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Link: Bearded Roman Emperor on an AE coin

Minted in AD 195 it seems this is a good coin to start page 195 of this thread


Septimius Severus. A.D. 193-211. AE sestertius (27.5 mm, 17.41g, 12 h). Rome mint, struck A.D. 195. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP V, laureate and head right / ROMAE AETERNAE, Roma seated left on shield, holding Victory on a globe and spear. RIC 691; BMCRE 558. VF Scarce


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Link: Athena seated



Kings of Pergamon
Attalos I, 241-197 BC
AR Tetradrachm
Obv.: Laureate head of Philetairos right.
Rev.: ΦIΛETAIPOY, Athena seated left, holding spear, left elbow on shield, wreath held in right hand; in right field, bow; in left, bunch of grapes, between monogram A
Ag, 16.96g, 27.6mm
Ref.: Westermark, Ph. 62, Gruppe IV:B, Winterthur 2617

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Link:  Athena 

MOESIA INFERIOR, Nikopolis ad Istrum. Elagabalus
Æ 26 mm, 12.5 gm
CE 218/9, Novius Rufus, consular legate
Obv: ...ΠΗ ANTΩNEINOC΄ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus right
Rev: VΠ NOBIOV POVΦOV NIKO[ΛOΛITΩN ΠPOC IC TP]; Athena standing left before serpent coiled around olive tree to left; shield on ground behind her
Ref: Hristova & Jekov (same as last illus. Specimen); Varbanov 3906 (same dies as illus.); Moushmov 1384

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MOESIA INFERIOR, Nikopolis ad Istrum. Elagabalus
AE 18 mm, 2.8 gm
Obv: AVT K M AVP ANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right
Rev: NIKOΠOΛITΩ NΠPOCICTPO N, Priapus standing left, drawing back his cloak to expose his phallus, bowl of fruit balanced on phallus, right hand extended pouring from patera
Ref: Varbanov 3811

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Elagabalus AR Denarius, Rome 220-222 AD
IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory flying left, open diadem in both hands, shields to both sides, star in right field. RSC 300. RIC 161. BMC 234. 2,8 g - 18,5 mm


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3 hours ago, TIF said:


MOESIA INFERIOR, Nikopolis ad Istrum. Elagabalus
AE 18 mm, 2.8 gm
Obv: AVT K M AVP ANTΩNINOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right
Rev: NIKOΠOΛITΩ NΠPOCICTPO N, Priapus standing left, drawing back his cloak to expose his phallus, bowl of fruit balanced on phallus, right hand extended pouring from patera
Ref: Varbanov 3811

That's an appropriate reverse design for Elagabalus 😂!

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Link: victory


Egypt, Alexandria
Billon Tetradrachm
Obv.: A K M A OΥA MAΞIMIANOC CEB, Laureate and cuirassed bust right.
Rev.: L - Γ. (year 3, 287-288), Nike walking right, wreath in right, palm over shoulder.
Billon, 7.31g, 18.6m
Ref.: Geissen 3295, Kampmann/Ganschow 120.29


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Maximianus / Elpis

Alexandria, Egypt
287-288 AD (Year 2, first reign)
AE Tetradrachm (17mm, 8.13g)
O: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right; MAΞIMIANOC CEB.
R: Elpis standing left, holding flower and raising her skirt; L-B on either side.
Milne 4814
ex M&R Coins


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Link: Maximianus

Maximianus, AE radiate fraction. 295-299 AD. Cyzicus. IMP C M A MAXIMIANVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / CONCORDIA MI-LITVM, Emperor standing right, receiving Victory on globe from Jupiter, standing left and holding sceptre. KΔ in lower centre. 2.74g, 24mm. RIC VI Cyzicus 16B.


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Link:  Maximianus


EGYPT, Alexandria. Maximianus
tetradrachm; 20 mm, 8.78 gm
Obv: MAΞIMIANOCCЄB; laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right
Rev: Herakles standing facing, head left, holding apple in right hand and club in left; star in upper right field; L-S across fields
Ref: Emmett 4131.6; Dattari 5915
Ex Justin Lee collection

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Link: Hercules


Philippus I and Otacila Severa
Moesia Inferior, Tomis
AE 26
Obv.: AVT M IOVΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC AVΓ M / WTAK CEBH/PA CEB, draped and cuirassed bust of Philipp I and draped bust of Otacilia Severa wearing stephane
Rev.: MHTPOΠ ΠON-TOV TOMEΩC, Hercules standing facing with head left, right hand leaning on club, and lions skin hanging from the left arm.
AE, 12.95g, 25.8x26.8mm
Ref.: Varbanov-, AMNG-


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Link: Tomis


Moesia Inferior, Tomis. Caracalla AE27. Dioscuri

Obv: Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: The Dioscuri reclining left, leaning upon overturned urns from which liquid flows; Δ (mark of value) to left, stars above heads.

