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6 hours ago, Phil Anthos said:

Let's try this...

Seleukid Kingdom, Reign of Antiochos VIII (Epiphanes)

121-97 BC
AR Drachm (17mm, 3.18g)
O: Head of Antiochos VIII (Grypos) right.
R: Tripod; [EΠ]IΦANOYΣ downward to left, BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIOXOY downward to right.
HGC 9, 1209m; Newell 409; Sear 7149; BMC 4, 98,6
ex Forvm Auctions


Trying really hard to see the connection between this and the Elagabalus provincial of Marcianopolis above. 

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Link to "Roman Collector" Elagabal

Link to "Phil Anthos " Tripod


Elagabalus (212-2150 CE)
Rev.: SVMMVS SACERDOS AVG / Elagabalus standing left, sacrificing from patera in r. over tripod , branch in l., star l
Ag, 2.08g, 18.1mm
Ref.: RSC276 / RIC IVb, S.38, Nr.146



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Link; Tyche

CILICIA. Seleucia ad Calycadnum. Severus Alexander (222-235). Ae.
Obv: ΑV Κ Μ ΑVΡ СЄΟVΗΡ ΑΛЄΞΑ, with remaining part of legend ΝΔΡΟС right field inside legend.
Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: СЄΛЄVΚЄΩΝ ΚΑΛVΚΑΔΝ, with remaining Ω of legend in upper right field.
Tyche, holding branch, seated left on rocks between two columns; river god Calycadnum to lower left.
RPC VI online 7034.
Weight: 13.99 g. Diameter: 29 mm.
Online Plate coin: https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/search/browse?q=Severus Alexander&page=109
 (AC Search) ex Numismatik Naumann (formerly Gitbud & Naumann). Auction 79, Lot# 439, 07/07/2019.


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Link: Tyche

Roman Egypt. Alexandria. Hadrian, AD 117-138. Billon Tetradrachm (24mm, 13.82g, 12h). Dated RY 9 (AD 124/125). Obv: ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹЄΒ; Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from rear. Rev: Tyche standing facing, head left, holding rudder and cornucopia; ET-Θ (date) across fields. Ref: RPC III 5542 (4 examples); Dattari (Savio) 1492; Emmett 901.9. Very Fine. Rare, four specimens listed in RPC. Ex Roma e114 (23 Nov 2023), Lot 734.image.jpeg.4967f46f1620740d369284fd3b1b8d89.jpeg

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Link: Tyche standing


Lydia, Hierokaisareia
Pseudo-autonomous issue
Time of the Severans (193-235)
Obv: IЄPOKAICAPЄIA, Turreted and draped bust of Tyche right.
Rev: IЄPOKAICAPЄΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia.
AE, 4.7g, 21mm
Ref.: BMC 21

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Link: Hierocaesarea.

Quasi-autononymous issue, time of Nero.
Roman provincial Æ 14.6 mm, 3.24 g, 6h.
Lydia, Hierocaesarea; Magistrate Capito, 54-68 CE.
Obv: ЄΠΙ ΚΑΠΙΤⲰΝΟC, draped bust of Artemis Persica, right, with bow and quiver at her back.
Rev: ΙЄΡΟ-ΚΑICΑΡ-ЄΩΝ, Artemis in short chiton, right, with one knee on back of stag, which she pulls down by the antlers.
Refs: RPC I 2391; BMC v.22, p.102, 3.

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19 mm, 4,44 g.
Ionia, Ephesos. Marcus Aurelius 161-180 AD. Ӕ. Struck 161-165.
Μ ΑΥΡ ΚΑΙϹ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝ, laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass, r., seen from rear / ƐΦƐϹΙΩΝ, stag standing, r.
RPC IV.2, 1132 (temporary); Karwiese 306; Cop 401.

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A stag party!

Ephesus, Ionia

390-320 BC
AR Diobol (10mm, 1.02g)
O: Bee with straight wings, within dotted border.
R: Confronted heads of two stags; EΦ above.
SNG Cop 242-43; SNG von Aulock 1835; SNG München 32; Sear 4375v; BMC Ionia 53, 53; 
ex Forvm Ancient Coins


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Link: Ex Forvm (auctions)

Maximianus, AD 285-305. Æ Follis (26x24mm, 8.58g, 6h). Trier mint. Struck AD 296-297. Obv: IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG; Laureate head right. Rev: GENIO POPV-LI ROMANI; Genius standing left, holding patera in right hand, cornucopia in left. A - Γ in fields, TR in ex. Ref: RIC VI 170b.


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Link: Genius


Maximinus Daia (305-313)
laureate head right
Genio standing left holding radiate head of Sol and cornucopia, star left, B right
4,2g 21 mm.
Ref.: RIC 164b, C 21.

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Links: Maximinus II Daia, Genius, and Antioch Mint:

Maximinus II (Daia) Caesar (nephew of Galerius) , AE Follis, 308-309 AD, Antioch Mint (2nd Officina).. Obv. Laureate head right, GAL VAL MAXIMINVS NOB CAES/ Rev. Genius standing left with chlamys over left shoulder and modius on head, holding cornucopiae in left arm and holding patera, from which libations flow, in extended right hand; crescent in upper left field and S [= 2nd Officina] in right field; GENIO CA-ESARIS*; in exergue, mintmark ANT [=Antioch]. RIC VI 103 (p. 631), Sear RCV IV 14725, Cohen 40-41. 25 mm., 6.90 g.


