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Link: Proud grampa Antoninus Pius.

Antoninus Pius, 138-161 CE.
Roman AR denarius, 3.15 g, 18.1 mm, 11 h.
Rome, December, 160- March, 161 CE.
Obv: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXIIII, laureate head, right.
Rev: PIETATI AVG COS IIII, Faustina II (as Pietas) standing left, holding a child on each arm; at each side of her, a child standing looking towards her and raising hand.
Refs: RIC 313c; BMCRE 1013-14; Cohen 631; Strack 384; RCV 4098.

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Link: AP denarius


Antoninus Pius (138-161 CE)
Denarius 154-155, Rome
Obv: ANTONINVS AVG-PIVS P TR P (XV)I / laureate head r.
Rev: COS IIII / Annona standing, head to left, grain ears in right hand, left hand on modius to right on half-ship
Ag, 3,31g, 18,6mm
Ref.: RIC III, 221 / RSC 290

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Link: Apple Pie-face



Antoninus Pius, 138-161, Bronze. 6,20 g. // 22 mm

Obv: ΚΑΙCAP ANTΩNЄINOC Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Antoninus Pius to right, seen from behind.

Rev.: KOINON MAKЄΔΟΝΩΝ around Macedonian shield.

nVF, AMNG III, 264b. RPC IV online 4267

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Link:  A-Pi


EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius
year 20, CE 156/7
AE obol, 18 mm, 4.36 gm
Obv: laureate head right
Rev: sphinx crouched/reclining left; L K above
Ref: Emmett 1782.20 (unlisted reverse for year 20); unlisted in Geissen and Dattari

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AR-Denar, Rome AD 72/73
Obv.: IMP CAES VESP AVG P M COS IIII, laureate head of Vespasian to right
Rev.: VES-TA, Vesta standing left, holding simpulum and scepter
Ag, 2.99g, 16.1x18mm
Ref.: RIC² 360, RIC¹ 50


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Link: someone standing, holding a simpulum.

Antonia, Augusta, 37 and 41 CE.
Roman orichalcum dupondius, 12.10 gm, 28.3 mm.
Rome, 41-50 CE.
Obv: ANTONIA AVGVSTA, bust of Antonia, draped and bare-headed right, hair in long plait.
Rev: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP S C, Claudius, veiled and togate, standing left, holding simpulum in right hand.
Refs: RIC 92; BMC 166; Cohen Antonia 6; RCV 1902; CBN 143; Carson 405.

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Link. Simpulum (same issue as @shanxi)

Vespasian Denarius, Rome 72-73 AD. RIC 360, (RIC [1962] 50), RSC 574, BMC 71 SEAR 2316. 18mm, 3.19g.
IMP CAES VESP AVG P M COS IIII, laureate head right / VES-TA to either side of Vesta standing left, holding simpulum & scepter.


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Link:  simpulum


Roman Republic, moneyer M. Volteius M.f
78 BCE
AR denarius, 18 mm, 3.94 gm, 5 h
Obv: laureate, helmeted, and draped male bust to right; in field to left, simpulum.
Rev: Cybele driving biga of lions to right; above, ΛB; in exergue, M•VOLTEI•M•F
Ref: Crawford 385/4
From the Red Ox Collection and the collection of the Czech musician Adolf Picek (circa 1885-1978), and formerly in the possession of an Italian banker, whose life was saved by Mr. Picek in the Battles of the Piave River on the Italian Front in 1917-1918 and who presented his savior with 'four socks of old coins' in reward. (Hmm... maybe those encrustations are ancient toe jam? Ewww.)

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Link. Biga

T Cloelius AR Denarius. 128 BC.
ROMA, head of Roma right, wearing a winged helmet, laurel wreath behind / Victory in biga right, horses rearing; grain ear below, T CLOVLI in ex.
Cloulia 1, Crawford 260/1; Syd 516. 19 mm, 3,83 g


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Links:  helmeted Roma (looking very pissed off), biga


ROMAN REPUBLIC, M. Aurelius Cotta
139 BCE
AR Denarius, 20 mm
Obv: helmeted head of Roma right; X (mark of value) behind; COTA before; dotted border
Rev: Hercules carrying a club, driving biga of centaurs right; centaurs each carrying a branch; M·AVRELI (AVR is ligate); in exergue, ROMA; line border
Ref: Crawford 229/1b; Sydenham 429; Aurelia 16
formerly slabbed, NGC bulk submission holder, "VF"

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Link: Centaur.

