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Link: Sabina.

Sabina, Augusta 128-138 CE.
Roman AR denarius, 3.01 g, 17.5 mm, 5 h.
Rome, 130-133 CE.
Obv: SABINA AVGVSTA HADRIANI AVG P P, diademed and draped bust, right, with hair in queue.
Rev: PIETAS AVG, Pietas seated left, holding patera and scepter (reverse of Hadrian, RIC II.3 (2nd Ed.), 1412).
Refs: RIC II.3 (2nd Ed.), 2509; RIC II (1st Ed), 405; BMCRE p. 355*; Cohen 51; Strack 372; RCV --; CRE --.
Notes: See ANS 1956.127.310 and BM 1950,1006.423. Cohen cites M. Hoffmann. Reverse die match to denarius of Hadrian, Leu Web Auction 13, lot 1191, 15 August 2020.

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AR Denarius, Rome
Obv.: PLAVTILLA AVGVSTA, Draped bust right, ear not visible
Rev: PIETA-S AVGG, Pietas standing right, holding sceptre and child.
Ag, 3.61g, 18mm
Ref.: RIC IVa, 367 (Hill hairstyle Lii), CRE 431 [C]


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Antoninus Pius, as Caesar. February 25th-July 10th, 138 AD. Æ Sestertius (31mm, 25.61g). Obv: [IMP] T AELIVS CAE-SAR ANTONINVS; Bare head right. Rev: TRIB [POT CO]S; Pietas, draped and veiled standing left, holding acerrum and dropping incense onto lighted and galanded altar to left, S-C across field, PIETAS in exergue. Ref: RIC II.3, 2747; RIC II 1083a (Hadrian); BMCRE 1943 (Hadrian); Cohen 604; Banty 270. About Very Fine, green patina. From the collection of Dr. E. Ex Peus 434 (27 Apr 2023), Lot 536. image.jpeg.9a866bf0205c62ea5844ac8fc14cb9c2.jpeg

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16 minutes ago, Edessa said:

Antoninus Pius, as Caesar. February 25th-July 10th, 138 AD. Æ Sestertius (31mm, 25.61g). Obv: [IMP] T AELIVS CAE-SAR ANTONINVS; Bare head right. Rev: TRIB [POT CO]S; Pietas, draped and veiled standing left, holding acerrum and dropping incense onto lighted and galanded altar to left, S-C across field, PIETAS in exergue. Ref: RIC II.3, 2747; RIC II 1083a (Hadrian); BMCRE 1943 (Hadrian); Cohen 604; Banty 270. About Very Fine, green patina. From the collection of Dr. E. Ex Peus 434 (27 Apr 2023), Lot 536. image.jpeg.9a866bf0205c62ea5844ac8fc14cb9c2.jpeg

That is GORGEOUS!! So artistic.   WOW!

I'll follow that with the opposite... a worn and not particularly artistic Alexandrian drachm of A-Pi.  It's not much to look at but it is my pocket piece (err, purse piece 😁).  I bought it a decade or so ago from a little jewelry store on the island of St. John, US Virgin Islands.  I was living on St. Thomas at the time and was thrilled to find an ancient coin for sale... one that wasn't set into jewelry.  Being my purse piece, this coin is fairly well traveled.  I take pictures of it in various airports and locales.  



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Link: AP


Antoninus Pius (Reg. 138-161 AD)
AR Denarius
Obv.: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right
Rv: TR POT COS IIII, Liberalitas standing left, holding coin counter and cornucopiae, LIB IIII in exergue.
Ag, 3.74g, 16mm
Ref.: RIC 155, BMCRE 567, RSC 490a.

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EGYPT, Alexandria.  Antoninus Pius
year 20, CE 156/7
AE obol, 18 mm, 4.36 gm
Obv:  laureate head right
Rev:   sphinx crouched/reclining left; L K above
Ref:   Emmett 1782.20; unlisted reverse for year; unlisted in Geissen and Dattari

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Link. Antoninus Pius

 DIVVS ANTONINVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, eagle standing right on garlanded altar, head turned left. RSC 156. BMC 48. SEAR 5192.
RIC 431 (Aurelius). Rome mint, after AD 161. 3,0 g - 18,5 mm


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Link: Antoninus Pius CONSECRATIO. This one is special because it was a Secret Saturnalia gift from @TIF!

