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link = Greek pottery types + incuse reverse


Thebes, Boeotia (368-364 BC)
AR stater (12.0 g)
obv: Boeotian shield
rev: amphora with two ivy leaves on each handle, KA–BI in field, all within incuse circle

ref = Hepworth 61 / SNG Copenhagen 339

(fun fact: this coin was sold as being "[f]rom the collection of a Southern Pathologist", which is incredibly vague!)

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Link: Boeotia - this coin a hemidrachm


Boeotia, Federal Coinage, circa 395-340 BC, hemidrachm (Silver, 14mm, 2.59g)

Obv: Boeotian shield

Rev: BO-I Kantharos; above, club; to right, bunch of grapes

Ref: BCD Boiotia 31

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Thebes, Boeotia

426-395 BC
AR Hemidrachm (13mm, 2.51g)
O: Boeotian shield.
R: 0E - BH on either side of kantharos, club above, all within incuse square.
SNG Cop 296; SNG Delepierre 1359; Sear 2385; BMC 8,78
ex Vaughn Rare Coin Gallery

"The god commands us to expel from the land of Thebes
An old defilement we are sheltering.
It is a deathly thing, beyond cure;
We must not let it feed upon us longer."

~ Kreon (Aeschylus, Oedipus Rex)


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Link: hemidrachm


Thessaly, Lamia
AR Hemidrachm, 400-344 BC
Obv.: Wreathed head of young Dionysos left .
Rev.: ΛΑΜΙΕ-ΩΝ, Amphora; ivy leaf above, prochous to right.
Ag, 2.59g, 15.9mm
Ref.: SNG Copenhagen 77

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Pherai, Thessaly

302-286 BC
AR Hemidrachm (14-16mm, 2.44g)
O: Head of Hekate left, wearing laurel wreath, triple-pendant earring and plain necklace; torch over shoulder.
R: The nymph Hypereia standing left, placing right hand on lion-headed fountain from which water pours; [A]Σ/TO in two lines in wreath to left; ΦEPAIOYN to right.
SNG Cop 239; BCD Thessaly 714; Sear 2204; BMC 7, 20-21
From the BCD collection. ex Auctiones GmbH


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Thessaly, Larissa, Drachm

Obv:– Youth wrestling or restraining bull, both to right, cloak and petasos flying out behind.
Rev:– LAR/ISAI, bridled horse galloping right, all in incuse square
Minted in Thessaly, Larissa from 440-400 B.C.
Reference:– SNG Oxford - (vgl. 3865). SNG Cop. -.


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Link:  petasos


THRACE, Sestos (Sestus)
c. 3rd-2nd century BCE
AE 16.6, 2.35 gm
Obv: Head of Hermes left, wearing petasos; dotted border
Rev: chelys; ΣH downward in right field; dotted border
Ref: von Fritz, Nomisma 1, 15 (coin 29 on plate 1 in that book)
ex Stevex6 

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Link: petasos.

Macedon, Philip II (359-336 BCE) (posthumous), AE 19. Obv. Head of Apollo right, hair bound with taenia [diadem] / Rev. Youth on horseback right wearing petasos, vertical thunderbolt below, ΦIΛIΠΠOY above.  SNG ANS 839, 880-882 [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, USA, The Collection of the American Numismatic Society, Part 8: Macedonia 2 (Alexander I-Philip II) (New York 1994)]; http://www.coinproject.com/coin_detail.php?coin=183292; cf. SNG Alpha Bank 427 [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Greece 2, The Alpha Bank Collection. Macedonia I: Alexander I - Perseus (Athens, 2000)]. 19 mm., 6.19 g., 12 h.   Purchased from JAZ Numismatics; ex Savoca Coins, DePew Collection.


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link = taenia


Ptolemaic Kingdom, Ptolemy IV Philopator (221-204 BC)
AE triobol (34.2 g)
obv: horned head of Zeus Ammon right, wearing taenia with basileion
rev: ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing left on thunderbolt, cornucopiae bound with royal diadem to left, ΛΙ in exergue

ref = Svoronos 1128 / Lorber I.II #B494

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Link: Taenia.

