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Augusta AD 180-182
AR Denarius
Obv.: CRISPINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right, hair in round coil low at back
Rev.: VENVS FELIX, Venus seated left on throne without back, Victory in right hand, long grounded scepter vertical in left hand
Ag, 2.716g, 19.3mm
Ref.: RIC III Commodus 288 [S], RSC II 39a, BMCRE IV 50, MIR 21, Hunter II 15, SRCV II 6003, CRE 293 [R]
Ex Ancient Coin Art
Ex Jyrki Muona Collection
Ex Forum Ancient Coins Shop

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Link: Crispina.

Crispina, 178-182 CE.
Roman provincial Æ 23 .6 mm, 9.68 g, 12 h.
Pamphylia, Side, 178-182 CE.
Obv: ΚΡΙϹΠΙΝΑ ϹЄΒΑϹΤΗ, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ, Tyche standing facing, head left, holding rudder and cornucopiae.
Refs: RPC IV.3, 25074 (temporary); BMC --; Mionnet --; Sear GIC --; Lindgren I --; Wiczay --.

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Link:  Tyche

Being a primarily Provincial collector, I've got tons of Tyches.  This may just be a grotty-flanned Alexandrian tet, but the rendering of Tyche is magnificent! I love this little coin.  It came from a large group lot.


EGYPT, Alexandria. Claudius II Gothicus
year 3, CE 269/70
tetradrachm, 20 mm, 10.2 gm
Obv: AVTKKΛAVΔIOCCEB (In theory: what I can read on this coin doesn't quite match what the legend is supposed to be. Probably just engraver error or die deterioration); laureate head right
Rev: Tyche standing left with rudder and cornucopia; L Γ in left field
Ref: Emmett 3896.3, R4

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Link: Tyche/Alexandria


Severus Alexander
Obv.: A KAI MAP AYP CEY AΛEΞANΔPOC EVC, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust
Rev.: LI (year 10 = 230/231), Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia; palm frond to right
Billon, 12.62g, 24mm
Ref.: Dattari 4377 (var. (legend)), Milne 3042

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Link: Severus Alexander

Severus Alexander. AD 222-235. Æ As (24mm,  9.34 g.)
Rome mint, Special emission, AD 229.
IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate head right, / P M TR P VIII COS III P P, emperor in ceremonial quadriga right, holding eagle-tipped sceptre, SC in ex. Cohen 379. RIC IV 498a, Sear 8080


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Link:  Severus Alexander, a gift from @Severus Alexander 😀


ARABIA, Bostra
Severus Alexander (222-235 CE)
AE 19.5 mm, 6.88 gm
Obv: IMP CAES M AVR SEV ALEXANDER AVG; laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind
Rev: COLONIA BOSTRA; draped bust of Zeus-Ammon right wearing solar disk
Ref: SNG ANS 1222


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Link: Wearing solar disk.

Antoninus Pius Nicaea Apis bull.jpg
Antoninus Pius, 138-161 CE.
Roman provincial Æ 18.5 mm, 4.59 g, 12 h.
Bithynia, Nicaea, 138-161 CE.
Obv: ΑVΤ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΝΤΩΝ[EΙΝΟϹ?], bare head, right.
Rev: ΝΕΙΚΑΙΕΩΝ, Apis-bull standing, right, head surmounted by solar disk and wearing uraeus crown.
Refs: RPC IV.1, 10001 (temporary); Mionnet 5.89,455; RG I(3).413,118(2) pl. LXIX, 19.

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Link: Apis bull.

Hadrian, AE Diobol, Year 18 (133/134 AD), Alexandria, Egypt Mint. Obv. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from front, ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ - ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹƐΒ / Rev. Apis bull standing right before altar, with sun disk between its horns and crescent on its side; [L in exergue and] IH above bull (Year 18).  RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Vol. III 5928 (2015) &  RPC III Online 5928 at https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/3/5928 ; Emmett 1114.18; BMC 16 Alexandria 812 p. 95 (date placement var.) (ill. Pl. XXV & RPC Online 5928, example 1); Milne 1436 (date placement var.); Dattari (Savio) 1922. 24 mm., 7.90 g., 11 h. Purchased from Classical Numismatic Group, LLC [CNG] Electronic Auction 531, 25 Jan 2023, Lot 702.


