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Sicily.  This owl looks like it needs to lay a really big egg 🥵.


SICILY, Kamarina
AE tetras, 3.34 gm. 420-405 BCE
Obv: Large head of Athena left, wearing crested helmet with wings
Rev: Owl standing left, with lizard in talon; KAMA (retrograde) upward in right field; three dots in exergue
Ref: Westermark / Jenkins 198 (see FIG. Pl. 35 / 198.24), SNG ANS 1230 Calciati III no. 28/4 (dotted-border type)


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Link: owl.

Tarentum, Calabria. AR Nomos, ca. 272-240 BCE. Magistrates Sy… and Lykinos. Obv. Nude youth on horse advancing to left, crowning horse with wreath held in right hand, holding reins in left hand; to right, ΣΥ; below horse, ΛΥΚΙ/ΝΟΣ in two lines / Rev. Phalanthos or Taras [see https://coinsweekly.com/and-this-is-where-aristotle-was-wrong/ , arguing for the former] astride dolphin to left, his back half-turned to viewer, brandishing trident held in right hand, chlamys draped over left arm; ΤΑ-ΡΑΣ beneath dolphin; in right field, owl standing to left, head facing.. Vlasto 836-841 [all same type] at p. 95 & Pl. XXVII [Ravel, O.E., Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Tarentine Coins formed by M.P. Vlasto (London, 1947, reprinted 1977)]; HN Italy 1025 [Rutter, N.K., ed., Historia Numorum Italy (London, 2001)]. 19.5 mm., 6.47 g, 12 h. (“Reduced standard” compared to larger size of earlier coins, beginning after arrival of Pyrrhus in Italy ca. 280 BCE.) Purchased at Nomos Obolos Auction 22, 6 March 2022, Lot 39.


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I think I have a Taras, maybe even an owl. This is one of the rarer coins in my collection...

Taras, Calabria

276-272 BC
AR Drachm (15mm, 2.98g)
O: Head of Athena right, wearing crested helmet decorated with Skylla hurling rock; I on neckflap.
R: Owl with closed wings standing left on olive branch; TAPA[N] to right, AΠ monogram to left.
D'Andrea XLII, 1246 (this coin); Vlasto 1065; Cote 431; Evans VII, V; SNG France 1947
Very Rare
ex Auctiones GmbH; ex Rutten & Wieland

D'Andrea Plate Coin
Series XLII, 1246


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51 minutes ago, Phil Anthos said:

I think I have a Taras, maybe even an owl. This is one of the rarer coins in my collection...

Taras, Calabria

276-272 BC
AR Drachm (15mm, 2.98g)
O: Head of Athena right, wearing crested helmet decorated with Skylla hurling rock; I on neckflap.
R: Owl with closed wings standing left on olive branch; TAPA[N] to right, AΠ monogram to left.
D'Andrea XLII, 1246 (this coin); Vlasto 1065; Cote 431; Evans VII, V; SNG France 1947
Very Rare
ex Auctiones GmbH; ex Rutten & Wieland

D'Andrea Plate Coin
Series XLII, 1246


Very cool coin :).


Guess I'll post an obvious link, one of the 20,000 or so owl tets that hit the market in recent years :D.


ATTICA, Athens
c. 454-404 BCE
AR tetradrachm; 17.21 gm, ~25 mm
Obv: head of Athena right, with frontal eye
Rev: owl standing right, head facing, closed tail feathers; olive sprig and crescent to left; AΘE downward in right field; all within incuse square
Removed from an NGC slab; AU 5/5 strike, 3/5 surfaces, "Parliament Collection"
Ref: I really don't know. There are so many catalogs and types and I have no idea how nitpicky various catalogers are. Reid Goldsborough noted that David Sear said there were so many owl tets that in all his years he's never seen a die matched pair! Suffice it to say that this coin is authentic and it is from the "mass emission" period... a "classical owl tet".  Although... I really would like to be able to put some sort of catalog number here 😆.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, TIF said:

Ref: I really don't know. There are so many catalogs and types and I have no idea how nitpicky various catalogers are. Reid Goldsborough noted that David Sear said there were so many owl tets that in all his years he's never seen a die matched pair! Suffice it to say that this coin is authentic and it is from the "mass emission" period... a "classical owl tet".  Although... I really would like to be able to put some sort of catalog number here 😆.