Nero, Billon Tetradrachm, Year 10 (AD 63/64), Alexandria, Egypt Mint. Obv. Radiate head right, ΝΕΡΩ ΚΛΑV ΚΑΙΣ ΣΕΒ ΓΕΡ / Rev. Draped bust of Sarapis right, crowned with modius (kalathos) adorned with laurel leaves, wearing taenia (fillet) and himation, ΑVΤΟ-ΚΡΑ around, LI [Year 10] in right field. RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Vol. I 5274 (1992)]; RPC Online at https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/1/5274; Emmett 133.10 [Emmett, Keith, Alexandrian Coins (Lodi, WI, 2001)]; Dattari (1901 ed.) 251-252 p. 15 [Dattari, Giovanni, Monete imperiali greche, Numi Augg. Alexandrini, Catalogo della collezione (Cairo 1901)]; Milne 223 p. 7 (ill. as RPC I 5274 Specimen 2) [Milne, J.G., Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins (Oxford 1933, reprint with supplement by Colin M. Kraay, 1971)]; K&G 14.77 (ill. p. 59) [Kampmann, Ursula & Ganschow, Thomas, Die Münzen der römischen Münzstätte Alexandria  (2008)]; BMC 16 Alexandria 124 p. 19 (ill. as RPC I 5274 Specimen 3) [Poole, Reginald Stuart, A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. 16, Alexandria (London 1892)]; SNG France 4, Alexandrie I 333-353 (all same type) (ill. Planches 25-26) [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, France Vol. 4, Alexandrie I, Auguste-Trajan (Zurich 1998)]; Curtis 159-168 (all same type) p. 5 [James W. Curtis, The Tetradrachms of Roman Egypt (1969)]; Köln 160-161 [Geissen, A., Katalog alexandrinischer Kaisermünzen, Köln, Band I (Augustus-Trajan) (Cologne, 1974); Förschner 114 (ill. p. 53) [Förschner, Gisela, Die Münzen der Römischen Kaiser in Alexandrien, Historisches Museum Frankfurt (1987)]. 26 mm., 12.52 g., 12 h. Purchased Jan. 12, 2024 from Keith Candiotti (Miami, FL) at NYINC 2024; ex Leu Numismatik AG, Winterthur, Switzerland, Web Auction 16, 22-24 May 2021, Lot 1993, described as “somewhat rough, otherwise, very fine,” from “Rhakotis Collection, formed in the 1960s and 1970s,” with old German-language coin envelope.*



*The coin envelope must date to sometime no earlier than 1974, because among the catalog references it cites is Köln (Geissen) Band I, which was published in 1974. 

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EGYPT, Alexandria. Nero
Contemporary counterfeit
billon tetradrachm, 23.5 mm, 12.14 gm
c. 66-67 Regnal year 13 (66/7 CE)
Obv: radiate bust right, wearing aegis
Rev: AYTOKPA; helmeted and cuirassed bust of Roma right.; LIΓ in right field
Ref: RPC 5293; Dattari-Savio Pl. 316, 34 (this coin); Metcalf, Two Alexandrian Hoards. 1. A Hoard of Forgeries from Luxor," (Revue Belge de Numismatique Vol. CXXII, 1976, pp. 65-69) Obv. IV/Rev. 4
ex Dattari collection (Giovanni Dattari, 1858-1923)

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Link: Alexandria Nero


Obv.: NEPΩ KΛAV KAIΣ ΣEB ΓEP, radiate head right
Rev.: AY[T]O KPA, draped bust of Serapis right, wearing taenia and calathus; L I (date) before.
Billon, 11.7g, 23mm
Ref.: RPC I 5274



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21 mm, 3,33 g.
Postumus. Usurper in Gaul 260-269. AR antoninianus. Cologne.
IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, bust of Postumus, radiate, draped, right, or bust of Postumus, radiate, draped, cuirassed, right / SERAPI COMITI AVG, Serapis, draped, standing left, raising right hand and holding sceptre in left hand.
RIC V Postumus 329; RSC 360a.

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link:  Serapis


EGYPT, Antinoöpolis. Antinous
2nd-3rd centuries CE
PB tessera, 25 mm, 7.63 gm, 11h
Obv: draped bust of Antinous right, wearing hem-hem crown; crescent before, AN behind
Rev: Serapis standing right, head left, raising hand and holding scepter; to left, ЄYC/YBA/[...]
Ref: Peus 386 (26 April 2006), lot 759 (same dies); Milne –; Dattari (Savio) –; Köln –

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Link: Serapis raising right arm and holding scepter.

Philip I and Otacilia Severa, 244-249 CE.
Roman Provincial Æ Pentassarion; 12.53 g, 27 mm, 7 h.
Moesia Inferior, Marcianopolis, Legate Prastina Messallinus, 244-246 CE.
Obv: ΑVΤ Μ ΙΟVΛ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC ΑVΓ Μ | WΤΑΚ CЄΒ-ΗΡΑ CЄ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Philip I right, vis-à-vis diademed and draped bust of Otacilia left.
Rev: VΠ ΠΡΑCΤ ΜΕCCΑΛΛΕΙΝΟV ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟ | ΛΕΙΤΩΝ, Sarapis wearing kalathos, standing left, extending arm and holding scepter; E (denomination) in left field.
Refs: RPC VIII, — (unassigned; ID 27764); AMNG I 1194; Moushmov 852; Varbanov 2082 (die match); Hristova & Jekov; SNRIS Marcianopolis 75.

