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HADRIAN. CE 117-138
AR Denarius. 18 mm, 3.53 gm. struck CE 134-138, Rome
Obv: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head right
Rev: AFRICA, Africa with elephant skin headdress, reclining on rock, holding scorpion and cornucopia, basket of fruit before her
Ref: RIC II 299

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Link: elephant headdress 

The Pompeians. Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio and Eppius. 47- Spring 46 BC. AR Denarius. Military mint traveling with Scipio in Africa. Head of Africa right, wearing elephant’s skin headdress; stalk of grain to right, plow below / Hercules standing facing, with hand on hip, leaning on club draped with lion’s skin and set on rock. Crawford 461/1; CRI 44; Sydenham 1051; Caecilia 50a; RBW 1605. 



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Link:  elephant headdress

EGYPT. Ptolemy I Soter
AR tetradrachm, 27 mm, 17.0 gm (Attic standard)
Alexandreia mint, struck 313/12 BCE
Obv: Head of the deified Alexander III to right, wearing mitra of Dionysos and elephant skin headdress, with aegis around his neck, and with horn of Ammon on his forehead
Rev: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ; Athena Alkidemos advancing right, hurling spear with her right hand and with shield over her extended left arm; to right, eagle with closed wings standing on thunderbolt to right with ΔΙ below
Ref: Svoronos 33; Zervos series D, issue XIII; SNG Copenhagen 14; BMC 7

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Herakles just hangin' out...

Herakleia, Lucania

330/25 - 281 BC
AR Didrachm (20mm, 7.55g)
O: Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with Skylla throwing stone; K to right.
R: Herakles standing facing, holding club in right hand and bow in left, lion's skin draped over left arm, Nike crowning from above; AΛ to left, Σ to right.
Van Keuren 80; SNG ANS 68; Hands Period II, 6; HGC I, 981; HN Italy1383
ex Ancient Art and Treasures

Edit; Oh damn, too late.


Edited by Phil Anthos
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Commodus, AR Denarius, 187-188 AD. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XIII IMP VIII COS V P P, Hercules naked, standing front, holding patera and club. RSC 534; RIC 162. 17 mm, 2,91 g


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Link:  Commodus


MOESIA INFERIOR, Marcianopolis. Commodus
AE 25mm, 8.5 gm
circa CE 177-192
Obv: ΑΥ ΚΑΙ Λ ΑΥΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟС; bareheaded, draped, and cuirassed bust right
Rev: ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛЄΙΤΩΝ; the Three Graces standing facing, heads left, right, and right, respectively: the left holds amphora over dolphin, the center drapes arms over others, and the right holds wreath over amphora
Ref: Hristova & Jekov; RPC IV online 4319; Varbanov 702 corr. (direction of heads).

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The 3 Graces


MOESIA INFERIOR, Marcianopolis. Julia Domna. Augusta, AD 193-217. Æ (25mm, 8.05 g, 7h). IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CЄ-B, draped bust right / MAPKIANOΠOΛЄITΩN, the Three Graces standing facing, heads right, left, and left, respectively; the first holds an amphora, the third holds a wreath. AMNG 605 var. (obv. legend); Varbanov 887 var. (same). VF

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39 minutes ago, TIF said:

Link:  Commodus


MOESIA INFERIOR, Marcianopolis. Commodus
AE 25mm, 8.5 gm
circa CE 177-192
Obv: ΑΥ ΚΑΙ Λ ΑΥΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟС; bareheaded, draped, and cuirassed bust right
Rev: ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛЄΙΤΩΝ; the Three Graces standing facing, heads left, right, and right, respectively: the left holds amphora over dolphin, the center drapes arms over others, and the right holds wreath over amphora
Ref: Hristova & Jekov; RPC IV online 4319; Varbanov 702 corr. (direction of heads).

On both of our coins they planted the centration dimple in the middle of the middle Grace's butt!

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Domna from Marcianopolis (but with three nymphs instead of Graces):

Julia Domna, 193-217 CE.
Roman provincial Æ triassarion, 24 mm, 7.77 g.
Moesia Inferior, Marcianopolis, 193-211 CE.
Obv: IOVΛIA ΔO-MNA CEB, bare-headed and draped bust right.
Rev: MAPKIANOΠOΛITΩN, three nymphs standing facing, wearing tunics over long, lightly billowing skirts and clasping hands, the two outer nymphs with heads turned inwards and each holding a jug in her free hand.
Refs: Varbanov 892 var (obv. legend); Staal 89.15 (plate 3, fig. 15, p. 157); BMC --; Moushmov --; SGI --; AMNG I (Pick) --; Lindgren --; Winsemann --.