Gallienus, AD 253-268.
Roman billon antoninianus, 2.60 g, 19.6 mm, 5 h.
Rome, AD 267-268.
Obv: GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head, right.
Rev: APOLLINI CONS AVG, centaur walking right, drawing bow; Z in exergue.
Refs: RIC 163; Göbl 735b; Cohen 72; RCV 10177; Hunter 95; Cunetio 1378.

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Bow and arrow...

Taras, Calabria

315-302 BC (Period V - From Alexander the Molossian to Kleonymos)
AR Didrachm (22mm, 7.63g, 4h)
O: Warrior, preparing to throw spear and holding shield and two more spears, on horse rearing right; ΣA below.
R: Phalanthos, holding arrow and bow, astride dolphin right; |-HP and HP monogram below, TAPAΣ to left.
D'Andrea XXXVII, 777; Vlasto 631; Fischer-Bossert Group 68, 818; Evans V, B18; SNG ANS 1011; HN Italy 938
From Group SGF. ex CNG

Sir Arthur Evans places this coin at the end of Period V, during the time of Kleonymus, and the martial themes on both sides of this coin, unusual on Tarentine coinage, may support this theory.
Kleonymus, the unworthy heir to the Spartan throne, was yet another in a line of self-serving mercenary generals to come to the aid of Taras (circa 302 BC), but he was no more successful than his predecessors.


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Link:   almost everything 😄


CALABRIA, Tarentum
circa 344-340 BCE per CNG's cataloger; 380-345 BCE per Cote/Ratto;
AR nomos (didrachm); 21 mm, 7.72 gm, 9h
Obv: Warrior, holding small shield in left hand, dismounting from horse galloping left; horizontal T below
Rev: Phalanthos (Taras?), holding helmet in right hand, riding dolphin left; TAPAΣ to upper right, I and waves below
Ref: Fischer-Bossert group 47, 657 (V252/R509); Vlasto 437 (same dies); HN Italy 876; Côte 152
Ex Dr. Spencer Paterson Collection of Ancient Coins, Sept 2019
Slabbed prior to its most recent sale to me and quickly de-slabbed upon arrival; NGC XF, 5/5, 4/5, Fine Style.
Prior sales: CNG's Coin shop (date unknown); Roma Auction 6 lot 327 (Sept 2013)

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52 minutes ago, TIF said:

Link:   almost everything 😄


CALABRIA, Tarentum
circa 344-340 BCE per CNG's cataloger; 380-345 BCE per Cote/Ratto;
AR nomos (didrachm); 21 mm, 7.72 gm, 9h
Obv: Warrior, holding small shield in left hand, dismounting from horse galloping left; horizontal T below
Rev: Phalanthos (Taras?), holding helmet in right hand, riding dolphin left; TAPAΣ to upper right, I and waves below
Ref: Fischer-Bossert group 47, 657 (V252/R509); Vlasto 437 (same dies); HN Italy 876; Côte 152
Ex Dr. Spencer Paterson Collection of Ancient Coins, Sept 2019
Slabbed prior to its most recent sale to me and quickly de-slabbed upon arrival; NGC XF, 5/5, 4/5, Fine Style.
Prior sales: CNG's Coin shop (date unknown); Roma Auction 6 lot 327 (Sept 2013)

A magnificent coin TIF!

D'Andrea, whose dating is based on F-B (probably CNGs source), says 344-340 BC. SNG France 1742-43; SNG Cop 816; Cote 152, etc.

~ Peter 

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Taras, Calabria

276-272 BC
AR Drachm (15mm, 2.98g)
O: Head of Athena right, wearing crested helmet decorated with Skylla hurling rock; I on neckflap.
R: Owl with closed wings standing left on olive branch; TAPA[N] to right, AΠ monogram to left.
D'Andrea XLII, 1246 (this coin); Vlasto 1065; Cote 431; Evans VII, V; SNG France 1947
Very Rare
ex Auctiones GmbH; ex Rutten & Wieland

D'Andrea Plate Coin
Series XLII, 1246

This type is described by Sir Arthur Evans in ‘The Horsemen of Tarentum’, and is the same coin which M.P Vlasto later acquired for his own famous collection. This coin isn’t as nice as the Evans/Vlasto specimen, but I was very happy to find it. Left-facing owls are very rare on Tarentine drachms. I have only found one other type with the left facing owl, but that with Athena also facing left (Vlasto 1101, Cote 489).


