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Roman Republican Denarius

Roman Republic. C. Piso L.f. Frugi. 61 BC. AR Denarius (18mm, 4.10g, 6h). Obv: Head of Apollo left, hair bound with fillet; EI (retrograde) to left. Rev: Horseman galloping right, holding long palm in left hand, reins in right; C•PISO•L•F•FRVG / O, below. Ref: Crawford 408/1b (dies O7/R16); C. Hersh, "A Study of the Coinage of the Moneyer C. Calpurnius Piso L. f. Frugi," NC (1976), 174 (O214/R2019); Sydenham 851; Calpurnia 24. Choice Extra Fine, iridescent toning. Ex Heritage, 2004 HWCA Auction 339 (08 Jan 2004), Lot 12130. 


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Link; RR Denarius

T Cloelius AR Denarius. 128 BC.
ROMA, head of Roma right, wearing a winged helmet, laurel wreath behind / Victory in biga right, horses rearing; grain ear below, T CLOVLI in ex.
Cloulia 1, Crawford 260/1; Syd 516. 19 mm, 3,83 g


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Link: Victory in biga Republican denarius.

C. Porcius Cato, 123 BCE.
Roman Republican AR denarius, 3.90 g, 18.3 mm, 5 h.
Rome, 123 BCE. 
Obv: Helmeted head of Roma, right; X behind.
Rev: C•CATO, Victory holding whip in biga galloping right; ROMA in exergue.
Refs: Crawford RRC 274/1; Sydenham CRR 417; RSC Porcia 1; RCV 149. 

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Link: biga


Ionia, Ephesus
Obv.: Λ CЄ Π ΓЄTAC K, bareheaded, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev.: ЄΦЄCIΩN, Artemis driving biga of stags right, drawing arrow from quiver and holding bow.
AE, 3.15g, 17mm
Ref.: SNG München 169-70
Ex Bankhaus Aufhäuser, 1995
Ex Dr. P. Vogl collection


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Link; Biga

AR denarius (3,87 g. 17 mm.). Rome, 138 B.C. C Renius
Head of Roma right, wearing winged helmet and 5 drop earring; behind, X designating value/
C•RENI below, ROMA in exergue, Juno Caprotina, holding crook, reins and scepter, driving biga of goats right.
Crawford 231/1; Sydenham 432; Renia 1.


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Link: goat


Valerianus II as Caesar
AR Antoninianus, AD 255
Obv.: VALERIANVS CAES, radiate and draped bust right
Rev.: IOVI CRESCENTI, young Jupiter seated facing on goat standing right.
Ag, 3.86g, 20.5mm
Ref.: RIC 3

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Valerian II 


22 mm, 2,54 g.
Divus Valerian II. Died 258. AR Denarius. Lugdunum.
DIVO VALERIANO CAES, bust of Valerian II, radiate, draped, right / CONSACRATIO, eagle bearing Valerian II to heaven.
RIC V Valerian II 9; RSC 5.

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Link; Valerian II

Valerian II Billon Antoninianus. P LIC COR VALERIANVS CAES, radiate, draped bust right / VICTORIA PART, Victory standing right, presenting wreath to Valerian II, holding globe and spear. RSC 97; RIC 54 Antioch; Goebl 1604d; Sear 10742.
Weight: 3,3gr


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Link: Victory


Gordian III
Obv.: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: PM TR P II COS P P, Victory advancing left, wreath in right and palm in left
Ag, 4.17g, 20.8mm
Ref.: RIC 19


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Link: Mount Argaeus


Marcus Aurelius
AR didrachm
Obv.: AYTOKP ANTωNEINOC CEB, laureate head of Marcus Aurelius right
Rev.: ΥΠΑTOC Γ, Mt. Argaeus, star above
Ar, 19,7mm, 6.6g
Ref.: Metcalf 130b. Sydenham 328


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Metapontum, Lucania

330-300 BC
AR Didrachm (21mm, 7.76g)
O: Head of Demeter right, wreathed in grain and wearing triple earring and necklace; ΔAI under chin.
R: Ear of barley with seven grains, leaf to right; plow above leaf, MAX below, META upward to left.
Johnston C-1; SNG ANS 470; SNG Cop 1227; HN Italy 1581; Sear 416
ex Windsor Antiquities


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Lucania. Metapontum. Circa 325-275 BC. AR Diobol (12mm, 1.03g, 6h). Obv: Head of Athena right, wearing Corinthian helmet pushed back on head. Rev: META; Barley ear with leaf to right; cornucopia above leaf. Ref: HN Italy 1596; Johnston F21; HGC 1, 1078 (plow). Good Very Fine, nicely toned. Ex Colosseum Coin Exchange, Apr 1992.


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Metapontum, Lucania

300-250 BC
AE16 (16mm, 3.09g)
O: Veiled head of Demeter right, wearing stephane.
R: Ear of barley; long leaf with VE monogram above to left, MET[A] to right.
Johnston 57; SNG ANS 573; SNG Cop 1259; HN Italy 1693
ex Praefectus Coins

“They found the illustrious goddess sitting near the road, just the way
they had left her. Then they led her to the palace of their father.
She was walking behind them, sad in her heart.
She was wearing a veil on her head, and a long dark robe
trailed around the delicate feet of the goddess.”

~ Homeric Hymn to Demeter


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Link: Demeter


AR Drachm (17.03mm, 4.20g, 7h)
Struck 328-323 BC. Lampsakos mint
Obverse: Head of Heracles right, wearing Nemean lionskin headdress
Reverse: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus seated on stool-throne left, eagle on outstretched right hand, sceptre in left hand; Demeter facing with two torches in left field, Δ beneath throne
References: Price 1354
Light toning. A lifetime issue, struck at some point between Alexander's campaign into India and his return to Babylon in 323 BC.

