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Link: horse


Aiolis, Kyme
AE 19
Diodoros, magistrate
Obv.: Head of the Amazon Kyme right, wearing taenia
Rev.: Horse advancing right; KY above, jug below raised leg; ΔIOΔΩPOΣ magistrate in ex
AE, 19 mm, 6.57g
Ref.: Ashton, Classical, Series IVa; SNG Ashmolean 1364-5; SNG Copenhagen 96, SNG München 494

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Link:  horse advancing with foreleg raised



early 2nd century BCE
AE 15-shekel, 45 mm, 95 gm
Obv: wreathed head of Tanit left
Rev: horse standing right, left foreleg up; solar disk with uraei (or is that the Flying Spaghetti Monster?) above
Ref: Alexandropoulos J (2000) Les monnaies de l'Afrique Antique, 103; Müller L (1861) Numismatique de L'Ancienne Afrique, 131; Luynes 3782; Jenkins GK and Lewis RB (1963) Carthaginian Gold and Electrum Coins, Royal Numismatic Society, London, pl. 28 12

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7 minutes ago, TIF said:

Link:  horse advancing with foreleg raised


Horse with foreleg raised stepping right


Calabria, Tarentum, early 3rd century BC, AR stater or didrachm, c. 302-280 BC. Arethon, Sa- and Cas-, magistrates.

Obv: Horse stepping right, crowned by nude youth on back; APE/ΘΩN between horse's legs, ΣA behind.

Rev: ΤΑΡΑΣ, Taras astride dolphin left, thymiaterion in extended right hand; CAΣ below.

Ref: HN Italy 957; Vlasto 666.

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Taras, Calabria

415-405 BC
AR Diobol (11mm, 0.95g)
O: Horse right, running free.
R: Taras astride dolphin right, left hand holding [distaff].
D'Andrea XVIII, 283; D'Andrea Diobols C, 6; Vlasto 1225; Cote 177; SNG Fitzwilliam 348; HGC I, 827; HN Italy 907
Very Scarce
ex Davissons Ltd


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Akragas, Sicily

213-211 BC (Punic Occupation)
AR 1/4 Shekel (14mm, 2.11g)
O: Head of Triptolemus right, wreathed in corn.
R: Horse galloping right; Punic letters 'ht' below.
SNG Cop 379; HGC 2, 174; Burnett, Enna 151; de Luynes 3965; Weber 8540; Walker Group II, 1st Series
ex Tom Cederlind


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Link: Crescent and pellets


Kingdom of Elymais
Early-Mid 2nd Cent AD
Æ Drachm
Obv.: Facing Bust in Tiara, pellet in crescent, anchor right
Rev.: Tied diadem with 2 Bands; 2 crescents with pellets
Æ, 3.10 g, 14x15 mm.
Ref.: Van´t Haaff Type 14.4, Subtype 1-1Aa THIS COIN
Ex Van't Haaff Collection


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Link:- Pellet in Cresecent


Obv:– IMP PROBVS AVG, Radiate, bust left in imperial mantle, holding scepter surmounted by eagle
Rev:– SOLI INVICTO, Sol in chariot riding left, holding globe and whip
Minted in Rome (R dot in crescent E) Emission 4 Officina 5. A.D. 279
Reference:– RIC 202 Bust type H

Weight 4.87g. 24.96mm



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Link:  quadriga


1st century BCE
Æ19.5, 5.9 gm
Obv: Turreted head of Tyche right
Rev: Poseidon standing left in quadriga drawn by four hippocamps Ref: SNG Copenhagen 83

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Link:- Hippocamp

L Papius Denarius Serratus

Obv:– Head of Juno Sospita right, wearing goat skin tied under chin. Behind head, Dolphin wrapped around anchor.
Rev:– Gryphon running right; in ex., L. PAPI.; in field, Hippocamp
Minted in Rome from . B.C. 79.
Reference(s) – RSC Papia 1. RRC 384/1. RCTV 311.
Symbol variety – RRC -. Babelon -. BMCRR -.

A previously unknown symbol pair and the only known example.


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Link: hippocamp.

Gallienus, Billon Antoninianus, 267-268 AD, Rome Mint, 9th Officina, 10th emission (Göbl & Reinhardt). Obv. Radiate cuirassed bust right, GALLIENVS AVG / Rev. Hippocamp swimming right, NEP-TVNO CONS AVG; in exergue, N [= Nu, for 9th Officina). RIC V-1 245, RSC IV 668 (ill.), Wolkow 23i9, Bust Type B3, Ribbons Type 3 (see p. 87), Sear RCV III 10292, Göbl MIR  Band 36, No. 743b.  Purchased from Akropolis Ancient Coins, May 2021. 


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Syracuse, Reign of Dionysius I

405-367 BC
AE Hemilitron (17.2mm, 5.95g)
O: Head of Athena left, wearing Corinthian helmet; ΣΥΡΑ before.
R: Hippocamp with curled wing left, bridle trailing.
HGC 2, 1456; SNG ANS 426-33
From the H. Wallace collection; ex ECIN


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Sicily, Tetras, Syracuse

Second Democracy (466-405) c. 425 BC, AE (g 1,1"; mm 11; h 4), ΣYPA, head of nymph Arethusa r., wearing necklace and hair loosely gathered at the top of her head; at sides, two dolphins. Linear border, Rv. Octopus; around, three pellets. CNS II, n. 1; SNG Copenhagen 653;" SNG ANS 376 ff.


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link:  Sicily, octopus


Sicily, Syracuse. Second Democracy
c. 425 BCE
Æ tetras, 13 mm, 1.9 gm
Obv: Female head right (Arethusa?); XXX before; X behind
Rev: Hippocamp right, octopus below
Ref: CNS 30; SNG ANS 1382; rare 

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Oooh! What an amazing scene on that reverse! 