Perhaps someone who has a copy of Flament [Flament, Christophe, Le monnayage en argent d'Athènes. De l'époque archaïque à l'époque hellénistique (c. 550-c. 40 av. J.-C) (2009)] could tell you exactly which type it is.

Edited by DonnaML
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4 hours ago, TIF said:


Very cool coin :).


Guess I'll post an obvious link, one of the 20,000 or so owl tets that hit the market in recent years :D.


ATTICA, Athens
c. 454-404 BCE
AR tetradrachm; 17.21 gm, ~25 mm
Obv: head of Athena right, with frontal eye
Rev: owl standing right, head facing, closed tail feathers; olive sprig and crescent to left; AΘE downward in right field; all within incuse square
Removed from an NGC slab; AU 5/5 strike, 3/5 surfaces, "Parliament Collection"
Ref: I really don't know. There are so many catalogs and types and I have no idea how nitpicky various catalogers are. Reid Goldsborough noted that David Sear said there were so many owl tets that in all his years he's never seen a die matched pair! Suffice it to say that this coin is authentic and it is from the "mass emission" period... a "classical owl tet".  Although... I really would like to be able to put some sort of catalog number here 😆.

I bought the Owl pictured below 5 years ago from Roma E-Sale 62, lot 163, for $705 including the buyers premium. They had 65 Owls in that auction to choose from 😮


Athens, 454-404 BC. AR Tetradrachm: 17.22 gm, 25 mm, 3 h. SNG Copenhagen 31. Provenance: allegedly from a Bavarian collection formed in the 1960s-1990s.

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Link: Athens



Attica. Athens
Æ22, AD 260-268
Time of Gallienus
Obv.: Helmeted head of Athena right
Rev.: AΘHNAIΩN, Facing bucranion with fillets hanging from horns.
Æ 21.5mm, 5.16g
Ref.: Kroll 401, SNG Copenhagen 376
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ATTICA, Athens. Eleusis mint
Eleusinian festival coinage
340-335 BC
Obv: Triptolemos, seated left in a winged chariot drawn by two snakes
Rev: Pig standing right on mystic staff, bucranium below
Ref: SNG Cop 415

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Link: Sow/pig

Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 733, Cohen 450, BMC 1624
143-144 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / IMPERATOR II S-C, Sow facing right under helm-oak, suckling four young, another piglet in front. SC in ex. 25mm, 10.09gr Relatively Scarce


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Pius imperial bronze 


33 mm, 25,93 g.
Antoninus Pius with Marcus Aurelius as Caesar 138-161. Æ sestertius. Rome. Circa 141-143.
ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head of Antoninus Pius right / AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F COS / S C, bare head of Marcus Aurelius right.
RIC III 1211; BMC 1208; C 28.

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Marcus Aurelius...

Marcus Aurelius / Salus

168-169 AD
AR Denarius (17.5mm, 3.07g)
O: Laureate head right; M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIII.
R: Salus standing left, feeding snake rising from altar from patera in right hand, long scepter vertical in left hand; SALVTI AVG COS III.
Minted 168-169
RIC III 207; RSC II 543; BMCRE IV 495; Hunter II 47; cf.SRCV II 4927 (TR P XXIIII)
ex Forvm Ancient Coins

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”


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EGYPT, Alexandria. Marcus Aurelius
AE diobol, 22.8 mm, 8.33 gm
RY 17 (176/7 CE)
Obv: MAVPHΛIOCANTωNINOC; laureate head right
Rev: right foot and ankle (of a statue of Serapis?), pointing right; draped bust right of Serapis above, wearing kalathos; LI[Z] in right field
Ref: Dattari (Savio) 3516; Emmett 2254.17 (this coin illustrated, p. 96); K&G 37.411 (this coin illustrated). Extremely rare. None in CoinArchives.
Ex WRG Collection
Ex Kerry K. Wetterstrom Collection (Part II, Classical Numismatic Auctions XIII, 4 December 1990), lot 130.

