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Link: Salus


Faustina II
Obv.: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right
Rev.: SALVS, Salus standing left, feeding snake twined round altar, holding scepter
Ag, 3.42g, 17.6x18.8mm
Ref.: RIC III 715, CRE 214 [C]

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Faustina II


17,7 mm, 3,6 g.
Faustina II. Augusta 147-175. AR denarius. Rome. 161-176.
FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right, hair waved with two braided bands / FECVNDITAS, Fecunditas standing right, holding sceptre and nude male child.
BMC 91; C. 99; RIC 677; RSC 99.

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Faustina II

Faustina II AR Denarius, 18mm, 3.27g. RIC 495a, RSC 15, BMC 1099
Rome mint 156/7 CE
FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / AVGVSTI PII FIL, Venus standing left holding Victory and resting hand on shield set on a helmet.


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Link: Faustina II


AR-Denar, Rome, AD 147-148
Obv.: FAVSTINAE AVG. PII AVG. FIL. Draped bust right, wearing stephane and pearls.
Rev.: LAETITIAE PVBLICAE, Laetitia, draped and diademed, standing left, holding long scepter in her left hand, wreath in her outstretched right hand.
Ag, 3.58g, 17mm
Ref.: RIC 506c, CRE 196 [S]

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Link:  stephane


EGYPT, Alexandria. Julia Mamaea
year 13, CE 233/4
tetradrachm, 24 mm, 14.36 gm
Obv: IOVMAMAIACEBMHTECEKCTPA; Draped bust right, wearing stephane
Rev: Serapis enthroned left, holding scepter, extending his right hand toward Cerberus seated at his feet; on throneback, Nike standing right, holding wreath and palm frond; L IΓ (date) to left, palm frond to right
Ref: Emmett 3226.13 (R4); Köln 2540; Dattari (Savio) 4517; K&G 64.119


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  • Benefactor

Link: Serapis.

Hadrian, Billon Tetradrachm, Year 19 (134/135 AD), Alexandria, Egypt Mint. Obv. Laureate head left; around from 2:00, ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ - ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹƐΒ [translation into Latin: Imperator Caesar Traianus Hadrianus Augustus] / Rev. Draped bust of Serapis right, crowned with modius adorned with leaves (appearing as dots), wearing taenia and himation; around, L ƐΝ – ΝƐΑΚ•Δ [Year 19, spelled out]. RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Vol. III 5943 (2015); RPC III Online 5943 at https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/3/5943; Emmett 889.19 [Emmett, Keith, Alexandrian Coins (Lodi, WI, 2001)]; BMC 16 Alexandria 610 at p. 73 [Poole, Reginald Stuart, A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. 16, Alexandria (London, 1892)] [ill. RPC III Online 5943, Specimen 3 (primary illustration of type)] [same rev. leg.]; Milne 1100 at p. 28 [Milne, J.G., Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins in Ashmolean Museum (Oxford 1933, reprint with supplement by Colin M. Kraay, 1971)] [ill. RPC III Online 5943, Specimen 27] [same rev. leg.]; K&G 32.362 [Kampmann, Ursula & Ganschow, Thomas, Die Münzen der römischen Münzstätte Alexandria  (2008)] [ill. p. 146, rev. leg. var.]; SNG France 4, Alexandrie II 1903 [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, France Vol. 4, Alexandrie II, Hadrien – Antonin le Pieux – Nomes (Zurich 2018)] [rev. leg. var.]; Dattari (1901 ed.) 1465 at p. 94 [ill. Pl. XXII; rev. leg. var.] [Dattari, Giovanni, Monete imperiali greche, Numi Augg. Alexandrini, Catalogo della collezione (Cairo 1901)]. 24.5 mm., 13.50 g., 12 h. Purchased from Classical Numismatic Group, LLC [CNG] Electronic Auction 524, 28 Sep 2022, Lot 390.


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Link: Tetradrachm Alexandria

RPC Volume: VI №: 10032 (temporary)
Reign: Elagabalus Persons: Elagabalus (Augustus)
City: Alexandria  Region: Egypt Province: Egypt
Denomination: Tetradrachm Average weight: 12.63 g. Issue: L B = 2 (218/9)
Obverse: Α ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΜΑ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟϹ ΕΥϹΕΒ; laureate head of Elagabalus, right
Reverse: L Β; Sarapis bust right, draped and wearing kalathos. 23mm, 11.64g.
Reference: D 4137, Ο 2757, Geissen 2313, E 2952 (2)


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Link: Elagabal Alexandria


Obv.: MA KAICAP MA AYP ANTωNINOC EYCEB, laureate head right
Rev.: Bust of Zeus left, L - Γ (date), LΓ= year 3 = AD 219/220
Billon, 12.69g, 23mm
Ref.: Dattari 4145

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Link: Elagabalus.