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Link; Dioscuri

L. Memmius AR Denarius (20mm, 3.77 g.)
Rome mint, struck 109-108 BC Gens Memmia
Obv. Apollo facing right, wearing oak wreath, mark of value below chin.
Rev. The Dioscuri standing facing, each holding spears and bridle of their horses, Xanthus and Cyllarus. Moneyer name in exergue.
Crawford 304


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Link:  Dioscuri

EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius
Regnal year 8, CE 144/5
AE drachm, 33 mm, 23.2 gm
Obv: [legend]; laureate draped bust right
Rev: Serapis, wearing modius, standing facing; flanked by the Dioscuri who are also standing facing, heads turned towards Serapis, and each holding a flagellum ; [L] H in exergue
Ref: Dattari 2864 (RY2); Dattari-Savio plate 148 coins 2864 and 8724; Emmett 1670.8; Not listed in Milne.
ex Stevex6 Collection

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Pius, Alexandria 


24 mm, 12,17 g.
Egypt, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius 138-161 AD. Billon tetradrachm. RY 22 – 158-159 AD.
ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ ΕΥϹΕ, laureate and draped bust right, seen from behind / L ΚΒ (year), Nilus reclining left, holding reed and cornucopia; crocodile to right below.
Köln 1817/1818; Dattari 2309; Milne 2379; Emmett 1413; RPC IV.4, 2035.

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Alexandria, Tetradrachm

RPC Volume: IX №: 1701
Reign: Trajan Decius Persons: Trajan Decius (Augustus)
City: Antioch  Region: Syria Province: Syria Coele
Denomination: Tetradrachm Average weight: 11.69 g. Issue: Group 3, officina 2
Obverse: ΑΥΤ Κ Γ ΜΕ ΚΥ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΔΕΚΙΟϹ ϹΕΒ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear; below bust: •• (Officina 2)
Reverse: ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞΟΥϹΙΑϹ, S C; eagle standing on palm, left, spreading wings, holding wreath in beak
Reference: Prieur 578, McAlee 1126b.

26mm, 11.48g.


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Link: Antioch,  Trajan Decius 


Trajanus Decius
Syria, Antioch
Billon Tetradrachm
Obv.: AΥT K Γ ME KΥ TΡAIANOC ΔEKIOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, single pellet below
Rev.: ΔHMAΡX EΞOΥCIAC, eagle on palm, head right, tail left, wreath in beak, SC in ex
Billon, 25.1mm, 11.84g
Ref.: Prieur 577


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Links; Alexandria, tetradrachm, eagle standing right

Egypt. Alexandria. Salonina AD 254-268.
Billon-Tetradrachm 21 mm, 9,65 g
Volume: X №: — (unassigned; ID 75575)
Reign: Gallienus (sole reign) Persons: Salonina (Augusta)
City: Alexandria  Region: Egypt Province: Egypt
Denomination: Tetradrachm Average weight: 9.76 g. Issue: Year 15 (AD 267/8)
Obverse: ΚΟΡΝΗΛΙΑ ϹΑΛωΝΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒ; draped and diademed bust of Salonina, right
Reverse: L ΙΕ; eagle standing right, spreading wings, holding wreath in beak; to upper left, palm branch.


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Link: Salonina

Salonina AR antoninianus 3.4g Rome Mint 256-257 AD Obverse: SALONINA AVG Bust of Salonina, diademed, draped, on crescent, right Reverse: PIETAS AVGG Salonina, draped, seated left, with three children (two before, one beside) around her References: RIC 35


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Link: Pietas



AR Denarius, Rome
Obv.: PLAVTILLA AVGVSTA, Draped bust right, ear not visible.
Rev: PIETAS AVGG, Pietas standing right, holding sceptre and child.
Ag, 3.48g, 18.5mm
Ref.: RIC IVa, 367 (Hill hairstyle Lii), CRE 431 [C]

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Link: Plautilla. It's unlisted in the major references, from what I can tell.

Plautilla Nicaea.jpg

Plautilla, AD 202-205.
Roman provincial Æ 15.8 mm, 3.08 g.
Bithynia, Nicaea.
Obv: ΠΛΑVΤΙΛΛΑ CEΒΑCΤΗ, bare-headed and dr. bust, right.
Rev: ΝΙΚΑ-ΙΕΩΝ, Demeter standing left, holding long torch.
Refs: BMC --; Sear --; Mionnet --; Wiczay --; Lindgren --.
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Link:  Bithynia, Nicaea.  

What was I thinking with this coin?  🤣  (I was impatient, really wanted the type, not common, saw this one... guess I'll be on the hunt for an upgrade)


BITHYNIA, Nicaea. Gallienus (253-268)
Obv: ΠOΛIC[Γ?] ΓAΛΛIHNOC CE; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: [NIK]AI[EΩN]; Pan standing right, holding palm branch and wine hose/wine skin. 
Ref: (maybe; I do not have access to this book) SNG von Aulock 708 or var.; RPC X, -- (unassigned; ID 74558)

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