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Link: Genius


Antoninus Pius
Obv.: ANTWNINOC CEB EVCEB, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev.: ΔWΔΕΚ / ATOY / L Iζ, River god Nilus reclining left, resting on inverted vase from which water flows; in right hand cornucopia from which genius with wreath emerges and in left hand reed; below, crocodile.
Billon, 12.47g. 23.1mm
Ref.: Geissen 1594, Milne 1990, RPC IV.4, 1092-27 [this coin]


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Emperor, togate, on reverse 


19 mm, 3,07 g.
Plautilla. Augusta 202-205. AR denarius. Rome.
PLAVTILLAE AVGVSTAE, bust of Plautilla, hair coiled in ridges, fastened in bun at back, draped, right / PROPAGO IMPERI, Caracalla, togate, standing left, clasping right hands with Plautilla, draped, standing right.
RIC IV Caracalla 362 (denarius); BMC 406-10; RSC 21.

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Link: Plautilla.

Plautilla, 202-205 CE.
Roman provincial Æ 20 mm, 4.1 g.
Phrygia, Otrus, 202-205 CE.
Obv: ΦOVΛ ΠΛ-AVTIΛΛAC, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: OTP-O-HNΩN, Demeter standing left, holding grain ears and long torch.
Refs: BMC 25.344,7; Von Aulock Phrygiens, 802-8; cf. SNG Cop 633.

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Metapontum, Lucania

225-200 BC
AE17 (17.5mm, 6.13g)
O: Head of Leukippos right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet decorated with running wolf.
R: Demeter standing facing, holding long crossed torch in right hand, left hand on hip; META to right.
Johnson Bronze 66; SNG ANS 561; SNG Cop 2249; HGC I, 1099; HN Italy 1702
ex Pavlos Palou


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Link: Lucania

Luncania. Velia. Circa 300-280 BC. AR Nomos (20mm, 7.52g, 3h). Philistion Group. Obv: Head of Athena left, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with Pegasus on bowl and Zeus or Poseidon on neck-guard. Rev: YEΛHTΩN; Lion standing right; Δ below; ΦΙ in exergue. Ref: Williams 395 (O197/R279); HN Italy 1301. Williams notes that the ΦΙ in the exergue of this issues proves the connection to the Philistion Group.


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Philistion group...

Velia, Lucania

305-290 BC (Period VII: Philistion Group)
AR Didrachm (22mm, 7.33g)
O: Head of Athena left, wearing crested Phrygian helmet decorated with griffin; palmette on neck-guard, Θ (Philistion) behind.
R: Lion standing right with head facing, devouring ram‘s head; grasshopper between Φ-I above, YEΛHTΩN in ex.
William 415; HGC I, 1322; HN Italy 1305; SNG ANS 1361; SNG Ashmolean 1322-4
ex Praefectus Coins

Velia was never conquered by the Lucanians, and in 275 BC signed an alliance with Rome. However over the centuries the mouths of the two rivers between which the city was built silted up the harbor, resulting in a ruined trade. In time the city became surrounded by marshlands, malaria ensued, and its inhabitants moved away.
Velia had managed to withstand centuries of regional hostility, but withered before the forces of nature.


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Link Athena/Lion


Kings of Thrace, 323-281 B.C.
Obv.: Helmeted head of Athena right
Rev.: Lion charging right, caduceus, monogram and spear-head below
AE, 4.98g, 19.2mm
Ref.: SNG Cop 1153 var (monogram)


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Lysimacheia, Thrace

309-220 BC
AE 21 (21mm, 8.14g)
O: Wreathed and veiled head of Demeter right.
R: Nike standing left, holding wreath; ΛYΣIMA[XEΩN] around to left.
SNG Cop 905; Sear 1621; BMC 3, 6
ex Romae Aeternae Numismatics

Next: hippocamp


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16 hours ago, Phil Anthos said:

Next: hippocamp

No "next" in this game 😁

Link: Nike


Egypt, Alexandria Hadrian
117-138 Hemidrachm circa 131-132 (year 16),
Obv.: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r.
Rev. Nike advancing, l., holding wreath and palm-branch; in l. field, LIS.
Æ 28.80 mm., 13.09 g.
Ref.: Dattari-Savio Pl. 86, 1772. RPC 5802.
Ex Hirsch sale 106, 1977, 3209.


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20 mm, 4,03 g.
Hadrian 117-138. Æ semis. Rome. Struck 124-125.
HADRIANVS AVGVSTUS, bust of Hadrian, laureate, draped and cuirassed, right, viewed from rear or side / COS III SC, Roma seated left on cuirass, resting foot on helmet, holding Victory and spear; behind, shield.
RIC II, Part 3 (second edition) Hadrian 760; RIC II Hadrian 685 (semis).


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Link: Roma.

C Servilius Mf, 136 BCE.
Roman AR denarius, 3.76 g, 21.0 mm, 5 h.
Rome, 135 BCE.
Obv: Helmeted head of Roma, right; behind, wreath and denominational mark; below, ROMA.
Rev: The Dioscuri galloping in opposite directions, holding inverted spears; in exergue, 
Refs: Crawford RRC 239/1; Sydenham CRR 525; Sear RCV 116; RSC Servilia 1.

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