Elagabalus, AD 218-222.
Roman provincial tetrassarion, 8.53 g, 24.2 mm, 7 h.
Moesia Inferior, Marcianopolis, Legate Julius Antonius Seleucus, AD 218-222.
Obv: ΑVΤ Κ Μ ΑVΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟC, laureate head, right.
Rev: VΠ Ιȣ ΑΝΤ CΕΛΕVΚȣ ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ, Homonoia standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae.
Refs: BMC 3.34, 47; AMNG (Pick) 856; Moushmov 633.

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Links:  Marcianopolis, green patina, nutcase emperor 😄

 MOESIA INFERIOR, Marcianopolis. Commodus
AE 25mm, 8.5 gm
circa CE 177-192
Obv: ΑΥ ΚΑΙ Λ ΑΥΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟС; bareheaded, draped, and cuirassed bust right
Rev: ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛЄΙΤΩΝ; the Three Graces standing facing, heads left, right, and right, respectively: the left holds amphora over dolphin, the center drapes arms over others, and the right holds wreath over amphora
Ref: Hristova & Jekov; RPC IV online 4319; Varbanov 702 corr. (direction of heads)

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Link:  Three Graces


Faustina II
AR-Denar, Rome
Obv.: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right
Rev.: VENVS FELIX, Venus seated left, holding the three graces and sceptre
Ag, 2.76g, 18mm
Ref.: RIC III -, CRE 241 [R2]

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Link: Venus

Galeria Valeria, AE follis of Thessalonica. AD 308-310. GAL VALE-RIA AVG, diademed and draped bust right, shoulders facing, wearing necklace / VENERI V-ICTRICI, Venus standing left, holding apple and raising drapery. Star in left field, Γ in right field. Mintmark dot SM dot TS dot. RIC VI Thessalonica 36; Sear 14592.
25 mm, 6,08 g


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Link: Thessalonica mint.

Constantine I, 307-337 CE.
Roman billon centenionalis, 2.76 g, 18.3 mm, 5 h.
Thessalonica, 330-333 CE.
Obv: CONSTAN-TINOPOLIS, bust of Constantinopolis, laureate, helmeted, wearing imperial cloak, left, holding reversed spear in left hand.
Rev: Victory, winged, draped, standing left on prow, holding transverse scepter in right hand and shield in left hand; SMTSΔ in exergue.
Refs: RIC vii, p. 524, 188; Cohen 21; LRBC I 839; RVC 16470.

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Link:  Constantine I


Commemorative Series under Constantine I
330 CE; A 14.5 mm, 1.16 gm
Constantinople mint, 1st officina
Obv: POP ROMANVS; draped bust of Genius left, with cornucopia over shoulder
Rev: Milvian Bridge over Tiber River; CONS/IA (probably not the Milvian bridge, but traditionally attributed as such)
Ref: RIC VIII 21; LRBC 1066; Vagi 3043
ex E.E Clain-Stefanelli collection

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Clain-Stefanelli collection...

Taras, Calabria

272-240/35 BC
AR Obol (11mm, 0.35g)
O: Kantharos, 5 pellets around, within dotted border.
R: Bucranium.
D'Andrea XLIV, 1505; Vlasto 1615-17; Cote 446; SNG France 2201; HGC 1, 852; HN Italy 918
From the E.E. Clain-Stefanelli Collection. ex Naville Numismatics


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Link:  [flesh-covered]  bucranium  (hope I don't get kicked out of the thread for this 🤣


PHOKIS, Federal Coinage
c. 357-354 BCE, under strategos Philomelos
AR triobol, 15 mm, 2.76 gm, 12 h
Obv: facing head of bull
Rev: laureate head of Apollo right; branch to left; φ below, Ω right
Ref: Williams – (O–/R193 [unlisted obv. die]); BCD Lokris 463.2 (this coin); HGC 4, 1046
From the estate of Thomas Bentley Cederlind, ex BCD Collection (Numismatica Ars Classica 55, 8 October 2010), lot 463.2 

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Filleted bucranium...