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Link: Head of Heracles 


Alexander the Great
Obv. Head of Heracles right, wearing lion’s skin
Rev. ALEXANΔPOY, above, bow and quiver, below, club and gorytos?
AE, 5.92g, 16.7x18.2mm

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Link: bow and quiver.

Faustina Jr, 147-175 CE.
Roman provincial AE 25.1 mm, 8.88 g.
Thrace, Augusta Traiana, 161-175 CE.
Obv: ΦΑVCΤΕΙΝΑ CΕΒΑCΤΗ, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: ΑVΓΟVCΤΗC ΤΡΑΙΑΝΗC, Artemis standing right, holding bow, drawing arrow from quiver, hound at her side.
Refs: RPC IV.1, 10333 (temporary); CN 9377.; Schönert-Geiß, MATT 43, p. 60, pl. 3-4.

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Link; Bow

SELEUCID KINGS of SYRIA. Alexander I Balas.(152-145 BC).Antioch.Ae.
Obv : Head of Alexander I to right, wearing lion skin headdress.
Apollo standing facing, head to left, holding arrow and grounded bow; trident to outer left, monogram in exergue.
SC 1795.3.Weight : 6.12 gr Diameter : 17 mm


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Link: Apollo standing


Lydia, Sardeis
AE 17
Magistrate Polemon
Obv.: Laureate head of Herakles right
Rev.: Apollo standing left, holding raven in right hand, olive branch in left; ΠOΛEMΩN to left, ΣΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ to right.
AE, 16.9mm, 7.89g
Ref.: Laffaille 510?


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Link: Sardis


Lydia, Sardis. Pseudo-autonomous. Time of Trajan (98-117).

Obv: СΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ. Draped bust of Dionysus right, wearing ivy wreath.
Rev: СΤΡ ΛΟ ΙΟ ΛΙΒΩΝΙΑΝΟΥ. Filleted thyrsus; bee to right.
Ae. 2.3g 15.4mm
Libonianus, strategos.

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Bee to right...

Taras, Calabria

272-240/35 BC (Period VIII - The Roman Alliance I)
AR Didrachm (18.5mm, 6.50g)
Iopyros magistrate.
O: Nude youth on horseback right, placing wreath on horse's head; ΦI behind, I-ΩΠ-YPO-[Σ] (magistrate) below.
R: Taras riding dolphin left, holding cornucopiae and trident; bee behind, Τ-ΑΡΑΣ below.
D'Andrea XLIV, 1371; cfVlasto 855; Evans VIII, B2; McGill II, 99; Cote 490-92; cf HGC I, 889; HN Italy 1029; SNG Cop 919; SNG Cop 919
ex Dr. Busso Peus; ex Germania Inferior Numismatics

Evans calls the insect on this reverse a cicada, a very important symbol in ancient times (see J.C.B Petropolous’ marvelous work ‘Heat and Lust; Hesiod’s Midsummer Festival Scene Revisited’, a very insightful look at ancient agricultural and fertility practices). However Vlasto lists this as a bee, and I tend to think this is likely. It sure looks more like a bee to me.
It’s a real pity that the obverse is struck off-center here, as the artistic and natural rendering of the horse is not typical of these late period didrachms.


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Link: Dolphin rider. Don't laugh -- it's the finest known! 

Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman provincial Æ 5.84 g, 22.0 mm, 7 h.
Bithynia-Pontus, Apamea.
Obv: FAUST[INAC AUG], draped bust of Faustina II, right.
Rev: UЄNU[S ... C]ICA dd, Venus seated right, head left, on dolphin swimming left, resting right arm on dolphin, uncertain object in left hand.
Refs: RPC IV.1, 11815 (temporary); Waddington RG --; BMC --; Sear --; Mionnet Suppl 5 --; Lindgren --; Wiczay --.
Notes: Previously unpublished. Obverse die match to Waddington RG, pl. XXXIX.1, which has a Neptune reverse type.

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Dolphin rider...

Corinth, Corinthia

14-37 AD (Reign of Tiberius)
AE Semis (14mm, 3.03g)
O: Pegasus flying right.
R: Melikertes naked, swimming with dolphin left, left hand holding dorsal fin.
Amandry XVI63
ex Agora Auctions

Melikertes was the mortal son of Ino who, while fleeing from her insane husband, flung herself and her son into the ocean from a high cliff near Megara. The two were immediately transformed into sea dieties, and Melikertes was brought ashore to Corinth by a dolphin. Melikertes became Palaimon the patron of sailors, and identified with the Roman god of harbors Portunus.
Melikertes is sometimes depicted with a fish tail and has been associated with the Phoenician god Malquart. It is very easy to see an iconographic similarity between Melikertes and Arion of Corinth or Phalanthos of Taras.


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Link: dolphin(s)

Syracuse, Agathokles, tetradrachm,  317-310 BC.

17.0 grams

Quadriga moving left at center, with charioteer holding reins and kentron behind; triskeles above; inscription with city name at bottom; all within dotted border

Script: Greek


Head of Persephone (or Arethusa) at center facing left, wearing a crown of corn ears and a pearl necklace; surrounded by three dolphins.

Script: Greek

Lettering: ΝΙ


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Links: quadriga, earrings, weird die axis.

P. Maenius M. f. Antias, 132 BCE.
Roman AR denarius, 3.83 g, 19.0 mm, 9 h.
Rome, 132 BCE.
Obv: Helmeted head of Roma, right; * behind.
Rev: Victory in quadriga, right, holding reins and palm-branch in left hand and wreath in right hand; 
P·MAE ANT (monogram) below; ROMA in exergue.
Refs: Crawford RRC 249/1; Sydenham CRR 492; RSC Maenia 7; Sear RCV 126.

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