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4 minutes ago, shanxi said:



Tiberius Claudius Nero as Tiberius Iulius Caesar Augustus
Denarius of the Roman Imperial Period 14/37 AD
Material: Silver; Diameter: 19mm; Weight: 3.65g
Mint: Lugdunum (Lyon), Gaul; Reference: RIC I (second edition) Tiberius 30

Obverse: Head of Tiberius, laureate, right. The Inscription reads: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS for Tiberius Caesar Divi Augusti Filius Augustus; Reverse: Livia (as Pax) seated right, holding vertical scepter in right hand and olive branch in left, feet on footstool; ornate chair legs, single line below. The Inscription reads: PONTIF MAXIM for Pontifex Maximus.


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Globe. This time used as medicinal ball.



14 mm, 1,56 g.
Cappadocia, Caesaraea-Eusebia. Nero 54-68. AR hemidrachm. 59-60.
[NERO CLAVD DIVI] CLAVD F CAESAR AVG [GERMANI], laureate head of Nero to right / Victory seated right on globe, holding wreath in both hands. BMC 409; RIC I Nero 617; RPC 3645.

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Nike holding wreath...

Taras, Calabria

276-272 BC (Period VII - The Pyrrhic Hegemony)
AR Didrachm (19mm, 6.34g)
Sostratos magistrate.
O: Warrior on horseback right, holding shield and spears in left hand and thrusting spear downward with right; [E]Y behind, ΣΩΣTP - ATOΣ (magistrate) in two lines below.
R: Taras riding dolphin left, holding cornucopia in left hand and Nike with laurel wreath in right; ΠOΛY to left, thunderbolt to right, T-APA[Σ] below.
D'Andrea XLI, 1186; Vlasto 714; Evans VII, A2; Cote 371-72; SNG ANS 1084-85; HGC I, 883; SNG Cop 874; HN Italy 1001
ex CNG

~ Peter 


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13 hours ago, Phil Anthos said:



A 44mm Medaillon with Marcus Aurelius at horseback.

Imperator Caesar Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus Augustus
Reign: Marcus Aurelius; Strategos: Lucios Aurelios Demostratos
Mint: Thyateira, Lydia; Date: 178/179 AD
Nominal: Bronze Medaillon; Material: AE; Diameter: 44mm; Weight: 31.10g

Reference: SNG Mysia 2167 (under Pergamum)
Reference: RPC IV.2 11379 (#2 this coin)
Rare: Specimens 2 (1 in the core collections) 
RPC Online: https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/4/11379 
RPC Online Plate: https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coin/463738 

Obverse: Laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from front; Inscription: ΑVΤΟ ΚΑΙ Λ ΑVΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟC; Translation: Autokrator Kaisaros Lucios Aurelios Komodos; Translation: Imperator Caesar Lucius Aurelius Commodus; Reverse: In centre, emperor (Marcus Aurelius) on horseback, right, wearing military dress, holding spear; to left, Nike advancing, right, crowning emperor; to right, trophy in front of which a bound captive sits, left; Inscription: ΕΠΙ CΤΡΑ Λ ΑYΡΗ ΔΗΜΟCΤΡΑΤΟY ΘYΑΤΕΙΡΗΝΩΝ; Translation: Epi Strategos Lucios Aurelios Demostratou, Thyateireon; Translation: Under Strategos Lucios Aurelios Demostratos, City of Thyateira.



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Link: Thyateira


Lydia, Thyateira
Pseudo-autonomous issue, AD 200-270
Obv.: BOPEITHNH, bust of Artemis Boreitene left, with quiver over shoulder, seen from behind
Rev.: ΘΥATEΙPHNΩN, eagle standing facing, head left, with open wings
AE, 4.20g, 20.4mm
Ref.: SNG Munich 595; SNG Copenhagen 578; SNG von Aulock 3213; BMC 22

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Link: Elagabalus provincial

Elagabalus, 218-222 CE.
Roman provincial Æ assarion, 2.36 g, 16.1 mm, 12 h.
Moesia Inferior, Marcianopolis, 218-222 CE.
Obv: ΑVΤ Κ Μ ΑVΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟC, laureate head, right.
Rev: ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ, Telesphoros standing facing, wearing hooded cloak.
Refs: AMNG I 910; Varbanov 1421-22; Moushmov 652; SNG Budapest 191.

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Link: Telesphoros

Issued under Antoninus Pius, Magistrate- I. Pol(l)ion (strategos for the second time, asiarch and neokoros) 147-161 AD Obverse- ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝΩN. bust of Athena. Reverse- ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡΑ Ι ΠΩΛΛΙΩ ΤΟ Β. Telesphorus standing, facing. 2.12g 


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1 hour ago, JayAg47 said:



Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
Reign: Nero, under Magistrate Tiberius Claudius Mnaseas
Mint: Sardis, Lydia; Date: c. 65 AD
Nominal: Bronze; Material: AE; Diameter: 19mm; Weight: 4.26g
Reference: RPC I 3008 (#24 this coin); Reference: BMC 62

Obverse: Draped bust of Senate, right; Inscription: ΘƐΟΝ ϹΥΝΚΛΗΤΟΝ; Translation: Theon Synkliton; Translation: The God Senate; Reverse: Zeus standing, left, with eagle and staff; Inscription: ƐΠΙ ΤΙ ΜΝΑϹƐΟΥ ϹΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ; Translation: Epi Tiberios Mnaseous Sardianon; Translation: Under Tiberius [Claudius] Mnaseas, City of Sardis.


