography: on the obverse, there is an eagle standing on a scepter and holding a wreath in their claw (inspired by the silver denarii issued by Pomponius Rufus); the reverse contains three men dressed in togas, two of them holding an axe on the shoulder (possibly inspired by the silver denarii issued by Marcus Junius Brutus in 54 BC).


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Link:- Claudius II Gothicus Tetradrachm

bv:– AVT K KΛAVΔIOC CEB, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right

Rev:– None, Nike advancing right, holding wreath & palm, year.

Minted in Alexandria (L | B). A.D. 268/269

Reference(s) – Curtis 1712, BMC 2321 Milne 4228



Right image wrong description previously...

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Diocletian AD 284-305. Potin Tetradrachm (19.5mm, 7.38 g.)
Egypt, Alexandria mint, dated RY 6 (AD 290/1).
Obv. A K G OYA ΔIOKΛHTIANOC CEB, laureate, cuirassed bust right
Rev. Eirene looking left, holding branch and scepter, SL (date) across field. No reverse legend.
Attractive brown patina.
Scarce variety with unusual date order,SL instead of LS


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A slug from Alexandria...

Maximianus / Elpis

Alexandria, Egypt
287-288 AD (Year 2, first reign)
AE Tetradrachm (17mm, 8.13g)
O: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right; MAΞIMIANOC CEB.
R: Elpis standing left, holding flower and raising her skirt; L-B on either side.
Milne 4814
ex M&R Coins

~ Peter 


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Link: Hope (Elpis/Spes)


Severus Alexander, AR Denarius, 232 A.D., Rome,  (19 mm, 3.29 g), IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander to right./ Rev. SPES PVBLICA Spes advancing left, holding flower in her right hand and raising skirt with her left. RIC 254

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Link: Severus Alexander.

Severus Alexander AE (Orichalcum) Sestertius, AD 232*, Rome Mint. Obv. Laureate bust right with slight drapery on left shoulder, IMP SEV ALE – XANDER AVG / Rev. Victory standing right, left foot raised to rest on helmet, inscribing VOT / X in two lines on shield set on trunk of palm tree, VICTORIA AVGVSTI; S – C [Senatus Consulto] across lower fields. 33 mm., 21.95 g. RIC IV-2 616, BMCRE VI 643, Sear RCV III 8021, Cohen 567. Purchased 22 Oct. 2023 from Carthago Numismatics (Kefi Mansouri), L'Isle Adam, Ile de France, France; ex Tunisian hoard.* image.png.7ff90327b3f9622d25191e063c44e455.png

*The AD 232 date appears to be based on an assumption that the type was issued to commemorate the decennial of Severus Alexander’s reign, as well as to celebrate the initial victories in the campaign against Sassanian Empire.

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Link - similar reverse on a sestertius 


32 mm, 20,98 g.
Lucius Verus 161-169 AD. Æ sestertius. Rome. 163-164. L AVREL VERVS AVG ARMENIACVS, head of Lucius Verus, laureate, right / TR P IIII IMP II COS II S C, Victory, winged, half-draped, standing right, fixing to a palm-tree with left hand shield inscribed VIC AVG
RIC III Marcus Aurelius 1397; BMC 1116.

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Link: Victory


Egypt, Alexandria
Billon-Tetradrachme, year1, AD 69
Obv.: ΩΛOY OYIT KAIΣ ΣEB ΓEPM AYT Head laureate right.
Rev.: Nike advancing left holding wreath and palm, date LA in left field
Billon, 12,73g, 23mm
Ref.: RPC 5372 (18 spec.), Oxford 372, Dattari 340, Geißen 260 ff., Emmett 196/1

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Link Nike:-

Probus, Billon tetradrachm

Obv:– A K M AVP PROBOC CEB, Laureate, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– None, Nike advancing left, holding wreath in both hands
Minted in Alexandria, Egypt. Year 3. (LГ in left field)
Milne 4555. Curtis -, Emmett 3992(3)R5. BMC -.