Bonus Apis Bull:

Egyptian bronze Apis Bull, Late Dynastic Period, ca. 662-330 BCE, intact (except for broken tip of left horn), with sun disk and uraeus between horns. 7.6 cm. (3") H, 49 mm. L.  Purchased March 20, 2021, Hixenbaugh Ancient Art, New York City.

The dealer's description:


Hixenbaugh description of bronze Apis Bull.jpg

My photos:



Apis bull new 6 (495x800).jpg
Apis bull new 29.jpeg
The bull has a collar incised around its neck, a blanket on its back, and a scarab with wings and beetle horns incised on the tail end of its back, but except for the collar, I was unable to photograph them in a way that made them visible.
This shows how the bull looks on its shelf with some other artifacts to give an idea of relative size, with the glass dome removed from the bell jar to make it easier to photograph:
Apis bull in dome 1.jpeg


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Link: LIH


Faustina II
Obv.: ΦAVCTINA CEBACTH, draped bust right
Rev.: Dikaiosyne seated, l., holding scales and cornucopia; in l. field, LIH.
Billon, 21.50 mm, 12.63g
Ref.: RPC Temp. 13828 (this coin cited). Dattari-Savio Pl. 171, 9085 (this coin).

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Link:  regnal year 18


EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian
year 18, CE 133/4

Æ drachm, 32 mm, 23.3 gm
Obv: AYT KAIC TPAIAN A∆PIANOC CEB, laureate and draped bust right
Rev: Isis Pharia right holding a billowing sail with both hands and left foot, sailing toward the Lighthouse of Pharos, which is surmounted by a statue and two Tritons, each blowing a buccinum (sea shell trumpet); L IH (year 18) above center
Ref: Emmett 1002.18

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Link: Hadrian


Hadrian; 117-138 AD, Antioch, 118 AD, AR Tetradrachm, McAlee-533.

Obv: Laureate, cuirassed bust of Hadrian r., seen from front; Greek legend naming him son of Trajan and grandson of Nerva.

Rev: Eagle with raised wings standing r., head l., on thigh and leg of animal; Greek legend equivalent to the Latin TR POT COS II

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Link: Eagle

Volume: X №: — (unassigned; ID 75575)
Reign: Gallienus (sole reign) Persons: Salonina (Augusta)
City: Alexandria  Region: Egypt Province: Egypt
Denomination: Tetradrachm Average weight: 9.76 g. Issue: Year 15 (AD 267/8)
Obverse: ΚΟΡΝΗΛΙΑ ϹΑΛωΝΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒ; draped and diademed bust of Salonina, right
Reverse: L Ι€; eagle standing right, spreading wings, holding wreath in beak; to upper left, palm branch.


Edited by expat
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Seleucid Kingdom, Reign of Antiochos VIII (Epiphanes)

121/20-97/6 BC
AE20 (20mm, 5.97g)
Antioch on the Orontes mint
O: Radiate head of Antiochos VIII (Grypos) right.
R: Eagle standing left, sceptre in background; BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIOXOY.
HGC 9, 1212; Sear 7154
ex Tiber Numismatics


