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Link: Venus.

Julia Mamaea (mother of Severus Alexander), AR Denarius, AD 231, Rome Mint. Obv. Draped bust right wearing diadem (or stephane), IVLIA MA-MAEA AVG/ Rev. Venus stdg. front, head left, holding helmet & scepter, shield leans against her at left. VENVS V-ICTRIX. RIC IV-2 358, RSC III Julia Mamaea 76 (ill.), Sear RCV II 8216 (ill. p. 679), BMCRE VI (Severus Alexander) 713. 20.5 mm., 2.88 g. Purchased 13 April 2018 from Sphinx Numismatics, Markham ON Canada.


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Link: Julia Mamaea.

Julia Mamaea, 222-235 CE.
Roman orichalcum sestertius, 27.10 g, 31.7 mm, 7 h.
Rome, 7th emission, 227 CE.
Obv: IVLIA MAMAEA AVGVSTA, draped bust, right, wearing stephane.
Rev: VESTA S C, Vesta standing left, holding patera and transverse scepter. 
Refs: RIC 710; BMCRE 445-47; Cohen 88; RCV 8237. 

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LINK: Vesta


Lucilla. Augusta. (AD 164-182). AR Denarius. Rome mint.

Struck under Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, (AD 161-162).

O: LVCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F; Draped bust of Lucilla right, hair weaved and coiled at lower back of head in small chignon.

R: VESTA; Vesta standing left, holding simpulum over lighted altar in right arm and palladium in left arm.

RIC III 788 (Marcus Aurelius) 

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Link: Lucy


Denar, Rome
Obv.: LUCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F, draped bust of Lucilla right
Rev.: CONCORDIA, Concordia seated left, holding patera and resting arm on statue of Spes; without cornucopia under seat.
Ag, 18.3mm, 3.15g
Ref.: RIC III, p.274, 758, CRE 244 [C]

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Link: Concordia.

Commodus (son of Marcus Aurelius), AE (Orichalcum) Sestertius, AD 186, Rome Mint. Obv. Laureate head right, M COMMODVS ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT / Rev. Concordia, draped, standing front, head to left, holding vertical standard with legionary eagle in each hand, P M TR P XI IMP VII CO[S V PP] (around), S - C across fields; in exergue, CONC MIL (for CONCORDIA MILITVM, “[dedicated to] harmony with the soldiers”; see Numiswiki at https://tinyurl.com/mr9ta53k). RIC III Commodus 465(A), BMCRE IV Commodus 576 (1st ed. 1940) (ill. Pl. 106, no. 8 [rev. only]), Sear RCV II 5738, cf. Cohen 55 corr. (COS V not IIII as Cohen states). 29 mm., 20.19 g., 12 h. [Deep cut or flaw on obv. across emperor’s neck.] Purchased from Leu Numismatik AG, Winterthur, Switzerland, Web Auction 26, 11 July 2023, Lot 4520 [purchase canceled & refund obtained 20 Sep 2023, repurchased 6 Oct 2023], from Collection of Jens Georg Feierabend, Hamburg, Germany; ex Roma E-Auction 58, 20 June 2019, Lot 1137, Roma E-Auction 52, 10 January 2019, Lot 853, and Roma E-Auction 46, 5 June 2018, Lot 663.* 


*Accompanied by David R. Sear A.C.C.S. [Ancient Coin Certification Service] Certificate of Authenticity dated April 2, 2020, issued to Jens Georg Feierabend, No. 981CR/RI/E/O, grading coin as “a strong VF with light brown patina, struck on a typical short flan and with deep cut across emperor’s neck,” and stating, among other things, “This orichalcum sestertius, worth one-quarter of the silver denarius, was struck in the early  months of AD 186 following the downfall of the praetorian prefect Perennis and the rise of his rival Cleander. There was some military unrest at this time and the ‘war of the deserters’ in Gaul and Spain had to be put down by the future emperor Pescennius Niger. The reverse of this issue appeals to ‘the harmony of the soldiers’ (concordia militum) at a time of uncertainty when the emperor was clearly at pains to court the support of the armed forces. It is tempting to see in the deep slash across Commodus’ neck an expression of hatred for the regime, possibly following the emperor’s murder.”