Link: hippocamp 


Crepereius M.f. Rocus (69 BC). AR serratus denarius (19mm, 1h). NGC Choice Fine, bankers marks. Rome. Draped bust of Amphitrite right, seen from behind; Sea anemone (erroneously listed as oenochoe by Heritage) left, I right / Q•CREPER•M•F / ROCVS, Neptune driving biga of hippocamps right, brandishing trident in right hand, reins in left; I above. Crawford 399/1b. Sydenham 796. Crepereia 1. Ex: CNG 261 lot 239 Aug 2011, Auctiones GMBH #67 March 2020, Purchased from Heritage Feb 2022. From the Werner Collection.

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Link: yet another hippocamp, in Art Deco style.

France 1935, Paris Mint, Compagnie Générale Transatlantique, Normandie Ocean Liner Inaugural Voyage Medal, Le Havre to New York, by Jean Vernon (1897-1975). AE 68 mm., 145.5 g., in original circular cardboard case. Obv. Standing female figure in high relief with head left and arms raised, holding in left hand the bridle and reins of a hippocamp (Sea Horse), rearing left above waves, whom she has just freed; below to left, ‘NORMANDIE’; to right, Jean Vernon / Rev. The Normandie at sea, three-quarters left, under steam, in high relief; above, ‘NORMANDIE’ • 79280 TX [referring to ship’s then-world record tonnage]; in exergue, in four lines, CIE GLE [Compagnie Générale] TRANSATLANTIQVE - French Line - LE HAVRE • NEW • YORK – 1935 / Edge: Lettering: BRONZE; Engraver’s Mark: Cornucopia of Paris Mint. Maier 333 (ill. p. 353) [Nicolas Maier, French Medallic Art 1870-1940 (Munich 2010)]. Purchased Dec. 2022 from Hedley Betts.




The top of the original cardboard case:



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Link: Anchor  

Roman Imperial 
Titus. AD 79-81. AR Denarius, Rome mint. Struck 1 January-30 June AD 80. Obv. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M. Laureate head right. Rev. TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P. Dolphin coiled around anchor. RIC II-p. 1 (2nd ed.) 112. AR. 3.13 g. 18.00 mm.

I still have to receive this coin and properly photograph it, but I got it because it was the coin that was shown by Pietro Bembo to Aldus Manutius, who adopted it as his ‘Logo’, and who in turn showed it to Erasmus of Rotterdam, who then wrote about it and the motto ‘Festina Lente’ (“make haste slowly”) first adopted by Augustus. I will make a proper infographic about it, since there is a ton more to uncover.  


EDIT: @maridvnvm how cool that you posted a unique coin with the dolphin coiled around the anchor, and just a couple of posts above mine! I was wondering: do we know if there are any other representations of this motive? So far I was sure the anchor+dolphin was an invention of Titus, but apparently your coin predates this one by a large margin. Do we have more information about this iconography? 

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Link: Titus


Titus as Caesar
Syria, Decapolis, Gadara
AD 73-74
Obv.: TITOΣ KAIΣAP, laureate head right
Rev.: ΓAΔAΡEΩN, crossed cornucopia, date LZΛP = year 137 above
Ae, 4.53g, 18.3mm
Ref.: RPC II 2096, Spijkerman 30, SNG ANS 1302

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Link: Titus


EGYPT, Alexandria. Titus
regnal year 3, CE 80/1
billion tetradrachm, 25.5 mm, 12.34 gm
Rev: OMO NOIA; Homonoia seated left on throne, holding olive branch; LΓ in left field
Ref: Emmett 233.3, R1; Milne 459

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Link: Titus. (I have no Roman Alexandrian coins issued by Titus, unfortunately.)

Titus (son of Vespasian) AR Denarius 80 AD, Rome Mint. Obv. Laureate head right, IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M / Rev. Elephant walking left, TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P. RIC II-1 Titus 115 (2007 ed.); RIC II 22a (1926 ed.); RSC II Titus 303; BMCRE 43; Sear RCV I 2512. 18 mm., 3.12 g. [This type is believed to have been issued in celebration of the opening of the Colosseum.]


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Link: Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar 
AR Denarius, African mint, 47-46 BC
(19 mm, 6h, 3.83 g)
Obv.: Diademed head of Venus to right
Rev.: Aeneas advancing to left, carrying palladium and Anchises on shoulder; CAESAR downwards to right. 
Ref.: Crawford 458/1; CRI 55; BMCRR East 31; RSC 12
From the inventory of Austrian coin dealer Zeno Pop (Z.P. (Austria)), Roma E-sale 107, lot 926 (March 16, 2023)

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Link:   Julius Caesar, although an ancestor of the JC from the last two posts.


Roman Republic
moneyer L. Julius L. f. Caesar, 103 BC

AR denarius, 17mm, 3.9 gm
Obv: Helmeted head of Mars left; CAESAR; ・C (retrograde)
Rev: Venus Genetrix in chariot left, drawn by two Cupids; lyre to left; ・C (retrograde) above
Ref: Crawford 320/1
ex RBW Collection

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Link: Venus


The Caesarians. Julius Caesar. February-March 44 BC. AR Denarius (16.5mm, 4.00 g, 9h). Lifetime issue. Rome mint; L. Aemilius Buca, moneyer. Laureate head right / Venus standing left, holding Victory and scepter. Crawford 480/8; Alföldi Type XIV, 19 (A4/R9); CRI 105; Sydenham 1061; RSC 23; RBW 1683. Toned, some weakness, minor obverse die rust. Near VF. 

From the Lionel Tenby Collection. Ex Roma XIII (23 March 2017), lot 616.



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