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Link: Alexandria Marcus Aurelius


Marcus Aurelius
Obv.: M AVPHΛIOC ANTΩNINOC CE, Laureate head right.
Rev.: LI (year 10) in wreath
Billon, 12,83g, 22mm
Ref.: Geissen 3414 var., BMC 1282

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1 hour ago, TIF said:


EGYPT, Alexandria. Marcus Aurelius
AE diobol, 22.8 mm, 8.33 gm
RY 17 (176/7 CE)
Obv: MAVPHΛIOCANTωNINOC; laureate head right
Rev: right foot and ankle (of a statue of Serapis?), pointing right; draped bust right of Serapis above, wearing kalathos; LI[Z] in right field
Ref: Dattari (Savio) 3516; Emmett 2254.17 (this coin illustrated, p. 96); K&G 37.411 (this coin illustrated). Extremely rare. None in CoinArchives.
Ex WRG Collection
Ex Kerry K. Wetterstrom Collection (Part II, Classical Numismatic Auctions XIII, 4 December 1990), lot 130.

That is definitely one of the stranger reverse designs I've seen!

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Link: Marcus Aurelius.

Marcus Aurelius AR Denarius, 165-166 AD, Rome Mint. Obv. Laureate head right, M ANTONINVS AVG - ARMENIACVS* / Rev. Roma, helmeted and draped, seated left with round shield at side, holding Palladium [statue of Pallas Athena taken to Rome by Aeneas] in her extended right hand and short vertical scepter (or spear) in left hand, P M TR P XX - IMP III COS III.  RIC III Marcus Aurelius 155 corr. (erroneously describes Roma as seated on shield and identifies Palladium as Victory); RSC II Marcus Aurelius 490 at p. 210 (Palladium and short spear); BMCRE IV Marcus Aurelius 392 at p. 438 & fn. (Palladium and short spear); https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/C_1937-0708-53 (same specimen as BMCRE 392, with same description); Sear RCV II 4923 (Victory and spear). 18 mm., 3.14 g., 6 h.  Purchased at Nomos Obolos Auction 22, 6 March 2022, Lot 610.


*See Edward A. Sydenham, Historical References on Coins of the Roman Empire (1968 ed.; orig. pub. 1917) at p. 109, explaining that Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus assumed the title of Armeniacus after the defeat of the Parthians and the recovery of Armenia (placing a new vassal on the Armenian throne), a victory achieved in 163 by Statius Priscus while Marcus Aurelius remained in Rome and Lucius Verus, dispatched from Rome in command of the troops, spent the time in Antioch “in luxury and dissipation, relegating the conduct of the war to his generals.”

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Link:  Marcus Aurelius

EGYPT, Alexandria. Marcus Aurelius as Caesar
AE obol, 20.5 mm, 6.0 gm. Alexandria.
Year 15 (CE 151/2)
Obv: MAVPHΛICKAICAP; bust right, bare head
Rev: Sphinx reclining right; LIE (date) above in left field
Ref: Emmett 1919.15, R5; Dattari 3221; RPC IV online 15684

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Marcus Aurelius / Poseidon

Cassandreia, Macedonia
161-180 AD
AE21 (21mm, 6.78g)
O: Laureate head right; M AVR ANTON AVG.
R: Poseidon nude, standing slightly right; trident in right hand, dolphin in extended left hand; COL IVL AVG CASS.
RPC Online IV 10319; Leake HN 3722 corr. (same coin); Varbanov III 2791 (R6) var. (Poseidon left)
Extremely Rare
ex Forvm Ancient Coins

One of only two known examples with Poseidon standing right.

“The noble acceptance of the prison of oneself is the ultimate, and only, duty of man.”


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Link: Marcus Aurelius.

Marcus Aurelius Caesar (under Antoninus Pius) AR Denarius, 145-146 AD, Rome Mint. Obv: Bare head right, clean-shaven, AVRELIVS CAE-SVG PII F / Rev: Honos* standing left, holding branch and cornucopiae, COS II. RIC III Antoninus Pius 429a, RSC II Marcus Aurelius 110 (p. 202), BMCRE IV Antoninus Pius 594 (p. 85), ERIC II 301, Sear RCV (1981 ed.) 1279; A. Pangerl, "Vier Jahrzente Portraits des Marcus Aurelius auf römischen Reichsmünzen," 500 Years of Roman Coin Portraits (2d ed. 2017), pp. 318-333 at p. 324 Tabelle 1 (No. 3.10) & p. 326 (No. 10) [dated to 145-146 AD and classified at p. 439 as “Type 3: long head shape of adolescent boy; beginning moustache, increasing but discrete side burns”] (noting at p. 324 that "RIC gibt keinen Barttyp an").  18.2 mm, 3.3 g.