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46 minutes ago, Phil Anthos said:

A magnificent coin TIF!

D'Andrea, whose dating is based on F-B (probably CNGs source), says 344-340 BC. SNG France 1742-43; SNG Cop 816; Cote 152, etc.

~ Peter 

Thank you, Peter!  Appreciate the info-- I was just making a nice photo card for this coin.  Since most of my coins are kept at the bank, and although I do enjoy looking at pictures on my computer, I want to have printed pictures to play with so I've been making the ancient coin collector's version of baseball trading cards for them and was thinking I should try to nail down the dates for this coin before sending it to be printed.  🙂

Link:  Calabria.

CALABRIA, Tarentum
325-280 BCE
AR litra, 11 mm, 0.56 gm
Obv: scallop
Rev: dolphin right, trident (?) below (I think it might be a bunch of grapes)
Ref: Vlasto 1530 (if grapes rather than trident, Vlasto 1527)
Freed from its slab, NGC Choice VF 5/5-3/5; cert# 3601372-003

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Taras, Calabria

circa 302 BC
AR Trihemiobol (11mm, 1.04g)
O: Two horse heads, joined at truncation; four ):( symbols around.
R: Two horse heads back-to-back; four ):( symbols around.
D'Andrea XXXVIII, 837 (this coin); Vlasto 1688 (trihemiobol); McGill II, 210v (trihemiobol); SNG France 2229; HN Italy 1072 (diobol); Sear 353v (diobol)
From the E.E. Clain Stefanelli collection. ex ex Naville Numismatics

D'Andrea plate coin, Series XXXVIII, 837
Vlasto defines this series as ‘trihemiobols’, claiming the
 ):( symbol to be a mark of value. Whether this is true, and if so why this symbol relates to a trihemiobol, which suggests an approximate weight of .75g, I cannot say. However based on an obol of .50g I would have to agree with Rutter et al and declare this type to be a diobol.


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25 minutes ago, TIF said:

Thank you, Peter!  Appreciate the info-- I was just making a nice photo card for this coin.  Since most of my coins are kept at the bank, and although I do enjoy looking at pictures on my computer, I want to have printed pictures to play so I've been making the ancient coin collector's version of baseball trading cards for them and was thinking I should try to nail down the dates for this coin before sending it to be printed.  🙂

Link:  Calabria.

CALABRIA, Tarentum
325-280 BCE
AR litra, 11 mm, 0.56 gm
Obv: scallop
Rev: dolphin right, trident (?) below (I think it might be a bunch of grapes)
Ref: Vlasto 1530 (if grapes rather than trident, Vlasto 1527)
Freed from its slab, NGC Choice VF 5/5-3/5; cert# 3601372-003

That sounds like an interesting project. Please let me know if I can help with any attributions.

~ Peter 

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5 minutes ago, Phil Anthos said:

That sounds like an interesting project. Please let me know if I can help with any attributions.

~ Peter 

Thank you!  Much appreciated :).  

Here's the format so far.  I want a nice photo, the attribution, and some blank space in case I decide to add info later-- additional provenance, corrections, perhaps the cost, etc.  I considered putting a lot of those things on the card as label + _________ but then thought it might be better to do basics.   Size is 6"x 4".


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Back to Taras...

Taras, Calabria

281-209 BC
Æ13 (13.5mm, 1.64g),
O: Kantharos; eight-rayed star on each side.
R: Kantharos; TA to left, filleted bucranium to right.
D'Andrea 1722; Vlasto 1821-23; Hands Type IV; McClean 796; Cote 427; HN Italy 1086; SNG Cop 1601; Sear 609
From the E.E. Clain-Stefanelli Collection. ex Naville Numismatics

“Receive the god into your kingdom, 
pour libations, cover your head with ivy, join the dance!”
~ Euripides (The Bacchae)


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Link:  kantharos

I love this little coin.  Both devices are rendered very well, especially the donkey, considering the tiny canvas!

circa 460-423 BCE
AR hemiobol; 7 mm, 0.39 gm, 6 h
Obv: forepart of donkey to right
Rev: Kantharos within incuse square
Ref: AMNG III, 18. SNG ANS 365

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