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Head of nymph...

Larissa, Thessaly

Circa 356-342 BC
AR Drachm (21mm, 5.83g)
O: Head of nymph Larissa facing slightly left, hair in ampyx, wearing single-pendant earring and plain necklace.
R: Horse standing right, preparing to lie down; ΛΑΡΙΣ−ΑΙΩΝ above and below.
Lorber L-III; BCD Thessaly II, 319; SNG Cop 120-121
ex Praefectus Coins

In my opinion one of the most beautiful coin types of all time, this design from Thessaly was an homage to the Syracusan master engraver Kimon and his artistic tetradrachm featuring a similar nymph, Arethusa. The nymph is depicted in her natural element of water, with her hair ‘floating’ about her face.


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Link:  Larissa

THESSALY, Larissa Kremaste
4th century BCE
Æ Trichalkon; 16mm, 6.0 g
Obv: head of Achilles left
Rev: ΛΑΡΙ; Thetis, holding shield of Achilles with AX (=Achilles) monogram, seated left on hippocamp
Ref: BCD Thessaly I –; BCD Thessaly II 403.1; HGC 4, 13
Ex BCD Collection
Ex Hopper Collection (Sotheby’s, 9 March 1989), lot 519 (part)

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Link: Larissa


Larissa, Thessaly
AR Drachm, 440-420 BC
Obv.: The hero Thessalos, nude but for chlamys, his petasos flying out behind him, holding band around the head of a bull charging right
Rev.: Bridled horse prancing right; ΛAP above, IΣA below; all within shallow incuse square.
Ag, 6.01g, 20mm, 12h
Ref.: Herrmann pl. 3, 2 (same dies); SNG Lockett 1560 (same dies)


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Link: "nude but for chlamys"

Postumus, 260-269 AD, antoninianus (23mm, 3.74 g, 6h). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Neptune, nude but for chlamys over shoulder, standing facing, head left, dolphin in right hand, vertical long trident in left, forepart of vessel to left. AGK 46



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Taras, Calabria

272-240/35 BC (Period VIII - The Roman Alliance I)
AR Didrachm (18mm, 6.50g)
Lykinos magistrate.
O: Naked boy on horse pacing left, placing wreath on horse's head; ΣY above, ΛYKI - NOΣ (magistrate) in two lines below.
R: Taras astride dolphin left, hurling trident with right hand, chlamys wrapped around left arm; owl behind, TA-PA[Σ] below.
D'Andrea XLIV, 1356; Vlasto 836; Evans VIII, A8; Cote 473; cf McGill II, 92; SNG ANS 1165-70; SNG Cop 916; SNG France 1999; HN Italy 1025; Sear 374v
ex Olympvs Coins

Following Pyrrhus’ withdrawal Taras was forced to submit to a Roman garrison in 272 BC, although the relationship did not remain entirely antagonistic. Taras remained a free port, the city’s walls were rebuilt by the time of the First Punic War, and they even provided Rome with ships during that struggle.
This would change drastically however when Taras threw in with Hannibal during the Second Punic War.


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Link: owl behind


Mysia, Pergamon
AE18, 3rd century BC
Obv: Helmeted head of Athena left. (countermark on helmet)
Rev: ΠΕΡΓA, Head and neck of bull left, owl behind, monogram above
AE, 4.48g, 17x18mm
SNG Copenhagen 333; SNG France 1575, BMC Mysia p.112, 20-21

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Link: Small owl

DOMITIAN (92 AD). Denarius. Rome.
Laureate head right.
Minerva advancing right on rostral column, with chlamys blowing backwards, brandishing spear and holding shield; to right, owl standing left, head facing.
RIC² 730,  RSC 274. Weight: 3.23 g. Diameter: 19 mm


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Link:  the Greek equivalent of Minerva, brandishing a thunderbolt