*According to OCRE, Honos -- the only non-geographical male personification to appear on Roman Imperial coinage other than Bonus Eventus and various Geniuses -- is portrayed standing alone on Imperial reverses only under Hadrian and Antoninus Pius (including for Marcus Aurelius), and appears paired with Virtus only under Galba, Vitellius, and Vespasian.


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Marcus Aurelius
AR Denar, Rome
Obv.: AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F, bare head right
Rev.: TR POT XV COS III, Pietas standing left, holding child in either arm, with two more children standing at her side.
Ag, 3.42g, 17.1mm
Ref.: RIC III (A.P.) 490

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Link: Pietas


Roman Republic, moneyer: M. Herennius, AR denarius, 108–107 BC, Rome mint. Obv: PIETAS; head of Pietas r. Rev: M HERENNI; one of the Catanean brothers Amphinomos and Anapias carrying his father r. 19mm, 3.94g.

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Link - somebody named Herennius 


26,6 mm, 11,5 g.
Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch. Herennius Etruscus as Caesar 249-251. Billon tetradrachm.
ΕΡΕΝΝ ΕΤΡΟΥ ΜΕ ΚΥ ΔΕΚΙΟϹ ΚΕϹΑΡ, bare-headed and draped bust of Etruscus, right, seen from rear; below bust: •••• (Group 3, Officina 4) / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞΟΥϹΙΑϹ, S C, eagle standing on palm, right, spreading wings, holding wreath in beak.
RPC IX, 1743; Prieur 635 (27); McAlee 1152d.

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Links: Antioch, eagle, family of Herennius Etruscus.

Trajan Decius, billon Tetradrachm, 249-251 AD, Syria, Antioch Mint. Obv. Radiate bust right, three pellets below (•••) (= 3rd Officina), ΑΥΤ Κ Γ ΜƐ ΚΥ ΔƐΚΙΟϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ϹƐΒ / Rev. Eagle standing left on palm branch, head left, wings spread, wreath in beak, ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ƐΞΟΥϹΙΑϹ [= Tribunicia Potestas], in exergue: S C. [Group II, Officina 3.] RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Online IX 1644 (see https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/9/1644 ); Prieur 540 (11), McAlee 1120c (Group 2) (see p. 368), BMC 586. 24 mm., 12.85 g.


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Link: Antioch

Crusader States, Principality of Antioch. Bohemund IV or V, AD 1201-1251. BI Denier (18mm, 1.07g). Obv: Helmeted and mailed head left; crescent before, star behind. Rev: Cross pattée; crescent in second quarter. Ref: CCS 126. Good Very Fine. Ex Numis Naumann 124 (8 Jan 2023), Lot 790.


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Link:  Antioch

AR denarius, 19.4 mm, 3.5 gm
Antioch, 218-219 CE
Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS FEL AVG, Laureate draped cuirassed bust right
Rev: SANCT DEO SOLI / ELAGABAL, Quadriga right, bearing sacred Baetyl stone, flanked by four parasols
Ref: RIC IV 195
From Vauctions 310, lot 250 (25 Sept 2014)
ex CNG Mail Bid Sale 33, lot 914 (15 March 1995)

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Julian II "The Philosopher" (as Augustus)

361-363 AD
AE3 (18mm, 2.32g)
O: Helmeted and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield; D N FL CL IVLI ANVS P F AVG.
R: VOT X MVLT XX in four lines within wreath; palm branch ANTB [palm branch] below.
Antioch mint
RIC VIII Antioch 219; Sear 4074v
ex Andre Cichos

Julian anticipated a successful trip to Antioch, but his experience there was a disappointment to him. The people chided him for his appearance, causing him to write ‘The Misopogon’ (or ‘Beard Hater’), a satire on himself but also a scathing indictment of the people of Antioch, whom he considered soft and degenerate, and wrote mockingly… “I say that you are liars and dancers, well skilled to dance in a chorus".
The relationship declined even more after the locals burned the temple of Apollo at Daphne, and further still after Julian’s efforts to make economic reforms designed to end government corruption and ease famine in the city caused by years of drought.
Julian finally left Antioch to march east and fulfill his plan to conquer Persia, but met his death in the attempt. Some say that the spearhead removed from his liver was actually Roman, but we will probably never know for certain.


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