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3 hours ago, Prieure de Sion said:

Tiberius Claudius Mnaseas


Lydia, Sardes. Nero Ae15. Tiberius Claudius Mnaseas, magistrate.

Obv: NEPΩN KAICAP. Laureate head right.
Rev: EΠΙ TI MNACEOY CAPΔΙΑΝΩΝ. Laureate head of Herakles right, lion skin tied around neck.
RPC 3009.

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Lion skin.


11 mm, 1,00 g.
Mysia, Pergamon. AR diobol. Circa 310-282 BC.
Head of Alexander as Hercules right wearing lion-skin headdress, paws tied around his neck / ΠEPΓAM , ethnic vertical upwards to left of cult statue of Athena (a.k.a. "The Palladium") standing facing, wearing kalathos and aegis, brandishing spear and holding shield from which fillet hangs.
BMC 9; v. Aulock 1350; SNG France 5, 1559-66; Klein 27.

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Link: Pergamon Diobol


Mysia, Pergamon
AR Diobol (ca. 450 BC).
Obv.: Laureate head of Apollo right.
Rev.: ΠΕΡΓ, Bearded head of satrap right, wearing Persian tiara, within incuse square.
Ag, 1.66g, 12mm
Ref.: BMC Myisa 1 var., SNG France 1546-8, SNG von Aulock 1347

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Link:- Apollo

Gordian III Antoninianus 

Obv:– IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:– P M TR P IIII COS II P P, Apollo seated left., holding a branch and resting on a lyre set on a pedestal
Minted in Rome. Fourth Issue, A.D. 241 – A.D.243
Reference:– RIC 88, RSC 250

4.24 gms, 22.35 mm. 180 degrees


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1 hour ago, maridvnvm said:


Imperator Caesar Nerva Traianus Augustus

Reign: Trajanus; Mint: Rome; Date: 98/99 AD
Nominal: Denarius; Material: Silver; Diameter: 18mm; Weight: 3.43g
Reference: BMC 14; Reference: Cohen 292; Reference: Woytek 24a
Reference: RIC II Trajan 17; OCRE Online: https://numismatics.org/ocre/id/ric.2.tr.17

Obverse: Head of Trajan, laureate, right; Inscription: IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM; Translation: Imperator Caesar Nerva Traianus Augustus, Germanicus; Translation: Imperator, Caesar, Nerva Trajan, Augustus, conqueror of the Germans; Reverse: Pax, draped, wearing wreath, standing left, holding branch up in right hand and cornucopiae in left; Inscription: PONT MAX TR POT COS II; Translation: Pontifex Maximus, Tribunicia Potestate, Consul Secundum; Translation: High priest, holder of tribunician power, consul for the second time.


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Link:- Trajan

Trajan Denarius 

Obv:- IMP TRAIANVS AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, Laureate head right, drapery over left shoulder
Rev:- DIVVS PATER TRAIAN, Trajan Pater seated left on curule bench, patera in right hand, scepter in left
Minted in Rome. A.D. 112-114
Reference:- BMCRE 500. RIC II 252. RSC 140.

Weight 3.36g. 18.35mm


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Link: Fortuna Redux

Septimius Severus, Moesia Inferior, Marcianopolis. AE Pentassarion (27mm, 9.94 g). Struck 201-202 AD. Aurelius Gallus, legatus consularis. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust r. / Fortuna Redux (Tyche Soterios)standing l., holding rudder set on ground and cornucopia.

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Link: Tyche


Lydia, Iulia Gordus
Pseudo-autonomous issue
2nd century
Obv.: ΙΟVΛΙΑ ΓΟΡΔΟС, Turreted and draped bust of Tyche right.
Rev.: IΟVΛ ΓΟΡΔΗΝΩΝ, Facing statue of Artemis Ephesia, with supports.
Ae, 2.73g, 17mm
Ref.: RPC III 1261, SNG Copenhagen 157, GRPC Vol. 2 Gordus-Julia 19

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Link:- Turreted Tyche

Alexandria, Troas, AE23
Obv:– CO-L TROA, turreted bust of Tyche right, vexillum behind;
Rev:– CO AVG TRO, eagle, with open wings, standing right on forepart of a bull
Minted in Alexandria, Troas, c. 253 - 268 A.D. reigns of Valerian and Gallienus

22.38 mm. 5.22 gms.


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Link Nymph

Sinope, Paphlagonia, Silver Drachm

Obv:- Head of nymph left, hair in sakkos, wearing triple pendant earring and necklace
Rev:- Eagle with dolphin in talons facing left, ∆ΙΟΥ (magistrate's name) below wing, ΣΙΝΩ below dolphin
Sinope mint, c. 330 - 300 B.C.
Ref:- SNG BM 1484; SNG Stancomb 772; SNG Cop 284
ex Baldwin & Sons, London, ex Forum Ancient Coins
Weight 4.974g, maximum diameter 16.9mm, die axis 180o


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Nymph and also from Sinope


10 mm, 1,39 g.
Paphlagonia, Sinope. AR trihemiobol. Circa 330-300 BC.
Head of nymph Sinope three-quarters facing, turned slightly to left / Eagle standing facing with wings spread, head left; ΣΙ-Ν[Ω] across fields.
SNG Stancomb 779; SNG ΒΜ Black Sea 1498-1502; HGC 7, 396; Dewing 2134; SNG von Aulock 2117.

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