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Link: Radiate head right

Islands off Caria, Rhodes, AR Plinthophoric Drachm (ca. 188-170 BCE), Artemon, magistrate. Obv. Radiate head of Helios right / Rev. Incuse square containing rose with bud right, Isis crown in left field, APTEMΩΝ above, P - O across fields. Jenkins, Rhodian, Group A [ca.188-170 BCE], No. 20 [Jenkins, G. "Rhodian Plinthophoroi - a Sketch" in Kraay-Mørkholm Essays (1989), pp. 101-119, pls. XXIX-XXXIV); HNO [Historia Numorum Online] 1999 (temp.) (see http://hno.huma-num.fr/browse?idType=1999); BMC Caria 253 at p. 253 [Head, Barclay V.,  A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, Caria, Cos, Rhodes, etc. (London 1897)]; SNG Keckman 640 [Westermark U. and Ashton R., Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Finland, The Erkki Keckman Collection in the Skopbank, Helsinki, Part 1: Karia (Helsinki, 1994)]; SNG Copenhagen 813 var. (symbol of shield on rev.) [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Copenhagen, The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum, Volume 5: Ionia, Caria & Lydia (Parts 22 - 28) (West Milford, NJ, 1982).)]; HGC 6, 1457 [Hoover, Oliver D., Handbook of Coins of the Islands: Adriatic, Ionian, Thracian, Aegean, and Carpathian Seas (Excluding Crete and Cyprus), 6th to 1st Centuries BC, Vol 6 (Lancaster/London, 2010)]. 16x17 mm., 3.04 g. Purchased from Silbury Coins, Ltd., UK, 30 Nov. 2020.


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Link Helios 


Macrinus, AD 217-218
Billon tetradrachm
Obv.: AVT K M OP CE MAKPINOC CE- B, laureate head right
Rev.: ΔHMAPX […], eagle facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak, crescent horns up below head, radiate bust of Helios between legs (reverse die from Caracalla)
Billon, 12.68g, 25.3mm
Ref.: Prieur 1015

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6 hours ago, shanxi said:

Link Helios 


Macrinus, AD 217-218
Billon tetradrachm
Obv.: AVT K M OP CE MAKPINOC CE- B, laureate head right
Rev.: ΔHMAPX […], eagle facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak, crescent horns up below head, radiate bust of Helios between legs (reverse die from Caracalla)
Billon, 12.68g, 25.3mm
Ref.: Prieur 1015

I have a more common variety of a Macrinus - Emesa issue ☺️.


SYRIA, Emesa. Macrinus, AD 217-218. Billon Tetradrachm: 11.67 gm, 25 mm, 1 h. Prieur 972.

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Emesa tetradrachm


25 mm, 12,22 g.
Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Emesa. Caracalla 198-217. AR tetradrachm. 215-217.
AΥ•T K M ANTΩNEINOC CE•B•, laureate bust right / ΔΗΜΑΡX ΕΞ VΠΑΤOC TO Δ, eagle standing facing, head left, with wreath in beak; H under beak; radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Shamash left between legs.
Prieur 983.

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Links: Caracalla, Tetradrachm, Seleucis & Pieria.

Caracalla Billon Tetradrachm, COS. IV, AD 213-217 [McAlee pp. 6, 270: probably ca. 216-217; see third fn. below], Antioch ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria,* Syria Province. Obv. Laureate head right, [ΑΥΤ]•Κ•Μ•Α• •ΑΝΤΩΝЄΙΝΟC [CЄΒ] / Rev. Eagle with wreath in beak, head right, and wings spread, standing facing on leg and thigh of sacrificial animal,** ΔΗΜΑΡX•ЄΞ• ΥΠΑ• ΤΟ• Δ• [equivalent of TR P COS IV (fourth consulship)] around, •Δ•-• Δ • [Delta – Epsilon***] across upper fields. McAlee 681 (ill. p. 271), Prieur 224, Bellinger 19 [Alfred R. Bellinger, The Syrian Tetradrachms of Caracalla and Macrinus, American Numismatic Society (Numismatic Studies No. 3, New York, 1940)]. 13.49 g., 25 mm., 12 h. Purchased from Roma Numismatics Ltd., E-Auction 96, 5 May 2022, Lot 739. [Footnotes omitted.]


