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Laodicea ad Lycum, Phrygia

189-133 BC
AE15 (15 mm, 2.38g)
O: Draped bust of Aphrodite right, wearing sphendone with hair tied behind.
R: Aphrodite standing left, wearing long chiton and holding dove in right hand; rose to left, ΛAO∆IKEΩN downward to right.
SNG Cop 497; Sear 5156; BMC Phrygia 284, 30
ex Forvm Auctions


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Link: Aphrodite


Asia Minor, Phrygia
after 133 BC, roman rule
Obv.: Head of Laodice or Aphrodite right, long curl hanging down her neck, wearing stephane
Rev.: ΛAOΔI-KEΩN, double cornucopiae left, fillet hanging down on left
AE, 7.33g, 21mm
Ref.: BMC 39, SNG von Aulock 3803, SNG Munich 344

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Link:  Phrygia, Laodicea

PHRYGIA, Laodicea ad Lycum
Pseudo-autonomous issue, time of Antoninus Pius
Struck under magistrate Po. Ailios Dionysios Sabinianos, c. 139-147
Assarion, AE, 20.5 mm, 6.42 gm, 6 h)
Obv:  ΛΑΟΔΙΚEΩΝ; Draped bust of youthful Dionysos to right, wearing ivy wreath
Rev:  ΑΙΛ ΔΙΟΝYCΙΟC; Ivy wreathed mask of Silenus to right, set upon cista mystica entwined by serpent; to left, pedum over which hangs pair of cymbals
Ref:  BMC 96;  RPC IV.2 Online temp. 2114; SNG Copenhagen 532
Ex Vineyard Collection (Obolos 20 lot 389), ex The New York Sale II, 2 December 1999, 151

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Link: Mask of Silenus.

Roman Republic/Imperatorial Period, C. Vibius Varus, AR Denarius, 42 BCE, Rome Mint. Obv. Head of Bacchus (or Liber)* right, wearing earring and wreath of ivy and grapes / Rev. Spotted panther [leopard]** springing left towards garlanded altar on top of which lies a bearded mask of Silenus or Pan,*** and against which leans a thyrsus with fillet (ribbon); C • VIBIVS in exergue, VARVS upwards to right. Crawford 494/36, RSC I Vibia 24, Sear RCV I 496, Sear Roman Imperators 192 (ill. p. 116), Sydenham 1138, BMCRR 4295. 17 mm., 3.60 g. Purchased from Edward J. Waddell, Ltd., Nov. 2020; ex Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG, Auction 83, May 20, 2015, Lot 83; ex Frank Sternberg Auction 17, Zurich, May 1986, Lot 519. [First two fns. omitted as not relevant to Silenus vs. Pan issue.]


***The mask has more frequently been identified with Pan than with Silenus, but because the moneyer’s branch of the gens Vibia lacks the cognomen “Pansa” (a reason for the appearance of Pan on the coins of moneyers with that cognomen, as a pun), Silenus appears to be a more likely identification, given the association of Silenus with Bacchus. See Jones, John Melville, A Dictionary of Ancient Roman Coins (Seaby, London, 1990) at p, 289, identifying Silenus as “[a]n elderly attendant of Bacchus.” See also id. at p. 234 (entry for “Pan”), noting that “[a] bearded head which appears on [the obverse of] a silver sestertius of T. Carisius [46 BC), with a reverse type of a panther bearing a thyrsus, has been identified as Pan but is more likely to be a Silenus, matching the Bacchic reverse type.”

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C. Vibius C.f. Pansa
AR Denarius, 90 BC, Rome
Obv.: PANSA, Laureate head of Apollo right, symbol below chin
Rev.: C VIBIVS C F, Ceres walking right, holding two torches, pig in front
Ag, 17.5mm, 3.99g
Ref.: Cr. 342/3a, Sear 241

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20 mm, 3,76 g.
Roman Republic. Ti. Veturius. AR denarius. Rome. 137 BC.
[TI·VET], helmeted and draped bust of Mars right, behind X (mark of value) / ROMA, Oath-taking scene: youth kneeling left, head right, between two soldiers, each of whom holds a spear and sword that touches a pig held by the youth.
Crawford 234/1; RBW 969; RSC Veturia 1.