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Link: Julia Domna


Julia Domna
Macedonia, Thessalonika
AE 26
Obv.: IOYΛΙΑ ΔΟMΝA CE, Draped bust right
Rev.: ΘΕCCAΛΟΝΙΚΕΩΝ, Nike advancing left, holding Cabeirus and palm.
AE, 11.02g, 26.4mm
Ref.: BMC 92

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Link Nike

Probus, Billon tetradrachm

Obv:– A K M AVP PROBOC CEB, Laureate, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– None, Nike advancing left, holding wreath in both hands
Minted in Alexandria, Egypt. Year 3. (LГ in left field)
Milne 4555. Curtis -, Emmett 3992(3)R5. BMC -.

9.22 gms

Ex-Olympus Coins February 1992
Ex-Keith Emmett Collection


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Link:  Nike


Islands off Sicily, Cossura
AE 25 mm, 10.07 gm
1st century BCE
Obv: Nike crowning bust of Isis to right; thymiaterion in field to right; REG counter-stamp to right
Rev: symbol of Tanit; COSSVRA below; all within wreath
Ref: Lindgren III, 37 (this coin); RPC 675. Calciati 6.
Ex: MM Germany, Stuttgart, James Joy collection, Auction 2007, lot 222
Ex: NAC, Zurich, Auction 64, 2012, lot 2157
Ex: Künker, Auction 318, 2019, lot 451

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Stratonikeia, Caria

circa 100 BC
AE 20 (20mm, 6.38g)
O: Lareate head of Hekate right, wearing crescent moon crown.
R: Nike advancing right, holding palm and wreath; ΣTPATO above, [NIK]EΩN below.
cf SNG Cop 489; cf Sear 4942; BMC 151,31
ex Aegean Numismatics


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Instead of another Nike, here's Hecate [Hekate] as the link:

Roman Republic/Imperatorial Period, P. Accoleius Lariscolus, AR Denarius, Sep-Dec. 43 BCE, Rome Mint. Obv. Draped bust of Diana Nemorensis right, head closely bound with fillet, and hair arranged in close locks above her forehead; behind, P • ACCOLEIVS upwards; before, LARISCOLVS downwards / Rev. Triple cult statue of Diana Nemorensis (Diana-Hecate-Selene) facing, supporting on their hands and shoulders a beam, above which are five cypress trees, the figure on left (Diana) holding bow, the figure on right (Selene?) holding poppy or lily, with Hecate in the center. Crawford 486/1, RSC I Accoleia 1 (ill. p. 9), BMCRR I 4211, Sear CRI 172 at p. 109 [David Sear, The History and Coinage of the Roman Imperators 49-27 BC (1998)], Sear RCV I 484 (ill. p. 161), RBW Collection 1701 (ill. p. 363). 19 mm., 3.32 g., 10 hr. Purchased May 2022; ex Classical Numismatic Group [CNG] Electronic Auction 491, 5 May 2021, Lot 349 (from the Lampasas Collection); ex CNG Electronic Auction 409, 8 Nov. 2017, Lot 535; ex CNG Sale 76/2, 12 Sep. 2007, Lot 3242 (from John A. Seeger Collection).*


*See John Melville Jones, A Dictionary of Ancient Roman Coins (Seaby, London 1990) (entry for “Diana,” at p. 97) explaining that in Roman religion Diana was not only generally equated with the Greek goddess Artemis as the divine huntress, but “was also equated with Luna (the Greek Selene) and Hecate [the Greek goddess associated with night, magic, necromancy, the underworld, etc.]. A triple Diana, combining these three forms, appears once on Roman coins, on a denarius of P. Accoleius Lariscolus (43 BC) which shows her as she was worshipped at Aricia near Lake Nemi, the home of the mint magistrate’s family. This Diana Nemorensis is portrayed in the form of a triple statue on the reverse of the coin, the head of the goddess being the obverse type (an earlier interpretation of the type as a representation of the Nymphae Querquetulanae is less satisfactory).” (For that earlier interpretation, see RSC I at p. 9, stating that the referenced Nymphae “preside over the green forests and it was to them that the groves of the Lares on Mount Coelius were consecrated.”)