KINGS OF MACEDON, Antigonos II Gonatas
277/6-239 BCE, struck after 270 BCE, Amphipolis mint
AR tetradrachm, 31mm, 17.06 g
Obv: head of Pan in center of Macedonian shield, lagobolon over shoulder; shield decorated with stars within crescents
Rev: BASILEWS ANTIGONOU, Athena Alkidemos walking left, brandishing thunderbolt and shield; helmet left, EMP monogram right
Ref: SNGCop 1200v, EMP (maybe); R. Martin, "A Third-Century B.C. Hoard from Thessaly at the ANS," ANSMN 26, 536 (same obv. die).
ex Demetrios Armounta Collection

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Syracuse, Reign of Pyrrhus

278-276 BC
AE24 (23.2mm, 10.505g, 285o)
O: Head of Herakles left, clad in lion-skin headdress; club behind, ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ before.
R: Athena Promachos advancing right, hurling javelin and holding shield; wreath behind.
HGC 2, 1450; Calciati II p. 324, 177; SNG ANS 847; SNG Cop 809-814; Sear 1213
ex Forvm Ancient Coins


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Zelda: Herakles


Alexander III 'the Great'

KINGS OF MACEDON. (336-323). Ae. Uncertain mint in Western Asia Minor.

Obv: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion’s skin headdress.


Bow in bowcase and club; torch below. Countermark at top of bowcase

Price 2799.

Condition: Extremely fine.

Weight: 5.7 g.

Diameter: 20 mm.

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20 minutes ago, Ryro said:

Zelda: Herakles


Alexander III 'the Great'

KINGS OF MACEDON. (336-323). Ae. Uncertain mint in Western Asia Minor.

Obv: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion’s skin headdress.


Bow in bowcase and club; torch below. Countermark at top of bowcase

Price 2799.

Condition: Extremely fine.

Weight: 5.7 g.

Diameter: 20 mm.

Wow, doesn't get much better than that! 🤩

Link - ornately decorated weaponry


TRAJAN, AD 98-117
AE As (28.52mm, 9.92g, 7h)
Struck AD 103-111. Rome mint
Obverse: IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust of Trajan right
Reverse: SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI, elaborately decorated oval shield; behind shield, curved sword, spears, and vexillum
References: RIC II 584, RCV -
A scarce and interesting type, likely struck in commemoration of Trajan's Dacian victories.

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20 minutes ago, CPK said:

scarce and interesting type


Mysia, Pergamon. Alliance with Ephesos. AE34 of Commodus

Obv: laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, r.
Rev: to l., Asclepius standing, facing, (head, r.), holding serpent-staff; to r., cult statue of Artemis of Ephesus standing, facing, wearing kalathos, having supports.
34mm and 20.8g.

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Link: Pergamon



Mysia, Pergamon
Cistophoric Tetradrachm
Obv.: Serpent emerging from cista mystica with raised lid, all within ivy wreath with fruits.
Rev.: Bow case between two coiled serpents; to left, monogram of Pergamon; MH above; to right; serpent-entwined club with lion’s skin to right.
Ag, 28mm, 12.57g
Ref.: Kleiner-Noe, Series 31b, 102-5

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26 mm, 11,75 g.
Lydia, Tralleis. Magistrate Time. Cistophoric AR tetradrachm. Circa 133 BC.
Cista mystica with serpent, within ivy wreath / TΡAΛ to left of bowcase between two coiled serpents, TIME above, cult image of Artemis Anaitis standing front in right field.
BMC 31-32; SNG von Aulock 8287; SNG Cop 661; Paris 2700-2701; SNG Leipzig 1269; Mionnet IV, 1026; Pinder 160; Whittall sale 1325b; GRPC Lydia S470.

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Antony and Octavia.
AR cistophorus, 25.6 mm, 11.71 gm.
Ephesus, 39 BCE.
Obv: M ANTONINVS IMP COS DESIG ITER ET TERT, Jugate heads of Marcus Antonius and Octavia to right; he wears ivy wreath.
Rev: III VIR RPC, Cista mystica surmounted by figure of Bacchus, standing to left, holding cantharus and leaning on thyrsus; on either side, coiled serpent.
Refs: SNG Cop. 408; SNG von Aulock 6555; Franke KZR 472; RSC 3; Sydenham 1198; RPC 2202; Sear 1513; BMCRR East 135-137.