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Link:  Moesia Inferior


MOESIA INFERIOR, Nikopolis ad Istrum. Elagabalus
AE 18 mm, 2.8 gm
Obv: AVT K M AVP ANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right
Rev: NIKOΠOΛITΩ NΠPOCICTPO N, Priapus standing left, drawing back his cloak to expose his phallus, bowl of fruit balanced on phallus, right hand extended pouring from patera
Ref: Varbanov 3811

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Elagabalus the Phallus:

Roman Egypt, Alexandria. Elagabalus, AD 218-222. Potin Tetradrachm (23mm, 13.01g, 12h). Dated RY 4 (AD 220/1). Obv: Α ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΜΑ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟϹ ΕΥϹΕΒ; Laureate head right. Rev: Nike advancing left, holding wreath and palm frond; L-Δ (date) to left. Ref: Köln –; Dattari (Savio) –; K&G –; RPC VI Online 10084 (12 specimens, this coin 10084.12 used as illustration); Emmett 2940.4 (R4). Brown patina. Very Fine. Very rare variety. From the Dr. Thomas E. Beniak Collection, purchased from CNG Web, Sept 2008, Inventory 819223. Ex CNG e567 (31 July 2024), Lot 411.




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Alexandria, RY 4


24 mm, 11,01 g.
Egypt, Alexandria. Claudius 41-54. AR tetradrachm. Dated RY 4 – 43-44 AD.
ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙ ΚΑΙΣ ΣΕΒΑ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙ ΑΥΤΟΚ(Ρ), laureate head of Claudius, right, L Δ (date) below chin / [MEΣΣAΛINA] KAIΣ ΣEBAΣ, Messalina, veiled, standing left, leaning on column, holding two children in outstretched right hand, grain ears with left.
Köln 81; Dattari (Savio) 125; K&G 12.35; RPC I 5145; Emmett 74.4.

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Link: Alexandria, Claudius


Alexandria, year 2, AD 41-42
Billon Tetradrachm
Obv.: TI KΛAYΔI KAIΣ ΣEBA ΓEPMANI, laureate head right, date LB before
Rev.: ANTΩNIA ΣEBAΣTH, bust of Antonia right
Billlon, 24mm
Ref.: Dattari 114

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Link:  Claudius

Late Alexandrians are generally rather crude in both fabric and artistry, but the reverse of this Claudius II is very well done.  The drapes of Tyche's stolla are luxuriously detailed and I love her cocked-hip pose :).

EGYPT, Alexandria. Claudius II Gothicus
year 3, CE 269/70
tetradrachm, 20 mm, 10.2 gm
Obv: AVTKKΛAVΔIOCCEB (In theory: what I can read on this coin doesn't quite match what the legend is supposed to be. Probably just engraver error or die deterioration); laureate head right
Rev: Tyche standing left with rudder and cornucopia; L Γ in left field
Ref: Emmett 3896.3, R4

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Link: Claudius II.

Claudius II Gothicus, 268-270 CE.
Roman billon antoninianus, 4.07 g, 22.4 mm, 5 h.
Antioch, officina 5, issue 1, end 268-end 269 CE.
Obv: IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust, right.
Rev: SALVS AVG, Isis standing left, holding sistrum and situla; Є in exergue.
Refs: RIC 217A; MER/RIC temp 1024; Cohen 256; RCV 11370; Huvelin 1990, 10; Normanby 1109.

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Link:  Isis (maybe 😄)

c. 160 BCE. Æ 27 mm, 11.88 gm
Obv: Head of Isis (?) left; Tanit symbol with Kerykeion to left; MEΛΙΤΑΙΩΝ around right
Rev: Winged male deity (Osiris?) wearing the double crown of Egypt, kneeling left and holding a crook (or sceptre) and a flail
Ref: CNP 949; Coleiro in NC 1971, 3; SNRIS 2.15 (this coin)
ex David Freedman collection; Triton V, New York 2002, no. 292 

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Link: Isis

Julia Domna AR Denarius.
IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / SAECVLI FELICITAS, Isis, wearing polos on head, standing right, left foot on prow, holding Horus; behind, rudder. RIC 577, RSC 174, BMC 75


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link = Julia Domna


Roman Empire, Julia Domna (193-211)
AE sestertius (27.1 g)
obv: IVLIA DOMNA AVG, draped bust right
rev: VENERI VICT S-C, Venus leaning on column, nude to below waist, seen from behind standing right, holding palm branch & globe

ref = Sear (Roman) 6631

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