Edited by ambr0zie
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Link: Mars


Rome mint, 205 A.D.
Obv.: ANTONINVS - PIVS AVG, laureate and draped bust right
Rev.: PONTIF TR P - VIII COS II, Mars advancing left, foot on helmet, branch in right and scepter in left
Ag, 3.27g, 18.8mm
Ref.: RIC 80(b); Cohen 420 c; Hill 765.

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Caracalla denarius


AR denarius; 19 mm, 3.19 gm, 1h
Rome mint, 206-210 CE
Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG; laureate head of Caracalla right
Rev: FELICIA TEMPORA; the Four Seasons depicted as children at play
Ref: RIC IV.I 153
Removed from NGC slab; Choice XF 3/5 - 4/5.
Ex Phil Peck (“Morris Collection”)

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Link: The Four Seasons depicted as children.

Julia Domna, 193-217 CE.
Roman AR denarius, 3.24 gm, 19.8 mm, 1 h.
Rome mint, 207 CE.
Obv: IVLIA AVGVSTA, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: FECVNDITAS, Terra reclining l. under tree, left arm on basket of fruits, right hand set on globe, spangled with stars; in background, four children advancing right, representing the four seasons.
Refs: RIC 549; BMCRE 21; Cohen/RSC 35; RCV 6579; CRE 389.

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Link:  Julia Domna


Julia Domna
Augusta, 193-217 CE
AR denarius, 17 x 19 mm, 2.72 gm
Rome mint; struck under Septimius Severus, circa AD 193-196
Obv: IVLIA DOMNA AVG; draped bust right
Rev: VENERI VICTR; Venus standing right, back facing, leaning upon column to left, holding palm frond and apple
Ref: RIC IV 536 (Septimius Severus); RSC 194
Formerly slabbed

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Link: Formerly slabbed!



Gallienus, 253-268 CE.
Roman billon antoninianus, 3.61 g, 21.1 mm, 12 h.
Cologne, 257-258 CE.
Obv: GALLIENVS P F AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust, right.
Rev: VIRTVS AVGG, Gallienus in military attire standing right, holding spear and standard.
Refs: RIC 58F; Göbl 8821; Cohen 1309; RCV 10413; Hunter 58; ERIC II 1030.

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Formerly slabbed...

Taras, Calabria

480-470 BC
AR Didrachm (18mm, 7.64g)
O: Taras riding dolphin left, right arm outstretched, left arm leaning on dolphin; scallop shell below, [TAP] to right.
R: Wheel of four spokes; dolphin left in first quadrant.
DeAndrea IV, 68; Vlasto 86; Fischer-Bossert 85 or 87 (R58)
Very Scarce
ex Eternity Coin

The wheel motif ran through the entire range of Tarentine coinage from tiniest fractions to the big lumpy didrachms like this one, but only for about ten years and then never again. The wheel probably refers to a chariot, which in turn suggests the chariot races which often accompanied games in honor of river gods, as Taras himself may originally have been.


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Link. Formerly slabbed

ROMAN EMPIRE, Geta, as Caesar. AR Denarius.. Rome, AD 200-202. 21mm, 3.34gr. P SEPT GETA CAES PONT, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / SECVRIT IMPERII, Securitas seated left, holding globe in right hand. RIC 20b, BMCRE 240-243, RSC 183a,  Cohen 183 - SEAR RCV II (2002), #7200, page 565



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Link:  formerly slabbed

Nero (AD 54-68)
Rome, 63 AD

Orichalcum sestertius, 34 mm, 26.7 gm
Obv: NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR P IMP PP; laureate head right, wearing aegis
Rev: ANNONA AVGVSTI CERES; Ceres, veiled and draped, seated left, holding corn ears and torch, her feet on stool, facing Annona standing right, holding cornucopia; between them, modius on garlanded altar; in background, stern of ship
Ref: RIC 98. Cohen 24
Removed from its slab, NGC Choice XF 5/5 - 3/5, Fine Style


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Link: formerly in slab.