Crawford follows the Diana Nemorensis interpretation, stating that “the types refer to the Aricine origin of the moneyer.” (Crawford Vol. I p. 497.) However, he rejects the theory of Andreas Alföldi that the type was also connected to the fact that Octavian’s mother Atia, who died during her son’s consulship in 43 BCE, was born in Aricia, stating that Lariscolus’s “appointment as moneyer will have taken place in 44 and hence have owed nothing to Octavian.” (Id.) However, in Sear CRI at p. 107, David Sear argues the contrary in the latter part of his discussion of this type:


I identify the figure on the left as Diana holding a bow, and the figure on the right as Selene holding a poppy (or lily), following the description by Jochen1 at Coin Talk, in his thread at https://www.cointalk.com/threads/diana-nemorensis.344409/#post-4859090 . The standard authorities generally identify the object held by the figure on the left as a poppy rather than a bow, and the one held by the figure on the right as a lily rather than a poppy, without specifying which goddess is which. In fact, on my specimen, the flower on the right does seem to resemble a lily more than a poppy. I am not aware of any tradition identifying Luna/Selene with either. Although I believe that lilies do open at night.

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Link:  Diana (and creepy-looking reverses--- yours look like their heads are on fire, @DonnaML!  🤣)

L. Hostilius Saserna
48 BCE
AR denarius, 19 mm, 4.1 g, 6 h. Rome
Obv: Bare head of a Gallic woman to right, with long disheveled hair; behind, carnyx; in field to right, 3 test cuts.
Rev: L.HOSTILIVS / SASERNA; Artemis (Diana) standing facing, holding stag with her right hand and spear with her left
Ref: Crawford 448/3. Sydenham 953.
Ex W. F. Stoecklin, Amriswil, Switzerland, acquired prior to 1975.

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Q. Pompeius Rufus, 54 BC. AR Denarius (17mm, 3.63g, 5h). Rome mint. Obv: Bare head of the consul Q. Pompeius Rufus right. Rev: Bare head of Sulla right. Ref: Crawford 434/1; Sydenham 908; Pompeia 4; RBW 1544. Lightly toned with a hint of iridescence, a few light marks. Good Very Fine. Excellent portrait of Sulla. From the Wild Rose Collection. Ex John L. Cowan Collection (CNG 114, 13 May 2020), Lot 616.; Gemini II (10 Jan 2006), Lot 265. Ex CNG 126 (28 May 2024), Lot 603. CNG note: This coin issue bears the only portrait of the dictator Sulla. The moneyer was the grandson of Sulla and his home would likely have had portraits of their famous ancestor. Thus, although posthumously struck, the portrait on these coins is probably an accurate representation.


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Link: Sulla


L. Cornelius Sulla . Denarius, mint moving with Sulla 84-83, AR 18mm, 3.36 g. Diademed head of Venus r.; in r. field, Cupid standing l., holding palm branch; below, L·SVLLA. Rev. IMPER Jug and lituus between two trophies; below, ITERVM. Babelon Cornelia 29. Sydenham 761. RBW 1364. Crawford 359/2. Obverse scratches. Purchased from Savoca May 2024


Scarce. No known portraits can be certainly attributed to L. Cornelius Sulla. This coin without a portrait was minted during his lifetime when he marched on Rome to take control over the Roman republic

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12 minutes ago, Ryro said:

Link: Sulla


L. Cornelius Sulla . Denarius, mint moving with Sulla 84-83, AR 18mm, 3.36 g. Diademed head of Venus r.; in r. field, Cupid standing l., holding palm branch; below, L·SVLLA. Rev. IMPER Jug and lituus between two trophies; below, ITERVM. Babelon Cornelia 29. Sydenham 761. RBW 1364. Crawford 359/2. Obverse scratches. Purchased from Savoca May 2024


Scarce. No known portraits can be certainly attributed to L. Cornelius Sulla. This coin without a portrait was minted during his lifetime when he marched on Rome to take control over the Roman republic

hard for me to turn down a Sulla-run in "coin UNO"

Link=Sulla - on this coin, his Uncle (or possibly Grandfather) Publius.