9.22 gms

Ex-Olympus Coins February 1992
Ex-Keith Emmett Collection


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On 11/30/2023 at 10:59 AM, maridvnvm said:

Alexandria, Egypt

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus; Reign: Nero; Mint: Alexandria, Egypt; Date: 67/68 AD; Nominal: Tetradrachm; Material: Billon Silver; Diameter: 25mm; Weight: 11.62g; Reference: Emmett 122.14; Reference: Dattari (Savio) 235; Reference: RPC I 5309; Pedigree: From the Marcantica Collection; Obverse: Radiate bust of Nero with aegis, left; Inscription: ΝΕΡΩ ΚΛΑΥ ΚΑΙΣ ΣΕΒ ΓΕΡ ΑΥ L ΙΔ; Translation: Nero Klaudios Kaisaros Sebastos Germanicos Autokrator Lukabas Iota Delta; Translation: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Imperator, Year 14; Reverse: Veiled bust of Hera Argeia, right; Inscription: ΗΡΑ ΑΡΓΕΙΑ; Translation: Hera Argeia; Translation: Goddess Hera Argeia.
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Link: Nero


Lydia. Hierocaesaraea
Nero, AD 54-68
Kapitonos, magistrate
Bronze, AE 17
Obv.: NEPWωN KΛAYΔIOC KAICAP CEBACTOC, bare-headed and draped bust right
Rev: IЄPOKAICAPЄωN ЄΠI KAΠITωNOC, Artemis Persica standing facing, drawing arrow from quiver on shoulder; stag to left.
Æ, 17mm, 5.90g
Ref.: RPC I 2385, GRPC Lydia 66b (this coin)


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22 minutes ago, shanxi said:



Imperator Caesar Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus Augustus Pius Felix; Reign: Commodus; Mint: Hierocaesarea (?), Lydia; Date: 180/192 AD; Nominal: Bronze; Material: AE; Diameter: 27mm; Weight: 5.96g; Reference: RPC IV.3 25060; Provenance: Savoca Numismatik Munich, Germany (Auction 166, Lot 921); Obverse: Laureate-headed bust of Commodus(?) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear; Reverse: Temple with four columns enclosing uncertain cult statue. 

RPC Online: https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/4/25060
RPC Online: https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/countermark/279 

Countermark (GIC 150) on obverse with laureate bust left (Caracalla ?)



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Link: Countermark on obverse.

Trajan. A.D. 98-117.
Roman orichalcum as, 8.49 g, 23.5 mm, 6 h.
Struck in Rome for circulation in Syria (?); Struck in Antioch (?), AD 115/16.
Obv: IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GERM, radiate and draped bust right; c/m: bucranium within incuse punch.
Rev: DAC PARTHICO P M TR POT XX COS VI P P around laurel wreath enclosing large SC.
Refs: RIC 647; BMCRE 1094; Cohen 123; RCV 3243; Woytek 937v; McAlee 509; Strack 479; BN 953-5. For c/m: Pangerl 63; Howgego 294.

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8 hours ago, Roman Collector said:



Imperator Caesar Nerva Traianus Augustus
Reign: Trajanus; Mint: Rome; Date: 107 AD
Nominal: Sestertius; Material: AE Bronze; Diameter: 36mm; Weight: 25.53g
Reference: BMC 800; 
Reference: Banti 133; Reference: Cohen 406
Reference: Woytek 200b; Reference: RIC II Trajan 503 (sestertius)
OCRE Online: http://numismatics.org/ocre/id/ric.2.tr.503_sestertius

Obverse: Bust of Trajan, laureate, with aegis, right; Inscription: IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P; Translation: Imperator, Caesar, Nervae Traiano Augustus, Germanicus, Dacicus, Pontifex Maximus, Tribunicia Potestate, Consul Quintum, Pater Patriae; Translation: Imperator, Caesar, of Nerva Trajan, Augustus, conqueror of the Germans, conqueror of the Dacians, high priest, holder of tribunician power, consul for the fifth time, father of the nation.

Reverse: Pax, draped, standing left, holding branch out and downwards in right hand and cornucopiae in left; her right foot treading down Dacian whose head and shoulders only are seen; Inscription: S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI S C; Translation: Senatus Populusque Romanus Optimo Principi. Senatus Consultum; Translation: The senate and the Roman people to the best of princes. Decree of the senate.


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Link: Pax


Obv.: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, Bust of Hadrian, laureate, bare chest, aegis on far shoulder, right
Rev.: P M TR P COS DES II // PAX (in exergue), Pax standing left, holding branch and cornucopia
Ref.: RIC II, Part 3 (second edition) Hadrian 88

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