Roman Republic, Publius Fonteius P.f. Capito, AR Denarius 55 BCE [Harlan: 54 BCE], Rome mint. Obv. Helmeted and draped bust of Mars with slight beard, right, with trophy over far shoulder, P•FONTEIVS•P•F•CAPITO•III•VIR counter-clockwise around / Rev. Helmeted and caped Roman soldier on horseback galloping right, thrusting his spear down at helmeted Gallic warrior crouching beneath horse, holding his shield up with left hand to try to fend off horse, and thrusting sword with his right hand at unarmed captive to left; the captive’s Gallic helmet [and shield, off flan] sailing off to lower right; MN•FONT•TR•MIL clockwise above. Crawford 429/1, RSC I Fonteia 17, Sear RCV I 392 (ill.), Sydenham 900, Harlan RRM II Ch, 22 at pp. 174-175 [Harlan, Michael, Roman Republican Moneyers and Their Coins 63 BCE-49 BCE (2nd Revised Edition 2015)]. 17.8 mm., 3.97 g.  Purchased from Zuzim Inc., Brooklyn, NY, Aug. 2020. Ex: Roma Numismatics, E-Sale 54, Feb. 28, 2019, Lot 558 [see https://www.acsearch.info/search.html?id=5704785]; ex: Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 100, May 29, 2017, Lot 329 [see https://www.biddr.com/auctions/nac/browse?a=131&l=114088]; ex: Gerhard Hirsch Auction 168, Nov. 22-24, 1990, Munich, Lot 434. Formerly in NGC slab, Cert. No. 4629554-001, Graded Ch. AU, Strike: 4/5, Surface 4/5.*


*The moneyer is usually identified as either (1) the Publius Fonteius who became the adoptive father of the famous Publius Clodius Pulcher when the latter changed his patrician status to plebeian; or (2) a friend of Cicero named Fonteius, mentioned in a letter to his brother Atticus.  However, both Crawford (Vol. I at p. 453) and, at greater length, Harlan (Ch. 22 at pp. 171-173) point out the lack of evidence for either theory.  The scene on the reverse of this coin is believed to record the exploits of the moneyer’s ancestor, the military tribune Manius Fonteius (identified as such in the reverse legend), who may have been on the staff of Marcus Fonteius, governor of Narbonese (Transalpine) Gaul from 76-73 BCE. See RSC I at p. 49, Crawford Vol. I at p. 453, Harlan RRM II at pp. 174-175.

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Formerly slabbed...

Byzantion, Thrace

late 3rd - 2nd century BC
AE 25 (25mm, 11.45g)
O: Veiled head of Demeter right, wreathed in grain.
R: Poseidon seated right on rocks, holding aphlaston in raised right hand and trident over shoulder in left; KAΛXA to left and BYΞAN to right.
ex Heritage Auctions; ex Forvm Ancient Coins


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Link: Demeter


Faustina Junior
Thrace, Philippopolis
Obv: ΦΑΥCTEINA CEBACTH, Draped bust right.
Rev: ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙTΩΝ, Demeter standing left, holding two grain ears and long torch.
AE, 12.93g, 25.6mm
Ref.: Mouchmov, Philip. 133, 139-40 and 142

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Link:  Demeter


THRACE, Krithote circa 350-309 BCE AE, 21 mm, 8.20 gm Obv: Facing head of Demeter slightly right Rev: ΣΙΩΝ / ΚΡΙΘΟY; Barley grain and legend within wreath. Ref:  SNG Copenhagen 886 var. (head slightly left, legend); HGC 3.2, 1488 

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Link. Facing head, slightly right

Troas, Gergis. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. AE12mm, 1.28 g. Head of Sibyl Herophile right, three-quarters facing / ΓEΡ, Sphinx sitting right. SNG von Aulock 1515; SNG Ashmolean 1147; SNG Cop 338.


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Link:  sphinx  (actually, a sphinxodile 🤣)


EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian
RY 18 (133/4 CE)
AE drachm; 33 mm, 24.75 gm, 12 h
Obv: AYT KAIC TPAIAN AΔPI[ANOC CЄΒ]; Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian to right, seen from behind
Rev: L - IH; Sphinx standing left, wearing hemhem crown, with head of a crocodile emerging from its breast and uraeus as tail; above, griffin seated left, resting its right paw on wheel
Ref: Dattari (Savio) 2004; Emmett 1056.18; K&G 32.597; RPC III 5912. Rare.
ex Rhakotis Collection, formed in the 1960s and 1970s

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Link: Alexandrian coin of Hadrian.