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Link: Victory / biga


Denarius, 102 BC, Rome
Obv: EX A PV, Veiled and turreted head of Cybele right.
Rev: C FABI C F, Victory driving biga right, holding goad; stork before; control N. below.
Ag, 3.95g, 20mm
Ref.: Crawford 322/1b


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Link: Veiled head


Lucius Cassius Longinus
AR Denarius, 63 BC, 21.36mm, 3.89 g

OBVERSE: Diademed and veiled head of Vesta left. Rare variety of unusual style where the veil is modelled as flowing hair; Kylix behind, control letter L below chin.

REVERSE: LONGIN·III·V downwards to right, togate male voter standing left, dropping affirmative ballot inscribed V (VTI ROGAS = As you propose / I approve) into large cista at legislative assembly.

Babelon Cassia 10 var. Sydenham 935 var. Crawford 413/1 var. 

BONUS: Interesting story behind this coin type! (In case you missed my infographic)

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Link:  kylix


M. Piso M.f. Frugi, moneyer

58 BCE (redated from Crawford's 61 BCE by Hersh and Walker, 1984)
AR denarius, 20 mm, 3.94 gm
Obv: terminal bust of Mercury right, wearing winged diadem; kylix below chin; to left, star above wreath; dotted border
Rev: M·PISO·M·F / FRVGI above secespita (sacrificial knife) and patera; all within laurel wreath
Ref: Crawford 418/2b; Sydenham 825; Calpurnia 23
formerly slabbed, NGC XF, 4/5 strike, 4/5 surface

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Link: Laureate head of Apollo, right, on a Republican denarius.


C Vibius C.f. Pansa, 90 BCE.
Roman AR denarius, 3.87 g, 18.2 mm, 1 h.
Rome, 90 BCE.
Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right; PANSA behind, control mark (prow) below chin.
Rev: Minerva in quadriga right, holding spear and reins in left hand and trophy in right hand; C·VIBIVS·C·F in exergue.
Refs: Crawford RRC 342/5b; Sydenham CRR 684-684c; BMCRR 2265; Sear RCV 242.

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Link:  quadriga 


 MACEDON, Stobi. Caracalla (198-217)
AE 24 mm, 8.25 gm
Obv: M AVR ANTONINV; laureate and cuirassed bust right
Rev: [MV] N I CIP [STOBE]; Hades in galloping quadriga right, carrying off struggling Persephone
Ref: AMNG III 12 var. (bust seen from front); Varbanov 4052 (R5, same dies)

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Link: Persephone/Proserpina, as depicted on my only aureus.

Antoninus Pius AV aureus, ca. AD 151, Rome Mint. Obv. Laureate head right, ANTONINVS AVG – PIUS P P TR P XIIII / Rev. On left, Ceres [probably representing Faustina II] standing three-quarters facing, head right, holding two grain ears in right hand; on right, Proserpina standing facing, head left, next to her mother, holding pomegranate in extended left hand, the two gazing at and embracing each other [probably celebrating birth of Faustina III in AD 150/151; hence the reverse inscription naming Laetitia, the personification of joy], LAETITIA – COS IIII.  19 mm., 6.89 g., 6 h. RIC III 199c [“Scarce”] (see http://numismatics.org/ocre/id/ric.3.ant.199C ); Cohen 476; Sear RCV II 4008; BMCRE IV Antoninus Pius 725 & Pl. 15 No. 14; Strack 224 [Strack, Paul L., Untersuchungen zur römischen Reichsprägung des zweiten Jahrhunderts, Teil III: Die Reichsprägung zur Zeit Antoninus Pius (Stuttgart, 1937)]; Calicó 1556 [Calicó, E. Xavier, The Roman Avrei, Vol. I: From the Republic to Pertinax, 196 BC - 193 AD (Barcelona, 2003)]; Dinsdale 037180 [Dinsdale, Paul H, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius Caesar AD 138-161: Antonine Coinage (2nd Rev. ed., Leeds 2021) Ch. 18 at p. 421; photo at same page, indicating a probable obverse die match to my specimen] [see http://romanpaulus.x10host.com/Antoninus/old/18 - Antoninus Pius - TR POT XIIII Period - 150-151 (med_res).pdf.]* Purchased from Arete Coins [George Matev], Seattle, WA, Feb. 2022; ex Classical Numismatic Group [CNG] E-Auction 360, Sep. 30, 2015, Lot 458 (from “Group SGF” Collection); ex Jesús Vico, S.A., Auction 141, Mar. 5, 2015, Lot 121.** [Footnotes omitted.]


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