Taras, Calabria

272-240/35 BC (Period VIII - The Roman Alliance I)
AR Didrachm (21mm, 6.11g)
Philemenos magistrate.
O: Naked boy riding horse right; [ΦI] before, ΦIΛHME-NOΣ (magistrate) below.
R: Taras riding dolphin right, holding tripod in extended right hand, trident upwards in left; filleted bucranium in field to right, [T]APAΣ below.
D'Andrea XLIV, 1391; Vlasto 884-87; SNG ANS 1204; HGC I, 891; HN Italy 1035
ex Senatus Consulto


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Link: Horse standing right

Carthago Nova
Iberia, c. 237 - 206 B.C.
Spain, Carthago Nova Æ Unit.
Roman Occupation after 209 BC. 
Bare-head left 
(Scipio Africanus?) 
Horse standing right; palm tree
behind. CNH Class XI, 282; 
SNG BM Spain 127-128; ACIP 609. 
10.30g, 23mm,
Ex Javier Paris Collection.
Roma Numismatics auction E-61

Villaronga's Class XI, dated 218-206 BC covers that period of the Second Punic War when the Romans, under the leadership of Scipio Africanus, took the war to Carthage's possessions in Spain in order to cause Hannibal to withdraw from Italy. Though still a young man, Scipio displayed extraordinary skills in leadership and by 209 BC brought the provincial Carthaginian city of Qart Hadasht in Spain under his control. Differing substantially from the earlier regional issues which may depict the Barcid generals, this youthful Roman-like head is very possibly that of Scipio himself. The rarity of this issue, both in silver and bronze, attests to its short period of striking, and may reflect the Romans' republican views regarding the depiction of a living individual on their coins, even those that would circulate outside of Rome itself. 


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Taras, Calabria

212-209 BC (Period X - The Punic Occupation)
AR Half-Shekel (Reduced Nomos) (19mm, 3.28g)
Sogenis magistrate.
O: Nude youth on horseback to left, crowning horse with wreath; IΩ behind, ΣΩΓE - NHΣ (magistrate) in two lines below.
R: Taras astride dolphin to left, holding cornucopiae in right arm and Nike who crowns him with wreath in left; TAPA[Σ] below.
D'Andrea XLVI, 1727; Vlasto 975-77; Cote 589-90; Evans X, B-1; SNG France 2064; McGill II, 119-20; SNG ANS 1266-68; SNG Cop 949; HN Italy 1079
Very Scarce
ex Praefectus Coins

At half the weight of the previous ‘didrachms’ from Taras, this half-shekel coin was minted during the Punic occupation of the city from 212-209 BC.
The story of Hannibal’s capture of Tarentum is fascinating, but of far too great a scope to cover here. Courage and endurance, intrigue and treachery all played a part in the Carthaginians desperate need of a southern naval port to continue Hannibal’s dream of conquering the Italian peninsula. Yet after an occupation of three years he was forced to withdraw from the city, virtually ending the second Punic War. However with a naval command post and a way to access reinforcements and supplies from Carthage, who knows what shape the history of Rome might have taken?


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Link:  horseback


Philippus I
Rome Mint AD 244-247
Obv.: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG/ radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev.: ADVENTVS AVGG/ emperor on horse, raising right hand and holding spear.
Ag, 3.26g, 23.3mm
Ref.: RIC 26b




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Link:  Philip, albeit a different Philip...


Hover goats 😄


221-179 BCE
Tetrachalkon (AE 22 mm, 8.37 gm, 12 h), struck circa after 186
Obv: Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress
Rev: BA / Φ Two recumbent goats right; below, grain ear
Ref: Mamroth, Bronzemünzen 14c. SNG Alpha Bank 1090. SNG Copenhagen 1250.


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8 hours ago, TIF said:

Link:  Philip, albeit a different Philip...


Hover goats 😄


221-179 BCE
Tetrachalkon (AE 22 mm, 8.37 gm, 12 h), struck circa after 186
Obv: Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress
Rev: BA / Φ Two recumbent goats right; below, grain ear
Ref: Mamroth, Bronzemünzen 14c. SNG Alpha Bank 1090. SNG Copenhagen 1250.


Link - unusual animals - from hover goats to two headed cows


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