Hadrian, 117-138 CE.
Roman provincial billon tetradrachm, 12.76 g, 24.8 mm, 11 h.
Egypt, Alexandria, year 21= 136/7 CE.
Obv: ΑVΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹЄΒ; laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on l. shoulder.
Rev: L ΚΑ; Demeter standing facing, head l., wearing crescent, holding ears of corn and torch.
Refs: RPC III, 6131; BMC 16.71,579; Köln 1209; Dattari 1335; Milne 1519; Emmett 832.
Note: Ex-Clain-Stefanelli.

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Links: Demeter depicted on Roman Alexandrian tetradrachm issued under Hadrian.

Sabina (wife of Hadrian) Billon Tetradrachm, Hadrian Year 15 (130/131 AD), Alexandria, Egypt mint. Obv. Draped bust right, wearing double stephane, with hair coiled and piled on top of head, ϹΑΒΙΝΑ - ϹƐΒΑϹΤΗ / Rev. Sabina (as Demeter) seated left on throne without back, hair plaited over stephane, wearing chiton and peplos, holding two ears of corn with right hand extended, and, with left hand, holding long scepter, ϹΑΒƐΙΝΑ ϹƐΒΑϹΤΗ around; LΙΕ [Year 15] at 11:00 on reverse between ears of corn and Sabina's head. RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Vol. III 5773 (2015); RPC III Online at https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/3/5773;  BMC 16 Alexandria 917 at p. 106 [Poole, Reginald Stuart, A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. 16, Alexandria (London, 1892)]; Emmett 1334.15 [Emmett, Keith, Alexandrian Coins (Lodi, WI, 2001)]; Milne 1308 at p. 32 (differentiated at p. 152 from Milne 1309, on basis of reverse hairstyle) [Milne, J.G., Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins (Oxford 1933, reprint with supplement by Colin M. Kraay, 1971)], ill. at https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coin/56405 [Specimen No. 10 of RPC 5773, held by Oxford, Ashmolean Museum]; Sear RCV II 3954. Purchased from Zuzim Inc. on Jan. 14. 2022 at NYINC 2022. 24 mm., 12.309 g.


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Metapontum, Lucania

330-300 BC
AR Didrachm (21mm, 7.76g)
O: Head of Demeter right, wreathed in grain and wearing triple earring and necklace; ΔAI under chin.
R: Ear of barley with seven grains, leaf to right; plow above leaf, MAX below, META upward to left.
Johnston C-1; SNG ANS 470; SNG Cop 1227; HN Italy 1581; Sear 416
ex Windsor Antiquities


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More Demeter...

Roman Egypt. Alexandria. Hadrian, AD 117-138. Æ Drachm (32mm, 22.02g, 11h). Dated RY 18 (AD 133/144). Obv: ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙC ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟC CEB; Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian to right, seen from behind. Rev: Demeter standing facing, head right, holding torch in right hand and grain ears in left; on right, Euthenia standing facing, head left, holding grain ears in right hand and scepter in left; L-IH (date) across fields. Ref: Dattari (Savio) 1672; Geissen 1109; K&G 32.579; RPC III 5886; Emmett 941.18. Nice brown tone, Near Very Fine. Ex Naville Numismatics 85 (19 Nov 2023), Lot 297. 


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Enna, Sicily

450-440 BC
AR Litra (13mm, 0.69g)
O: Demeter driving slow biga right, holding grain ears (torch?).
R: Demeter standing facing, holding lighted torch over altar to left; [HE]NNAI[ON] to right. 
HGC 2, 391; Sear 777
Very scarce
ex Aegean Numismatics

Enna, known in antiquity as ‘The Navel of Sicily’, was located in the geographic center of Sicily on a high plateau which served as a natural fortress. It is said that one could see all three Sicilian coasts from the city’s heights.
Perhaps more important than its strategic location however was Enna’s religious significance, for it was here that Persephone was abducted by Hades and here that the cult of Her mother Demeter thrived.

"In the interior [of Sicily] is Enna, where is the temple of Demeter, with only a few inhabitants; it is situated on a hill, and is wholly surrounded by broad plateaus that are tillable."
~ Strabo, Geography 6.2.6


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