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Link: Commodus

Roman Empire
Commodus (AD 177-192)
AR Denarius, Rome mint, struck ca. AD 187
Dia.: 18 mm
Wt.: 2.77 g
Obv.: M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT; Laureate bust right
Rev.: AVCT PIET P M TR P XII IMP VIII COS V P P; Pietas standing left, sacrificing over altar with incense and patera, holding box.
Ref.: RIC III 146, scarce
Ex James Pickering Collection of Britannic Coinage; AMCC 1, lot 158 (Dec. 1, 2018)

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Link:  ex James Pickering Collection of Britannic Coinage 

Sev's photos, can't find mine or maybe I haven't shot them yet 😬

LONDON TETRARCHIC: Diocletian (284-305), AE follis, Abdication issue 305-307. London, 8.20g, 27mm. Scarce.
Obv: D N DIOCLETIANO FELICISSIMO SEN AVG; Laureate bust in Imperial mantle holding mappa in right hand and olive branch in left hand.
Rev: PROVIDENTIA DEORVM QVIESS AVGG; Providentia standing left, and extending hand to personification of Quies, standing right, holding olive branch and leaning on sceptre.
RIC VI 77A (London); CT (Cloke & Toone) 4.01.002
Ex James Pickering Romano-Britannic Collection 
The historically important abdication folles are scarce from the London mint.

This is a nice example.  There was an even nicer example in that auction but I think one of my friends outbid me 😆.

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Link: Diocletian abdication follis. Same type from a different mint.

Diocletian, billon abdication follis, 305-307 AD, Trier Mint. Obv. Laureate bust right in imperial mantle (trabea), holding olive branch and mappa, D N DIOCLETIANO BAEATISSIMO SEN AVG / Rev. Providentia standing right, holding [scroll or short scepter?] and drapery with left hand and extending right hand to Quies standing left, holding branch downward with right hand and leaning on scepter with left hand, S - F across fields, PROVIDENTIA DEORVM QVIES AVGG; PTR in exergue. 27x28 mm., 9.6 gm. RIC VI Trier 673a (p. 208), Sear RCV IV 12927.  [Die match to example sold by Numismatik Naumann in 2015; see https://www.acsearch.info/image.html?id=2337893.]


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Hastily and poorly cropped pic of seller's photo, but it works.

LINK: Providentia


Maximinus I "Thrax". (AD 235-238). AR Denarius. Rome mint.

2nd emission, Minted (AD 236)

O: IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG; Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right.

R: PROVIDENTIA AVG; Providentia standing left, holding cornucopia and wand over globe set on ground to left.


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Link: Max Thrax.

Maximinus I, 235-238 CE.
Roman Æ Sestertius, 26.7 mm, 18.01 gm.
Rome, 236-238 CE.
Obv: MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM, Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust, right.
Rev: SALVS AVGVSTI SC, Salus enthroned left, feeding snake arising from altar.
Refs: RIC-85; BMCRE-175, Sear-8338; Cohen-92.

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Link: Salus feeding emerging snake

Victorinus 269-271AD, antoninianus, "Mint I" ca. 270 / 271 AD

IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG draped and cuirassed bust right

SALVS AVG Salus standing left, holding sceptre and feeding snake from patera that is emerging from altar




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Link: Thrax and Salus, again :classic_dry:


Maximinus Thrax
Æ-Sestertius, Rome Mint
Obv.: IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: SALVS A[VGV]ST[I] / SC, Salus seated left, feeding serpent rising from altar.
Æ, 16.07g, 28.8mm
Ref.: RIC 64


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Link: Salus feeding snake 😀

Victorinus 269-271AD, antoninianus, "Mint II" ca. 269 AD

IMP C PI VICTORINVS AVG cuirassed bust right

SALVS AVG Salus standing right, feeding snake in right hand from patera held in left hand



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Link: same reverse iconography.