Antoninus Pius, 138-161 CE.
Roman AR denarius, 3.26g, 17.2 mm, 5 h.
Rome, 161 CE.
Obv: DIVVS ANTONINVS, head of Antoninus Pius, bare, right, with drapery on left shoulder.
Rev: CONSECRATIO, ustrinum of four tiers decorated with garlands and statues and surmounted by a quadriga.
Refs: RIC 438; BMCRE 60-64; RSC 164a; RCV 5193; MIR 24.
Notes: Also struck with a right-facing bare head (no drapery) portrait.

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Link: Ustrinum


Diva Faustina Junior
Denarius, Rome, 176-180.

Obv.: DIVAE FAVSTIN AVG MATR CASTOR Veiled and draped bust of Faustina Junior to right.
Rev. CONSECRATIO Ustrinum of four stories with biga atop.

AR, 19mm, 3.26g, 6h
Ref.: BMC 701, Cohen 81, RIC 749 var., CRE210 [R2]


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Link:  Faustina Jr

EGYPT, Alexandria. Faustina II, RY 5 of Marcus Aurelius (AD 164/5)
Tetradrachm, 12.47 gm, 24 mm
Obv: ΦAVCTINA CEBACTH; Draped bust right
Rev: Є / L (date); Aphrodite standing facing, head left, holding helmet and shield inscribed ΔV/NA/MIC (in three lines) on short column.
RPC IV.4 online 14071; Dattari 3606; Emmett 2272.5
Ex Dionysos Numismatik 1/16

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Link. Alexandria tetradrachm

RPC Volume: VI №: 10032 (temporary)
Reign: Elagabalus Persons: Elagabalus (Augustus)
City: Alexandria  Region: Egypt Province: Egypt
Denomination: Tetradrachm Average weight: 12.63 g. Issue: L B = 2 (218/9)
Obverse: Α ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΜΑ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟϹ ΕΥϹΕΒ; laureate head of Elagabalus, right
Reverse: L Β; Sarapis bust right, draped and wearing kalathos. 23mm, 11.64g.
Reference: D 4137, Ο 2757, Geissen 2313, E 2952 (2)


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Links:  Elagabalus, Alexandria, tet.

EGYPT, Alexandria. Elagabalus. AD 218-222. Potin Tetradrachm (24mm, 13.27 g, 12h). Dated RY 4 (AD 220/221). Laureate head right / Elagabalus standing right and empress (Aquilia Severa) standing left, each holding scepter, clasping right hands; L ∆ (date) across field. Köln –; Dattari (Savio) 4098; K&G 56.43; Emmett 2929.4 (R4). VF, dark gray-brown surfaces. Very rare.

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Link. Alexandria tetradrachm

Egypt. Alexandria. Salonina AD 254-268.
Billon-Tetradrachm 21 mm, 9,65 g
Volume: X №: — (unassigned; ID 75575)
Reign: Gallienus (sole reign) Persons: Salonina (Augusta)
City: Alexandria  Region: Egypt Province: Egypt
Denomination: Tetradrachm Average weight: 9.76 g. Issue: Year 15 (AD 267/8)
Obverse: ΚΟΡΝΗΛΙΑ ϹΑΛωΝΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒ; draped and diademed bust of Salonina, right
Reverse: L ΙΕ; eagle standing right, spreading wings, holding wreath in beak; to left, palm


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Link: Salonina. It's a favorite because it has a "spelling error" (which I think was done purposely as a joke because there are multiple reverse dies that read the same). It reads VINO REGINA, "wine the queen." 

Salonina, AD 253-268.
Roman billon antoninianus, 4.64 g, 23.3 mm.
Antioch, AD 264.
Obv: SALONINA AVG, diademed draped bust right on crescent.
Rev: VINO REGINA, Juno standing left, holding patera and scepter; peacock at feet left; star in left field.
Refs: RIC 92 var.; Cohen 67 var.; RCV 10641 var.; Göbl 1619f var.

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8 minutes ago, Roman Collector said:

Link: Salonina. It's a favorite because it has a "spelling error" (which I think was done purposely as a joke because there are multiple reverse dies that read the same). It reads VINO REGINA, "wine the queen." 

Salonina, AD 253-268.
Roman billon antoninianus, 4.64 g, 23.3 mm.
Antioch, AD 264.
Obv: SALONINA AVG, diademed draped bust right on crescent.
Rev: VINO REGINA, Juno standing left, holding patera and scepter; peacock at feet left; star in left field.
Refs: RIC 92 var.; Cohen 67 var.; RCV 10641 var.; Göbl 1619f var.