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Link Marc Antony 


11 mm, 1,70 g.
Mark Antony, triumvir 43-33 BC. AR quinarius. Military mint traveling with Antony and Lepidus in Transalpine Gaul. 43 BC.
Victory standing right, crowning trophy / M ANT (ligate) IMP, lituus, ewer and raven standing left.
Crawford 489/4; Sydenham 1159; RSC 82; BMC Gaul 36.

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Link: Quinarius



Fulvia (83 BC – 40 BC)
Powerful aristocratic woman, wife of Publius Clodius Pulcher (62-52 BC), Gaius Scribonius Curio (52-51 BC) and Marcus Antonius (47-40 BC).
AR Quinarius, Late 43-42 BC
Obv.: Winged bust of Fulvia as Victory
Rev.: [LVGV] DVNI [A] XL, Lion advancing right
Ag, 1.66g, 13.2mm
Ref.: Craw. 489/5, RPC 512, Syd. 1160

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Link: another quinarius


AR Quinarius (16.11mm, 1.76g, 4h)
Struck 25-23 BC. Emerita Augusta mint
Obverse: AVGVST, bare head of Augustus right
Reverse: P CARISI LEG, Victory standing right, crowning trophy
References: RIC I 1a, RCV 1642
Attractive dark cabinet toning with a particularly fine portrait. From the Lt. Col. William Taylor McAninch Collection. (1906-1996)
"The colony of Emerita Augusta (modern Mérida) was founded in 25 BC by P. Carisius, governor of Lusitania, for veterans of legions V Alauda and X Gemina who had recently participated in Augustus' campaigns in north-western Spain."
- David R. Sear, Roman Coins and Their Values, Vol. I (p. 324.)

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Link:  ...and another quinarius 🙂

FrugiQuinarius-RT.jpg.da7cf2b156fcd5e8afd24de8aeca05e6.jpgL. Calpurnius Piso Frugi
90 BCE, Rome
AR quinarius, 13 mm, 1.9 gm
Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right; R to left
Rev: L PI - SO / FRVGI; Victory standing right, holding palm frond and wreath
Ref:  Crawford 340/2e

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L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi 


18 mm, 3,73 g.

Roman Republic. L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi. AR denarius. Rome. 90 BC

Laureate head of Apollo right, fly behind / Horseman galloping r., holding palm frond and reins; II above, tongs below.

Crawford 340/1; RSC Calpurnia 11.

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M. Calpurnius M. f. Frugi
61 BCE.  Denarius. Terminal bust of Mercury r., wearing winged diadem; behind, star / wreath. In r. field, dish. Rev. M·PISO M F / FRVGI Sacrificial knife and patera; all within wreath. Crawford 418/2b.

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link: patera


Faustina Minor
AR-Denar, Rome
Obv.: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right with circlet of pearls
Rev.: IVNONI REGINAE, Juno veiled, standing left, holding patera and sceptre; at her feet, a peacock.
Ag, 3.32g, 18.4mm
Ref.: RIC III 696, CRE 192 [C]
Ex Münzhandlung Ritter; 2. Feb. 1995
Image: Kölner Münzkabinett

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IVNONI REGINAE but with Faustina the Elder

Faustina I Denarius. Lifetime issue. 138-140 CE. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / IVNONI REGINAE, Juno standing left, holding a patera and sceptre, peacock before. RIC 338, RSC 215. Sear 4669. 18mm, 3.15gr


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Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman Æ sestertius, 26.73 g, 32.2 mm, 11 h.
Rome, 162-164 CE.
Obv: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, bare-headed and draped bust right (Beckmann type 8 hairstyle).
Rev: IVNONI REGINAE S C, Juno standing left, holding patera and scepter, peacock at feet.
Refs: RIC 1651; BMC 921; Cohen 142; RCV 5277; MIR 19-6/10a.
Notes: Obverse die match to BMCRE 921. 

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AR Denarius, AD 128-136
Obv: SABINA AVGVSTA HADRIANI AVG P P, Diademed and draped bust left.
Rev: IVNONI REGINAE, Juno standing left, holding patera and sceptre.
Ag, 3.5g, 18mm
Ref.: RIC 401b [S], CRE 56 [R]


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