Gordian III, with Tranquillina, 238-244 CE.
Roman provincial AE 4.5 assaria, 12.80 g, 28.2 mm, 7 h.
Moesia Inferior, Tomis, 241-244 CE.
Obv: AVT K M ANTΩNIOC ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟC // CABINIA TPA / NKVΛΛINA, confronted laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian right and diademed, draped bust of Tranquillina left.
Rev: MHTPOΠON-TOV TOMEΩC, Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent from patera; Δ< (ligate) in lower left field.
Refs: AMNG I (Pick) 3534; RPC VII.2 unassigned 28093.
Note: Easily confused with the more commonly encountered Moushmov 2288, AMNG 3535, which does not bear a mark of value and may have been tariffed at four assaria.

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Link:  confronted busts.

This humble but interesting coin was part of a large mixed lot-- a very fun lot that included provincials, imperials, Greek, with many unattributed.  I was just starting to collect and loved attributing unidentified coins :).


PHRYGIA, Cybyra/Kibyra. Domitian & Domitia
81-96 AD
AE 24 mm, 6.9 gm
Obv: ΔOMITIANOC KAICAP ΔOMITIA CEBACTE, laureate head of Domitian and Domitia facing one another
Rev: EΠI APXIEPEΩC KΛAV BAINTOC KI BY; Zeus seated left, holding out hand and sceptre
Ref: RPC II 1262

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Link:  Lydia, Philadelphia


This tasty little snack was a gift from Scooby, who pitied my paucity of Macedonian shields 😄.


LYDIA, Philadelphia
2nd - 1st c. BCE
Herrmippos, magistrate
AE 13 mm, 4.10 gm
Obv: Macedonian shield
Rev: EPMIΠ / ΠOΣ / ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛ / ΦΕΩΝ; thunderbolt diving legend, all within wreath
Ref: GRPC 1; SNG Copenhagen 342; SNG von Aulock 3060
Saturnalia gift from @Ryro, 23 Dec 2021

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Link: Gift from @Ryro!


Faustina I, 138-140 CE.
Roman AR denarius, 2.83 g, 18.7 mm, 7 h.
Rome, 155-161 CE.
Obv: DIVAE FAVSTINAE, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: AETERNITAS, Aeternitas (?), veiled and draped, standing facing, head right, drawing back veil with right hand and holding scepter in left hand.
Refs: RIC –; BMC 487; RSC 40a; Strack 441; RCV –.

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Nero / Hekate

Philadelphia, Lydia
54-59 AD
(19mm, 4.99g)
O: Bare headed and draped bust right; NEPΩN ΣEBACTOC.
R: Hekate standing facing, wearing polos and holding two torches; TI NEIKANOP ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEΩN.
RPC 3041

"I have done everything that I should, but the outcome is in the hand of fortune"
~ Nero


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10 minutes ago, Phil Anthos said:

Nero / Hekate

Philadelphia, Lydia
54-59 AD
(19mm, 4.99g)
O: Bare headed and draped bust right; NEPΩN ΣEBACTOC.
R: Hekate standing facing, wearing polos and holding two torches; TI NEIKANOP ΦIΛAΔEΛΦEΩN.
RPC 3041

"I have done everything that I should, but the outcome is in the hand of fortune"
~ Nero


What links this with the previous? Approximately 19 mm? Deity standing facing? 

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Link; Aeternitas

Gallienus AE Antoninianus. Rome. AD 260-268 (Sole Reign). 4.13 g. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right. / AETERNITAS AVG, Sol, radiate, standing left, chlamys draped over shoulder and hanging down behind, holding globe and raising right hand. Γ in left field. RIC V-1 Rome 160; Goebl 0577w.


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Link: Gallienus



Billon-Antoninian, Mediolanum
Obv.: GALLIENVS AVG, Radiate head right.
Rev.: INDVLG AVG, Spes walking left, holding flower and raising robe, P in left field
Billon, 3.41g, 20.6x20.9mm
Ref.: RIC 485, Göbl 1197c

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Link; Gallienus

GALLIENUS Antoninianus. 259-260 Lugdunum mint.
 GALLIENVS (dot) P (dot) F (dot) AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / DEO MARTI, distyle temple with Mars standing left within, left hand holding inverse spear and resting right hand on shield. RIC 10 var (dots in legend). Goebl 889g. Elmer 85; RSC 149; Cohen 615. Sear5 10195.  2,2 g - 21 mm


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