LOVE it when the entire dotted border is on flan. Fantastic coin all the way around!

Link:  crescent

EGYPT, Alexandria.  Diocletian/Selene

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Link. Crescent

Herrenia Etruscilla, wife of Trajan Decius. 249-251 AD.
AR Antoninianus
Obverse: HER ETRVSCILLA AVG. Diademed and draped bust right on crescent.
Reverse: PVDICITIA AVG. Pudicitia seated left holding sceptre and drawing veil from her face.
RIC IV 59b. Hunter 5; RSC 19
 Rome mint, A.D. 250.  3,8 g – 20,5 mm


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Link: Pudicitia seated.


Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman orichalcum dupondius, 13.03 g, 25.1 mm, 12 h.
Rome, early 148-March 149 CE.
Obv: FAVSTINAE AVG PII AVG FIL, bare-headed and draped bust, right (Beckmann Type 1 hairstyle).
Rev: PVDICITIA S C, Pudicitia seated left, arranging drapery on shoulder with right hand and resting left hand on lap; flower below seat.
Refs: RIC 1404b; BMCRE 2159; Cohen 187; Strack 1302; RCV 4732.

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Link:  Pudicitia, but standing 🙂

Lucilla AR Denarius. Rome, AD 163-181. LVCILLA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / PVDICITIA, Pudicitia standing, front, head left, wearing veil. RIC 780. 3.25g, 19mm, 1h.

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Link: Hilaritas.

Tetricus I, 271-274 CE.
Roman billon antoninianus, 2.73 g, 20.3 mm, 7 h.
Mainz or Trier, 273-274 CE.
Obv: IMP TETRICVS P F AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right.
Rev: HILARITAS AVGG, Hilaritas standing left, holding long palm and cornucopiae.
Refs: RIC 80; Cohen 54; RCV 11237; Elmer 789; Hunter 16.

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Link: Hilaritas

Commodus, AD 177-192. Æ Sestertius (31mm, 26.64g, 12h). Rome mint. Struck AD 187. Obv: M COMMODVS ANT-P FELIX AVG BRIT; Laureate head right. Rev: HILARIT AVG PM TR P XII IMP VIII COS V PP; Hilaritas standing facing, head left, holding long palm frond and an olive branch; S-C across field. Rev: RIC III 497; MIR 18, 729-6/30 var. (rev. inscription with HILARITAS); Banti 115. Nice Very Fine, even brown surfaces with a couple of patches of red. From the Litrenta Collection of Ancient Coins. Ex Heritage 230 (13 June 2000), Lot 5254. From the estate of Thomas Bentley Cederlind. Ex CNG 102 (18 May 2016), Lot 1010. Ex Joe Riggs, October 2023.


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Link: Commodus


Denar, Rome
Obv.: COMMODO CAES AVG FIL GERM SARM, draped bust right from behind
Rev.: PRINC IVVENT, Commodus standing, head left, holding branch, reversed spear in left, trophy with shield.
Ag, 3.21g, 18x19mm
Ref.: RIC III M. Aurelius 616, RSC 609, Kamp. 41.14.

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  • Benefactor


Geta Caesar (son of Septimius Severus) AR Denarius 200 AD. Obv. As young boy, bare-headed and draped bust right, P SEPT GETA CAES PONT / Rev. Geta in military dress standing facing, head left, holding baton with right hand and long scepter with left hand, trophy of arms behind him to right, PRINC IV-VENTVTIS. RIC IV-1 18, RSC III Geta 157b (ill. p. 97), Sear RCV II 7196. Purchased on Jan. 14, 2022 from Keith Candiotti (Miami, FL) at NYINC 2022. 19 mm., 3.2 g.



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Link. Principia Ivventvtis

Crispus AE follis. 316-317 AD. CRISPVS NOB CAES, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PRINCIPIA IVVENTVTIS, Crispus in military dress, standing left with vertical spear, resting right hand on a shield at his side. Mintmark AQT. RIC VII Aquileia  9.
22 mm, 3,30 g



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Link: Crispus. 

Crispus, 316-326 CE.
Roman billion centenionalis, 2.83 g, 19.1 mm, 1 h.
Trier, 322-323 CE.
Obv: IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES, laureate bust, right, wearing trabea, holding eagle-tipped scepter.
Rev: BEATA TRAN-QVILLITAS, globe set on altar inscribed VO/TIS/XX; above, three stars; in exergue, •PTR•.
Refs: RIC vii, p. 198, 376.

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