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Link: Caracalla

CARACALLA AR Denarius. Victoria - VICT PART MAX.
Obverse: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right.
Reverse: VICT PART MAX. Victory advancing left, holding palm and wreath.
 A good example of this interesting coin, celebrating the roman victory over the Parthian empire during the reign of Septimius Severus.
RIC IV-1 144a. RSC 660. Rome mint, A.D. 204.  3,2 g - 18 mm


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Link:  Caracalla


EGYPT, Alexandria. Caracalla as Caesar
RY 9 of Septimius Severus, 200/1 CE
Obv: [illegible but probably AVT] KMAVPHΛANTωNINOCCEB; laureate draped bust right
Rev: Agathodaemon standing erect right, "holding" grain ear; atop horse galloping right; LΘ below
Ref: Dattari 4050; Emmett 2774. This rare type was previously known only for Caracalla’s 10th regnal year.

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Link: Caracalla provincial. 

Caracalla, 198-217 CE.
Roman Provincial tetrassarion, 14.78 g, 29.6 mm, 1 h.
Thrace, Pautalia, c. 198-205 CE.
Obv: AVT K M AVP ANTΩNEINOC, beardless, laureate head of Caracalla, right.
Rev: OYΛΠIAC ΠAV | TAΛIAC. Asklepios cradling serpent-entwined staff, reclining left, head right, on winged, coiled, and bearded Glykon flying right.
Refs: BMC 3.145,34; Ruzicka 612; Varbanov II 5008; Moushmov 4235, Mionnet Suppl. 2, p. 384, 1084; Vaillant n. Gr. 1074.

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Link: I'll keep that Severan train of flying serpent madness going:


Septimius Severus (193-211 AD). AE Tetrassarion (29 mm, 12.66 g). Thrace, Pautalia.

Obv. ΑΥΤ Κ Λ CΕΠ CΕΥΗΡΟC Π, Laureate head to right.

Rev. ΟΥΛΠΙΑC ΠΑΥ/ΤΑΛΙΑC, Aesculapius riding winged serpent right, holding serpent-entwined staff.

Ruzicka 345; Varbanov 4687.

Green patina. Fine to very fine.

From the François Righetti Collection.

Purchased from Auctiones GmbH Sept 2021

Edited by Ryro
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Link:  ol' Seppie


Septimius Severus
Rome, CE 206
AR denarius, 3.41 gm, 20 mm, 12h
Obv: SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right
Rev: LAETITIA TEMPORVM, the spina of the Circus Maximus decorated as a ship facing left, with the turning posts at its prow and stern, a sail mounted on the central obelisk, and the spina's other monuments visible in between; above the ship, four quadrigas racing left; below, seven animals: an ostrich at left and a bear at right; between them a lion and a lioness chasing a wild ass and a panther attacking a bison
Ref: RIC 274; BMC 343.
ex Colosseo Collection

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Link SepSev


Septimius Severus
Asia Minor, Lydia, Hierocaesaeria
Obv: ΑΥΤ Κ ΑΙ-Λ ΣΕΟΥΗΡ, laureate head right
Rev.: ΙΕΡΟΚΑΙ-ΣΑΡΕΩΝ, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia
AE, 20mm, 6.43g
Ref.: - (possibly unpublished)
Ex Collection E. L. (Erwin Link, Stuttgart)

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Link: Hierocaesarea.

Pseudo-autononymous issue, time of Nero.
Roman provincial Æ 14.6 mm, 3.24 g, 6h.
Lydia, Hierocaesarea; Magistrate Capito, 54-68 CE.
Obv: ЄΠΙ ΚΑΠΙΤⲰΝΟC, draped bust of Artemis Persica, right, with bow and quiver at her back.
Rev: ΙЄΡΟ-ΚΑICΑΡ-ЄΩΝ, Artemis in short chiton, right, with one knee on back of stag, which she pulls down by the antlers.
Refs: RPC I 2391; BMC v.22, p.102, 3.

Edited by Roman Collector
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